How McCain will win the youth vote

He's already got the zombie vote and the fundiebot vote locked up, now he just needs to capture the teenaged male vote with a little violence in short-attention-span theater.

I'm over fifty. I can't watch that without my head hurting.


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By Saddlebred (not verified) on 11 Oct 2008 #permalink

Funniest thing I've seen for a while.

LOL @ the bit with Bristol Palin.

That should do it.

If this wasn't an entry in the Make McCain Interesting greenscreen challenge, it should have been. It would have won, hands-down.

The cameos with a roaring Leonidas and that photoshopped Palin-in-flag-bikini-with-shotgun image were nice touches. Still working on placing the other cameos (the chainsaw lady looked familiar).

Ooof... Funny concept, but yeah. It can make the head hurt a bit.

The ending was the best, though. For some reason, that just fit perfectly.

I can't help feeling bad for Bristol Palin. The bit about her was probably the funniest of the whole "preview", but still.

Had I a vote it would go, in sympathy of Bristol Palins everywhere, to Obama.

By Burning Umberella (not verified) on 11 Oct 2008 #permalink

Ha, that was awesome. Hilarious!

I accept that video with gratitude, humility, and confidence.

That was funny.

By RoaldFalcon (not verified) on 11 Oct 2008 #permalink

" he just needs to capture the teenaged male vote with a little violence in short-attention-span theater."

Somehow I doubt if Palin was in an ad that included stereotypes for females, you'd make the same type of comment. Stop acting holding males and females to different standards, seriously.

(Example:… )

People should be seen as individuals. Their sex shouldn't matter at all.

A nice touch at the end would have been McCain and Chuck Norris shaking hands at the end as true buddies. On another subject, I wonder how the shotgun wedding of young Miss Palin and her self-proclaimed redneck beau is going now that mama has been wrist-slapped for abusing her office in Alaska.

Keep watching Russia out your kitchen window, Sarah.

Biggest laugh of the day so far! Love it.

By The Chimp's Ra… (not verified) on 11 Oct 2008 #permalink


@Brian D

The robot from "Beware the Believers" is in the scene with the cars driving across the desert.

What film is that taken from?

It has Buddy Jesus. I approve.

oh wow. and I kinda feel bad for Bristol too. that was funny though

Awsome video. Bristol Palin in a sex scene... excellent touch.

How's this: "My friends, the first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club...."

Oh, I get it.

The exploding cars and the truck going over the cliff represent the Republan campaign, right?

PZ, from your post, I don't know if you're aware that this is from Stephen Colbert's Green Screen Challenge (make McCain exciting). It is supposed to be over the top. Basically, Colbert caught some footage of McCain talking boringly in front of a green background and commanded his minions to "make him exciting". There are many of them, search for "make McCain exciting" or "green screen challenge" on youtube.

For instance, this one is THE BEST SUBMISSION BAR NONE so far

Colbert has done it before with himself, he filmed himself in front of a green screen acting like Star Wars Kid (i.e. like an idiot with a broomstick) and told everyone to put a suitable background, to hilarious effects.

So yes, it's a sort of Poe on McCain.

"make McCain exciting"

I took a look at several of the top contenders.

damn, some real talent out there!

I liked them all, but my other than the one PZ posted here, I rather like the McEmporer version.

Vader: "The emporer is not as forgiving as I"

BrianD #5

There's Jon Stewart there too (the bad guy of course), and as the description of the video tells, it was indeed an entry to Colbert's challenge. But it's not the best, the best is the one I linked above. I mean, this one is great editing and all, but the other one, is pure genius.


This shit ain't over.

As Bootsy slapped and George (the GOOD George) intoned, "SHIT...GODDAMN! GET OFF YOUR ASS AND JAM!"

We have not crossed the line.
Ignore the polls.
Do not settle into the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED photo op.

For FUCK sakes...don't do THAT.

There is no time for praise or congratulations.
On Guy Fawkes Day...but not before.

I'm warning you.
I'm begging you.
Alaskan Palin distractions vs. swing state voter purges.

If you sleep, they will come.
If you SLEEP, they WILL come.

Very nice Scooter!

well done.

Posted by: Ichthyic | October 11, 2008 5:39 PM

"make McCain exciting"

I took a look at several of the top contenders.

damn, some real talent out there!

I liked them all, but my other than the one PZ posted here, I rather like the McEmporer version.

Vader: "The emporer is not as forgiving as I"

Did you look at the one I linked to ("Gray Ambition")? It took me a second view to notice then, but did you listen to the lyrics? It freaking rhymes! It's easy to miss, but I think that one is just unbeatable.

Ah, there's good news from Alaska! The wedding of Bristol Palin and Levi(I'm a fuckin' redneck)Johnston will be held before the November general election and will be a formal affair, i.e., with a white shotgun clearly on display should the young buck suddenly get cold feet.

By Plutonious Monk (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

I figured the wedding would be held after the election, so that if McCain doesn't win they don't have to go through with it. If it is scheduled for before, it's probably because they think a wedding will get enough publicity and warm fuzzy feelings to gain a few more votes, and I predict this will backfire when photogs manage to catch one picture of Bristol and/or the boy looking scared shitless, and that is the one that gets broadcast across the country. I expect to see them divorced in something less than three years, as soon as the boy gets over the fear of Mom and no one is paying attention to them any more.

Hmmm...I wonder if Tricky Dick and Ronnie Raygun make cameo appearances as resurrected Angels of Death.

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink