Preparing for the jubilee…or tribulation

Today is the day we all dread, the day of the vice-presidential debates. We know Sarah Palin is incompetent and not fit for office, but the question is…will she manage to pull off the spunky/cute routine and win over the superficial morons of the country despite her Bush-like anti-intellectualism and lack of curiosity, even if she does execute a few major flubs? Will Biden throw away a victory by looking pretentious? We shall find out this evening.

Until then, warm up with these amusing links to the ongoing Chronicles of Palin.


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Get ready for more fallout over Sarah Palin, who seems to be even crazier than I thought. There was an attempt to rehabilitate her from the accusations of pushing creationism recently, but the counterclaims got the facts all wrong. They claim that she only said that schools ought to "debate both…
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As I sort of expected, Sarah Palin and Joe Biden both did kinda OK tonight. Biden had some good moments but was a bit too stodgy and senatorial. Palin was overly scripted, managed to avoid making too much of a word salad, and seemed to be trying too hard to be folksy. I don't feel like too many…
This is another in our Daily Dose of Sarah Palin, because even if John McCain didn't think it was that important to learn a lot about the person who might be the next President should some medical event befall the 72 year old cancer survivor who would occupy the position should he be elected, most…

There is nothing to worry about. Obama is expected to win in Florida and Ohio, two states that McCain can't afford to lose.

//but the question is...will she manage to pull off the spunky/cute routine and win over the superficial morons of the country despite her Bush-like anti-intellectualism//

I listened to a debate she had for the race for governor of Alaska today,and she did exactly that,and did really well,and yes,the superficial morons will love her,and dont mind her anti-intellectualism at all,its a Plus ! She will do great in that debate,and the guy who actually has a clue and some intelligence will look like he's the moron.
Its sad.

I must complain about the mock-up of Palin on a tyrannosaurus. It's historically inaccurate: Tyrannosaurus was dark green all over! I know, because I had a plastic model one as a kid.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

There is nothing to worry about. Obama is expected to win in Florida and Ohio, two states that McCain can't afford to lose.

Is 4% within the margin of error?

I listened to a debate she had for the race for governor of Alaska today,and she did exactly that,and did really well,and yes,the superficial morons will love her,and dont mind her anti-intellectualism at all,its a Plus

Ok, that settles it, let's just put an end to this farce of an election and crown her "Queen Sarah", her reign will be long and one day she will tell the happy morons to eat cake when they run out of money...or sumthin like that.

By Fernando Magyar (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

I am very much surprised that nobody seems to have picked-up on McCain's gaffe, where early in the debate with Obama, he twice referred to the 'physical' (fiscal) crisis. I have heard, seen and read a good-many critiques of the debate, and have not encountered a single mention of that blunder.

Fernando Magyar @#8:

If you've ever read "The Education of Tigress McCardle" by C. M Kornbluth, you'll see something familiar to what you suggested: The unanimous election of "King Purvis the First" by the American electorate, followed thirty years later by the total colonisation of the (now-defunct) United States by Chinese immigrants.

The difference is that "The Education of Tigress McCardle" was _meant_ to be a parody.

Sarah Palin is one of the funniest people I've seen in a long time. Her interviews resemble nothing so much as a brilliant Gervais-like comedy; the sheer awkwardness and ineptitude are both cringe inducing and hysterically funny at the same time.

It's actually really amusing until you begin to wrestle with the concept that this person could actually win the White House.

By spgreenlaw (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Oh Christ. I did it again. Just ignore one of the actually's in my last sentence of my last post. For someone who writes so damn much, one would think I'd be able to put a respectable sentence together. Damn my multi-tasking speed-commenting tendencies. I need help.

By spgreenlaw (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

The press and the McCain camp have lowered the expectations of Cariboo Barbie that it will be considered a win if she manages to put together a sentence or two, and doesn't drool on herself.

By Blaidd Drwg (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Another amusing roadside attraction as we race to the abyss.

//The press and the McCain camp have lowered the expectations of Cariboo Barbie//

Not bad,but I prefer Bible Spice,it goes so well with Old Spice McCain.

And I dont think the McCain camp have lowered the expectations,the mainstream media has,by not going after her stupidity and insanity and resigning themselves to ironic comments and some symbolic eye rolling.

Suggestions for the debate...

Gwen Ifill: Mrs. Palin... you have been soundly and roundly criticized for lack of foreign policy experience. Do you think that criticism is unfair? Do you think that your lack of foreign policy experience is offset by your ability to speak-in-tongues? You have 5-minutes to respond, and Senator Biden has 5-minutes to rebut.

Gwen Ifill: Mrs. Palin... in your first interview with Katie Couric, her face was a marvel to behold as you began to dissemble, blather, babble and bloviate, following her question about the financial crisis. For the more perceptive among us, it was almost as if we could read her mind, as we watched the subtle transformation of Couric's expression, and saw her eyes glaze over as the stunning realization gradually washed over her: "Oh, my god... she's a fuckin' moron."

So... Mrs. Palin... are you alert to such cues? Can you actually sense when you have totally blown it, and revealed your ignorance for all to see... and try to compensate?... or are you confident that at least 90% of Americans are just as stupid and ignorant as you are, and so it's OK to just keep babbling, with no real harm done? You have 5-minutes to respond, and Senator Biden has 5-minutes to rebut.

mh,No 18 :

I wish all those multicultural tolerant Islam-embracing people would watch more of Pat Condell.The guy is soooo good.
If there was Sharia law in the US,I guess more people would pay attention.
*runs from the flamings*

About the Alaskan debate:

Palin: The great debater?

"There were many times the third candidate and I would walk off stage and shake our heads," Mr Halcro said. "It wasn't policy, it was populism."


Biden's best tactic is to stay calm, rational and to resist the temptation to try and make her look dumb. If he gives her time she should do that just fine all by herself if past performances are anything to go by.

The other thing this sideshow should emphasize is that debates are performance art. They have little do to with who might have the better case by any objective measure - assuming there is such a thing - they are all about who sounds and looks the most persuasive to an unsophisticated audience. Most of that audience will judge the outcome by the tried-and true test of 'who would you prefer to have a beer with?' which has served so well in the past.

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Well, I'm a Mom, and she's a Mom, and we have this -- you know, like this special instinct, and you really have to, you have to trust yourself and have confidence in yourself and not blink or anything, because you know your kids and what's right for them and the country and ... it's all about that trust, and being a Mom and all, I think she knows what's she's doing and it will all be okay.

Look, it just comes down to love, okay? Just believe. Believe. Believe in God, and believe in yourself, and believe in America and the American people. That's all. Everybody needs faith. You have faith the sun will come up tomorrow. And it won't make you blink.

Or something like that.

(I may apply to be speechwriter.)

Condell's good all right, as a demagogue - he could be Britain's Jean Marie Le Pen if he wanted. I'm certainly not supporting YouTube banning him, but I've seen quite enough of him to recognise him as a racist shit.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Actually, Geert Wilders is a better comparison: racist-populist rather than outright fascist.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Nick G,

//Condell's good all right, as a demagogue - he could be Britain's Jean Marie Le Pen if he wanted//

I knew you would say that...:-)

I think he has a point,as you know,and Im in Australia where we dont even have Sharia courts.Im just surprised you British dont object to this shit more loudly.

The reciever won't be a bulge on her back, it'll be hidden in her hair do.

Darn, Ferin beat me to it. I was going to suggest that the huge hair bun was a better place than her back for a receiver.

A politician needs to be very bright, but in the TV age it's a great advantage seem like "one of us" to the electorate. Clinton's the obvious US example of course. None of Obama, Biden, McCain and Palin has this combination - Obama and Biden bright but not folksy, Palin folksy but stupid, McCain - how the hell did they end up with McCain? The last UK PM who had it was Harold Wilson, who gained a brilliant first from Oxford in statistics, and was a brandy-and-cigars man in private, but presented himself in public as the plain-speaking Yorkshireman with a pipe and a pint of bitter. The act wore pretty thin by the time he retired, but no-one's come close since. Blair was folksy but not really very bright; Thatcher was clever, but her appeal, for those to whom she did appeal, was quite different: the strict teacher, nanny or private-school matron who was bossing you around for your own good!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

The reason we don't object more strongly is because it doesn't make the slightest practical difference to anyone who's not a Muslim. The sharia courts have exactly the same status as the Jewish courts that have existed for decades at least: if the parties to a civil dispute agree to be bound by their decision, it will be backed by the civil courts; otherwise, not. I'm against it - in both cases - because people can be put under social pressure to agree, but there are hundreds of acts of the current government I object to more strongly. I know perfectly well my saying this won't make the slightest difference to you: by tomorrow you will once again be convinced that I'm living under sharia law and could be beheaded if I insult Muhammed.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink


In that the wise learn fear well, or that dwarves are greedy assholes? I'm leaning towards the latter myself.

By spgreenlaw (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

I'm absolutely sure he is, having watched some of his videos. He might as well preface them with "I'm not a racist, but..."

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Nick Gotts @36

Any examples?

By foolfodder (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

//I know perfectly well my saying this won't make the slightest difference to you: by tomorrow you will once again be convinced that I'm living under sharia law and could be beheaded if I insult Muhammed.//

Ah,mate,dont be silly,I do not believe that you are governed by Sharia law obviously,its not an issue for you,but possibly for the female Muslim grocer you buy your veggies from,or the librarian you get your books from.....Those women might get into trouble in your country,if they have a British boyfriend,or wear "offending"clothes,or question their father's authority.
Thats what makes me angry.

Re: Palin's newspapers

While I'm sure it isn't her excuse, I'd have to admit that I can't really answer that one myself.

I don't read any one particular paper. I get my news through RSS feeds and news aggregators. So I may read one article from the NYTimes, the next from the Chicago Tribune, another from the BBC, etc. I don't read any ONE paper - just get sources from all over. Unfortunately, this sounds a lot like her "all of them" response.

Harold Wilson's degree was in PPE (politics, philosophy and economics); he was a professional economic statistician before entering politics.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Like I said, it makes no practical difference to non-Muslims. If I'm asked to support a campaign against it headed by women from a Muslim background, I'll gladly do it. Not one headed by Condell or his kind though. I have financially supported Southall Black Sisters, who campaign against Muslim oppression of women, among other issues, from the viewpoint of people who have suffered from it. Anyone who wants to help can find out how to do so at They are not campaigning against sharia courts, so I assume it's not a priority for them.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Nick Gotts

Here's some people who seem to be against sharia, from a muslim background: , this is a press release from them, following the AoC's comments about sharia:…

Personally, I don't think that independent arbitration rules should be scrapped. But I think that it would be good to change the law so that independent arbitration cannot discriminate based on things like gender or race. (Which probably gets messy in the details with things like child custody)

By foolfodder (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

i'm actually hoping that she wears some kind of receiver; with that kind of added distraction, the comedic possibilities go up exponentially.

Thanks foolfodder, I'll take a look later. Must go for now.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

lmr @ #39i don't read any one particular paper. i get my news through rss feeds and news aggregators. so i may read one article from the nytimes, the next from the chicago tribune, another from the bbc, etc. i don't read any one paper - just get sources from all over. unfortunately, this sounds a lot like her "all of them" response.

i'm sorry, but that sounds nothing remotely like her answer, which didn't mention rss nor aggregators nor nyt nor chi trib nor bbc nor etc ... which was kinda the point of the question. and i notice you didn't say "all of them".

to quote jack cafferty: "don't make excuses for her! that's pathetic!"

Palin needs the word "new-clear" spelled out phonetically.

I've wondered about that for many years. To be fair to her (yes, I know: "Why?"), apart from Sarah Palin and George Bush, others who say "new-kya-lar" include Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale. It's not a partisan thing, nor a moron thing.

I'd like to hear from a speech therapist about why that word is so hard for some people. Because you can bet that if it weren't hard to fix, at least some of these people would have fixed it.

It actually bothers me more that she says "eye-ran" and "eye-raq". But I guess the problem is that you can't see those places from Alaska.

You'know I was all about watching the debate, until I heard that Biden was going to play the nice guy. WTF! Obama campaigns reasoning is that if he doesn't it will make him look like a bully. Because Sarah Palin doesn't KNOW anything getting her told so makes him a bully! I am no longer really looking forward to the debate.

Wow Youtube is seriously pissing me off lately.

Unfortunately, this sounds a lot like her "all of them" response.

Um no not even close.

COURIC: And when it comes to establishing, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this to stay informed and understand the world?
PALIN: I've read most of them, again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media.
COURIC: Like what ones specifically?
PALIN: Umm... all of them. Any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.
COURIC: Can you name any of them?
PALIN: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news... Alaska isn't a foreign country where it's kind of suggested it seems like, wow how could you keep in touch with what the rest of Washington, DC may be thinking and doing, when you live up there in Alaska. Believe me, Alaska is like a microcosm of America.

That is the fumbling of someone who was caught by a question that her handlers had not prepared her for. She can't answer because she doesn't know and she hasn't been filled in on what she "should say".

If you read that link above this makes it even worse.

Palin has a degree in ... wait for it...


She couldn't even come up with the name of one safe paper.

Like the Wall street journal for instance. Or NYT or WA-PO .


@46 & @49

You're correct.

I guess I was thinking that "taken out of context" my response could be interpreted the same (ie. I read none).

With her reply, there really is no "out of context" as she has ample time to clarify her response, yet doesn't. It does show how inane her response really is. Just as I was able to point to a couple sources that my RSS fed news comes from, she could have thrown out a couple names, but instead had none.

Dems are gonna blow it if Biden plays nice. Haven't they learned not to play nice from the last two elections. Seriously, if I here Biden saying, "Governor Palin is right...," I'll cry myself to sleep.

It does show how inane her response really is. Just as I was able to point to a couple sources that my RSS fed news comes from, she could have thrown out a couple names, but instead had none.


Now don't get me wrong, I know that politicians get snippets of news put together by their staff and may not actually have a full paper in their hands unless they request it or get it themselves. But that is no excuse for not knowing at least some let alone ONE of the sources.

Poor Mrs. Palin, if only she had a big "D" after her name the MSN would treat her as if she were a fucking genius.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

I've tried looking for the magazines "All of 'Em" and "Any of 'Em" on the newsstands without success. Are they printed just over the border in Russia? I can't see Russian newsstands from here.

Stop worrying about the election (till the first "irregularities" are reported, that is). Look here. Obama holds Iowa and New Mexico by a large margin, Colorado by a similarly large one, Nevada, Virginia, Ohio and Florida by a small one, and North Carolina is tied!!!

I've wondered about that for many years. To be fair to her (yes, I know: "Why?"), apart from Sarah Palin and George Bush, others who say "new-kya-lar" include Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale. It's not a partisan thing, nor a moron thing.
I'd like to hear from a speech therapist about why that word is so hard for some people.

I'm not one, but some linguists have speculated that what's going on here is a reinterpretation of this word as "newkiller". That's what you get in English, where it isn't reasonable to assume that you can derive the pronunciation from the spelling...

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink


how long does it take you to type your nick these days mate,with all the little bits and pieces??

//Seriously, if I here Biden saying, "Governor Palin is right...," I'll cry myself to sleep.//

Biden cant win.If he plays nice,she will kill him with the spunky/cute routine,if he plays hardball,she will win by playing the anti-establishment hockey mom.

"Do you think they're frantically fitting Palin with an itty-bitty microphone right now?"
I know where I'd like to see them put that mic.

And BHO is qualified? Are we to expect BHO to carry around a portable telepromter

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Poor Mrs. Palin, if only she had a big "D" after her name the MSN would treat her as if she were a fucking genius.

You don't believe that yourself.

For example, how is it even physically possible to portray such a moron as "a fucking genius" when she babbles word salad in response to simple questions?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

My favorite interpretation of Palin is by Matt Damon, who said she was like a "really bad Disney movie - hockey mom becomes President!"

video at Greta Christina.

how long does it take you to type your nick these days mate,with all the little bits and pieces??

Come on. You don't really expect him to have switched off auto-fill-in in his browser, do you.

And BHO is qualified?

Why not?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Wonder how many Democrats running for election this year that buy into this ID crap will get a pass from you guys?
Nobody is called a "wingnut" as long as its politcally important.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Wonder how many Democrats running for election this year that buy into this ID crap will get a pass from you guys?

None of the IDiots get a pass from us. Luckily, I don't think any of those are running for a major office. Except -- oh, wait . . ..

//And BHO is qualified?//

It gets tiring after a while Eric,are you going to come up with any arguments ever?

Well see here Carlie, what you and Matt Damon don't understand in your effete liberal elitism, is that really bad disney movies are what republicans like!

So it's just bonus points for this particular student trying to BS her way out of an exam. Oops I meant vice-presidential debate.

It gets tiring after a while Eric,are you going to come up with any arguments ever?

Truly thinking about something for cogent arguments requires work. Much easier to parrot the RNC press releases or ask inane questions.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

And Eric it's more than her stance on ID / Creationism. She is wholly unprepared. Her speeches and appearances (when the republicans let her out in public) are pure populism and pop and lack any substance.

She's riding her bubbly demeanor and apple pie'isms.

She's riding her bubbly demeanor and apple pie'isms.


"Remember the mysterious bulge on Bush's back during his debates? Do you think they're frantically fitting Palin with an itty-bitty microphone right now?"

It may be worse than that! Remember The Puppet Masters
by Robert A. Heinlein?

Bush needed a itty-bitty microphone and so will Palin. What about BHO's need for a machine to read his speach to him?

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Rev. BDC,KoT,OM:
Are you awarding any PoT titles? I haven't seen any QoT designations either. (perhaps the women are more diligent to spellcheck and proof punctuation than we)

I nominate Sarah Palin fora QoCA* or perhaps an ERC**.

*(Queen of Circular Arguments)
**(Empty Rhetoric Conservative {there are also ECL's as well})

Eric. Really you're lack of substance in your ...cough... arugment is hilarious.

Debates, interviews and speeches are not the same thing.

Now where is that list of ID supporting Democrats that are up for re-election. I don't doubt there are some. You seem to know who they are.

Give them to me.

Or were you just throwing out something you thought would support your weak as style of argumentation?

It would be an itty bitty receiver. And yes, I'm sure it would be prudent for a non-partisan group to sweep her for bugs before she goes on stage. Or better yet, after she comes off stage.

Eric, Obama writes a majority of his speeches and is a good extemporaneous speaker. Much, much better than his opponent.

Why do you persist in being a troll?

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Rev. You are right, I don't know names but given that about 60% of Republicans are creationist and about 37% Democrats are also creationist them must be some.

Red. Why do you persist in defining anyone who disagrees with you as being a troll?

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Hey, Mac OS 6 was great. I *think* you could still carry around the OS on a floppy disc at that point. *sigh* Good times.

The receiver won't be a bulge on her back, it'll be hidden in her hair do.

Won't the bees mess it up?

McCain: Test. Test. 1, 2, 3. How's that, Sarah?
Palin: All I hear is a loud buzzing.

By Quiet Desperation (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

If anything, bringing sharia courts under the wing of the mainstream courts is a step forward, not backwards. Previously, the decisions made by the courts could not be checked or denied by any higher court, since they were not legal. But still a woman could have been pressured into going to those courts. At least now, the decisions are under some sort of supervision.

By Donalbain (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Rev. You are right, I don't know names but given that about 60% of Republicans are creationist and about 37% Democrats are also creationist them must be some.

I don't disagree but saying there must be some and then not showing who they are and that they want to impose creationism in schools is not the same thing.

Secondly throwing that point out as if we wouldn't be critical of them without giving examples totally sinks whatever point you were trying to make.

Again, Palin's creationism is only part of the reason she is a disaster waiting to happen.

Rev. I'm going to try to find time to look into that issue. I doubt anyone else will.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Warped and sort of paranoid speculation:
In the surreal world of spy technology, Palin would have an advantage. How to put this delicately? Think of the "vibrating egg" marital aid. The electronics needed could be fitted into a device not much larger than that and with Palin having carried 4 kids...
I'm not saying it would be particularly comfortable, but not nearly as uncomfortable as a device designed to be concealed, um... rectally. No one is going to let a rectangular bulge slide after George's obvious coverup.
Most conservatives would be horrified to even consider that someone would even dream up the idea of concealing a receiver like a tampon, but the stakes are so cut throat now and the ends justifies the means, so it isn't implausible or bizarre as spy think goes. Not so much Bond as le Carre.
All that would be needed is a small thin wire antennae to run a short distance down her thigh and a custom earbud, or even a tiny speaker plate placed behind the ear and tiny wires connecting the receiving unit to the speaker.
Telltale signs:Look for her hair to cover her ears and a high collar up to the hairline at the base of her neck and perhaps Edie Brickell's cross legged posture or Larry Craig's wide stance.;)

Rev. I'm going to try to find time to look into that issue. I doubt anyone else will.

*Nudges Rev. Chimpy* In other words: "I'll try to find ya some and get them to ya." Thanks for playing, Eric.

I can't be the only one looking forward to this epic train wreck, am I?

Sarah "Hindenburg" Palin and Joe "Titanic" Biden can chat about how they showed live dinosaurs on television during the Renaissance.

It's just a shame they dropped the idea for a cage match round.

Quick! Someone devise a drinking game!

By Quiet_Desperation (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

OK, I'll start the drinking game.

Take a drink when:

1. Palin mentions Russia.
2. Biden mentions Scranton.

By Quiet_Desperation (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Eric, you earned the troll epithet by being obnoxious with your stupid questions. We like intelligence. If you show some, we will take it easier on you. Acting like a neocon isn't the way to go about that.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Rev. I'm going to try to find time to look into that issue. I doubt anyone else will.

That's a dodge of my point Eric. You can't just throw out something like that as a support of your point if you your self don't even know the facts.

It exposes the weakness in your argument, whatever it was.

"Remember the mysterious bulge on Bush's back during his debates? Do you think they're frantically fitting Palin with an itty-bitty microphone right now?"

It may be worse than that! Remember The Puppet Masters
by Robert A. Heinlein?

Eery similarities.

wikipedia The Puppet Masters:

In Iowa, they discover that the people are being brought under the mental control of repulsive, slug-like creatures [from Titan] that attach to their backs, just below the neck. Detaching one slug from its host, they seal it in a film canister and bring it back to headquarters in Washington, D.C.

This would explain the Theothuglicans. They have been taken over by parasitic Masters from Titan bent on turning all humans into hosts for them.

This may even be true. Their toxic religious kook meme package is just a software version of The Slugs. Heinlein was right!

"Eric, you earned the troll epithet by being obnoxious with your stupid questions. We like intelligence. If you show some, we will take it easier on you. Acting like a neocon isn't the way to go about that."

If ever there was a case for groupism and a lack of individuality, this nerd exemplifies it.

""Eric, Obama writes a majority of his speeches and is a good extemporaneous speaker. Much, much better than his opponent.

Why do you persist in being a troll?""

The Obama love just oozes from this person's heart and soul...

Obama is a professional politician who feeds the shallow American pulic the same pablum of shallow rhetoric and bows down to the same corporate interests he claims he aims to fight.

It is scary when even the "rationalists" are grouped into a fawning horde of obeisant imbeciles...

The mind boggles.

By Scott from Oregon (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Palin can debate with the best of them ("them" being verbose political blowhards), whether she can actually argue cogently is another matter. Whether most Americans can grasp the difference is anyone's guess. And then there's the Biden foot/mouth factor, so this debate has all the earmarks of a scorched earth debacle that will be displayed live in every geographic area capable of receiving a satellite feed. Who says we no longer lust for blood sports?

Scott from O:


Scott from O:



Let killfile be your friend. A lot us use it for SoO.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Eric Atkinson, do you have anything intelligent to add to this discussion? If you have a differing opinion, that's great; I'm sure most people here would love to debate and discuss with you. But all you're doing is spewing utter nonesess. You're not saying anything. You're acting like a child.


Poor Mrs. Palin, if only she had a big "D" after her name the MSN would treat her as if she were a fucking genius.

Don't worry, there are idiots on the Dem side too. That Palin is demonstrably ignorant and wrongheaded is not dependent on her party affiliation. That you are demonstrably ignorant and wrongheaded is not dependent on you possessing a computer; it just makes it easier to do so.

I think people are going to wait for her to make some big gaffe. And it's not going to happen, because she's going to be very prepared and probably not veer much from what she's been told to say. And so, people are going to go, "Oh, she's not THAT dumb! That Katie Couric interview was just a fluke!" And Biden has his work cut out for him -- he's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. If he's too soft on her, they'll make it seem like he's being sexist. If he's too hard on her, they'll make it seem like he's being sexist. He's going to have to walk a very, very fine line, and we all know Biden isn't necessarily good at that.

I doubt if it will happen, but at this point in the campaign, I would love to see Biden come out as a pit bull without the lipstick.

Screw the programmed debate format, He should use his time pulling a Gish gallop asking her question after question without wsting time answering the moderator's bullshit questions and really hammer Palin.

"Gov Palin - Not only I, but the country at large has deep doubts that you are in any way qualified to be Vice President"

"Gov Palin- your sparce interviews portray a lack of both rational and practical knowlege. How can you answer that you don't know where you get your information from, unless it really is only from World Net Daily, and your campaign handlers?

Gov Palin- You have been characterized as being spiteful and vengeful against your political opponents, and largely filled your political posts with friends and cronies from your church and your school. How can America assume that you will not continue these practices if elected?

Gov Palin- In the time you since you have been nominated, you haven't enunciated a single practical plan to restore america other than criminalizing abortion. Why don't you spend the next 10 minutes giving us something concrete as to your plans, without rhetoric, and worthless generalizations?

Gov Palin- How can America put it's faith in you when you believe in bullshit like a 6,000 year old earth?

Gov Palin- How can you be Vice President when you have secluded yourself from both the press and the public?

Gov Palin - How can you consider yourself Vice Presidential material when you area stupid batshit crazy religious loon eagerly counting the days till rapture?

Somebody needs to strip away the cuteness and reveal the crap!@

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Palin's runing OS6? She has a better brain than I thought.

But I don't think we should rule out Obama's folksy appeal. Younger voters who grew up in the diverse suburbs of the larger cities knew hardwarking kids with life stories just as unusual as Obama's. Plus that Plains clip to his speech he got from his grandparents seems utterly genuine and adds a little down home charm to his speech.

Then, after Palin waffles on answering, Biden should just restate the questions, ignoring the moderator, & retorts from Palin and say

Governor - you still haven't answered these questions that the American public has a right to know.

Ask again, and keep asking, till she eventually either gives the wrong answer, or gives up tryng to waffle.

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Fuck it!

Who am I kidding?

This is American politics, where the goal is not to govern, but merely to get elected by pissing off or confusing the fewest number of chowderheads!

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink


Like I said, it makes no practical difference to non-Muslims. If I'm asked to support a campaign against it headed by women from a Muslim background, I'll gladly do it.

I don't know anything about Condell or the state of shari'a law in the UK, but in general I disagree that you have to be among the victims of social injustice in order to oppose it. I'm not sure that's what you meant to be saying, but you are, at a minimum, at risk for being understood that way. Just as you don't have to be female to be a feminist, I don't think you need to be a Muslim woman to speak out against the (apparent) asymmetry of rights they're burdened with. Broadly speaking, I think each of us has "standing" to speak out against any restrictions placed on the civil rights of our fellow citizens (or subjects, as the case may be) that we wouldn't accept for ourselves.

Eric Atkinson:


Poor Mrs. Palin, if only she had a big "D" after her name the MSN would treat her as if she were a fucking genius. rankest bat guano! If someone with Ms. Palin's resume had a D after her name, you would never have heard of her unless you lived in her town or (small, in population terms) state. I'm active in local politics, and I know plenty of Democratic women with resumes more impressive than Palin's (e.g., state reps and state senators whose total constituent-years of service exceed Palin's, and at least one two-term mayor of a "small" town that is nevertheless several times larger than Wasilla); the difference is that nobody thinks that these women, talented and dedicated as they are, are ready for top national offices.

Of course, the women I have in mind aren't as young and cute as Palin, either... but that seems to matter more to "moral," "conservative" Republicans than it does to Democrats.

Palin has not come in for the criticism she has because of any media bias; she's been criticized because she's manifestly unqualified for the job she seeks.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink


Sarah Palin we accept you, one of us!

By SplendidMonkey (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Senator McCain gave an interview with the editorial staff of the Des Moines Register. He said something that is 100% untrue at 1:25 into the video.

There is no human, and probably no animal, that can maintain that they have always been truthful 100% of the time.

By ThirtyFiveUp (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

An idea for later: Troll Drinking Game. Online. We all down shots and keep commenting, me hearties (perhaps at someplace other than PZ's blog maybe). ;-)

I've wondered about that for many years. To be fair to her (yes, I know: "Why?"), apart from Sarah Palin and George Bush, others who say "new-kya-lar" include Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale. It's not a partisan thing, nor a moron thing.

I'd like to hear from a speech therapist about why that word is so hard for some people. Because you can bet that if it weren't hard to fix, at least some of these people would have fixed it.

As it turns out, it's not that simple. See these two Language Log posts for more details. To summarize, it's sometimes a regional variation and sometimes depends on context, and in the case of Bush and other politicians may even be a deliberate affectation.

There is nothing to worry about. Obama is expected to win in Florida and Ohio, two states that McCain can't afford to lose.

you mean the two states that Bush Stole??????

By the petey (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

What I find funny is the Neocons condemn the media for tryiong to cover Palin - who is running for office.

But had NO problen with Michele Obama being put under a microscope when she isn't even running for office.

The myth the necons and conservatives throw-up of the the "biased liberal media" is a joke. Its the conservative talkign out of their asses. The media in this country is by and large controlled by conservative old white guys, how can there be a liberal mnedia under these conditions? I think the media is allowed to be JUST leberal enough that the conservative can still scream at the boogie man.

But like the boogie man - the liberal media is fiction.

By The Petey (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Prof. Myers: Obviously, parts of SciBlogs page design are handled by the Seed Overlords, but it seems they are not totally resistant to suggestions from the bloggers themselves.

Therefore, a request to make a request:

At the bottom of each page template, could the next-to-last line be amended to read

Comments: (you may use HTML tags for style) DO NOT FEED TROLLS!


By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

I wouldn't last three comments on anyone else's blog.

I wouldn't last three comments on anyone else's blog.

Oh? Is this a case of premature ejaculations from a godless liberal?;p

Let killfile be your friend. A lot us use it for SoO.

Probably should get that myself. With SoO, JCR and Erik here all gone I would see almost no stupid posts at all.

Nibied, there are always new trolls coming in, trying to show us the light. Even with a judicious use of the killfile, there is always new stupid coming in. Do not fear.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

I think I should make use of one of Chimpy's titles except I would be the Queen Of Typos or QOT. I am sorry, Nibien.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

You could be Princess of Typos(PoT) if you don't want the burden of being Queen.
Troll bashing is a sport. Killfiling can rob you of the pleasure of experiencing the exquisiteness of human self-deception and warped cognition. Sometimes it aches to be so frustrated by someone's tortured logic, but there is a lesson in that type of pain... and the fun of pointing out what dipshits they are, whether they ever concede the point or not.

Quiet Desperation
Hey, Mac OS 6 was great. I *think* you could still carry around the OS on a floppy disc at that point. *sigh* Good times.

That's when Ram was measured in k. I remember upgrading my Mac to 800k so I could run Multifinder. This was before color, of course.

"Come on. She is totally not qualified for the position. Period."
"And BHO is qualified?"

Don't change the subject, Eric.

With a judicious use of the killfile, this blog would look just like the DU. Maybe instead of posting and being labeled a troll, I might lurk and read the waves of superior
Certainly no dipshits ,morons,or idiots within the regular gang. Why that would defy reason because rational people are always liberal.
It's what you want, I guess, so have fun.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

the DU?

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

@Eric Atkinson: Liberals have given you:

* the right to decent recompense for your labor
* the right to participate in the governance of this nation, whether you have black skin or white and whether your name is Eric or Erica
* food and water that won't make you sick
* medicines that can make you well
* safe roads
* some kind of provision for your old age, however inadequate
* science and all of its fruits

Now what have you conservatives done that can compare with even one of these things? Even one? Can you name even one single deed that right-wing fuckheads like you have accomplished, that compares to the least of what liberals have done for you?

You can't. You're an average jackbooted right-wing asshole. You have no answer, no response to my query, save the usual right-wing cry of liberal this, liberal that and liberal the other.

What the hell do conservatives conserve, anyway? You dream of some glorious past where men were men and women were barefoot and pregnant. What you conservatives conserve is a time when men named Vanderbilt or Rockefeller lived in opulence and splendor, while men named Atkinson toiled 80 hours a week to eat cabbage soup and watch their wives and children starve.

Answer me this, at least. Tell me why I'm wrong, and present your evidence. Or begone, foul troll.

I don't have anyone on kill file. I don't even have it installed.

The problem Eric is you come in making grand statements and assertions and have yet to back those up.

Those are "trollish" behaviors. Whether you are a troll or not is up for debate and is irrelevant if you can actually back up the things you say.

I'll never be a Cuttlefish, but I threw this together on the "four" last night after drinking a copious amount of beer:

When Putin rears his head,
While you're still in your bed
Thinking things are fine,
Who's on the front line?

Our girl Sarah, Sarah Palin
Never fearing, never failin'.

When wolves prowl in the night,
You can sleep sans fright.
She brings them the fight,
Shooting them from flight.

Fearless Sarah, mighty Palin
Never questioning, never qualin'.

In her chic librarian glasses,
Saving kids from godless classes,
Dumbing down the herdlike masses,
Her fool statements getting passes.

Godly Sarah, mother Palin,
With her faith, o'er us prevailin'.

Emigration is the answer,
No way librul me will chance her.
If we get a Preznit Palin,
To Australia, I'll be sailin'.

Some ideas on the Palin drinking game:

Every time she mentions Russia, down a shot of Vodka.
Every time she mentions Alaska, down a shot of Yukon Jack (she can see Canada!)
Every time she says "mom", drink some breast milk and cluck your tongue.
Every time she says "worldview", drink whatever is handy, and scream.
Every time she says "blessed", drink some sacramental wine and curl up into a ball.

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

@Eric Atkinson: Liberals have given you:

* the right to decent recompense for your labor
"""* the right to participate in the governance of this nation, whether you have black skin or white and whether your name is Eric or Erica
* food and water that won't make you sick
* medicines that can make you well
* safe roads
* some kind of provision for your old age, however inadequate
* science and all of its fruits"""

Don't worry Eric, you are not dealing with the greatest minds of the internet here, just a small group who think there is safety (and intelligence?) in small numbers.

Just look above at this amusing piece of declaration, and be amused that this little cabal declares itself arbiter of what is considered an intelligent viewpoint.

I only post here to pick up the bright and rational rationalists who peruse through, hoping to saddle them with some old thoughts that are pertinent to the new America.

Anytime you get a small group of people who start making proclamations like the above quoted material, or worse, state their opinions with the pronoun "we", you get a diminished over all IQ.

Woe be the new America...

By Scott from Oregon (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Anyone know if and where I can watch the debate online? Doesn't seem like swedish television is gonna broadcast it. Woe is me.

I know that the Right has low expectations for Palin tonight. I have equally low expectations for Biden. I already know he's 100x more informed, so all I'm hoping now is that he doesn't actively smirk or roll his eyes and sigh while she ducks and weaves around the questions.

I don't have anyone on kill file. I don't even have it installed.

Oh, you really must try it. Such deep personal satisfaction can be found in killfiling the right recipient. In moderation, as with all things, of course.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink


Comments: (you may use HTML tags for style) DO NOT FEED TROLLS!

The thing is (and aside from the fact that everybody's definition of "troll" is slightly different), even trolls sometimes say things that demand refutation... not so much for the purpose of changing the troll's mind, but because even the most transparent of stupidities can become commonly accepted if we allow it to be repeated, ad infinitum, without rejoinder (*cough*Al Gore *cough*John Kerry...).

In this case, Eric's assertion that the media is being extra mean to poor Sarah Palin because she's a Republican — and its implied predicate assumption that there's a pervasive liberal bias in the insititutional media — is the sort of thing that must be slapped down each time it's raised... because credulous lurkers will believe that shit if we don't call it what it is. The fact that Eric may be a troll doesn't buy his natterings any immunity from response.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Ray C @ #123

"Can you name even one single deed that right-wing fuckheads like you have accomplished, that compares to the least of what liberals have done for you?"

Ray, they have created a booming industry in the privatization of correctional institutes. I attribute the conservative attitude that a politician is a non-electable pussy if he is "soft on crime", so prison populations have skyrocked, without a complementing drop in crime, and a s ridiculously recidivism rate, which should show any thinking person that our penal system is a failure, but it is financially successful.

Personally, I agree with the author of Freakonomics that abortion has done more to bring down the crime rate than any other factor.

Now, conservatives have also given us the "War on Drugs" which has... oh well, never mind!

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

I'm not certain about the VP debate, but for the Pres debates, the format is probably not what you think.

The candidates are supposed to ask follow-up questions to each other!

The moderator's questions are just supposed to provide a topic and jumping off point for an actual discussion. McCain basically scuttled this in the first debate by refusing to engage or even look at Obama... but the until Lehrer finally gave up about 1/3 of the way in, his prompting was not trying to 'start a fight', it was the agreed upon format.

This could get really interesting with Palin and Biden. I'm guessing Palin plays the same game and refuses to look at Biden... but who knows.


Anyone know if and where I can watch the debate online? Doesn't seem like swedish television is gonna broadcast it. Woe is me.

IIRC, had a live feed of the first presidential debate; dunno if they'll do the same for this one.

BBC America has been advertising that they're going to carry the VP debate "with an international perspective"; dunno if that means the "regular" BBC (i.e., BBC America) is going to cover it as well. I'm struggling to decide whether to watch on BBC America, where I can get the international perspective, or on MSNBC, where I can get the perspective of the indispensible Rachel Maddow (not to mention Keith Olbermann).

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

MSN would treat her as if she were a fucking genius.

I assume by this you mean they would ask her *hard* questions, rather than the simplistic softballs they've been lobbing (and she's still failed to answer). Yeah, you're probably right, they would! The corporate media loves trying to trip Democrats up by not asking questions that can be answered with vacant platitudes.

Don't worry Eric, you are not dealing with the greatest minds of the internet here, just a small group who think there is safety (and intelligence?) in small numbers.

Just look above at this amusing piece of declaration, and be amused that this little cabal declares itself arbiter of what is considered an intelligent viewpoint.

I only post here to pick up the bright and rational rationalists who peruse through, hoping to saddle them with some old thoughts that are pertinent to the new America.

Anytime you get a small group of people who start making proclamations like the above quoted material, or worse, state their opinions with the pronoun "we", you get a diminished over all IQ.

Woe be the new America...

As they say on Fark: WHAARRRGARBL.

Name one single word of mine that is wrong, or so much as unproven. Just one. Even "a" or "the" might do.

If you cannot name so much as one word of mine that might possibly be wrong, not even "a" or "the", then STFU and begone, foul troll.

I'll be waiting for her to look into the air and whisper, "Speak up, I can't hear the answer."

Scott from Oregon:
Why are you here? If you feel so superior, why stay? You and Eric aren't the bright shining beacons to illuminate the error of our collective ways - hell, neither of you are capable of constructing a cogent sentence half the time. If your sole purpose is just to annoy, then you've accomplished that. Otherwise you have offered little in discourse and nothing in wit. Pharyngula is not composed of a single group with a unified view of the world by, any means, but you two seem to be repugnant clones of Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Sherri Shepherd on these threads.
Don't bother to reply, you're killfiled. I've wasted enough time reading your inanities.

By Sui Generis (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Scott from Oregon:
Why are you here?

He's here because the Freepers banned him because of his refusal to drop his Ron Paul fanboy stance.

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

"""Name one single word of mine that is wrong, or so much as unproven. Just one. Even "a" or "the" might do.

If you cannot name so much as one word of mine that might possibly be wrong, not even "a" or "the", then STFU and begone, foul troll."""

Ummm, let's start with this--

"""* Liberals have given you:the right to decent recompense for your labor
* the right to participate in the governance of this nation, whether you have black skin or white and whether your name is Eric or Erica
* food and water that won't make you sick
* medicines that can make you well
* safe roads
* some kind of provision for your old age, however inadequate
* science and all of its fruits"""

Just HOW OLD ARE YOU anyway? Shouldn't there be an age limit to these threads? Or at least an IQ threshold? If this is an example of the "new Atheist", I think I'll stick with the old Atheist.

By Scott from Oregon (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

ThePetey: The media in this country is by and large controlled by conservative old white guys, how can there be a liberal mnedia under these conditions?

A bit over-simplified. The media is neither "liberal" or "conservative" - the media leans toward whoever is currently in power. So, the old polls back in the sixties and the seventies found "the media" to be New Deal folks, which have shifted over the eighties and nineties to Reagan/Gingrich folks as they took power. Even the threat of an Obama victory has made them shift away from Bush and his cronies -- where a couple of years ago they were so in the tank for him they could barely keep a straight face.

The MSM is just a decentralized Pravda. Nothing less, nothing more.

Itty bitty microphone? Sarah Palin needs a reboot button.

ROTFL! I can't wait for the Blue Screen of Death! :-D

There is nothing to worry about. Obama is expected to win in Florida and Ohio, two states that McCain can't afford to lose.

you mean the two states that Bush Stole??????

Obama can afford to lose both Florida and Ohio again. And I don't think he'll lose them. Look. Pay special attention to Iowa, Virginia and North Carolina.

The fact that Eric may be a troll doesn't buy his natterings any immunity from response.

Well said.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

I was a little dumbfounded by Palin's answers to Couric on Roe v. Wade. She was against it (correct position for a conservative), but said she was for the right to privacy. Palin didn't realize that "the right to privacy" is the basis for the Roe decision and strict readers of the Constitution don't like it as it isn't an enumerated right.

Couric tries to help her out by telling her the decision was based on the right to privacy, but Palin doesn't seem to understand. Then, Couric asks her about other decisions she doesn't like and she spends a couple of minutes not answering the question.

*shakes head*

Go to Drudge and you'll see they're freaking over Gwen Ifill. Now, maybe Ifill wasn't the best choice for this debate because she's clearly on Obama's side. Still, it seems to me the Republican's are setting her up to be the fall-girl when Palin crumbles tonight.

By mikespeir (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Then, Couric asks her about other decisions she doesn't like and she spends a couple of minutes not answering the question.

Not only "not answering"; she apparently couldn't name a single SCOTUS decision other than Roe v. Wade! For which Fred Thompson defended her because she's not a lawyer!

Hell, there are at least 4 cases that anyone who passed a high-school American History or Civics class ought to be able to name (even if they couldn't necessarily give details): Marbury v. Madison, Dred Scott, Plessy v. Ferguson, and Brown v. Board of Education. And how could a Republican politician not be able to think of Bush v. Gore? And Fred Thompson spent several years playing a DA on TV; how could he give anyone who has a TV in their house a pass on not knowing Miranda? And Palin has apparently forgotten that she herself complained about the Court's ruling in the Exxon Valdez case! "Not a lawyer," my left buttock!!!

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

mikespeir @ 147
Go to Drudge and you'll see they're freaking over Gwen Ifill. Now, maybe Ifill wasn't the best choice for this debate because she's clearly on Obama's side.

The Repubs can't bitch and moan over this. The whole debate process is controlled by the two parties who wrangle all the details in advance and seal the deal with a legal contract.

The debates were wrested away from the League of Women Voters 2 decades ago. No third party can be blamed.

The whole show is run by the Dems and Pubs, financed with corporate donations. this morning's program, bottom of the hour.


She was asked to name another SCOTUS decision she disagreed with, which is slightly harder.

But, she did write an amicus about the Exxon case, so you'd think she could have remembered it!

"""Name one single word of mine that is wrong, or so much as unproven. Just one. Even "a" or "the" might do.

If you cannot name so much as one word of mine that might possibly be wrong, not even "a" or "the", then STFU and begone, foul troll."""

Ummm, let's start with this--

So, perhaps you've found an "a" or a "the" that merits challenge? Let's see how you've done...

"""* Liberals have given you:the right to decent recompense for your labor

"Scott from Oregon" is an honorable man, and I'm convinced. It's good for Rockefellers and Vanderbilts to live in bigger houses than they could possibly ever need, while guys named Atkinson work 80 hours a week for fifty cents a day. It's the Free Market® after all.

* the right to participate in the governance of this nation, whether you have black skin or white and whether your name is Eric or Erica

"Scott from Oregon" is an honorable man, and I'm convinced. Honky boys know best, the girls need to STFU and get to popping out babies, and well, the nigras...they can STFU too and get their black asses onto the Free Market®.

* food and water that won't make you sick

"Scott from Oregon" is an honorable man, and he speaketh nought but truth. It's perfectly OK to purvey beef that's redolent with E. coli and water that's chock full of cholera. The Free Market® will take care of it all.

* medicines that can make you well

The Free Market® doth offer unto us homeopathy and St. John's Wort and all manner of patent medicines and patent nonsense that will cure thee of all thine ills, or so that honorable man "Scott from Oregon" assureth us.

* safe roads

Toll the roads! Toll the roads! Equip every vehicle with a Lo-Jack® that every mile ye drive might be catalogued, databased, filed, indexed and used against you in a court of law. "Scott from Oregon" hath convinced me, and should convince you as well. For "Scott from Oregon" is an honorable man; so are all conservatives, all honorable men.

* some kind of provision for your old age, however inadequate

Hmmm...will "Scott from Oregon" be such an honorable man as to take away his Grandma's Social Security check? Such would be an honorable deed indeed. She should have been so honorable as to put her minimum wage paycheck into a 401K instead of spending it all on such Free Market® extravagances as food and rent.

* science and all of its fruits"""

Those damn Elitist® scientists -- PZ, I'm talking to you -- they spew such utter nonsense. The Earth revolves around the Sun! Humans are descended from ape-like creatures! What nonsense speak ye, O men of science! Ye should hearken instead to Scott, for Scott is an honorable man.

Just HOW OLD ARE YOU anyway? Shouldn't there be an age limit to these threads? Or at least an IQ threshold? If this is an example of the "new Atheist", I think I'll stick with the old Atheist.

Hast thou offered but one single word of argument against me, O honorable Scott? Nay, thou hast done no such thing. Thou offerest only the prattlings and pretensions of jackbooted Publican scum such as thyself.

If thou canst do no better than this, then STFU and begone, honorable troll.


Like I said, it makes no practical difference to non-Muslims. If I'm asked to support a campaign against it headed by women from a Muslim background, I'll gladly do it.

I don't know anything about Condell or the state of shari'a law in the UK, but in general I disagree that you have to be among the victims of social injustice in order to oppose it. I'm not sure that's what you meant to be saying, but you are, at a minimum, at risk for being understood that way.

- Bill Dauphin

No, my meaning was that I could be reasonably sure such a campaign was not a front for white racists. In general it does make sense for a campaign to redress the wrongs of group X to be led by members of group X, but it's not essential, and certainly those outside group X can be sincere and passionate supporters of it. Conversely, some within group X may "internalise their oppression" as the jargon has it. Thanks for pointing out the ambiguity of my comment.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 03 Oct 2008 #permalink


No, my meaning was that I could be reasonably sure such a campaign was not a front for white racists.

Ahh, now I see what you're getting at. I agree that caution is needed to avoid entangling oneself with "stealth" racism. Still, I think it does make a difference (albeit maybe not a "practical" difference) to everyone in a society when any of their fellows are subjected to systematic discrimination. At least philosophically, everyone is a "stakeholder" in social justice.

Thanks for pointing out the ambiguity of my comment.

We aim's to please! 8^)

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 03 Oct 2008 #permalink


She was asked to name another SCOTUS decision she disagreed with

Given she's a Republican, maybe she disagrees with Marbury v. Madison. Can't have those "activist judges" going around "legislating from the bench," after all! ;^)

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 03 Oct 2008 #permalink

Thanks for the link to, I've sent them a donation. The more specific link you gave is their response to the Archbishop of Canterbury's incredibly unclear statement about sharia, and I'd agree with them, it must not become part of the law of the UK.

Bill Dauphin@155,
Recall that my original comment was a response to clinteas asking why Brits are not more worried about "this shit". My answer that for non-Muslims, it makes no practical difference, was a causal explanation, not a justification. It's generally hard enough to get people to be active about issues that are having or are going to have a direct effect on them!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 03 Oct 2008 #permalink

Okay, let me get this straight, you think the bulge on the back of Pres Bush during a debate was a evil tool of the right call a receiver? Ever heard of tiny listening devices one places in the ears? You call yourself a scientist? That's the problem with every other moron with an opinion, they think they are wise beyond belief, it's like your stupid moniker pharyngula, which you obviously stole the idea from OReilly's IT book business.

But I digress, you claim you never heard of Bob Beckel?

You can be a proud anti-anything you want but you can't escape being fraud and liar which clearly describe you. A little biologist with views, no one cares moron.

Too Funny.