Revenge of the students

Don't you wish you were here?


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You don't look like you're having fun. Does the whipped cream taste good, at least?

By Sengkelat (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

Did Scot-Ya get a turn?

By Ferrous Patella (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

Deliberate abuse of the above photos for purposes of humiliation by ID / creationist proponents in 3... 2... 1...

You Sir, are a style warrior. Who was to know the cutting edge of fashion was to reside in Minnesota. The white plastic bag look is so hot right now.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

The look on that kids face!!!
"That was fun, but Im going to run away now..."

Remember, Pee Zee has lots of tentacles. Each one holds a cream pie. Splat! Splat! Splat! ... Splat! No wonder the kid tried to run away very fast.

The third picture looks like a baby panda crying.

By El Dubious Mung (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

Awww, poor PZ...

By Shalini Sehkar (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

True story.

As a Senior in high school we got it in our head to pie a teacher. Somehow I came to be the one that would actually do the deed, while a buddy had his car running outside ready for a quick get-a-way.

Dressed up in black jeans, black turtle neck and a black ski mask (daylight hours and there was snow on the ground - What was I thinking?) I crept into the school with a pie tin full of whip cream.

Went to the door and pulled on it. It was locked. Knocked. Somebody came over and opened the door. They were watching a movie. I had just come inside with my transition lens in full effect. Couldn't see a damn thing. I'm whispering "where's the teacher? where's the teacher". Finally just left. I'm pretty sure the teacher saw me just fine cause she never said a word.

So, the plastic gown in the picture above makes me think that PZ had and inkling of what would be happening...

Bride of Shrek-

Did you get that thing I sent ya*?

*(reply to your email)

New profile picture?

@JimB - It was a fund raiser. You BET he knew it was coming. For days even.


By Jack Chastain (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

I've taken exactly one pie in the face, and I did it the right way: not having any idea it was coming. My pal had plotted revenge against me, somehow believing I'd sent him a fake letter from an ex-girlfriend. Why he believed this I don't know, unless it was triggered by my faking a letter from an ex-girlfriend and mailing it to him.

Chocolate cream, baked by his girlfriend-at-the-time (and current spouse). Delicious, but made rather a mess of my clothes.

Any chance of you taking this show on the road, PZ? I bet creationists and science-lovers alike would line up and PAY MONEY to pie you in the face.

You could donate all the proceeds to NCSE. Or you could use them to make a city-block sized pie and launch it at DI headquarters.

Now wait a cotton pickin' minute, here! That's no PIE. It's a paper plate with whipped cream on it! Where's the hot, steaming, fruity center?

By Eximious Jones (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

Those kids did a damn fine job of hiding (tying down?) those noodly appendages...

I am really tired of the intolerance on this websight to people that perfer cake hey pie is not for everyone.

It is sad all the hate on here. If someone wants to eat cake instead of taking a pie in the face HEY SO WHAT. We all know liberals and atheists hate the kind of cake with creamy frosting all they will eat or take in the face is pie. typical.

All you do on here is show intolerance and hate. Cake is better that is my OPINION. I know a athiest (Bill) he likes pie but at least he respects my taste for cake and I respect him. Hes not always trying to tell me I am stupid and a moron and a idiot just because I like CAKE. Everybody knows liberals like pie not cake. Its sad.

I thought you had to go to work, Kenny?


I am really tired of the intolerance

Thou craven beetle-headed drunkard!

... oh wait, nevermind, I failed to see it's a parody.

go figure.

That calls for a piein', Ichthy.

Hooked me one.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

This is a great fundraiser-we let kids buy pies (whipped cream on plates) and use them to hit various teachers and administrators. They loved it and we made lots of money! (Stinky mess on the lawn through-eeewwww-cream gone bad in the sun!)

Hooked me one.

you didn't get it in the boat though.


Well, just as Ben Stein said:
"Love of God and compassion and empathy leads you to a very glorious place, and science leads you to pieing people."

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

were there naked pictures of Pi Delta Pi sorority girls under the whipped cream, or have i watched Revenge of the Nerds too much?

So how long before these pics are on a creationist website as evidence that the students have turned against their Darwinian overlords?

I am really tired of the intolerance on this websight to people that perfer cake hey pie is not for everyone.

It is sad all the hate on here. If someone wants to eat cake instead of taking a pie in the face HEY SO WHAT. We all know liberals and atheists hate the kind of cake with creamy frosting all they will eat or take in the face is pie. typical.

All you do on here is show intolerance and hate. Cake is better that is my OPINION. I know a athiest (Bill) he likes pie but at least he respects my taste for cake and I respect him. Hes not always trying to tell me I am stupid and a moron and a idiot just because I like CAKE. Everybody knows liberals like pie not cake. Its sad.

Yeesh, can't even do parody correctly. Sad.


Got your email. I should be in NZ early next year for a holiday - we'll have to have a beer or two.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

Are his hands tied? Now THAT sounds like fun - wait, did I say that out loud?

I just had the worst possible thought run through my Pale Ale addled brain.

Somewhere, Larry Fafarman, JAD and ForeTheKids are looking at that picture and having a moment to them selves.

yes, that kind of moment.

Must cloud thoughts with more alcohol. Make IT STOP!! Must unthink that must unthink that..


yes, please incinerate the part of your brain that I KNOW wants to continue fleshing out exactly what kind of a moment they might be sharing.



Are his hands tied? Now THAT sounds like fun - wait, did I say that out loud?

My favorite pieing occurred when a fellow member of a local science fiction club agreed to be pie-ed to raise money for charity. The winner of the bidding approached with pie in hand, gave a short speech detailing why the victim deserved to get his face plastered with whipped topping, then turned to commit the deed.

Whereupon the designated victim calmly reached out and planted the pie in the other fellow's face.

At least you didn't play that game where you get to pie a bunch of teachers, and then the students throw Cheez Poofs from a distance and see who can get the most to stick in the whipped cream in order to win a prize. We had a contest for charity using that brilliant idea at a Relay for Life one year, and Mr. DiscGrace was one of the lucky guys who got pied. Let me tell you, whipped cream + Cheez Poofs combine to make one of the worst synthetic smells known to human kind. GOOD LORD. If it's just whipped cream, it's just a happy case of eat up and enjoy.

By DiscGrace (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

Cheez Poofs?

Cheez Poofs?


I didn't know they came in different flavours. *giggle*

(Pun intended)

Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!! 8^D

By Praxiteles (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

The Bible is again proven correct, for the above trinity of pictures shows that pie = 3.

(frantic dash for exit...)

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

Ooo... a tradition we could see exported.

'Course, after the pie you need to chase it with a bucket of lemonade, so I'll add that.

Everyone knows that the cake is a lie!

Yes, it's out there circling with Russel's Tea Pot and Carroll's Mad Hatter. Quite a party, actually.

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

Wait, I can see a face in that pie.... it's a bearded face, could it be?

By overstroming (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink

it's a bearded face, could it be?


It's Abraham Lincoln.


@Bride of Shrek
Meetup in NZ?! :O
You from NZ Ichthyic?

I let my students get me in a dunk tank once. That was refreshing in the South Florida heat. I don't think I'd let myself get pied, though.

By Mr. Upright (not verified) on 13 May 2008 #permalink

you didn't get it in the boat though

Woulda needed a bigger boat for that...

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 13 May 2008 #permalink

Was it Cool Whip? I hope it was Cool Whip!

LOL! Or is it a pole in the background? :-S

So when's Billy Dembski gonna post his voluntary empieing pictures? I refresh UD with bated breath.

Your uppance has come!

By OctoberMermaid (not verified) on 14 May 2008 #permalink

You from NZ Ichthyic?

not yet.


Thats the tratement that students receive when they graduate in North Eastern Italy. Unfortunately the professors ussually are not harmed in any way.