The last days of Jeff Medkeff

We all regret the loss of Blue Collar Scientist to cancer a short while ago. Now we have an account of his last few days — he died dignified and living well to the last moment, on a visit to Down and Westminster Abbey.

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I regret to report that Blue Collar Scientist has lost his struggle with cancer and that he died last night.
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The finality of it is somewhat overwhelming when you don't believe in a sky fairy. I only hope I can muster as much dignity as he apparently did in his final days.

Thank you for posting the link.


As I said over there:

I only knew him from what he wrote, and what he wrote revealed both a sharp mind and a good man. I can only hope I go out so well -- with courage and curiosity, not to mention cool shades and a strawberry shake.

This may sound awfully callous, or at least indicative of terrible priorities, but I can't help but worry about the writing he left behind. I pointed people to his blog entries on many occasions, and I'd hate to see the resources he invested so much time in creating slip away. (Would he let a little thing like death get in the way of education?)

We mourn as another skeptical voice
Quietly fades in the background noise.
But readers, take ye this message away
And, like him, wring EVERYTHING out of each day.

By Numenaster (not verified) on 18 Aug 2008 #permalink

the hell with 'im. nothing's sacred.

the hell with 'im. nothing's sacred.

Why is it Christians like you don't understand that "nothing is sacred" doesn't mean "nothing is worth caring about."

By Grammar RWA (not verified) on 19 Aug 2008 #permalink

You will be missed, Blue Collar Scientist.

"You took all our hearts with your smile
and left a legacy untold.
You conquered life and fear, so you see
there was no room for you to grow old."
-S. Tankian

I was struck by this statement:

The universe, along with its "creator" or universal personality, or whatever, is not out to get me. The universe isn't capable of being out to get me or anyone else - it hasn't got the necessary attributes to do so. This is an impersonal problem. That's very comforting, far more so than thinking that there is some shy ghost fucking with people in senseless, cruel ways.

Christian? I meant what I said--no tongue-in-cheek here, boss.

I discovered Jeff's blog only a few months ago, and I'm devastated. It's just awful to lose a brilliant young person.

Jeff's attitude towards the comforting attributes of impersonality was exactly the same as mine. (A 41-year-old relative of mine died of cancer two years ago, and if I ever hear of anyone telling her daughter that "God needed your mother more than you did," I'll be glad to punch that person in the nose.) Jeff seemed like someone who got to do many of the things he wanted to do, and live his life on his own terms. His life was too short, but he made it count in ways that many of us could do well to emulate.

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 19 Aug 2008 #permalink