Obama is…Hindu?

Wait until the wingnuts get this: Hindus are presenting Obama with a monkey-god idol.

The idol is being presented to Obama as he is reported to be a Lord Hanuman devotee and carries with him a locket of the monkey god along with other good luck charms. An hour-long prayer meeting to sanctify the idol was earlier organised at Sankat Mochan Dham and by Congress leader Brijmohan Bhama, Balmiki Samaj and the temple's priests. "Obama has deep faith in Lord Hanuman and that is why we are presenting an idol of Hanuman to him," said Bhama.

And in other news, we have a lovely brass statue of the Buddha at our house, which I guess makes me a Buddhist, and we also have a stuffed cobra, which makes us Satanists. And we have a Bible or two, and a copy of the Koran, and somewhere I have a copy of some very pretty and colorful book the Hare Krishnas handed to me in an airport once. Since I also own a complete set of DVDs for both Buffy and Firefly, I must also be a devout Whedonist. I guess Obama and I have a plurality of gods to go up against the blinkered and benighted monotheists, then.

More like this

At the Beebs: A group of Indians are planning to present a statue of the revered Indian monkey God, Hanuman, to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. The group decided to order the idol after they read a magazine report saying that Mr Obama carried a good luck 'monkey king' charm. Let me…
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But it's not enough on its own. Case in point: the Raelians have put up a sign in Las Vegas. It does have a helpful statement from a Raelian spokesman to help you sort the rationalists from clowns, if the flying saucer in the billboard isn't enough for you. If you drive the freeway between Vegas…
The blog of the Buddhist magazine Tricycle has responded to my post that Buddhists generally believe in God. Some of the comments also brought up some semantic issues which are real in how Buddhists view God, and how it might be distinguished from more personalized conceptions of the divine being,…

I'm just trying to cecide which is better: being a Headonist or a Wheadonist.

But . . . but . . . I thought he was Muslin [sic]! They've been telling us he's Muslin!

I'm so confuzzlimated.

No kings,


By Desert Son (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

I own a New Testament, a recto-verso English-Hebrew Torah, and not one but two copies of the Qu'ran, one of which is Extra Heretical, being as it is illustrated with representative art and was illustrated by a woman to boot. Does that make me confused, Muslim, or just what? I also own a real rug from Nain, does that make me an Iranian-terrorist-sympathiser?

By Interrobang (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Well, at any rate, polytheism as a belief system, with its plethora of non-omnipotent, non-omniscient, occasionally cooperative, and often antagonistic creative agents, is substantially more consistent with observed reality than monotheism.

"Since I also own a complete set of DVDs for both Buffy and Firefly, I must also be a devout Whedonist."

Or perhaps that you don't get HBO.

By Portia Stanke (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

The doctor who did my circumcision was jewish...

does that mean I'M jewish because it was a bris milah?

By The Petey (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

You don't fool me PZ. I put two and two together. You just worship Gina Torres.

(Whedon has a great eye for casting strong, hawt women)

You can't be a Whedonite until you get Angel too, you blasphemer.

E.V. at #8 posted:

You just worship Gina Torres.

Yeah, well, but, o.k., I mean, who doesn't?

No kings,


By Desert Son (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

does that mean I'M jewish because it was a bris milah

Easy come easy go, will you let me go?
Bismillah! No, we will not let you go - let him go -
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go -
Bismillah! we will not let you go - let him go -
Will not let you go - let him go -
Will not let you go! Let me go!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia, let me go,
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for meeeeeee...

Oh, wait. Sorry. Misread that one.

Pharynguloids! I need your aid!

Sarah Palin will be speaking at my school Thursday in a public rally. Obviously, I want a hilarious shirt/sign. Any ideas on what to put on it?

I have a PhD in Horribleness. That me me a CERTIFIED Whedonist.

No kidding. Lawrence Fishburn is one lucky man.

Buffy Series - check
Angel Series - check
Dr. Horrible - Check
Buffy Season 8 comics - check
Angel After the Fall comics - check
Spike After the Fall comics - check

I'm either a Whedonist High Priest or a complete dork

By The Petey (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Hedonism gets a bad rap, I think. It's not all bad. In fact, it's highly enjoyable.

Sarah Palin will be speaking at my school Thursday in a public rally. Obviously, I want a hilarious shirt/sign. Any ideas on what to put on it?

How about EXODUS 22:18 ?

Missus Gumby

By Missus Gumby (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

How about, "I'd rather vote for Tina Fey".

Petey, I would say both. And I would say the same about me.

Wait, where is your Firefly DVD and the Collector's Edition of Serenity?

Say, when does Dollhouse premiere?

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Uh-oh. I own a kaffiyeh, a set of silver earrings from India, some modern Native American and Australian Aboriginal artwork, several Bibles, a piece of ornamental pottery decorated with images from ancient Greek mythology, the child-sized rosary given to me by my aunt nearly 50 years ago, a friend's favorite recipe for matzoh-ball soup, a Book of Mormon left on my doorstep long ago by a pair of twentyish elders, a copy of Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion, and an iPod-friendly recording of "Jesus Is Just All Right With Me." Do I need to declare all of these items if I ever decide to run for office?

My DVD collection pales by comparison with most of the ones described, but since I have all of Home Movies and am about to complete my Metalocalypse set, a casual observer might conclude that I participate in cult worship of guitarist/comic Brendon Small.

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

//Sarah Palin will be speaking at my school Thursday in a public rally. //

Interesting.Many people over 18 at that school? Would seem hardly worth speaking there...

oh,and I love John Cleese's comparison of her to a parrot that has memorized a few phrases...:-)

we also have a stuffed cobra, which makes us Satanists.

No, that makes you one of the bad guys from Karate Kid.

Hanuman v. the Yaweh/Jesus tag team, steel cage death match, up next on pay-per-view...

We have three babbles, Book of Moron (sic), The God Delusion, some shards of Maya pottery, and a Catlick Catechism. I can haz Quezalcoatl Sammich now?

So I guess I am a polytheist. I have a japanese Buddha statue, a Quon Yin statue, several devil masks from Central America, several Bibles, the Satanic Bible, the Upanishads and several other religious texts, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Enuma Ellis, Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea, the Greek myths, three devil ducks...

I'm just betting on everything. Something is bound to pay off.

I've got a copy of the Kama Sutra at home . . . . .

By Peanutcat (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

ProfMTH is Pascal!

I'm either a Whedonist High Priest or a complete dork

Being the former pretty much makes you the latter.

Hmm... I don't think we have a single religious-type book anywhere in the house. All my comparative religion stuff stayed at my parent's house. We do have a post-modern menorah and an equally arty mezuzah, as well as a large collection of fuzzy diseases. Does that make me a Jewish doctor?

Hope no one finds that free copy of The Bell Curve.

By JustaTech (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

You people are missing the point. Since their Congress leader said, "Obama has deep faith in Lord Hanuman and that is why we are presenting an idol of Hanuman to him," it MUST be the truth, and that's what the Repugnicans will quote for the next three weeks or so.

By Mark Kernes (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

The Kama Sutra for math geeks.

Okay, I'll admit my ignorance: I don't get the last three.

"Obama has deep faith in Lord Hanuman and that is why we are presenting an idol of Hanuman to him". This is a pretty silly statement if Obama doesn't believe in Hinduism, which I am pretty sure he doesn't. After all, how can you have faith in "Lord Hanuman" if you do not believe in his deity or the religion around him. If was Obama, I would accept it, as it is polite to do so, but note to them that I don't have a deep faith in your god, sorry.

I could also be a Communist Catholic. I have three aspergillum (holy water sprinklers) along with a Soviet communist flask and belt buckle and a Chinese Mao medallion.

Being a good Capitalist I should bet on Communism too. After all, ultimate patriotism is deference to the government.

#13. Here's a TShirt Idea or two:

Rote Memorization: Just because you can say something convincingly doesn't mean you understand it.


Carabou Barbie - Naked Ambition Edition

Python, Whedon, science... It's good to know that there are many kindred non-spirits out there.

Caribou Barbie - Naked Ambition Edition


Will Oak asked "Sarah Palin will be speaking at my school Thursday in a public rally. Obviously, I want a hilarious shirt/sign. Any ideas on what to put on it?"

Miss Gumby replied "How about EXODUS 22:18?"

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Good one.

#25- School as in University. Elon University, North Carolina

I love these so far! Thanks

Back on topic though: I didn't know Whedon did Buffy! I used to watch Angel occasionally and liked it, and Firefly was the first TV series DVD set I have every bought. I guess you can count me as a one then. I guess I should go check out Buffy now...

I am, however, a fervent Python lover.

The Kama Sutra for math geeks.
Okay, I'll admit my ignorance: I don't get the last three.

Ummm, was one a small dick or impotence Joke? And the last one a buttseks joke? What was the "34" one?
Of course there's also "68" (you do me... I'll owe you one).

#41True Bob... true. That's why I'm PoT.

T-Shirt Ideas:

Hockey mom: you're offside!


Fact based sex-ed prevents teen pregnancy


Tina Fey is more qualified than you.

Miss Gumby replied "How about EXODUS 22:18?"
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."
Good one.

FYI: The verse really reads "Do not suffer a poisoner to live." Palin and the Repugnants (and the Democants) are certainly poisoners of minds.

A colleague over in the anthropology department has the Venus of Willendorf on her keychain. Does this make her a member of a Neolithic fertility cult? I'm sure it does.

I still have all my Scott Cunningham and Silver Ravenwolf books from my beloved 10 year Wicca phase. Does that mean I'm still a tree-hugging hippie-witch?

Oh, dear.

*holds up golden PetCo 2nd Annual Hamster Ball Derby trophy* What does that mean for my hamster, Wobbles? He keeps this thing close at hand 24/7. And it's pretty shiny.

I never got into "Buffy", but I became a loyal "Angel" acolyte (due to the endless reruns on TNT in the mornings). I love "Angel"!

And David Boreanaz makes me feel all tingly.

T-shirt question - How about Proverbs 6:12-14? We know ol' Sarah will be winkin' away doggone it.
12 - A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a forward mouth.
13 - He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;
14 - Frowardness (!) is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord.

That pretty much sums it up.

Oh sure, you have a copy of the Koran, but you wouldn't dare desecrate it!

You ... already did? Um, ok, well, it wasn't a real Koran! Yeah, that's the ticket!

Damn, these fatwa envy goalposts are heavy.

By Screechy Monkey (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Wait, where is your Firefly DVD and the Collector's Edition of Serenity?

I forgot to mention those, and the CD's of the "Once more with Feeling" episode of Buffy and "Dr. Horrible"

Say, when does Dollhouse premiere?

I heard it s mid-season premier.

By The Petey (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Re #47 - it depends on which version of the bible you read. The KJV version is definitely "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Nevertheless, I have just thought of another appropriate T-shirt bible quote:

NUMBERS 5:16-22

... it's the god-given instructions for performing an abortion!
Go on, crack open a bible and read it. You know you want to.

By Missus Gumby (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

From the Center For Inquiry's quarterly newsletter, "Skeptical Briefs," published in August 2008 or so (Read the second half, especially):

What Barack Obama
carries in his pocket

FIG Leaves (Free Inquiry Group of Cincinnati), July, 2008. FIG Leaves republished this interesting excerpted observation from the Rationalist Internationalist Bullitin's June 2008 issue, detailing what one would find in Barack Obama's pocket:

"It is quite revealing what comes to light, when the perhaps soon-to-be mightiest man in the world empties his pockets--as seen on a recent photo posted on Time's 'White House Photo of the Day' collection. There is a tiny monkey--apparently Hindu god Hanuman--together with a gambler's lucky chip, a bracelet belonging to an American soldier deployed in Iraq and a tiny Madonna with child. The bracelet could be a reminder that it would be his most distinguished task as the next president of the USA to 'bring our boys home.' And the other pocket treasures? Is Obama a Hanuman believer, inspired by the legendary monkey's great war against demon King Ravana? Is he a gambler? Does he believe in lucky charms? Does he believe that these small mascots carried around in his pocket have any impact on his life and "fate"? If the contents of his pocket is any indication for his state of mind, one may have to be prepared for strange--if not dangerous--surprises."

Of course, in the 2000 Washington Post article, "A candidate's lucky charms," by Dana Milbank (look it up and share it with your friends), candidate John McCain apparently really does believe in superstitious charms. From the article:

"'I'm wearing my lucky shoes from today till Sunday,' McCain says from his bus on Wednesday. At the moment, his pockets contain the (lucky) compass, feather (from a tribal leader) and penny (flattened, in his wallet). When McCain once misplaced his feather, there was momentary panic in the campaign, until his wife found it in one of his suits. When the compass went missing once, McCain assigned his political director to hunt it down."

According to Milbank, McCain has a "lucky friend" that's been present on every Election Day. Also, McCain must sleep on a prescribed side of the bed the night before an election, but hats are unlucky if hung on the bed; rain is a good omen for him to get the voter nod, and watching a movie before the votes are counted (but after they're cast) will increase the number that favor him. Oh, and he has a lucky pen and a lucky rock that he sometimes carries around, too. McCain also insists that his staff eat "lucky food" in the form of ribs or pulled-pork barbecue before each debate, symbolically "slaughtering the hog before you slaughter the opponent."

The staff is also apparently consumed with wood-knocking, lucky beard growing, and lucky footballs, socks, ties, dresses, and Hawaiian shirts, as well as the pre-election-day rituals of attending confession and hitting a lucky bucket of golf balls.

With all this luck on his side, McCain seems like a shoe-in for president. But just to seal the deal, Milbank writes, "For added luck, he wears his magical L.L. Bean rubber-soled dress shoes."

Being the former pretty much makes you the latter.

True - but i have never tried to denounce my dorkdom

And David Boreanaz makes me feel all tingly.

you and me both. He makes me think thoughts that make baby jeebus cry

By The Petey (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

>Buffy Series - check
>Angel Series - check
>Dr. Horrible - Check
>Buffy Season 8 comics - check

>I'm either a Whedonist High Priest or a complete dork

Firefly complete season- check
Serenity Graphic Novel in longform - check
Serenity movie- check
Wife with a fondness for Nathan Fillion-check
Disappointment that Wonder Woman fell through-check
Vague desire to watch 'How I met your mother' due to presence of 'Willow' and 'Dr Horrible'-check

dorkalicious Whedonite-check!!!

A story about the first time I dropped acid.
I walked around my friend's apartment making a mental list of everything I was not going to look at once it kicked in.
A list that left my mind as soon as it kicked in.
At one point, my friends decided it would be a good idea to leave me alone and go to the store for iced cream.
While they were gone, I found the liquor cabinet(oddly barren when they returned) and saw the most amazing thing on television.
All you had to do was call a toll free number, and they would send you a FREE MORMON BIBLE!
It was about four years before the church stopped calling and trying to convert my friends, and twenty years later, I still have the bible to remember my first experience with acid.

Will Oak #13 - try 1 Timothy 2:11

T-shirt - A little family cannibalism would work -
Lev. 26:29: And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

Maybe the best idea would be to make signs and hand them out to your friends. If you are allowed to hold up signs, by the end of today you should have enough verses to make Palin regret ever showing up at your school. She shouldn't be speaking anyway. Christian women aren't allowed to 'teach' or 'rule' men.

How about, "I'd rather vote for Tina Fey".

Shorter and more readable would be "Tina Fey '08".

If you want to get thrown out, try "Free Bristol".

Or slightly more obscure, "I know what papers I read."

Ummm, was one a small dick or impotence Joke? And the last one a buttseks joke? What was the "34" one?

Methinks you're totally overthinking it - the joke seems to be that math geeks would take something overly simple, like naming actions after the numbers they resemble, and complicate it into complete inapplicability.

I didn't know Whedon did Buffy! I used to watch Angel occasionally and liked it, and Firefly was the first TV series DVD set I have every bought. I guess you can count me as a one then. I guess I should go check out Buffy now...

Yes...NOW! As in RIGHT NOW! What are you still doing reading this!? Go! Go!!!

Joss is definitely my lord and saviour. (And the great thing is that so many of his high priests are hot geeky women! I need me some holiness, Felicia Day!)

Of course, I also have a large Cthulhu statue, but that is only for when the Old Ones return, to ensure I get eaten first.

It was about four years before the church stopped calling and trying to convert my friends, and twenty years later, I still have the bible to remember my first experience with acid.

I did that once, except it was marijuana, a lot of beer, and a Solo-Flex ad, and I never got the free video. But it was about four years before they stopped calling my friend to tell him he's fat.

I think you're still overthinking it, Carlie (#63). I'm pretty sure it's talking about the sheer impossible contortionist feats needed to get into, say, a figure 8, a square root sign, or a pi sign. While naming positions after numbers sound good at first, it quickly falls apart with some numbers.

By Son of a Nonymous (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Methinks you're totally overthinking it - the joke seems to be that math geeks would take something overly simple, like naming actions after the numbers they resemble, and complicate it into complete inapplicability.

Ah. In other words, I was reading it like a math geek.

I need to rent/borrow Buffy DVDs. I never gave the series a chance based on the movie being OK but not that good. Apparently Joss Whedon felt the same after the concessions he was forced to make in getting the movie made. I also need Firefly, since I loved Serenity.

If you have not seen Dr. Horrible, go now! drhorrible.com

If you find any wonderflonium sitting around, DO NOT BOUNCE IT!

Seems everybody's favorite Kansan (FtK) doesn't like PZ's penchant for poll crashing. Just wanted to throw this is in most active recent thread =P.

By Saddlebred (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Well, I don't have any of that crap, but I liked deviled ham and deviled eggs. What does that get me?

On DVD I have Malcolm X and both volumes of Kill Bill. Does that mean I'm a black ninja master?

In my own defense, the blond hair and blue eyes threw me off. And for the life of me I can't find any sword around here.

By Dazed & Confused (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

I like Hanuman although I don't have a murti of his at home, but I am fonder of Ganesh and have quite a few murtis of his at home. Both Ganesh and Hanuman are cool guys, though the former is independent. They are easily pleased and generally the last resort. Ganesh interestingly, as the remover of obstacles is invited both by the rich and the poor. Hanuman is sort of in-between. Both of them ahave a history of naughty childhood. I must say Obama is going out on a limb carrying that Hanuman locket around. But not to worry, Hanuman doesn't take sides. And folks, Ravana was no "demon". He is a re-incarnation of Jaya, who with Vijaya, guard the gates of Vaikuntha, Vishnu's home, and was sentenced with Vijaya to serve three earthly terms, because they offended some rishi who came to visit Vishnu. Ravana's powers weren't conferred on him by some evil creature but by, as it always happens, Shiva and Brahma! Ravana also was a master of the arts and a man of great learning, a fine warrior, and a popular ruler of his people. Sadly he had a glad eye as well...but that's another story!

Another poll, this time from the American Family Association: "Do you think Barack Obama is qualified to serve as President"

Go to work: www.afa.net

Tulse @ 64:

Of course, I also have a large Cthulhu statue, but that is only for when the Old Ones return, to ensure I get eaten first.

Ha ha, I shall be eaten before you! I have a whole shelf full of Cthulhu plushes, as well as numerous Cthulhu t-shirts, Cthulhu comic books, the Cthulhu For President Campaign package, the Call of Cthulhu RPG (not that I can get my husband to play it with me *grumble*), various pins and buttons, and a Necronomicon For Dummies bookcover!

Here's to being dispatched with dispatch!

Seems everybody's favorite Kansan (FtK) doesn't like PZ's penchant for poll crashing. Just wanted to throw this is in most active recent thread =P.

From the link:

I know, I know, right and wrong are highly debatable these days. Although probably not illegal, I'd certainly consider his little hobby unethical. Can you imagine how the minions would howl if they weren't the ones messing with the polls?

Missing the point. We're not the ones pretending these polls mean anything.

Further proof of your good taste and brilliance - Buffy and Firefly! Excellent.

By KillerChihuahua (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Um... Haven't we done this one already? I know I've seen this story before.


T-shirt/sign for rally? (Yeah, I'm bored.)

"If you think things are bad now, they'd Palin comparison to another Republican administration."

""Maverick" is supposed to mean different"

"Same people. Same ideas. Same supporters. How is this "Change"?"

"I've been to Key West. Can I be your Cuba expert?"

"McCain not Abel"

"Run Levi, Run!"

"McCain/Palin '08. Why not? The country's already screwed."

"Protect the comedy industry. McCain/Palin 08"

"McCain/Palin! Because the whole world wants the other guy."

"The Flintstones is not a documentary."

"NAMBLA for McCain!"

"Drill Baby, Drill! Lobotomies for all!"

"Climate change? Sea-level rise? Bah, Florida and New York are full of Jews anyway."

"Abort Civil Rights, not babies!"

"Make War not... nope, that's all I've got."

"Oh Sarah! Worst Jefferson Starship song EVER!"

OK... maybe not the last one.

Did you need to borrow the complete set of "Angel" and the BTVS Season 8 comic books, PZ? I'll be happy to loan them to you.

Come join us.

By Greg Peterson (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

I also need Firefly, since I loved Serenity.

I am so envious -- watching Firefly for the very first time was an absolute joy.

(One warning, however: Firefly is much more Western-y than Serenity. Then again, I found that to be one of its multitudinous charms.)

Ummm, was one a small dick or impotence Joke? And the last one a buttseks joke? What was the "34" one? Methinks you're totally overthinking it - the joke seems to be that math geeks would take something overly simple, like naming actions after the numbers they resemble, and complicate it into complete inapplicability.

34 could be a reference to internet "rule 34":
rule #34 - If it exists there IS porn of it.

I admit I don't see how that applies to the position she was in, but it's I can come up with.

Somewhere around here, I have a coffee table book about the world's myths and religious beliefs. I guess that makes me just about everything.

How about, "You don't have to be unqualified to be a Republican candidate for office, but it helps."

(related: "You don't have to be stupid to vote Republican, but it helps.")

I think I've just been converted, I have seen the light of Whedonism and shall no longer follow the FSM!

By Tom Robinson (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Hey! I have a Hanuman! I must for to worship Obama nowz?

They're giving Senator Obama a statue of Hanuman?

(shakes head)

I sure hope Sun Wukong doesn't hear about this. For a Great Sage Equal to Heaven, the Handsome Monkey King can be awfully cranky before his third banana daquiri...

The MadPanda, FCD

Buffy and Firefly, you say? I guess that makes you an unbridled Whedonist.

I have a blank bible. Does that make me a rationalist?

I happen to be from the land of Hanuman, Ganesha, Rama, Krishna (yes, yes... all 33 million of them!)... and I can only shake my head in stunned disbelief, and with a trifle sadness. As if our national obsession with religion, caste, and creed were not stupid enough; we had to go and make it public, globally! We may want Obama to win, but what is the point in handing him good-luck charms? They should rather urge their friends and families in the US to perhaps campaign for Obama, and go out and vote.

It is no secret that a majority of the affluent Indians (or people of Indian origin) in the US votes Republican... Case in point: the despicable Bobby Jindal!

I'm pretty sure a stuffed cobra makes you a follower of Yig.

By OctoberMermaid (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Lest we all forget, Hanuman is the god who sicced his sacred monkeys on that poor guy in India earlier this year, causing him to fall off a balcony.

There's just something about the monkey deities in general - maybe because they're close-to-human already, relatively speaking - but they always seem to be cooler than most of the mythological bunch.

For the T-shirt:
Proverbs 10:10

One who winks the eye causes trouble, And a babbling fool will be ruined.

Wow, I have a hanuman tattoo... Does this mean I have to vote for Obama... I mean, was going to do that anyway. But, am I now somehow cosmically obligated to do so?

By woodstein312 (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

And another verse from Proverbs ... 16:30:

He who winks with his eye is plotting perversity;
he who purses his lips is bent on evil.

Exodus 20:16:
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Yeah, I know, too obvious.......... so sue me.

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Funny, I thought Obama was the AntiChrist? Or maybe he was a Muslim.

Btw, another huge Buffy fan here.

By Sleeping at th… (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

If I may jump on the bandwagon, I have hanging in my house a large, embossed Thai temple rubbing of Hanuman carrying Lord Rama on his shoulders to rescue his wife, Sita, from the clutches of the dastardly demon king Ravana. I think for many being a fan of Hanuman might have less to do with being a Hindu and more because Everything's Better With Monkeys! (all you nerds and geeks -- be you Whedonists, Whedonites or other -- have fun wasting hours reading tvtropes.org, if you haven't already discovered it.)

Maybe they think Obama is some kind of Tang Sanzang reincarnation, so said Sun Wukong should be pleased to protect him for the nth time

I have the book of Mormom in my bookcase; who do I ask about getting me some wives?

By Valhar2000 (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink


I too am from India, and it's not 33 million, it is 330 million of them, and they are simply the major ones! While you shake your head in disbelief, I am thrilled about it. We don't have religion in India. Religion as a term is meaningless unless it is used to describe the Abrahamic traditions. Hey, and not only do Indian-Americans distribute Hanuman murtis, but also conduct archanas for Obama. The Indian-American comunity is miniscule but carries some weight. A lot of IA doctors used to be GOPers but have been moving over to the Dems in droves. And IA-Hindus are lukewarm about Bobby Jindal because he isn't a Hindu any longer.

Sounds like my house, but instead of stuffed cobra try satanic bible, and I have the Xena collection so I guess that makes me a polytheist, or monotheist once I get to the end of the series. Oh and I just finished a copy of Richard Dawkins "The God Delusion" which I read together with "The Faith Club" so does that just make me screwed up?

This misses the entire point.

Which is that the Obama/McCain product-smackdown is very much an exercise in lowbrow religious manipulation in which The People are allowed to elect their Sacred King, whom they will Constitutionally bump off at some point in the future.

And unlike more advanced ancient societies who had this practice, today's Sacred King isn't allowed to have a sex life, which in the eyes of the ancients was the key to the hieros gamos.

Rational people refuse to vote for either party.

Or any.


By ming the merciless (not verified) on 15 Oct 2008 #permalink


I gave up on Yglesias after he said that opposition to creationism it wasn't worthwhile, since people's ignorance of evolution has no consequences.

That's an excellent point, Fengie (#103). Let me go consult my copy of Journey to the West for other corroborating details...


The MadPanda, FCD

Brought up in Indonesia during his childhood, where Hindus live in amity with Muslims, Obama’s fascination for Hinduism [ A CULTURE not an ORGANIZED RELIGION] is understandable. How can any one cannot be attracted to a culture which states, “Salvation is for all, whether one is a Hindu or not” and propagate statements such as

"Aano bhadrah kritawo yantu vishwataha"
'Let noble thoughts come to us from every side '

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam:
“The entire creation is one family.”;

Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti:
“Truth is one; sages call it by various names”;

Sarve Api Sukhina Santu Sarve Santu Niramayah:”
Let everybody be happy, healthy, and blessed”