Things to do with your weekend

Plan ahead! It's going to be a fun weekend!

This Thursday, 17 April, get a head start on the weekend with Virtually Speaking on Second Life. I'm being interviewed at 6pm Pacific Time, and this could be spectacularly entertaining: I'm a total newbie at SL, so I'm going to be getting lessons in how to sit down this afternoon, which tells you that there will be opportunities for major klutzy gaffes at this event. I'm afraid I might turn into a giant flying penis sometime mid-interview.

Friday evening at 7:30 pm, we have the UMM Dance Ensemble performance in Edson Auditorium here on campus. Some of my students are performing, so come on by and support interdisciplinary, liberal arts education by cheering on dancing biologists!

There is a major movie premiere this weekend: Zombie Strippers, starring the renowned thespian, Jenna Jameson. Unfortunately, it's not playing in Morris, and it does look like the very best movie opening this weekend, so I'm afraid this is probably the weekend to skip going to the theaters.

With one special exception! The Morris Theatre, in a special showing, has engaged a one-time 3:00 Saturday matinee showing of the horror classic, Theatre of Blood, starring Vincent Price and Diana Rigg. Come on, people! Classic 70s horror with a master of the genre shown in an actual old-time single screen movie theater? How can you miss this? There's also going to be a post-movie discussion of Shakespearian themes in the film afterwards, at the Common Cup Coffeehouse. I'm going to be there — it'll warm me up for the next event of the evening.

At 8:00 Saturday, in the Science Auditorium on campus, I'm debating Angus Menuge on "Does neuroscience leave room for God". It may be a bit of a let down after Theatre of Blood — there will probably be no beheadings, sword fights, or eviscerations — but we could have a feisty argument.

I know, Morris is a long ways from everything, but it's going to be the happening place on the whole planet for a few days. If anyone feels like making the long trip out, send me email, and I can give you directions.

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I'm afraid I might turn into a giant flying penis sometime mid-interview.

If only you'd thought to try that during the Expelled interview...

I'm a total newbie at SL, so I'm going to be getting lessons in how to sit down this afternoon, which tells you that there will be opportunities for major klutzy gaffes at this event. I'm afraid I might turn into a giant flying penis sometime mid-interview.

PZ, this is a golden opportunity to create an avatar with tentacles!

I've played Second Life, I doubt anyone would even be shocked if you turned into a giant flying penis.

I walked into walls for a while as a newbie. I can sit down now but not gracefully. I'll try to be there, look for Pyrite Blessed.

Zombie Strippers -- looks hilariously bad! Though I'm sorry to tell you that "Sartre, NE" doesn't exist, I'm amused to see anything set in Nebraska, where I currently live.

/ there will probably be no beheadings, sword fights, or eviscerations /

I'd fly up there just to see you force feed Angus a poodle or two a la Sheridan Morley.

You must be mistaken: I'm certain I've seen Ms. Jameson making out with boys!

Oh... thespian....

Oh, well that's very different.

Never mind!

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

Damn! The < and > worked fine in the preview, but when I hit post they automagically made my [/EmilyLitella] tag disappear, rendering my poor attempt at a retro-pop-culture reference just baffling. Sorry 'bout that.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

It's not the only movie coming out this weekend. There's also Forbidden Kingdom with Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

By uknesvuinng (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

It's good to see that Jenna Jameson is getting a chance to do more serious work. Kinda like Tom Hanks going from Bosom Buddies and Bachelor Party to winning Academy Awards.

By rufustfirefly (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

According to RottenTomatoes Theatre of Blood has a 94% positive rating out of 18 reviews while Expelled currently has a 0% rating out of 3 reviews.

Face it, compared to Vincent Price, Ben Stein is a wussy: "Edward Lionheart (Vincent Price), a demented Shakespearean actor, adds murder to his repertoire when he takes gruesome revenge on the eight critics who slighted him."

Its a movie with ZOMBIES and STRIPPERS for gosh sakes, starring former porn star JENNA JAMESON, who has become the new Raven Delacroix (Queen of the rip-away bra) of D schlockers. The pitch to the producers was probably along the line of " it's like Night of the Living Dead withlots of breasticles". What more could you ask for?
The Satre pun is for "No Exit", in a vain attempt for the writers to retain some intellectual dignity after selling their souls just to get screen credits, poor deluded, pretentious bastards.

/I'm afraid I might turn into a giant flying penis sometime mid-interview./

I'm sure it would just look like a giant grubworm wearing a turtleneck sweater...

P.S. That link is NSFW, in case it wasn't obvious from the term "flying penis".

What is this "weekend" thing of which you speak?

By MAJeff, OM (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

Theatre of Blood is one of my all-time favorite camp movies. What actor HASN'T wanted to bump off nasty critics in an inventive array of methods derived from Shakespeare's plays? Also, you get to see Vincent Price playing a 1960s groovy hairdresser named Bruce: "Look at this dishy, dishy hair!"

Really, what's not to love? Sounds like a killer weekend in PZ's neck of the woods...

Actually, I wouldn't. I wouldn't be caught anywhere near Second Life because (A) First Life is good enough for me and (B) I'm not a loser.

(B) I'm not a loser.
Posted by: dsmvwld | April 16, 2008 1:20 PM

Oh, I'd say that's a matter of opinion.

dsmvwld:"...plug myself..."

That's a rather novel thought. Why don't you. I'll even loan you my 9mm.

That's a rather novel thought. Why don't you. I'll even loan you my 9mm.

Posted by: jsn

Oh, look. A deathwish from a Darwinist. Never saw that coming.

I'm afraid I might turn into a giant flying penis sometime mid-interview.

Or they might portray you as a PYGMY or DWARF.

By DwarfPygmy (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

Oh, fine. "I'm not a complete loser." :-p

Ah... I see signs of a sense of humor... My dreary day just got a little bit brighter.


Now that was a smile-bringer. Thank you!

Things to do when you meet the Pope (courtesy of NPR):, April 15, 2008 · If you get a chance to meet Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to the U.S., how should you act? NPR asked Monsignor K. Bartholomew Smith.

Smith knew Pope Benedict XVI back when he was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and has met the pontiff a few times since Benedict ascended to the papacy three years ago.

The pastor of St. Bernadette Catholic Church in Silver Spring, Md., formerly served at the Vatican as secretary to Cardinal William Baum. Here's his advice on proper papal protocol:

How should I dress?

If you are invited to an audience with the pope or will be attending an event where he'll be present, this is a time to put on your best, says Smith. For men, that means a jacket and tie and polished shoes. For women, a nice dress or suit works best -- preferably one that covers the arms and has a hemline below the knees.

But Smith says if you're going to one of the stadium Masses or gathering along the popemobile route, leave your high heels at home and feel free to wear your favorite baseball cap. Casual dress is just fine.

What do I do when the pope enters?

Stand and applaud, the monsignor says. He says applause for the pope often varies according to the type and place of the event. In a small room, people often clap quietly, as if they were at a golf tournament. But in a big venue, such as a stadium, the crowd frequently greets the pope with loud cheers and a thunderous ovation. You're welcome to join in.

What if the pope approaches me?

Don't just stand there -- genuflect. That means bend at the knee, for you non-Catholics.

Do I kiss the ring?

Yes, if you are Catholic and the pope offers his hand. If you're not Catholic, you can opt to shake his hand. That's what President Bush did on Tuesday when he met the pope at Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington, D.C. The ring is a mark of the papacy and, according to Smith, kissing it is a sign of respect and affection.

What do I call the pope?

Address him as "Your Holiness" or "Holy Father."

What should I say to him?

Introduce yourself and tell him something about you. Decide in advance what you're going to say, but let him lead the conversation. Keep your answers short and direct. And speak clearly. Smith says sometimes people are so nervous, they whisper. Make sure the pope can hear you.

What happens at the end of the event?

When the pope gets up to leave, you should also stand up. Wait for him to leave the room before turning your attention to anything else.

Smith says Pope Benedict is a warm and humble man, who tries to make people comfortable in his presence. "You've got to be very careful if you introduce yourself to him," says Smith, "because he's very likely to remember."


By CalGeorge (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

I am fan of Jennas earlier "works"! Prior to her looking like she is an Ethiopian refugee.

By firemancarl (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

CalGeorge @30 Oh, thanks ever so much for the reprint of NPR's proper deportment to meet the head catholic moron! I wish Madalyn Murray O'Hair were still alive, for she would definitely greet the moron, but not in attire and glad tidings to express her love for this enormous fraud, the chief perpetrator of nonsense in the world. Here is what I would like to see as I mentioned earlier. Huge video billboards playing the video of him and his insane rabble in Rome, the one that PZ introduced here earlier with Jessel being annointed as the new pope. The scene and audio of the moron speaking in tongues would be hilarious!
Woobotox and the planet Digitox and all the other loonies depicted, especially "the dark ones"! Man, can you imagine the reaction of the sheep and the moron's staff if that was playing as he motored by in his crapmobile? And it could not be shut off or approached because of an invisible force field? All my excretory functions will cease to be controlled by sheer will! What a hoot!

Hey - the world's current #1 mass-murderer meets the head of the world's largest pedophile ring - what a draw!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

Once I rented Throne of Blood, one of Kurosawa's pseudo-Shakespearian Samurai epics. I noticed the DVD itself had a slightly different title but I figured it was some translation issue.
Upon watching it didn't take me long to realize I'd been given the wrong movie- Theater of Blood. Even though I'm not a horror fan I gave it a watch. Really silly, but I don't regret accidentally seeing it.

Things to do when you meet the Pope (courtesy of NPR):
For men, that means a jacket and tie and polished shoes.

No shirt, trousers, or underwear then. Should be quite the party! Perhaps this catholic thing is worth looking into after all...

Jenna doesn't hold a candle to the truly sexy Diana Rigg. Oh, where have you gone Mrs. Peel?

another "thing to do this weekend" would be seeing the movie Expelled and taking your heads out of your asses.........ya think???

another "thing to do this weekend" would be seeing the movie Expelled and taking your heads out of your asses.........ya think??? - hap

Yes, most of us here do indeed think. Why don't you try it sometime?

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

how sad is it that I actually went to Google to see just how long a drive it would be from Winnipeg to Morris...(about 6 hours)...

apparently, I'm a wee bit bored.

By CanadianChick (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

"Yes, most of us here do indeed think. Why don't you try it sometime?" - Gotts

great come back Gotts -

shows an awful lot of thinking on your part....

hap - I know it must seem like "an awful lot" to you, since it undoubtedly required more than you've managed in the last 10 years.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

oh my!.........
did you know me 10 years ago.....
and do you know me now????
if the answer to these two questions is yes (which of course it is not) then perhaps you have "truth" and reality to back up your petty posts....

I'll say it again - directed at you purposely Gott - take your head out of your ass.....

Does PZ normally give advice on what to do for an upcoming weekend? If not, this looks rather like an attempt to distract people from seeing one of the major documentary picture events of our time, the release of Ben Stein's "Expelled: No Intellience Allowed".

By Hugh Slaman (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

I didn't know there was another of me. And I'm really stupid, apparently.


"I'll say it again - directed at you purposely Gott - take your head out of your ass" - hap

Good grief. Too stupid even to cut and paste.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

Mr. Gotts - Apparently there is someone else with my nickname. I don't know you very well, and I don't want to insult you (there aren't too many people I really want to insult, anyway). Besides, I don't watch movies much, and if I want a drive-by lobotomy I can think of more pleasant ways to get one than watching Excreted.

Ah - my apologies, Hap - I thought the hap/Hap distinction was simply typographical variation! However, I assure you my #46 was primarily a response to #43, not #45 (which I admit I didn't understand at all until now).

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

Well, there aren't too many people I want to insult, but apparently I just found one.

If Joe Blow gets more stupid, they'll need to plant him in a sunny spot and make sure he's watered at least once a week.

Re #49. You know, I was originally joking when I suggested Joe Blow might be an AI project, but I'm getting less and less sure. A blog such as this would actually be a very good environment in which to test such a "conversational" program - demanding, but not too demanding, given the camouflage provided by the significant minority of extremely stupid posters!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

an example of Gotts profound intelligence -

"Hey - the world's current #1 mass-murderer meets the head of the world's largest pedophile ring - what a draw!"

more profoundness brought to you by Gott -

"Oh, I thought it [communion wine] was to anaesthetise the congregation to the tedium to come."

Gotts, I'm getting the impression that haps wasn't alive ten years ago so it really isn't worth your time to go back and forth with him and it's not worth our time to read what he writes. I still can't understand why so many people like to log in just to troll. It's lamer than even rickrolling, but only slightly. Yet people love to do both...


the name is Hap

not haps

WOW - I didn't know all of the "thinkers" here have such animosity.....perhaps some of you ought to stop judging, name calling and comparing yourself, or your intelligence, or lack thereof, to others.

shame on you all!

If Joe Blow gets more stupid, they'll need to plant him in a sunny spot and make sure he's watered at least once a week.

How original, hapless one. Did you come up with that on your own, or did Mommy and Daddy help you while you were in bed with them last night?

given the camouflage provided by the significant minority of extremely stupid posters!

Yourself included, of course.

you tell em Joe!!!

"...or did Mommy and Daddy help you with that while you were in bed with them last night?"

It wasn't very original, but I didn't think your cultural referents went much beyond WND and Maxim (though Maxim might be above your reading level). Oh well. My cats did come up with a better riposte, but I didn't figure that you would get it. I suspect my parents wouldn't have been bored enough to care - they weren't exactly clueful about social interactions when I was little, so even if coming up with appropriate responses to schoolyard insults interested them, they would be unlikely to help. Alas for you, much of my brilliant wit (OK, maybe slightly shiny wit) is a product of the private education system in the US. Nothing's perfect.

I didn't mean to imply racism with the John Birch comment though - I was going for "thickheaded conservative a@#hole". If I wanted to imply racism, I would have gone for the KKK or Aryan Nations reference, but you couldn't have known that. I'm sorry for the implication of racism (yes, the apology is not congruent with all of the other insults, but race/racism is OTT - it's not your fault, and isn't in your power to change).

For those of us in other timezones (it will be 11am Friday morning Oz time) that make it impossible to get to live events in SL because our places of work inconsiderately block access to SL there may be hope of seeing PZ's interview. After checking the link to Virtual Studios that PZ supplied it looks like they archive the interviews for later viewing.

Plan ahead! It's going to be a fun weekend!

Oh yea, "Expelled" will be released. I hate to tell you this PZ, but your buddy Richard Dawkins appears to have done a better interview...

The weekend might be warm enough for a boat ride, it's been a long cold winter...

Re #51, 52. Yes hap (I'll continue to use a lower-case "h" in your name, despite your own inconsistency, to distinguish you from Hap of #59), I was rather proud of the two examples of my rapier wit that you cite. Thanks.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

"With actors mugging for the camera, bodies torn apart, and Bush-age politics grilled, it doesn't take much to feel overwhelmed with "Zombie Strippers!" It's certainly meant to be a wild ride of breasts, bullets, and blood, but it feels more like a plastic bag slowly tightened over your head. ---- 4/10"

And it still sounds better than "Expelled."

By Greg Peterson (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink