Tangled Bank #105

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Submit your blog posts (deadline: Wednesday) to Tangled Bank now, right now ... (hint: klick the kitty to get to the Beagle Project Blog, where Tangled Bank will be hosted, and make your submission)
Tangled Bank #105 is up on The Beagle Project Blog Carnival of Education #171 is up on Instructify
The new Tangled Bank is up over at The Beagle Project, and as usual, it's a great read. Also, I want to give a quick shout-out to my internet buddy Ames who's hit the blogosphere running, so to speak, with his first carnival post.
This is big. This is really big. The Tangled Bank Web Carnival Number One Hundred and Five is at The Beagle Project!!!!!! And it's the Tag Team Edition with Peter McGrath and Karen James!!! Go there now!

does this spell the end for the chicken-horse and crocoduck, then?

"Tangled Bank" bothers me.


Because the logo is ANYTHING BUT a "tangled bank"!
It's a bloody monoculture, of some sort of Hedera as far as I can see.

A REAL Tangled bank would have lots of DIFFERENT plant species visible.
I contributed a picture of one such, several issues ago, and would gladly let it be used again, if we can get rid of said boring monoculture .....

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 14 May 2008 #permalink