KPFT interview

I was interviewed on The Inner Side last night — if you live in Houston, you may have already heard it. If not, you can get the mp3 at that link.

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Gee,who did the Intro song,that was fantastic !

Good to hear PZ is still on the ball,and not too fussed by the whole catholic fatwa thing !

If anyone is experience in stop-motion animation, I would like to suggest a "pornographic" animation between a blessed cracker and a devil's food cake.

The intro song is by Tom Lehrer, and is indeed awesome.

By Olaf Davis (not verified) on 11 Jul 2008 #permalink

Hmm. My link doesn't appear to be working - it was just to his Wikipedia entry though.

By Olaf Davis (not verified) on 11 Jul 2008 #permalink

In light of all the death threats PZ has been receiving lately, is it at all creepy that I've been having dreams about him? Almost every night?

Tuesday night, well before the Cracker debacle, I dreamt that he was driving me around in a sporty little convertible. We went through a loop-de-loop and actually landed in the Vatican. As in, IN St. Peter's Cathedral. The pope came out and was hopping made. Pretty hilarious.

By Benny the Icepick (not verified) on 11 Jul 2008 #permalink

"PZ Myers possible last interview"???

By the way: Anyone writing to Bob Bruiniks in support of PZ should mention to BB that Donohue is an anti-Semitic, anti-female jerk. (Google "donohue jews hollywood" for starters.)

KPFT...jeeze that takes me back. I'm glad to hear that Pacifica is still on the air in my hometown.

Does it make me a bad person that I'm still giggling at this?

Okay. More guffawing, really. Like, hysterically. And at that thing, pretty much from the Lehrer on... Man, I shoulda known it would come up in this, sooner or later.

"Someone tried to wrestle it away from him."

Guffaw. And seriously, that host is awesome:

"Altar boys are trained to look out for this sort of thing..."


"He can't imagine anything more vile..."


"Substantial donation, bribing of a priest... What he did was he left without paying for it..."


Caveat: death threats... umm... okay... not funny. Except, y'know, as very black humour. As in: these are death threats... *over* *a* *cracker*. Kid threatened with expulsion... also not funny. Except that it's over a cracker... Y'know. And the foaming, unhinged blog commenters... Over. A cracker...

I have this horrible picture. An Al Jazeera host somewhere, incredulously covering this: 'And in the US, they're... um... get this... okay... I'm just reading what it says here... okay, it says there are Catholics making death threats... umm... is this right?...

'Okay, okay, I'm reading it already: they're making death threats over a cracker...

'Dammit, who wrote this? This is a joke, right? Achmed, was this really yours? We're on the air here. This is so *not* funny...'

AJ, actually for an Islamic audience, about half the viewers might say "Good for them! Blasphemy must be stamped out."

It's worth noting the Catholic church did actually put Jews to death over suspected "host desecration", once upon a time. I don't think John Paul II ever got around to specifically apologizing for that before he passed on.

Oh, and "yay, KPFT" (ex-pat Houstonian here also).

I sorta miss "the Atheist Hour" (which was actually only a 1/2 hour program), though it seemed like the hosts didn't do a very good job preparing their material, plus I heard they got to bickering in an off-air squabble, and after pledge drive at KPFT, they came up short and got the axe. To their credit, though, they did interview R. Finley, aka "The Infidel Guy" once, which was really cool to listen to on my way to work (I had a night shift job at the time).

OMG, that song "The Vatican Rag" was fucking AWESOME! - I totally had to record it- 2,4,6,8 time to transubstantiate ha!- Avia maria, g it's good to see ya, doin' the vatican RAG! - that was truely awesome

By robotaholic (not verified) on 11 Jul 2008 #permalink

Your story about the debate on the evangelical radio station brings this quote to mind:

"Never argue with an idiot. He'll bring you down to his level and beat you up with experience."

I was so disappointed that PZ did not know about the Minnesota-Morris Cougars, a proud member of NCAA Division III who play in the UMAC (Upper Midwest Athletic Conference).

The football team was 4-5 last year. The next action for the Cougars is on August 23 when the women's soccer team faces MSU-Moorehead in a scrimmage before their first game on August 29 againsts St. Mary's University. First football game is on September 6, at home in Big Cat Stadium against Trinity Bible. PZ might want to miss that game. To learn more about Cougar athletics, go to -

The host was wrong about the Polish Christmas tradition. The wafer is called oplatek. It is made of the same stuff as the communion wafers but is not consecrated. It is not expensive - a big stack of them cost a few bucks. His Polish friends probably had some sent to them from family in Poland. It is actually a very nice tradition - one that I still take part in. Everyone at the xmas eve dinner (Wigilia) has their very own wafer. Before dinner, you go up to everyone else there (this takes a while), break off a piece of their wafer and eat it, they take a piece of yours and do likewise. You then wish each other the best in the coming new year. And then hug and kiss (three times, alternating cheeks). My father died a while back and I always think of him when observing this tradition. So the cracker can be put to good use.

Has its own Wikipedia entry -

The Polish entry (note the l has a line through it) -

Haha, PZ - UMM does have a football team that competes in UMAC Division III football against schools like St. Scholastica and Northwestern College.

I don't blame you though, they're the worst team in the conference, but it's not like it's a huge deal in D-III.