Weekend Diversion: Top 5 Great Christmas Sweaters (Synopsis)

“Devote yourself, but do not lose who you are!” -Marvel vs. Capcom

With Thanksgiving behind us, it's officially the holiday season here in the USA (and in many other places across the world), and so it's time to kick that off with a great holiday song by Calexico,

Gift X-change,

and to check out the fusion of two great holiday traditions: video games and seasonal sweaters!

Image credit: fuZZdandy of eBay, via http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/231129773827?lpid=82. Image credit: fuZZdandy of eBay, via http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/231129773827?lpid=82.

There are plenty of products out there that look good on the surface, but that turn out to be mere screen prints on sweatshirts. Where's the craftsmanship? Where's the painstaking knitting? And that's why I've assembled what look to be the top five genuine articles, and why I want to enlist your help in finding me a place to purchase the #1 entrant on my list!

Image credit: © 2014 Yellowbulldog, via http://www.yellowbulldog.co.uk/products/street-fighter-xmas-jumper. Image credit: © 2014 Yellowbulldog, via http://www.yellowbulldog.co.uk/products/street-fighter-xmas-jumper.

Enjoy this find this holiday season, and have a great weekend!

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ahhh....Space Invaders and Double Dragon :D... I miss the 80'S

By Sinisa Lazarek (not verified) on 30 Nov 2014 #permalink

Wonderful article: it makes me fully appreciate how fortunate I am to live in a tiny country that still values independent thinking.

^^ You obviously don't miss it that much cos it's Street Fighter II, very much from the 90's!