Another Pharyngubrunch

I'm going to be on Atheists Talk radio on Sunday morning to talk about the Galápagos, and as long as I'm in the big city, I was also going to join the godless gang at Q. Cumbers at 11:00am Sunday for a little brunch. If you want to join us, come on down!

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Sunday at 9am on Atheists Talk radio it's…me! And C.L. Hanson, too! Listen, and if you're local, come on down to Q.Cumbers restaurant at 11 for a godless brunch. We shall have fun!
This Sunday, I'm going to be on Atheists Talk radio, and I'm actually going into the Twin Cities to do it live and in person. The gang who do the show like to head out to Q. Cumbers restaurant afterwards—and the invitation is open to everyone. If you'd care to join us for a Pharyngubrunch, meet us…
At 9am Sunday on Atheists Talk radio, it's me! I'll be telling you all about My Summer Vacation, my trip to the Galápagos. Tune in and call in! Afterwards, at 11, we'll be meeting for brunch at Q. Cumbers — stop by if you're in the area and say hello.
Sunday's episode of Atheists Talk radio may just annoy me — they're going to be talking about a local joint Bible study between atheists and a Methodist church. There are some atheists who like to dig into the Bible, but I'm not one of them — been there, done that, found it to be worthless drivel.…

I've had to stop listening to Atheists Talk because of the advertising. It's so poorly produced and there's so much of it. It's just grating.

The Q. Cumbers ads are at least mildly clever, but the joke about the origin of the buffet is a little old by now.

Does this godless gang have a branch in middle Tennessee?

The food is OK and reasonably priced. I think I will give it another shot!?


The last Q. Cumbers meeting with P.Z. was a blast. It was a fasinating mix of people. I can't wait to jump into that crowd again.

By Tony Popple (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

Bjorn: My problem really isn't with the show. I like the mix of guests that you interview, and I like that you take time to talk to some less prominent people, who aren't well known scholars or bestselling authors.

Unfortunately, the advertising is a real turnoff. I'm in Philadelphia, so I was listening to the podcast. I suppose I'm a bit spoiled, but I podcast a lot of radio, and most of the shows I download edit out the advertising for their podcasts. Having to sit through breaks full of ads for businesses and organizations that are (mostly) geographically unavailable to me isn't appealing.

It's also not a huge variety of advertisers, and each one has a select few ads that they run. Hearing the same ads repeated every week makes sitting through the ad breaks even more unpleasant. And I listen while carrying my law books on a crowded subway, so pulling out my iPod to fast forward through them isn't practical.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that those entities are choosing to support a show aimed directly at nonbelievers. I hope that some of the revenue you get from those sponsors goes to support the podcast, since they're getting into the ears of more people than just your broadcast audience.

In the end, I've only got so much time each day, and I just needed to spend less of it hearing about Atheist Weekly Email and Q. Cumbers and Humanists Of Minnesota. I think you put out a good show, and it's especially great that it's in a broadcast medium, where atheists usually have a hard time getting a voice. I'm glad that my defection won't keep you from doing your show every week. =)

I wish I had more notice! I had a blast talking with everyone (including you, PZ), and would certainly would do it again. I will have to see if I can pull some strings to make it. :)


Maybe one day we'll just do a podcast. With a new radio show, and with fresh advertisers, we wanted to get their word out as much as we can. I have a feeling that more people download the show then listen to it live anyway. We won't be making any changes until the year is over, but we do need suggestions like, I can't listen to your show because your ads never change and they suck. If only we had better advertisers, and a more national focus. If anyone is dying to buy an ad on Atheists Talk, shoot me an email.

Oskar, I agree. You are spoiled.

Trish: It's all a very First World complaint to begin with. If I had anything really vital to worry about, like access to clean drinking water, I'm sure the ads on a talk radio Podcast wouldn't even appear on my radar.

Bjorn: I wish you all the best of luck. I worked as a local talk radio producer back in my misspent youth, so I have some idea of what you're working with. Then again, this was before the era of ubiquitous podcasting, so my expectations may be out of date.