Pareidolia poll


Two things I find absurd are people who see Jesus in random patterns, and internet polls that try to impose patterns in noise. Here's something that does both: a moth was found with speckles that are supposed to look like Jesus.

"His hair right here and you can see the mustache and the beard and there's a little slit right there that looks like His mouth and when he would move the mouth would open so it looked like he was trying to talk to you."

Kirk Harper spotted the moth on an RV trailer Monday, and right away could tell it was unique.

"I immediately thought it looked like Jesus and that was what was so cool cause you've seen His face in grilled cheese sandwiches and windows and things but on a moth's back...we thought that was pretty neat."

Just to top off the silliness, the story comes with a poll to ask if you see a face. Yeah, I do — it's Charles Manson.

More like this

"Daddy, you know what? I bet you didn't know, but my school bus can fly." "Really? I didn't know that." "Yeah, there's a button up at the front with a picture of a flying bus, and if you press the button, the bus flies." "That's amazing." "Yeah, and guess what? The other day, the bus driver called…
Please make sure you read to the end. A couple of late submissions didn't get worked into the main text, and a complete list of articles is included at the end. Oy. So I find myself sitting in my disgustingly messy office. And I've got a problem. The Math Carnival is coming to town. All those…
"There is always a period when a man with a beard shaves it off. This period does not last. He returns headlong to his beard." -Jean Cocteau Some traditions are older than we even know. Older than our great-grandparents, older than our countries, older even than the oldest songs and music we know…
There's one kind of semi-mathematical crackpottery that people frequently send to me, but which i generally don't write about. Given my background, I call it gematria - but it covers a much wider range than what's really technically meant by that term. Another good name for it would be numeric…

Actually, it looks kind of like Satan to me. The brown section up top kind of has two big horns, and there's even a pointy beard at the bottom of the face in that section of brown. Hmmm . . . what does this mean!?!?! Ha!

Huh, I didn't know jesus had such an impressive afro. Learn something new every day.

I...genuinely don't see a face.
These things still piss me off to no end. It's ridiculous for SO many reasons, as I'm sure everyone here already knows.
1) That vague description matches any near-human with a beard. 2) How the hell does anyone know what Jesus looks like anyway? When are the earliest paintings of him? Centuries after his (alleged) death? 3) Really? THIS is how god chooses to reveal himself to the world? A tacky stunt on a moth's back? Not, you know, suddenly appearing in the sky to all of humanity and saying "Sorry about cancer. My bad. It won't happen from now on" and curing everyone?

Whoever it is, they're wearing a turban and touching their temples as if trying to communicate psychically with someone...

Oh, for crying out loud. Haven't they ever seen an Imperial Moth before? They pretty much all look like that. In fact, a lot of the ones in Bug Guide look more face-like than that one!

Personally, I think the "face" looks more like your classic Zoroastrian priest than anything else.

I see D'Argo from the spiffing space adventure series Farscape. Who'd have thought he would appear on a moth, like religious fictional characters?

And I would like my Sad Old Nerd t-shirt in a size M, please.

In my opinion, it looks like Jerry Garcia, as depicted in one of those Peter Max illustrations from the 1960's.

I'm guessing that I'm not the only person who isn't surprised to learn that the moth was found (a) on an RV; and (b) in Texas.

By Yossarian (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I dunno, with the thing on "his" "forehead" and the two lobes to the sides it looks more like a cross between Charles Manson and a French lop to me.


Members are keeping the moth at the church. They say if anyone wants to buy it, the money would go towards relocating the church.

"Pieces of the true cross, twelve for a buck, get 'em while their holy!"

I don't know. It looks like an Assyrian King to me. Then, maybe I am an ass-yrian for seeing it.

As for finding Jesus in a grilled cheese sandwich, you HAVE to eat it or face the wrath of Bill Donohue and the Catholic Cheese League.

Kirk Harper spotted the moth on an RV trailer Monday, and right away could tell it was unique.

If RV parks in Texas are anything like the ones here in Alberta, Kirk probably sees a lot of things in other things, like seeing a refreshing apéritif in a bottle of Aqua Velva.

To me it looks like Gilda Radner's Saturday Night Live character, Emily Letella, wearing a veil.

What do I win?

I swear it's Rasputin on that moth...or at least a version of him close to most cartoon depictions I've seen.

Holy shit, a flying shit face of the jeebus! Bring that sucker down with hurled crackers!

What is a grammar and why do I want one?

"Actually, it looks kind of like Satan to me."

I agree with Mandy. I saw it the same way she did.
Clearly, this evil moth species needs to be eradicated.

Heh. I blogged about this this morning. To me it looks like Mohammed - from the Danish cartoons. Or, a good likeness of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.

Someone needs to calibrate their drug dosages or change to another medication. Call your doctor, please.

Oh, people see lots of things in the clouds. My ability to see an alligator up there doesn't mean that there actually is one there, or somewhere else - my ability to do so is irrelevant. If you are that desperate to have proof for that in which you believe, a better thing to do might be to ask why rather than to make up proofs that don't prove anything, other than perhaps your desperation or lack of logic.

I see a set of tits on top on of an ice cream cone. With the yellow streak making it look like cleavage. I prefer tits over Jebus any day.

By firemancarl (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I don't recall Jesus' bald spot being so prominent. And purple eyes? And a really long pointy beard? And a Hindu "wisdom dot" on His forehead? Definitely not JC.

Here is your problem right here:

"Kirk Harper spotted the moth on an RV trailer"

Also, I am going to have to go with the above stated fact that this is actually a Zoroastrian Priest.

Okay, that's silly. You're right, PZ.

But may I offer something you should be covering:

Elizabeth Dole's campaign seems to think that atheists, agnostics, freethinkers and humanists should not be allowed to meet with their candidates. They are attempting to embarrass Democrat Kay Hagan for having the guts to attend a fundraiser organized by the Secular Coalition for America. That's right, the same group that the Democrats decided couldn't attend their "values and unity" summit.

Dole Campaign Communications Director Dan McLagan: "You can tell a lot about a person by their friends and these are friends most North Carolinians would not be comfortable having over for dinner."

We've got a lot of atheists fired up about this, over at Friendly Atheist. We're taking action.

Am I the only one who sees Harvey Birdman in that picture?

By Taxorgian (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Am I the only one who thinks it looks just like Darth Vader?

I see an ice cream cone.

@ Dan B.
If I recall my art history, the earliest pictures of Jesus we have depict him with short, blond, curly hair. It was the beauty ideal at the time. (Think adult Cupid.) It wasn't until the Byzantine emperor Roger had Jesus depicted to look like him that we got the image we know today - caucasian with a gaunt face, long brown hair and beard.

I see Cthulhu eating an ice-cream cone.

Really? THIS is how god chooses to reveal himself to the world? A tacky stunt on a moth's back? Not, you know, suddenly appearing in the sky to all of humanity and saying "Sorry about cancer. My bad. It won't happen from now on" and curing everyone?

But... but... but... GOD doesn't WORK that way!!!

Ooops... forgot the <sarcasm> tag... my bad :^)

I thought Jesus was supposed to eaten with lots of the social outcasts of his time - the unwillingness for Dole and friends to do so (and to oppose others doing so) tells you more about what Dole believes in than she might perhaps have wished. I'm sure she can find someone else to eat with - in a few months W will be free (I hope) and they can discuss hypocrisy and the art of Constitutional deconstruction at length.

Another vote for Ra-Ra-Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen.

Clearly it's Nostradamus with an afro and giant goat ears. Anybody that's not biased will agree.

By jimmiraybob (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Continued OT

Elizabeth Dole's campaign seems to think that atheists, agnostics, freethinkers and humanists should not be allowed to meet with their candidates. They are attempting to embarrass Democrat Kay Hagan for having the guts to attend a fundraiser organized by the Secular Coalition for America. That's right, the same group that the Democrats decided couldn't attend their "values and unity" summit.

Dole Campaign Communications Director Dan McLagan: "You can tell a lot about a person by their friends and these are friends most North Carolinians would not be comfortable having over for dinner."

We've got a lot of atheists fired up about this, over at Friendly Atheist. We're taking action.

Dole is one of the worst and most ineffective Senators employed right now. She's awful and this doesn't surprise me. She's pissed at the effective campaign that Hagan is running against Dole's senatorial record, what there is of one.

I guess this says something about me, like a Rorschach test, but I see the dark lobes above his head as a set of breasts in a bikini top! There is even a belly button and his face is actually a skimpy bikini bottom.

from the priest at the end of the movie clip:

"if he [the creator] can do that to a little moth, imagine what he can do to our lives"

what a humble christian he is!

I was going to say I saw a duckie and a horsie, but I changed by mind.

Honestly - it's Jafar from Alladin!

By Ubi Dubium (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

It's not Charles Darwin? :^)

I see:
a Samurai warrior
Genghis Khan
a concept drawing of Darth Vader (which makes sense, given #1 and that the inspiration behind a lot of the Star Wars characters were samurai warrior films)

Silly Raynfala, Everybody knows - gawd doesn't need to report for duty any more. He sent Holbach some prophets. It's heavy brain work, but do try to keep up. ;)

Thus proving Jesus like moths but still hates figs.

Holly FSM it is PZ Myers!!!
Although early in the morning and with a zit on his forehead.

I think I see Skeletor from He-Man

My first thought was a balding Mesopotamian male, but then I noticed the bindi and now I'm really confused. I guess I'm back to random pattern.

By Thrillhouse (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Yeah, it really does look a lot like Charles Manson - even with that little spot in the middle of the "forehead", where Manson has his little swastika tattoo IIRC>

I heard it was all staged -- that moths don't perch on trailers in real life.

To me it looks like the back og Yoda's head when he still had hair. See the pointy ears?

By robert estrada (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

It's obviously Ganesha -- viz the third eye and the trunk that y'all have confused with a beard. And how do you explain those elephant ears: Jeebus wears pigtails!? Oh sure he's gay, but pigtails?

By Matt Hussein Platte (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Wow! That's right here in East Texas. I'm so proud!

By bigjohn756 (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

How the hell does anyone know what Jesus looks like anyway?

IIRC, Jesus looks just like a combination of Mithra, Hercules, Baal, Krishna, Dionysus, and Epicurus. Does that help?

Looks like Frank Zappa to me.

Damn Christians. It's obviously Muhammad.

Hey wait! There is a dot on "his" forehead. Its obviously one of the many Hindu deities. Also I don't think Jesus had long dog ears or a fro.

And he said unto me "I am the lord, the lord of funk"

I see Rasputin in a Ushanka.

By Maltodextrin (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

When you sit on the toilet in my childhood house, the glare hits the door across from you in such a way, that it reveals a serene shroud-of-Turin Jesus face. Used to freak me out when I was little- Jesus is watching you poop!

I've told my mom that when the time comes that she sells the house, I want the door removed. That way I can claim that it's a miracle and charge gullible Catholics $30 a pop to touch it.

Dan B #3 wrote:

Really? THIS is how god chooses to reveal himself to the world? A tacky stunt on a moth's back?

Yes, eager belief in the most trivial manifestations of The Ultimate Necessary Infinite Eternal and Unchangeable Creator of the Universe always strikes me as weird, but I shouldn't be surprised. When you get right down to it, there's just as much disconnect between the enormous scope of the God concept, and Jesus deciding to impress us as really being God by "coming back from the dead." Big frickin' whoopy-doo. Credulous stories of people coming back from the dead were and are a dime a dozen. Like "changing water into wine" or curing blindness with spit, it's popular parlor tricks. Pick a card, any card.

I vaguely remember hearing about a story where the main character was given the power to change the laws of physics and bend the laws of nature -- but only by doing a simple and ordinary card trick that 5 year old children could do. It's just that, when he did it, the magic was real. Undetectable, and unremarkable -- but the real deal.

Maybe God is like that hapless character in the story, capable of enormous power and ability, but trapped into manifesting itself in the most banal ways -- faces on moth wings, and "inspiring" people to do something they were thinking about doing anyway.

Hey! Thanks for the info on Kay Hagan, a person I never heard of. But I sure know who she is now. I linked right on over to her website and donated $25. I wish it could have been more but the life membership to the FFRF tapped me out for quite awhile.

Oh, and I'm sorry - I can't see a damned thing on the moth. Does this mean I do not have a discerning spirit?

By Lee Picton (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

A sailboat?

Honestly I can't see anything other than a moth. Its quite a pretty moth, but a moth nonetheless. Someone needs to show these people a Death's Head Hawk Moth. Though they'd probably claim its been sent by Satan or somesuch nonsense.

I'm with the Assyrian / Babylonian crowd.

By YetAnotherKevin (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Nah... that's Frank Zappa's moustache, like the one from his trademark logo...

To quote Family Guy, "Are you sure it was Jesus? Are you sure it wasn't... nothing?"

By Aphrodine (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I see a cross between Rob Zombie and Pippi Longstockings.

Not that Jesus would have looked much like that anyway.

By John Bode (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Looks like a beat-up male specimen of Eacles imperialis to me. The only face might be that of Mr Ed. I didn't know that god (even metaphorically) beat horses.

I see Ghengis Khan. Look at the headdress.

By Gavel Down (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

You know for an omnipotent being God sure isn't much of an artist. When my son draws pictures no one has to point out anything to me.

You see it looks like Jesus if you close one eye, Squint the other, turn your head to the side, and think happy thoughts.

It seems that if a perfect, all powerful being was really trying to put his sons face on things it wouldn't be random things, it would be something symbolic. "I will put Jesus' on a grilled cheese sandwich to teach the humans about the importance of calcium"

You mean it isn't the image of Bigfoot?

By Senecasam (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I don't know what the fuss is about; my coworkers and I see Skeletor.

If you look, you'll see that it's actually Siva. He has a third eye in the middle of his forehead. Om mani pa... errr.. I forgot the rest.

I see a Rorschach inkblot test.

I saw the faces of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph this morning. Then I flushed.

By Sodding Wick (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I scanned teh intertubes for more E. imperialis images. There is a lot of variation. I think the one in question would look much less like a face if the wings didn't obscure the abdomen in a pointed fashion and if we had a bit better resolution. I'm reminded of the face on Mars. In any case, it's laughable that Christians see Jeebus or Mary but when Muslims see iconic figures it's always Arabic letters associated with Allah or Muhammed or whatever since images of people are forbidden. Personally I liked the Ganesha choice. A friend has a "Ganesha Loves You" bumper sticker on his truck and it draws a lot of odd comments.
Eat well, stay fit, Die Anyway.

By Die Anyway (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I must have a bad imagination, I really only see the moth, I keep trying to see this 'face' to no avail... Where the hell am I supposed to see this face? Is it like one of those damn magic eye puzzles?

there's some funny comments from "gunther" in there. who is that?

Oh! Oh! I want to play! I see a Sith Lord in this bad boy! That means they're real, an' Jedis are real an' Darth VADER is comin' to get y'all. Prove me wrong.

Karley @ 66
Better yet, to shit on it!

My first thought was "Evil Jesus!" so I guess I'm part of the Rasputin / Chas. Manson group. Still, I assumed the topic when I saw the headline, so I may have been biased before the mighty powers of my pareidolia were cast loose.

If that's Jesus depicted on those moth wings, then He has some huge boobies!

On His return there will be holy milk for everyone to supplement the loaves and fishes!

By Hoosier X (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

It's Pippi Longstocking and she's back with a vengeance.

"It's a schooner."

It looks like Charles Manson wearing a pirate hat and he has a parrot on each shoulder.


Took me forever to see a face, but when I finally did, it looked like a demon with a long pointy beard and two curly horns on his head.

I see the bastard son of Captain Marvel Jr and Dave Lister. And wouldn't that be the true savior of mankind? ;)

Interesting that Jesus has Shrek's horns.

By Gary Bohn (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I think it's a very pretty moth (despite my dislike of yellow). Pity they have to ruin it with woo.

Speaking of flutterbys - Dummkatz caught a butterfly today. Big game for him; I've been picking up cranefly legs the past week.

I honestly first saw a grim, scowling face with a long, pointy beard and goat ears. I then tried to watch the video and when the preacher started talking I found him far more horrifying.

I suppose this means I'm going to hell...

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

It is so annoying that people see jeebus in everything....grilled cheese, cat fur, bugs, whatever. I'm sure if I looked hard enough, I'd see the face of jeebus in my husbands back hair!

By HereticChick (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Looks vaguely like a skull (or perhaps some sort of ornate masque) in the middle, but I wouldn't noticed it at all unless someone'd pointed it out to me. As paeidolia goes, this one sucks.

By Andreas Johansson (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Posted by: gg | August 28, 2008 1:45 PM

Hmm... I see a dog with its head split open.

Posted by: JRQ | August 28, 2008 1:50 PM

I heard it was all staged -- that moths don't perch on trailers in real life.

Hey, Rorschach and peppered moth references. I like this thread.

It looks exactly like Osama bin Laden!

James Randi in a turban.

By Cliff Hendroval (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Yes, it's Charles Manson, I can see the cross on his forehead, evil eyes and menancing look...

Yossarian In my opinion, it looks like Jerry Garcia, as depicted in one of those Peter Max illustrations from the 1960's.

When I was eating lots of acid in the 70's, and maybe a bit later, lots of people saw god, but I always saw Jerry Garcia.

Wait a minute, maybe that's because he was actually there.
Perhaps alol moths are jesus, that's why they fly toward 'the light'.

They should crucify it, and see if it resurrects. If it does, they can put it on a cracker and eat it.


@ #38 Jackal :
Damn, maybe I would have been treated better in catholic school if Jesus was still considered blonde like me. :)

God is such an inefficient chump. he sends the pictures of Jesus to Protestants, pictures of Mary t Catholics and the Arabic name of God to Muslims. You'd think he's send them to people that NEED convincing

See, now I thought, "Kung fu master or Gandalf the wizard. Either way he has a really long beard that I've never seen on all these artists' depictions of the west's favourite godling.

I was thinking Nostradamus in an indian style turban. Why he's wearing an indian turban I don't know, but he was one of those eccentric mystics.

Christ on a Cracker.
Jesus on a moth.
Crucified Christ on drywall.
Our Savior on a grilled-cheese sandwich.
Jesus on an underpass.
Mary on discolored tinted glass.

Wasn't there one that someone said was Mother Teresa on a sweet bun? I still say that looked like Grumpy.

And they say WE'RE the crazy ones.

15% of the poll's respondent's say, "Yup, looks like Jesus."

15%. Egad.

Maybe even just as scary is that 32% see a face, but it doesn't look like Jesus. Um, how do they know that?

Frackin' cracker...

That's not a speckled moth, is it, by any chance?

(I see a character from a Capcom fighting game.)

Oh, boy. Now the Pope is mad about a Frog on a cross.

Make sure you check out the pictures.

I see Gilda Radner as well, but she has a beard.

By swangeese (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

amphiox @ 122

No, it's a spittle flecked moth! Ha!

That's not Jesus- it's Doctor Fu Manchu!

By Ktesibios (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

"Maybe even just as scary is that 32% see a face, but it doesn't look like Jesus. Um, how do they know that?"

Because the moth isn't caucasian. Duh. Clearly it looks more like Malcolm X.

By CrypticLife (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I just see a penis. But then again I see penises everywhere.

I think I have some sort of syndrome.

By Bride of Shrek OM (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I see a conehead standing on his/her head.
You can even see the arms it's balancing with.

By JThompson (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I think it looks a bit like 1/3 of ZZ Top.

By John Marshall (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I see the scary magical girl from every anime ever, mid-spellcast.

Nobody's got it right, so far. It's a pixie. With a beard.

My 20-something twins vote for:
-- Jesus (and don't argue with her or she'll deck you; she KNOWS what Jesus looks like)
-- Skeletor

Their sibs haven't stopped by, so the local voting's still in progress.

That's my Uncle Ralph but with a decent looking toupee.

This phenomena really amazes me. That only only do we recognise faces in inanimate objects, but we see the faces of a particular person every time; even when the faces look nothing alike at all.
"Look, eyes. Nose. Mouth. It's Jesus. He had eyes, a nose and mouth."

It's just so silly that every time they see a face, it's either Jesus if the face looks young, God if it looks old, and Mary if it's a female. It's an exercise in the limits of cognitive perception and the need to instill evidence in the meaningless because you'd think there would be something more than a fracken' face in a sandwich that shows an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent being as existing.

If the best God can do to show his existence is put his face on the back of a moth, then maybe it's a god not worth worshipping...

Maybe I don't understand the definition of "absurd", but isn't this totally expected? We see the things that we're most familiar with. Especially faces; we're face experts.

Why wouldn't we expect people who care about Jesus a lot and spend a lot of time looking at purported drawings of Jesus' face then see Jesus in places that the rest of us do not?

Or to put it like a good cognitive scientist, I bet the photographer's fusiform gyrus "lit up" when s/he saw this moth! Mine didn't at first, but after reading more it happened for me too.

Maybe even just as scary is that 32% see a face, but it doesn't look like Jesus. Um, how do they know that?

That's just a poorly worded option. What I imagine most people mean when they choose it is that they do see a face-like pattern, but that they don't attach any importance to it.

Cast my vote for Charles Manson with the swastika forehead. What this means is Charlie is the last prophet, not Mohammed, and we are all going to burn in hell unless we take Charlie into our hearts and do our best to live like Charlie. I just want to know who's flesh we'll be eating with that cracker. I don't know about the wine, either.

By fatherdaddy (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I see Jerry Garcia.. Just saying.

I admit that I saw the moth first, then had to put effort into finding a face, and then also saw D'Argo.

There must be a lot of Imperial Moths out there that look like Jesus then, since, unlike the stripes of zebras, the spots and designs of Lepidoptera are very rarely unique to the individual, and are vital in identifying species. But I suppose that takes out the novelty of finding the face, huh?

Symmetric dots and a line. Amazing! Praise the lord!

its ZZ top.

By extatyzoma (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I don't see it!

Then again, I never got those magic eye picture things either.

It's evil Jesus! From that same parallel universe that evil Kirk and evil Spock - no wait, Spock was the same in both universes - any way that universe. HE is coming, but not to save us.

Hell, he can't even tell the difference between Osama bin Laden and Jesus?!

That guy's got to take a second look at Mary Magdelen's photo album on Flickr. Or check out Jesus' publicity stills on Imdb. Sheesh, in this internet age, there's no excuse for mixing up celebrity images that badly.

I note that theists use pareidolia to see a caring super mind behind and beyond the Universe.That is just a mere feeling that is no more than a replaceable placebo.They see pareidolia in addition to natural laws and causes and explanations when such is so inane.Google the ignostic-Ockham to see that that pareidolia is just that and is either redundant or fatuous.

By Morgan-LynnGri… (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Me, if I had to say it looked like a person, I'd say Anton LeVey.

(sheepishly) But what do I know? To me, it's looks as if a slide of the Mandelbrot set was projected on...well...erectile tissue.

Let the howls of condemnation commence.

How weird is that - I went to comment that it looks like Anton LaVey, too, and when I did a search to see if I was the first to make the comment, it turns out I was JUST late to the party.

I agree completely - LaVey all the way. (And picturing the face on that moth singing "Satan Takes a Holiday" makes me a bit giddy).

I think it looks more like an anime-style girl; however, I just finished watching "Death Note" not too long ago, so that could have something to do with the fact that I see a pig-tailed anime-style girl wearing a triangular tube-top instead of Jesus.

I see Huayna Capa, I didn't know jesus was mayan...

By psychocow (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

A jin with a turban and a ZZ Top beard. With a third eye. Holding his head as if he's got a headache, about to remove his turban, or divining how many morons will see jesus on a moth...

Otherwise, if I take off my glasses, it's quite obvious it's the Devil Hisself. Look at them learing, goatish eyes - and those buxom horns.

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I see either Darth Vader without his facemask, or a stormtrooper.I knew Jesus was really a master of the dark side!

I gotta say, I see satan too. I can kind of wrap my head around some of the other ideas (The bikini one is good!), but satan is the one it looks most like to me, from the moment I could see any 'face' at all.

it's rasputin, i'm quite sure.

By faux mulder (not verified) on 29 Aug 2008 #permalink

Looks like an imperial moth (Eacles imperialis) to me.

Hmmm ... if this is a real sighting, we're going to have to retrofit all those Christmas creches by putting these little guys in the mangers.

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 29 Aug 2008 #permalink

It looks like Bin Laden on his back (head for a turban, body for a beard)

If Jesus had the ears of an elephant, then put me down for 1/3 of a vote for him.

Moth, er, of gawd!

C'mon, look at the whole wingscape: it's a graphic rendition of an atomic mushroom cloud, towering over a vast crater with the remnants of a once-mighty city crumbling around the outer edges!

This is our final warning of the End Times! Repent, ye sinners!

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 29 Aug 2008 #permalink

It is Afro Samurai! The cartoon with Samuel L. Jackson

If the afro isn't there, then it looks like Rasputin.

Not much like what Jesus is supposed to look like.

I had to stare at it for about two minutes before I saw a face at all, and even then it looked more like a Grateful Dead cover than Jesus. Does that mean Jerry Garcia is trying to communicate to me?

The first thing I saw was some kind of evil wizard with a big triangularish beard and devilish horns. But wizards don't typically have horns, so it's probably Satan.

If it's Jeebus then he has massive breasts, pony-tails and walrus flippers for hands. I also see a bindi on his forehead.

Jeebus is a She-bus.

Did anyone else just feel that temporal shift or was it just me?

Why do people do this crap? They see a face in something (last time I think it was some limescale in a bathtub, this time it's a moth), so what? Then it's never just a face, it has to be Jesus or something.

One woman with the username Theresa proudly says in the comments that her husband Kirk found it, and describes it as "a great find". Why? Is she really that stupid?

I agree with PZ. It's Charles Manson. You can even see the swastika tatoo on his forehead.