To the godless of Columbus, Ohio: Come on out!

You have an opportunity to participate in an Atheist Coming Out Party. You should! It'll be fun! Atheists always throw the best parties and have the best and smartest conversations!

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HEY! That was supposed to attach to your OTHER post about hats. *grumble*

Organizations involved: Students for Freethought at Ohio State, Omnipresent Atheists, Secular Student Alliance, Cincinnati Atheists, Cleveland Freethinkers

Whoa... I thought godless Ohioans were a hidden myth, like Bigfoot and Nessie... This sounds like a fantastic event! Thanks for sharing :) :) :)

Hmm...I might have to attend. That sounds fun.

This event is on a Saturday. If they hold the event on a Wednesday (atheist orgy night) they might increase the turnout.

Well, technically, Westerville, but close enough for government work.

Meanwhile, I'm heading out to the one event that makes it worthwhile to live in Columbus: Comfest! Spikedrivers are playing tonight, and I'm volunteering at the Jazz stage beer booth on Sunday.

Aaah! That's me! That's in my town! Nothing cool ever happens here...I'm so excited! :-)

By Chris (in Columbus) (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

ildi and nickythegreek -- me too! This is the best weekend of the year in Columbus Ohio! :-)

By Chris (in Columbus) (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Woo hoo! Something cool in CBus. Of course, did any of you other central Ohioans read The Other Paper article about the church lighthouse on I-71? Apparently the proprietor build a lighthouse because steeples are phallic shaped!

By Fred Mounts (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Damn, I'm going to Columbus for college (eek!) next year, but I'll be there in late September. Why couldn't they have the party later so all the college students can come?

... or maybe they don't want the college students coming. Fair enough, I suppose.

Well I hope they want college students coming, considering I am one. :P

I go to OU, but I won't have gone back down to Athens until a few weeks later.

And ComFest is overrated. Just a bunch of hippies trying to get you to sign petitions.

Of course, I type that having just come back from the first day...

Athiests may have the smartest conversations but gays throw the best parties!

I didn't make it down there last night but will today. (It's kinda cute to see the "Free Tibet" booth (nearly) next to the "Mao more than ever" booth)

RE: Fred Mounts @12. Yes, the irony is thick with the lighthouse church. Oh well, as Benjamin Franklin said: "Lighthouses are more useful than churches."

PS: Did anyone see that big line transformer blow up ~15 years ago? Some say it was a lightning strike, but it happened while my friend Willy was wiring up a tent. Coincidence?