Yet another podcast

I was interviewed for mindcore — I seem to recall that I might have said some harsh things about Francis Collins in this one, but the are all kind of blurring together in my mind now.


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I was disturbed several months ago when I learned that the director of the National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins, had agreed to be the keynote speaker at the Eight International Society for Integrative Oncology Conference in Cleveland, OH. I say "doubly" disturbed because it disturbed me…
Bill Maher, anti-vaxxer and Germ Theory denier, got an award named for Richard Dawkins from an atheist group. The award specifies, among other things, that the recipient should be an atheist and should "advocate[] increased scientific knowledge." Orac notes that Maher is not an atheist and that…
Warning: I generally don't post about religion/atheism/new atheism or any of those similar topics. I also don't generally post about my own views on such subjects. This post clearly will be breaking those habits. Don't say I didn't warn you. Now on to the review proper... First of all, let's get…
One of the advantages of hanging out around home on the proverbial staycation is that, instead of actually paying more attention to the news, I've paid less attention to the news. That's why I didn't notice some stories from earlier this week about what the new director of the NIH, Francis Collins…

we all know collins is a godlover in secular's clothing, so don't sweat being harsh on him. For all he's done to promote the "happy marriage" of religion and science, he deserves a few more public knocks.

Re: #2, the Columbia foreign student piece is really great. Loved both parts.

g2, there are 5 parts to it.

That was a great series on Culture Shock. While I have never been able to figure out what a quid is, it never occurred to me that American coin might be difficult to figure out for foreigners because it has no numbers on it. I never noticed!

However, I belatedly notice that a nickel does have "Five Cents" inscribed on it in text, the penny says "One Cent", the dime only says "One Dime" and the quarter says "Quarter Dollar". However you have to be able to read English to understand that and "One Dime" is hardly a numerical value. "Quarter Dollar" only makes sense if you know that a Dollar is One Hundred Cents.......and so forth.