I am so proud of Philadelphia

I lived in Philly for seven years, so I do have a connection and retain my affection for the city, and a respect for the addytood Philadelphians have always had. I felt a real tingle of sentiment when I heard that Philadelphia sports fans booed Sarah Palin. Clenched fist salute for Philadelphia!

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Puck you!

The bozo who decided to ice Sarah Falin oughta get a penalty.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

The bozo in question is Flyers owner Ed Snider, well known for his far-right politics. Apparently Palin's appearance was advertised as part of an "ultimate hockey-mom contest" and all the publicity failed to mention the salient fact that she is running for veep. Epic failz.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

My joy at seeing her booed was somewhat tempered by the fact her kids were there.

I wonder if the Joe six packs and hockey mom's of the world ever resent being categorized with this Xenophobic bigoted half-wit.

By steve8282 (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

Too bad Dave Shultz wasn't there to give her one of his famous 'love' checks.

OOOPs, I just dated my Philadelphianess.

Looks like she was havin a bad hair day as well.

Next stop, Philadelphia Spectrum where she can get whacked in the face with a cheeseburger, like they did to Steve Miller. Somebody finally gave him a cheesburger, then off to a Pittsburg Pirates game where they can throw batteries at her.

Hmmm maybe a car battery.

GO PA, GI PA. !!!

yuck I'm starting to sound like a McCain supporter. Better go eat some bar-b-que and get re-Texanized.

What's most despicable is that Caribou Barbie was warned beforehand that Flyers fans are kinda...rowdy, and she brought her daughters along, because (I can't believe I'm saying this), she didn't think anybody would boo a little girl.

Ha! In Philly? Wasn't it the Flyers fans who booed Santa Claus? And she thinks they won't boo a little girl, after that?

This is how stupid Palin is.

"Philly Pharygulafest in November"... who in the what now? As one who grew up in Philly and now lives about an hour north in Jersey, I'm unaware of but would like details on said Pharygulafest if it's a real thing!

By Rheinhard (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

Anybody who thinks that crowd was booing the girls is in dire need of a reality check. And if Moosealini thought having them along would prevent the booing and knowing it was going to happen anyway, she is guilty of child abuse.

She even had li'l Piper dessed up in a li'l Flyers jersey to try to blunt the booing. She deployed her 6-yo daughter as a human shield against anticipated criticism.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink


You and I know the crowd wasn't booing Caribou Skipper and Caribou Stacie, but in actuality booing Caribou Barbie herself. It's still amazing how many people are clutching their pearls and shrieking about booing little girls--oh, the humanity!

It was just plain stupid for Palin to try to use her children as shields, at all, but to try it at a Flyers game?

Stupid upon stupid.

Read the comments on the site! There are a lot of "offended" McSame supporters who are equating "librul Obama-lovers" booing Palin and her kid with the crazed, hate-filled racists shouting death threats at Obama during McCain's rallies. Yep, according to these fine, upstandin' Amurkans, calling Obama Muslim terrorist who deserves to die is nothing compared to the over-the-top gall of booing at a woman and her kid.

I just read the comments on the NY Times site. There seem to be a lot of "offended" McSame supporters who are equating "librul Obama-lovers" booing Palin and her kid with the crazed, hate-filled racists shouting death threats at Obama during McCain's rallies. Yep, according to these fine, upstandin' Amurkans, calling a black man a Muslim terrorist who deserves to die is okey-dokey, but "booing" at the hate-mongering Palin and her kid is way over the top.

Aquaria @ 13 and she brought her daughters along, because (I can't believe I'm saying this), she didn't think anybody would boo a little girl.

That's speculation, but I'm tending to agree with you, she's not above such a thing, that's obvious.

It's a terrible thought, and even if she did it out of stoopidity, it's still egregious.

I'm not suggesting her kids will be 'scarred for life' or anything, but kids thrive on approval, especially from adults.

Getting that much disapproval is bound to hurt for a young kid, it's something they'll never forget.

Maybe she did it to make them 'tough'

What a maroon, if my wife did such a thing it would result in a 'to the moon, Alice' moment for sure.

I'm speaking honeymoon-aphorically here, folks, please....

no boo-ing.

I doubt that any political candidate would be favourably received at a sporting event. When I go to a game, I want to see people play, not have my time wasted by some damn politician.

Precisely right, Mr. Harris at #7 and SimonG at @23. Shame on Snider for bringing that vapid hag to the arena (although I would find it just as disagreeable if he'd brought Biden). Politics does not belong in hockey. If my team pulled that stunt, I'd be doing more than leaving comments on the forum. I hope the people who were at that game are sending in complaints to Philly's head office and to the NHL. If the owner wants to advertise his politics, he can beak off to his local paper, but no hockey fan wants to have to endure that when they've paid good money to see a game.

Here's what Palin is quoted as saying Scooter:

"I've been warned that Flyers fans, they get so enthused, that they boo everybody at the drop of the puck," she said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Saturday afternoon. "But what I thought I'd do is I'd put Piper in a Flyers jersey, bring her out with me. How dare they boo Piper!"

In other words, she used her daughter as a human shield and political pawn.

Nice lady that Sarah Palin. I'm surprised she didn't get clocked by a battery.

Maybe they just really hated Brian Propp.

By Dan DeLeon (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

She deployed her 6-yo daughter as a human shield against anticipated criticism.

Nooooooo. Of course not!

Piper (poor girl, with such a name...) is, I'm told, 7.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

Hey guess what Republicans. The NHL is not NASCAR! Bad choice for a campaign stop.

By Bad Albert (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

Amusing as it is, Philly fans are willing to boo Santa Claus. I think this has less to do with Palin being a horrible excuse for a human being, and more to do with Philly fans making soccer hooligans look polite and well mannered.

Posted by: Rheinhard (#15)

"Philly Pharygulafest in November"... who in the what now? As one who grew up in Philly and now lives about an hour north in Jersey, I'm unaware of but would like details on said Pharygulafest if it's a real thing!

If you check out PZ's schedule, you'll see that he'll be in Philly in November. Given his record of having Pharyngulafests after talks he gives around the nationworld, I'm assuming that he'll have one in Philly (I'd be more than happy to recommend several venues). I realize that I've made a "huge" assumption there, but I have a high degree of confidence in that assumption. :-)

I couldn't even tell they were boo-ing in the video. Bummer. Would've been nice to see some one fling an octopus or something at her...

This quote from the NYT page nails it soundly:

It's really quite simple. Snider made the fans sit through a five minute infomercial on Republican hockey mom folksiness--so the fans should be financially compensated. I'd say ten bucks off per ticket sounds about right.
-- Posted by Godot


Now that the Communist Party USA has endorced BHO for president, I sure we will see many more "clenched fist salutes" from the Democrat party along with the usual unreported behavior.

Is the whole point of you posting here a personal exercise in being insipid?

Heh heh. Thanks Levi. That's good stuff.

Capital Dan, thanks for posting the link. I couldn't remember where I'd seen it.

I don't like the idea of exposing the kid to it, but I approve of the booing in general. How else will she and McCain know that they have detractors? If they're anything like Bush (which we've seen they are), they have a little bubble of insulation keeping them from knowing how people take their message. The media don't always report on how regular people feel, because they don't take the time to find out, either. One of the avenues open to us in a democracy is to let public officials know as, well, publicly as possible when we don't agree with them. I say booing is a civic duty.

It's really quite simple. Snider made the fans sit through a five minute infomercial on Republican hockey mom folksiness--so the fans should be financially compensated. I'd say ten bucks off per ticket sounds about right. -- Posted by Godot

Yeah! I had been waiting for someone to say that.


Sure Kel. Its just that they won't let me post on http://www.dailykos.com/ or the
so I come here.

Why would you want to post on those sites? Your track record here of saying anything meaningful or insightful is abysmal. It's either potshots at anyone who is to the left of you in politics, personal attacks, or meek justifications of your own worldview. Just once post something of worth, try not to go for the annoying troll persona and actually be engaging in conversation...

Or just keep being insipid. It's fun to watch you get ripped apart while you remain in blissful ignorance of the process.

Well. Carlie said something I agree with. So I trust the next time I Boo BHO, I will not be accused of being a
hate-filled racist.

We'll see.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

I lk t tch chldrn.


By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

"So I trust the next time I Boo BHO, I will not be accused of being a
hate-filled racist."

Such accusations are also our civic duty.

I'm admit that being called idiot or moron may pass for getting "ripped apart" around here but when I point out
the many biases in thinking aroung here I just get more of the same.

Either way, despite what I say, if I don't go along with the group think then I am concidered a troll.

And of course only trolls make personal attacks on this site.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

I'm admit that being called idiot or moron may pass for getting "ripped apart" around here but when I point out the many biases in thinking aroung here I just get more of the same.

Now that the Communist Party USA has endorced BHO for president, I sure we will see many more "clenched fist salutes" from the Democrat party along with the usual unreported behavior.

The word hypocrite gets thrown around a lot these days...

Such accusations are also our civic duty

So lying is your civic duty. TDB.

"Typical Democrat Behavior"

Like post #45

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

EricA, you have no reputation as a reliable source since you try to disrupt threads. Anything you say is a lie until proven otherwise. And that proof is usually lacking.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink


Please explain in your mind how booing someone is equal to using the words "traitor" "treason" and "kill him." I'd love to hear it.

Funny, I don't recall ever using the words "Traitor" "treason" and "kill him" about BHO.
Maybe some one else did.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

She's just lucky we didn't have any snowballs on us

Actually, *you're* lucky you didn't, then. :-o Don't candidates get full Secret Service protection?

By Quiet_Desperation (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

At this point, I doubt I could muster the energy to boo at any of these megalomaniacal sociopaths. They're immune to it, anyway. It's more fun to throw popcorn at their happy disciples and insipid sycophants.

By Quiet_Desperation (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink


"So I trust the next time I Boo BHO, I will not be accused of being a
hate-filled racist."

Who here was accusing you of being a hate-filled racist? I believe those comments have all been directed at those who were in fact using the words "treason" "traitor" and "kill him."

Group apology for not using block quotes; I am html illiterate.

"So I trust the next time I Boo BHO, I will not be accused of being a hate-filled racist."

Don't count on it. The only reason anyone would boo Obama is they are hate filled racists ready to show up at the polls with their AK47's.

Boo's from Obama supporters are filled with love, hope, change and YES WE CAN!!!

It is just me, or is EricA sounding a lot like Baba. A lot of insults with no logic. IIRC, Baba was thrown into the dungeon.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

It is just me, or is EricA sounding a lot like Baba. A lot of insults with no logic. IIRC, Baba was thrown into the dungeon.

Very much so. It's only a manner of time, there are very few posters that show such a lack of intellectualism. Even the infamous Kenny was far more intelligent than Eric.

you shouldnt be...the religious crazies are all over philly

WHOA talk about Synchronicity. Check out this vid, it's got hockeymom, terrorism, Obama, Faux News, McCain ads, and it was recorded in Springfield MO.

All it's missing is Eric Atkinson holding up a banner with the E's pointing the wrong way.


As stupid as he is Eric isn't anywhere near as annoying as baba; baba is the reason I got the killfile.

She (I assume baba is a girl's name) wasn't the type of idiot we usually get, she was more in the realm of 12 year old, disgruntled 4chan user and I'm pretty sure she believed what she said even less than the usual troll.

Seriously, that idiot almost gave me an ulcer.

By nanu nanu (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

The Science Pundit @ 32

If you check out PZ's schedule, you'll see that he'll be in Philly in November.

Awesome! That's the same weekend as Philcon, the annual Philadelphia science fiction con that's been running for about 70 years, and I'll be presenting some anime related panel programming. Hey, If PZ has some spare time he should come by the con!

By Rheinhard (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

Cry us a river, wingnuts.

Fantastic! You can always count on the City of Brotherly Love for a good booing.

I really miss Philadelphia.

By cactusren (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink


Thanks, man! Good to hear someone speak well of Philadelphia for once. As a secular activist in Philadelphia, one of my proudest moments will always be alienating Palin's security at the Irish Pub with my "Freedom is the Distance Between Church and State"/"At Least Yahoo Doesn't Handle National Security" sign. The sheer mass of protesters gathered outside the Irish Pub at 20th and Walnut actually inspired Palin to leave early. Yes, Philadelphia is frakking cool. Too bad it's a "Third World City" (to quote Terry Gilliam) that resembles "Children of Men" more and more every day. Seriously, our public trans system is dystopian bordering on post-apocalyptic. But if you're in Philly at any point soon, I hope you get in contact with my student org, Secular Society of Temple University.

Just to qualify that statement- I'm not a sports fan. But our public trans system is the most expensive in the frakking country and its quality varies from "dystopian" to "post-apocalyptic." Our claim to humanist history so far as I'm concerned is that Philadelphia was the birthplace of freethought in America... but you should see the crazies and the resurrection junkies we've got these days.

North easterners don't practice white supremacy so when a third rate ditz from a two bit backwater like Alaska shows up, with a record of redneck racist shit, she got boo-ed by white people from Philly.


North easterners don't practice white supremacy so when a third rate ditz from a two bit backwater like Alaska shows up, with a record of redneck racist shit, she got boo-ed by white people from Philly.


Maybe not, but it is clear you practice some other type of supremancy that is just as repugnant.

Once, the Phillies held an Easter egg hunt before a game. The fans booed the kids who didn't find any eggs.

I attended "J.D. Drew Battery Night" at a Phillies game in '97. At least they didn't do that to Palin.

By Brian Knoblock (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

Rev. Barky and I were discussing just last night the practice of people who comprise the minority in a group dragging their little kids along to rallies and marches as a sort of "civilian shield" against confrontation. This happened at the last American Atheists convention during Prager vs. Zindler, anti-abortion people do it all the time, and now Palin takes the nine-year-old onto the ice in an apparent effort to stave off boos. Well, it didn't work, and the poor kid is subjected to the behavior of the crowd. I don't believe in bringing kids to political events any more than I approve of calling children "Christians" or "Muslims" or even "atheists." They're not old enough to know their minds, and should be given sufficient comparative information to do so when they get older!

I am sure that if she had returned to the Xcel center (where the GOP had their convention) to drop the puck at a Minnesota Wild game, she would have received the same reception as in Philly. Booooo! Hissss! Boooo!

Eric Atkinson sez:

Funny, I don't recall ever using the words "Traitor" "treason" and "kill him" about BHO.
Maybe some one else did.

"Maybe"? Don't you ever watch the news? You do know what "news" is, don't you? /snark

I don't recall anyone accusing you of using those words. But plenty of other people have. The mainstream media have been all over it. Even that darling of wingnuttery, F*cks Nudes, has showed the clips. For instance:


By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

Proud to be a Philadelphian! Looking forward to your visit.

p.s. Palin joins a pretty big club by getting booed in Philly. My ex, who grew up in the Philly 'burbs, says Philly fans would boo a cure for cancer. Maybe someone should start making T-shirts:


By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink


J.D. Drew's rookie year was in '98. He was our top draft pick in '97.

By Brian Knoblock (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

I was there on Saturday night. We got to our seats early, and a couple was sitting in the seats to the left of us. The woman said "Oh, we're just here to see Sarah Palin. We'll leave right after that." I said "Oh, I can't wait to boo her ass!" and received a shocked look in return. That's what I get for assuming everyone feels the same way I do. Anyway, when Sarah made it out on the ice, the booing was very loud at first. As time went on, a lot of cheers & applause drowned out the booing. I was disappointed, I really wanted her to know she was not welcome. My husband thinks they may have put cheers & applause through the PA system. I have no proof for that, but from the way it started, it seems plausible.

The crowd wasn't booing, they were chanting "moooooooose."

*I* was saying Boo-urns.

Funny, I don't recall ever using the words "Traitor" "treason" and "kill him" about BHO. Maybe some one else did.

obviously, what you were trying to do was excuse your poor behavior in a different thread by posting a strawman here.

more dishonest behavior from yourself.

I'm beginning to think you have some serious personal issues to address, in addition to being an ignorant, hyperbolic, troll.

I would suggest that you take some time off from posting nonsense here, but if that isn't already obvious to you yourself, then I'm sure me saying it won't help you much.

Stay classy, Philadelphia - stay classy.

By Hockey Bob (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

Joel @ 72: it is clear you practice some other type of supremancy that is just as repugnant.

First of all, I'm neither a repugnantcin nor a demonstrocrat.
Secondly of all, I don't practice any form of supremacy, I just happen to be better than you, that's all.

unclench, dude, it's just teh internets
where MEN are MEN!!!
women are men
and 14 year old girls are FBI agents