Stemwedel has been assimilated

One more has joined the official academic mafia. We'll never be able to trust her again.


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No doubt a Darwinist. How many Intelligent Design theorists or Creation Scientists were passed over or fired so she could have that job? Why isn't she at home keeping a good home for her husband and children?
Women in science. The next thing you know, the radical feminazis will be demanding a female president! I'm happy taking care of my husband, Mr. Whitford, and I don't see why liberal women have to demand special rights.

Ahem! Mrs. Whitford: Does your husband know you're on the Internet? (I'm a man, so you must answer me respectfully.) Do you have his permission to take time out from your household chores to post comments on atheist websites? If the house is already all tidied up, then you should be baking cookies or something instead.

And what's with this "Mary" stuff? A properly submissive Christian wife should style herself "Mrs. Joe Blow Whitford," not "Mrs. Mary M. Whitford." You've fallen under the baneful influence of those braless feminists who think it's okay for women to have names of their own.

For shame!

I don't know who she is, but it's still great news to see more and more women succeeding in supposedly non-traditional areas in academia. :)

By Tabby Lavalamp (not verified) on 23 May 2008 #permalink

"I'm a man, so you must answer me respectfully."
Since when? Show me chapter and verse that tells me I must be respected to any random unsaved man who approaches me! By that "logic" I shouldn't be shouting to the sodomites on the streets of Des Moines that they're going to Hell!
But to answer your question, my husband - Mr. Whitford - is very modern in his sensibilities and turns off the filters on the computer for an hour a day so I may search for daily outrages on the internet and witness to people outside of our church's message board.
Because I do a lot of work for Jesus on our church's board using my first name, he said it would be a good idea to keep the brand fairly consistent elsewhere. So you see, it was HIS idea, not mine.

See? You've got me so riled up I wrote "respected" instead of "respectful"! It make sense though as I was thinking about how you all should respect my faith and take sites like this off the internet.

Is it just me, or are the Sci-blogs running a bit clunky today?

Sorry about that double post, by the way.

Wow. That training runs bone deep, doesn't it? (I guess we should expect that from a fragment of a rib.) She couldn't help but answer me, even if she does have a bit of a mouth on her. :)

I'll bet the sodomites of Des Moines appreciate her attention and that of the other Landover Baptist acolytes.

You people are so SILLY!


Mrs. Whitford, that should be Mrs. John B. Whitford unless you're divorced.

No, I think widowed is the condition you are looking for. If she were divorced she would be Miss Mary Whitford.

You people crack me up. Thanks :)

No doubt a Darwinist. How many Intelligent Design theorists or Creation Scientists were passed over or fired so she could have that job? Why isn't she at home keeping a good home for her husband and children?

Normally liberals are more career focused than family focused...Funny how she mentions her two kids but not her husband, although her interests include, "My partner"...Maybe that's her

Since she has been promoted, I can pick on her all the time now...j/k

Sorry Steve, but Monado is right -- you're only 'supposed' to style yourself as Mrs. YourOwn Name if you're divorced (because you Of Course don't go back to your 'maiden' name). If you're widowed, you're still Mrs. His Name. My mother explained all this to me when I was sending my (widowed) grandmother a birthday card when I was about 14. She didn't realize how ludicrous it was until I pointed it out.

Jezebel business.

By heliobates (not verified) on 23 May 2008 #permalink

Hrmm I looked at the link and I am still not sure...

Whitford, have you read the book of Genesis? Did you read how Lilith was punished by god by having 100 of her children be murdered daily? Do you know why she received such vicious punishment? She wanted equality. She would not submit to her prearranged spouse. When Eve was create she submitted and she lived. The bible lesson is clear, respect and obey your husband or god will punish you.

Whitford: "No doubt a Darwinist."

Science is not predicated upon the opinions of any individual, but upon the evidence. Darwin gets credit for pointing us in a direction that has produce a great understanding of life as we know it. However, his was only a shadow of what we understand today.

Whitford continues: "How many Intelligent Design theorists or Creation Scientists were passed over or fired so she could have that job?"

How many flight attendants were passed over or fired so that the pilots of the airline industry have the job?

Whitford: "Why isn't she at home keeping a good home for her husband and children?"

Maybe her husband is? ... or maybe she is doing that and working as a professor. I'm not being disingenuous. My father work as a professor, founded two institutes, and was awarded tens of millions of dollars in grants during his 30 year career ... oh yeah, and he was always waiting for use when we returned home from school ;-)

Whitford: "Women in science. The next thing you know, the radical feminazis will be demanding a female president! I'm happy taking care of my husband, Mr. Whitford, and I don't see why liberal women have to demand special rights."

She does not ask for "special rights". She exercising the rights/freedom/liberties she is granted, the same liberties protected by the US Constitution. She leads her life in a pursuit of her life, liberty, and happiness!

Just because you choose to forgo particular liberties does not mean others should ... even if it might make you feel like a lesser woman.

To the fine lady I offer kudos, accolades and huzzahs. Also an attagirl for sticking to it long enough to show proof. Well done!

I do wonder what startling hypothesis are only now beginning to stir within her ravaged mind, crippled as it must be from exposure to evidence and rules by which to regard it.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 23 May 2008 #permalink

Or possibly "what startling hypothesis is . . . "

Funny, it's not that late.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 23 May 2008 #permalink

Congratulations to Dr. Stemwedel on her tenure.

And to use this as a bit of an open thread, since there hasn't been one for a while:

You have a quote in your random quote list attributed to Lincoln with some rather disturbing sentiments expressed.

The quote reads:

I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity!

For one thing, I find it distressing to think that a liberal would have such a clear call to a violation of the integrity of one's personal beliefs and forced conversion of the 'infidels'. I also cannot find a single citation where this quote is identified as part of a speech, a book, or even given a date with which to identify its source.

All I have found are fuller quotes on extremist Protestant sites like this one. There, the fuller quotation includes internal evidence which indicates that Lincoln probably didn't say it.

For example, the following section of that lengthy harangue reads, " undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."

Anarchism wasn't an issue with very much of a public profile prior to the First International Workingmen's Congress, noted for its deep divisions between Bakunin's and Proudhon's followers and those of Marx, which occured after Lincoln's death. The negative associations of anarchism with political disorder and confusion arose from the stereotypes which followed the "propaganda of the deed" school of Italian anarchists like Calabresi, which was much later than Lincoln's death.

I think you should probably remove this quote from your random quote list, because it's probably fictitious and because it expresses some extremist views. Since I've seen this pop up on other atheist quote sites, I don't think you've personally vetted every quote in there, but it is entirely possible that others would jump to that conclusion and judge you harshly because of it.

Nullifidian wrote: "I also cannot find a single citation where this quote is identified as part of a speech, a book, or even given a date with which to identify its source."

It only took a quick cut-n-paste into google and three mouse clicks to find the quote and the reference.…

I think you should probably remove this quote from your random quote list, because it's probably fictitious and because it expresses some extremist views.

It is apparently accurate. check it out ... I got 9,450 hits for the quote.

Ben Abbott @26: It is apparently accurate. check it out ... I got 9,450 hits for the quote.

Don't confuse the number of Google hits with the veracity of the item. Really ripe items get passed from person to person and proliferate despite their truth or falsity. Here's a reference that suggests Chiniquy fabricated the Lincoln quotes, which are understandably extremely popular among anti-Catholics. [Link]

To the hilairiously-named Mary Whitford: my real name actually IS Whitford--and a fine old Yorkshire name it is. We're mostly good Catholics, and I'll not have an apostate like you smearing the good face of Northern 12-babies-to-the-family Catholicism with your Protestant peanut butter!

Sorry Steve, but Monado is right -- you're only 'supposed' to style yourself as Mrs. YourOwn Name if you're divorced (because you Of Course don't go back to your 'maiden' name). If you're widowed, you're still Mrs. His Name.

I'm sorry but that makes no sense, why would a divorced woman still use "Mrs.", she is no longer married. However when she married her last name legally changed so she retains that until she changes it back.(I don't think divorce includes an automatic name change like marriage does)

As for widows, this site agrees with what I had learned long ago:

Married women whose husbands are alive may sign the husband's name with the prefix Mrs: thus,
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. William Southey.

but when the husband is dead the signature should be--
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Sarah Southey.

So when we receive a letter from a woman we are enabled to tell whether she has a husband living or is a widow. A woman separated from her husband but not a divorcee should not sign his name.

It only took a quick cut-n-paste into google and three mouse clicks to find the quote and the reference.

Yeah, that's the link I included with my original post.

At that post, the passage is unsourced, undated, and given the internal evidence within that longer passage quoted (using "anarchy" as synonymous with "disorder") probably dates from after Lincoln's death.

That a number of right-wing Protestant wacko websites refer to it is no argument for its veracity. I can find you a similar number of references for the fake quotes from David Barton's America's Godly Heritage.

Here's a reference that suggests Chiniquy fabricated the Lincoln quotes, which are understandably extremely popular among anti-Catholics.

Thanks for this link!

From the website:

"The false quote appeared in Chiniquy's Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (Chicago, 1886), a lengthy and bitter attack on the Roman Catholic Church."

Yup, that's about the right time period for the use of "anarchy" meaning disorder. "Propaganda of the deed" was filtering into use both within and outside anarchist circles during this period to refer to acts of insurrectionary violence with, it was thought, symbolic value like the assassinations of corporate leaders and regicides.

HA HA HA! Sarcasm...
(With apologies to Stephen Colbert)

By Colwyn Abernathy (not verified) on 24 May 2008 #permalink

That's some mighty fine research on the Lincoln quote you did there, Ben. Nothing like Google to make scholars of us all, eh?

You did notice, right, that the quote you found was unsourced? There is no reference to when Lincoln said it, where he said it, or to whom he was allegedly speaking.

Also, could you have failed to notice, in your impressive roster of 9,450 hits for the quote, that your hits mostly include just individual words from the quote, and not the quote itself?

Frankly, only an idiot would believe that Lincoln uttered those preposterous words. I took one look at it and knew right away it was a forgery. And I didn't even have to use Google to know that!

Nice work on Nullifidian's part to spot the dead giveaway on this bogus quote, the reference to anarchy.

This is deliciously ironic on so many levels. What's that you folks are always carping about? Quote mining by creationists? This isn't even quote-mining; it's quote inventing! And to what purpose? To parade shockingly vile anti-Catholic bigotry of the most ignorant sort, as if it were something reasonable; something to be proud of. All the better if the bigotry can be stuffed into the mouth of Lincoln, eh?

One cannot also fail to note the irony of a Web site run by an academic featuring a "quote" (an especially vile one to boot) that no one bothered to vet. Is that how biology is done, too?

davidm @ #33: One cannot also fail to note the irony of a Web site run by an academic featuring a "quote" (an especially vile one to boot) that no one bothered to vet. Is that how biology is done, too?

Excuse me, DavidM, but are you actually bothering to read the comments? Nullifidian doubted the validity of the Lincoln quote, I found a citation suggesting it's a forgery, and Nullifidian followed up with more details. In brief, we vetted the quote and showed it was not credible. Yet you say, "no one bothered to vet" it.

So what's your problem?

Alverant wrote "Whitford, have you read the book of Genesis? Did you read how Lilith was punished by god by having 100 of her children be murdered daily?"
I don't know which of Satan's "translations" you're reading, but I've read my Godly King James Bible cover to cover several times and have not only never read this story, but have never seen that name. You wouldn't happen to have chapter and verse on that, would you?
You also wrote "The bible lesson is clear, respect and obey your husband or god will punish you." That much is true. My husband, Mr. Whitford, is the head of our family and I obey him completely. Seeing as you're not familiar with a real Bible, I could give you chapter and verse on that if you'd like. But for now I'm just going to recommend you buy yourself a King James 1611 Bible and open yourself up to Jesus! You will thank me for it later!

Ben Abbott wrote "How many flight attendants were passed over or fired so that the pilots of the airline industry have the job?"
I'm no idiot. I see what you're trying to do there. But it's not like flight attendants are trained pilots who just have a competing theory on how to fly airplanes. I recommend you see that fantastic movie that "Professor" Mayers has been trying to badmouth, Expelled. It will open your eyes! It's even given me hope that Ben Stein, whose only past glory was as a speech writer for one of our greatest presidents (though not as great as Ronald Reagan or our current Commander in Chief, George W. Bush (God bless them!)), will finally find Jesus and be saved.

Hairhead Whitford wrote "We're mostly good Catholics, and I'll not have an apostate like you smearing the good face of Northern 12-babies-to-the-family Catholicism with your Protestant peanut butter!"
So I'm an apostate for leaving that Mary-worshipping cult and letting the real Jesus into my heart? Yes, I'm a former papist and nun. I'm still trying every day to save my unfortunate family who refuse to see the truth about how their "church" is leading them right into the Lake of Fire.
If you're interested in my tale of salvation, it can be found here - - and perhaps it can lead you to cracking open a King James Bible yourself!

Davidm whined about anti-Catholic "bigotry".
David, try praying to JESUS for a change instead of Mary (who is NOT a goddess) or the so-called "saints" your "church" creates by the boatload! It's no more bigotry to try and save these lost souls and tell the truth than it is hate speech to preach to sodomites that they're going to Hell unless they repent their ways and choose to be decent heterosexuals again! Here are a couple of links to help you find your way.
Now that takes REAL love to talk about the Truth like that and spread the Word of the Lord! I'm praying for you, David. I'm praying for all of you reading this.

We are the Canadian Borg.
Resistance would be impolite.
Please wait to be assimilated.
Pour l'assimilation en francais, veuillez appuyer le "2".

By Laser Potato (not verified) on 24 May 2008 #permalink

Funnier in the short form, Mrs. Whitford.


parody is funny only in limited doses, which is probably why landover baptist doesn't see much traffic these days.

...and also why they like to troll here on occasion.

give it a rest already, "whitford".