Friday Cephalopod: nom nom nom nom

Sepia apama

Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

More like this

Sepia apama Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
This one is for those blood-thirsty free-riding sprogs. Sepia apama Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Sepia Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Sepia sp. Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

"I can has fishburger?!"

Cuteoverload captions may attract nuffers. You have been warned. Nom.

By JohnnieCanuck, FCD (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink

Just admit it, PZ. You're a closet 4chan /b/tard, aren't you?

Lawsuit against God thrown out over lack of address

Jams @ # 5, Lawsuit against God thrown out over lack of address

This stinks. The law is trying to protect the big shit. Everyone knows its address - it's The Pearly Gates, Heaven.

Anyway, as the bugger is claimed to be omniscient, it therefore knows about the writ being served, so it should respond to it. Or at least instruct one of its agents to act on its behalf. I hope this legal action hasn't run its course.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink

o hai!

you has a flavour!

I hope everyone saw McCain on Letterman. If you didn't let's just say he had to use the lessons he learned in the Navy about how to behave while being berated by his superiors.

Dave sounded sad as he asked "Suppose you get incapacitated as presidents do and we get another 911. The best person to lead us through it is Sarah Palin?"

Also "You understand that someone can make the same case about your relationship with G. Gordon Liddy that your campaign is making about Ayers?"

Dave deserves an award. He should be the moderator at the next Presidential Debate.

Jodie Foster for Prez 2016!

I used to know this biologist who had a penchant for whales. Sad story.

In the end he grew quite mad at the prospect of the critters dying out before long. So he went to an intensive researchproject - part biochem, part dark arts, I think.

After a coupla years he hit upon a solution (literally) that would allow his beloved cetaceans to live forever.

Only one snag. He needed the blood of a very rare bird to make his brew - Acridotheres cristatellus. Now this poor fella is endangered too, but my friend didn't care (he was quite the mammalist even before he went mad).

So in the middle of the darkest night he went to a zoo where they kept one the few remaining cristatelli. He got into the birdhouse without much trouble and to his great relief he managed to pick up the bird without a squeak. He stuffed it in a bag and went to leave.

Unfortunately the zoo's old male lion had escaped its enclosure that self same night and when he tried leaving the birdhouse the old cat had laid down to sleep right in front of the door.

Now, time was running out and he really wanted to leave fast before the nightwatch caught him, so he threw all caution to the wind and as carefully as possible tried to step over the cat without waking it.

BAM! The light came on everywhere and my poor (former) friend found himself surrounded by police brandishing guns. "Halt!" they cried, "You're under arrest for attempt to carry a myna over a staid lion for immortal porpoises!"

One fish, two fish.
Cuttlefish, blue fish!

Mmmm. Me hungry.

What's species is the dinner?

Sushi, every expletive day, sushi.

"Anyway, as the bugger is claimed to be omniscient, it therefore knows about the writ being served, so it should respond to it." - Richard Harris

Hearsay testimony of God's omniscience isn't evidentiary. It still needs to be demonstrated that God is physically capable of receiving and understanding the notice. Has God received any other unaddressed notices?

Hearsay testimony of God's omniscience isn't evidentiary. It still needs to be demonstrated that God is physically capable of receiving and understanding the notice. Has God received any other unaddressed notices?

Well my mom's friend's sister's cousin was heal miraculously after being prayed for. So it sounds like he is getting the messages, he just not responding to the vast majority.

Mmmmmm..... Tasty...

By Another Primate (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink

That's why they call them cuddle-fish ^_^

By AwesomeRobot (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink

You meant "Eats, shoots and leaves" didn't you?, A chute would be entirely too chewy.

A small blue fish--it's all I wish;
A crunchy, chewy, tasty dish!
Each little bite is pure delight--
I'd nom nom nom all day and night!

Every day, the inky deep
Is where a cuttlefish may creep
That little fish? Today it's him--
Tomorrow, children as they swim!

I am sure that Bill Donohue of the Catholic League would approve of this picture. After all, it's Friday and the Cephalopod is eating fish.

You've got it all wrong: this is clearly a photo of a cuttlefish kissing its pet fish. They're very affectionate.

By uncle noel (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink

Thanks for these pics, P.Z...

The world is such a fucking amazing place...

(And my kid is now sleeping through the night! YAY!)

One of the best Friday cephalopods yet.

By Yossarian (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink

That's down right naughty!
That feller is gazin' up the lady's skirt.
Thunderation! The goins' on that some biologists approve of.

Does anyone else get just a tiny bit creeped out by scenes where the prey is a closer relative to you than the predator? I'm thinking of snakes eating mice, insect larvae eating fish, etc.

What's species is the dinner?

can't tell for sure, but having worked on many of them, I'd say it's a damselfish.

probably a species of Chromis.

hard to tell scale. If that's a small cuttlefish, I'd say it's one of these guys:

At first glance I thought it was labeled Sepia obama.
Then the fish could be Exsenator mccaini.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink

Is the fish freshly caught by the cf or was it scavenged? Or if it is being fed, which of those two things would be true in the wild? (I have no explanation for my curiosity to know this. I think my brain is being run by little robots and for some reason they want to know and they are making me find out.)
I love this site.
Nothin' but luv
Jim and his little robots

Is the fish freshly caught by the cf

judging by the color of the fish (still bright blue), I'd say it was a fresh capture.

cuttlefish are excellent hunters, btw.

I guess the next step is for someone to waterproof a consecrated host and feed it to a Catholic Cephalopod...

Catholic Cephalopod...

how could you tell?

do they have a chromataphore pattern that looks like a bishop's mitre?

OTOH, that might more likely mean they are a worshiper of Dagon, given the context.


How about those videos of a centipede eating a mouse!

Hurray! Cthulhu ate me first!

So, Cuttlefish, what's the going rate for your work? Is it scaled? A cardinalfish for a couplet? A hawkfish for a haiku? Basslet for a ballad? Snapper for a sonnet?

Oh, that Cuttlefish! He's tricksy.