Colorado wins

Last time I was here in Denver, I cruelly taunted the people who came to the pharyngufest with the fact that they all bailed before 10. Honor was at stake this time, so they kept me going way past my bedtime. I concede: Coloradans are doughty and indomitable.

We had a grand time, but I have to apologize for one problem: Wynkoop's was stricter than last time, and our underage but still wise members, such as Splendid Elles, were excluded. No fair! Next time we'll have to pick a more open venue.

Oh…and the party who were sitting with Derek? You neglected to pay your bill and stuck him with it!


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Atheistic Darwinian immorality in action! That's why you embrace Darwinism, of course - so that you can justify your skipping out on the check. It's Survival of the Fittest!

Sorry, but I had to beat the fundies to it.

You know who else used to skip out on the check? Hitler.

By Ben Stein (not verified) on 12 Sep 2008 #permalink

Yeah, this was fun!!

And even though I kicked some butt in 8-ball, I got mine kicked royally at the end after nearly everybody else left. ((** grumble bah humbug Damned bastard had some sweet play! grrrrrr humbug bah And mine had fallen apart. double grrrrrrrrrrrrrr**))

... but I have to apologize for one problem: Wynkoop's was stricter than last time, and our underage but still wise members, such as Splendid Elles, were excluded. No fair!

Actually, those should be my apologies to Splendid Elles. I'm sorry this happened, SE! First off, I didn't know Wynkoop was so strict upstairs, and second, it's something I didn't even think of as being something of a concern. (Hey, back in my day, if you were in college, you were 99% likely to be old enough to drink. Beer at least. Can I use senility as an excuse?)

Oh...and the party who were sitting with Derek? You neglected to pay your bill and stuck him with it!

That should be a reminder to all Pharyngulites to be good Pharyngulafest Phiesta-goers...

Anyway, it was fun PZed! w00t Thanks to MSCD Atheists for bringing you to town!!!!

By minusRusty (not verified) on 12 Sep 2008 #permalink

Oh, and one other suggestion for future Pharyngulafests... if someone can, maybe pick a little bit better place for conversation instead of a loudish bar... :-\

By minusRusty (not verified) on 12 Sep 2008 #permalink

Support the Amethyst Initiative. If you support the drinking age, you can go to hell (Under-21s dont follow it anyways). If you don't believe there is a God to punish you after you die, that is another reason to be libertarian in this arena and not try to control behavior like a theocratic asshole.

Hi, PZ! We had a great time at your talk and that night, and hanging out with Derek, who paid our bill! Ha-ha! We did not intend to do that. We enjoyed his company best of all, and will of course pay him back ASAP! We're up overnight worrying about it and emailing him, so don't worry, he will he paid! Thanx, ~Jeanette

'Ben Stein' #4 "You know who else used to skip out on the check? Hitler."

Thanks, I just shot wine out of my nose. XD

Al #8 "While you were out having fun, I was learning about another attempt to subvert science teaching in the UK"

Yeah, it's not as bad as some news-sources are making out, though. We've been talking about it at

Marym #10 "Glad you had a good time and sorry you couldn't last the distance, but maybe you could hurry back to your throne before the African witch doctor fundies start to cause real trouble"

If God wanted to do some good, he should strike down some of the obscenely overpaid Premiership players. Especially the ones that are simply glorified thugs. :-(

When I visit the US I'm always seriously taken aback when I'm asked for ID in bars. I'm 40 and look kind of lived-in.

16 yr olds can buy beer here in the Netherlands, 18 for stronger drinks.

By Overstroming (not verified) on 13 Sep 2008 #permalink

It was a good time, even if it was difficult to hear most of the conversation. Rev. BDC, KoT, we had some Makers in your name. minusRusty, 9-ball was a blast - thanks for the games.

But, as usual, this thing was a Johnsonville sausage fest.

That's true, ladies! Sausage fest! More than I can take on by myself, so next time, be there!

But the place WAS too loud. And it was so crowded and the waiter so scarce that we forgot she existed. (Which is how we ended up skipping out on the check for the first time in our lives.) Good thing Derek's in our group, so we all know how to find each other to fix it.

And also due to the service problem, we didn't even buy PZ a drink this time (so we owe you doubly next time you're in town, PZ!). Add to that the "Splendid Ellis can't get in" incident, and we definitely need another venue next time.

But it was a great time. So thank you, PZ. And thank you, Derek! ;-)

Sorry I missed it... Last time was a blast. I hope someone was able to drink an IPA or two on my behalf.

#12: I'm a waitress at a fancy-schmancy restaurant that regularly holds wine tasting events. We are told to ID anyone who looks under the age of forty. At first I thought it was a ridiculous policy until I learned something: women will double your tip if you ask them for ID on their 40+ birthday. Seriously. It's the fastest way to earn money.

By Aphrodine (not verified) on 13 Sep 2008 #permalink

Oh shit. I had so much fun I forgot to pay the bill. Actually I paid for my beers at the bar but there was one that I ordered from the waitstaff. Sorry, and Thanks Derek.

If I can get Derek's contact info. I'll send him some $.

By Mike Smith (not verified) on 13 Sep 2008 #permalink

A couple of months ago I was at Fenway Park for a ballgame. I got asked for ID when I bought a beer. At Fenway they ask everybody, which is how a 60 year old, balding man with a white moustache gets carded.

I woke up last night and realized "Oh my god, I forgot to pay my bill!" Then I remembered I don't believe in god so I don't have any morals and just rolled over and went back to sleep.

But seriously, we'll get Derek paid back today.

So you skipped out on your check too, Mike? How many checks did Derek end up paying? Anyway, you can get in touch with him through Meetup. Here's the url for his member page:

You know you've had a good night when you have to piece together the details based on 3rd-party accounts.

I'm just glad I don't have a conscience so I don't have to feel bad about it.

But I'll get the money to Derek just for grins.

Thanks Greg.

By Mike Smith (not verified) on 13 Sep 2008 #permalink

wingerx @ 15: Sorry I missed it... Last time was a blast. I hope someone was able to drink an IPA or two on my behalf.

I tried wingerx. Sorry, though, I had to send it back. I'm not a fan of bitter beers, and I didn't know IPAs were bitter (otherwise I'd have ordered a taster and downed it). Seeing as I'm limiting myself to two beers a night at these kinds of events, I couldn't justify drinking a full glass of acid...

By minusRusty (not verified) on 13 Sep 2008 #permalink

Colorado redeems itself! Win!

I say we ride the momentum of "win" and up the ante next time. We owe it to PZ to send him to his next lecture with a tattoo, a black eye from whoopin' some ass in a bar fight, a briefcase full of mystery panties, and a hangover that will leave the events of the evening in question.

... Oh, and we can have a lottery to see who's bill I will pick up next time. ;)

You're the sweetest thing I can think of! And I'll donate some panties to the cause!

oh err.. Derek paid at least $450 out for checks....

(Derek if you get paid all that I want 10%!)

We owe it to PZ to send him to his next lecture with ... a black eye from whoopin' some ass in a bar fight,

Denver Atheists Rulz!!!1!1!!11


By minusRusty (not verified) on 13 Sep 2008 #permalink

Your GRANNY, Rusty.


(Denver Atheists & Freethinkers, AKA the fresh new group, "Not your granny's atheist group.")

When I was in first year college I forgot about American drinking age until after I was in the bar teaching the 3rd years, two waitresses and the bar tender how to pour a poor man's black velvet.

Nobody ever carded me anywhere till I was in my late twenties and they are still doing it all over the place and I haven't changed much at all I don't think, it's weird.

"Orthopedic shoes"?!?

When did she get those?? I'm glad she finally took my advice, tho'. Those high heels were looking pretty ratty...

By minusRusty (not verified) on 15 Sep 2008 #permalink

Derek said:

We owe it to PZ to send him to his next lecture with a tattoo, a black eye from whoopin' some ass in a bar fight, a briefcase full of mystery panties, and a hangover that will leave the events of the evening in question.

Well, I tried to get you guys to come to the roller derby bout...

By Squiddhartha (not verified) on 15 Sep 2008 #permalink

Yeah, good thing about that.

And while that first granny reference did fall flat, I still think I'm funnier, by and large.

I can't get in a bar fight over it, though, because I'm too cute to mess up my face. Not a problem for you; anything that happened to your face could only be an improvement.



Oh, oops.

I was responding to Rusty in my post above.

See what me meant, Rusty? Things can be taken all wrong and next thing we're all laughing in the emergency room.

Oh, oops.

I was responding to Rusty in my post above. Everyone else seemed to be done with these comments.

See what me meant, Rusty? Things can be taken all wrong and next thing we're all laughing in the emergency room.


Still funny.

Re: D.A.F.T. "Still funny," by SC

And a bit apropos, I'm afraid. Damned technology. Sorry about the redundant post, everybody.

That's another reason I can't get in bar fights; I can't afford any brain damage from a head injury.

Yea, I thoroughly enjoyed PZ's lecture at Metro Denver and his important response to my question about the flawed stereotype of Atheists being only super rational Spock types who can't engage in normal human emotion, and empathy. Some even think it is OK to lean toward a Machiavellian life style.

Also, I really got into our discussion on creative thinking, music, and the right to be obnoxious, laugh, and get angry from time to time, irreverent when you feel like it and yes compassionate too. Oh, and discussing dreams, lucid and otherwise as part of being human. I still recall Sam Harris being asked on a radio interview if he had ever been in Love. Yea, that's how bad the stereo type can get.

I've known a few religious sociopaths in my time, and unfortunately a few Atheists who fall into that category too, because they bought into a stereo type that is generally projected onto them.

All in all, PZ, thanks for all you do and for being gracious enough to listen to my babbling and give me a lot to think about. It's nice to know that I am not the only Atheist who thinks about stuff outside the usual.