Our Queer Future

There is a wonderful thrill of fear going through the far right right now — it's a marvel to witness. The latest example is a work of fiction from the Dobsonites, written as a document sent back into our present from a future world in 2012, after an Obama presidency. It's a dark time for the religious right (although they should just hang on—things apparently get better for them by 2112), and the story tells about all the horrible things that come to pass under Obama.

It's a weird read. Everything is about the gays — forget changes in the economy, or foreign affairs, or alternative energy, or labor, or anything that might actually affect most people. The whole story is about the gay conspiracy taking control and locking up the guns while spreading pornography throughout the land.

It makes no sense.

It's absurdly unrealistic, and it isn't even interesting science fiction. But then I realized…it isn't a work of SF at all.

It's a world-building prelude to a work of slash fiction. Future chapters, I'm sure, will include lurid stories of handsome young Christian men being compelled by scantily clothed muscular gay men to watch explicit pornography, followed by more chapters detailing their forcible deflowering by hunky followers of the Obama.

In that context, it makes a lot more sense. Those fellows at Focus on the Patriarchy really do have a lot of repressed issues, I think.


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Patriarchy is a latin word for "suppress women and fill young men with fear of their male elders".

I'm amazed humans males didn't evolve with giant antlers. The larger, the more dominant the male.

I guess they are just writing about what they know best. ;-p

Does this mean that MAJeff will get his own cooking show?

Miss you, biscuits.

Aw man, now someone has to tell the German press that all the speculation about Obama asking us to send more troops to Afghanistan is pointless. But hey, we've got a bunch of openly gay politicians already, I guess we're just a shade of things to come.

Posted by: Duff | October 24, 2008 4:01 PM

I'm amazed humans males didn't evolve with giant antlers. The larger, the more dominant the male.

I thought most men believe their penises are giant antlers.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Any chance of the Poe law being invoked?

There'll be lots of whips, right?

I've just been reading that stupidity is measured in units of George Bush. If true I'll give this story a GB of 9/10 on the grounds that someone will rise to lower heights.

I thought the second coming was any day now, so how are we supposed to get to 2012?

By stephanie (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Do they really think that homosexuals want to be Boy Scout leaders so they can sleep in tents with young boys?

Most of the other stuff on that page sounded pretty reasonable, if heavy-handed, but the sleeping with Boy Scouts really stood out as especially insane.

By Curt Cameron (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I thought the second coming was any day now,

Jesus needs an hour to "recharge" and he'll be right with you.

1776: The British are coming! The British are coming!
2012: Obama & the gays are coming! Obama &he gays are coming!

RUN! HIDE! Vote for McSame/Pale-ish

Wait, 2012? I thought these guys believe the rapture will happen any day now.

Oh, and a friendly warning: if you guys elect John McCain, and therefore Sarah Palin as VP, we're going to tear up the Treaty of Paris and reclaim the colonies.

I thought most men believe their penises are giant antlers.

Or their cars.

In order to keep people away from homosexuality, they write up some gay porn? I really just can't wrap my head around Christians. They are a weird lot.

I'm starting to get really bummed out by all of this.

There's apparently this awesome gay conspiracy and I'm not a part of it. I mean, I'm not asking for a top slot in the Evil Court of Queens or whatever. I could run scouting missions or something or at the very least, receive a newsletter. I just want in! Or... out...? I don't know!

By OctoberMermaid (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Couldn't they do a movie of it? They could title it "LEFT in the BEHIND", or maybe "THE SECOND THIRD FOURTH AND FIFTH COMING". Anyway, text by James Dobson could only be improved by boom-chicka-boom music in the background.

The (George) Bush is too big a unit for everyday incidents of stupidity. For normal purposes one should use the deciBush. One might also define the Palin as the unit of ignorance, but for most purposes it will be more convenient to use the microPalin.

By Sceptical Chymist (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

The desperation and disappointment in the far right is becoming palpable...they are losing Babylon and inheriting Jericho to their jaundiced ignorance.

A truly pathetic attempt to lick their self inflicted and sensationalist wounds and as about as believable as the Christian myth in all of its dubious glory...they sure know how to spin a yarn...with a straight face...and fingers crossed behind their back.

The politics of fear are very sad especially from so called grown ups...
But that is the beauty of religion in that it keeps everyone afflicted with the disease of 'belief' at the mental age of a wide eyed three year old looking for daddy!

Unfortunately for the Christian right this does tend to come across as ever so slightly gay...may be they do protesteth a tad to much or maybe it is their age but their obsession with homosexuality seems to suggest that indeed they are trying to over compensate for their secret sexual preference hence their attitude towards women and their penchant for male domination in their various cults.

Now't so sad as a delusional with issues that pole-axes their logic circuits... like an in depth and well researched critique of their bible, faith and belief, or just simply a Democrat in the White house...well there goes the holy war with Islam they are all frothing for so maybe tis best to just blame the gays for their frustration tis their equivalent of spitting the dummy!

By strangest brew (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Off topic, but GET ON!

On topic, the No on 8 campaign needs money too.

In fact most of it sounded quite reasonable to me. Im sure gay people would be pleased if they could marry and have
the same benefits of heterosexual couples.
So there is the
"The Bible can no longer be freely preached over radio or television stations when the subject matter includes such "offensive" doctrines as homosexual conduct or the claim that people will go to hell if they do not believe in Jesus Christ. The Supreme Court agreed that these could be kept off the air as prohibited "hate speech" that is likely to incite violence and discrimination."

And besides equaling homosexuality with pedophilia its really disgusting, those republicans doesnt grasp the meaning of freedom at all.

In fact if the future its like that, its even better.

By Lord Zero (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Has there ever been a time in history when Jesus' return wasn't imminent? How many times can the bridegroom stand up the virgins before they finally pack up their fucking lamps and go home? Wise my ass.

By GuyIncognito (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Interesting excerpt in the link. As Curt Cameron #13 pointed out, some of the scary new laws aren't scary at all, but perfectly reasonable. Try substituting racial discrimination for homosexual discrimination, and see if they'd still find it outrageous if the "liberal Supreme Court" says that all states have to recognize biracial marriages and all public schools have to respect bi-racial relationships "whether they want to or not," poor things.

Other hypothetical policies were nonsense, either coming from the laws of other countries, or out of the paranoid mindset -- starting with the first. The court cannot "force" the Boy Scouts to hire gay scoutmasters or allow gay boys to join -- but they can and have taken away their special state preferential treatment, and so they should. That's what's really at stake: not the freedom to discriminate, but the freedom to get government backing and perks FOR that discrimination.

The dumbest and most paranoid of the lot I think are numbers 5 & 8. Policy #5 has the Bible legally classified as hate speech because it talks about hell and damnation for sinners, so it can no longer be publicly aired and presumably all religious programming is banned. Number 8 says that churches are legally FORCED to marry gay couples, or they're fined and sued.

For crying out loud, don't they have the example of slavery to measure their "freedom" by?

You can read the parts of the Bible advocating slavery over the air, and churches and even religious schools can refuse to marry inter-racial couples. Even today. A Supreme Court ruling that black people can no longer be legally discriminated against couldn't and didn't stop either.

It's called 'separation of church and state.' How ironic that that's what would protect them.

"Land of the free? Not with all these people enjoying their freedoms!"

Frankly, the future America he paints is one I wouldn't mind living in. It certainly beats the wannabe theocracy we've got percolating right now.

Or their cars.

Bride: If you ever cheat on me, I'll take a hammer to your manhood.

Groom: Don't you dare touch my Corvette!

The Boy Scouts in the U.S. are the only Scouts in a western "democracy" who are forbidden to express their lack of belief in the Big Fairy under penalty of expulsion.

They are the only Scouts in a western "democracy" who are subject to expulsion for their private sexual identity & behavior.

If the B.S.A. folded, it would be a good thing for Scouting. I would imagine that Scouting organizations in Europe would be happy to help transition those American Scout groups who are not religious or sexual bigots to a more inclusive organization.

For those bigots remaining, they can find other models to emulate than International Scouting; Hitler Youth springs to mind.

The crimes that got me thrown out of Boy Scouts:

Insubordination, ie. expressing unpopular political/social beliefs.

Avowed Atheism, despite having been an Atheist since before Cub Scouts.

I can still tie my knots, pitch my tents, cook my meals, find my way when "lost" & help those in need. No question Scouting benefited me.

Scouting would benefit many more children if open to everyone and devoid of the religious/cultural propaganda imposed on all members by a minority.

"Policy #5 has the Bible legally classified as hate speech"

In Canada, the Bible would be legally classified as hate speech (since, for better or worse, we have hate crime laws), but there is a specific clause exempting sincere, religiously motivated hate.

But overall, their future description of America seems pretty good. They are much more optimistic than I am.

I'm still not getting this obsession and hatred towards universal healthcare. They seem to be holding up the UK and Canada as some sort of example of how NOT to do it, sure the NHS has some problems but what is so wrong about allowing EVERYONE to have access to a doctor?

The main point that the article seems to raise on this issue is that there are waiting lists for some procudures. What it fails to mention however is that the health insurance industry is still going strong in the UK. Many individuals still have private health insurance, private hospitals still operate and there are more than enough health professionals working in the private sector. No-one is forced to use the NHS and, if you have the money (or private health insurance), you can get quicker treatment. Pretty much how it operates in the US at the moment.

What these people will complain about most however is that 'their' taxes will be used to provide healthcare to the poor and under-priviliged and that, for some reason, seems to be a real problem for certain segments of the US population.

I personally believe that should the US adopt a NHS style of healthcare it would have the potential to make this service world-leading.

I guess James Dobson would read Norman Spinard's "The Iron Dream" and take it for good. Actually that novel might be his inspiration :)
This guys reminds me of the military guy from "American Beauty".

Locking up guns and spreading pornography throughout the land? I'm in!

Matt7895, make sure you tear up the correct Treaty of Paris. You could potentially restart the Viet Nam war, the Spanish American War, the Crimean War, the Napoleonic Wars, or the Seven Years War. (and maybe one other.)

I've yet to meet a fundie extremist Death Cult Xian who wasn't insane, almost insane, stupid, or ignorant, and usually all three.

Harsh blanket statement but it is an empirical observation. These clowns are really just the lunatic fringe. It is a large fringe, however.

I have met more than a few Evangelicals and Pentocostals who seem to be normal people, i.e. none of the above. One of them is working for a presidential campaign as a volunteer. For some guy name Obama. LOL

I hope it will be tasteful porn. And I prefer my slash fiction with a good story line. Like an adventure or a detective/mystery theme.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

LAN3 #36

Thanks for reminding me of that. They really out to start giving these Treaties numbers.

The fundie loons had a lot of power in the last 8 years, owning the Theothuglican party, Bush the moron (big deal, what good is a moron?), and controlling congress for much of the time. They made a huge f''king mess that someone will have to clean up if they can!!! They also sent two of my friends to Iraq where they were killed by ambush.

Their height was nominating Palin, the crazy mommy to VP of McCain a sick, old 72 year old who could drop dead any time. Who most likely would drop dead even if he had to "accidently" fall down a flight of stairs.

Fortunately, the population here doesn't want to live in a banana republic run by demented theocrats. Few really want to sit on a pile of rubble, skinning a rat for dinner, while smiling and chanting "Jesus loves you".

My guess, after tasting power and the Nihilistic ability to hate and destroy on a continental scale, they aren't going to crawl quietly back under their rocks. Something will happen, killings, terrorism, bombings, Timothey McVeigh and Paul Hill type stuff.


By Christophe (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I loved this:

(9) Homosexual church staff members: "The land of the free"? While churches are still free to turn down homosexual applicants for the job of senior pastor, churches and parachurch organizations are no longer free to reject homosexual applicants for staff positions such as part-time youth pastor or director of counseling.

As if 92% of every male church organists/pianists weren't already gay, closeted surely, but nonetheless gay. The church is filled with self-hating/denying gay and bi men and Dobson and his ilk want to keep it that way. It may not be possible to pray the gay away but the Church Nazis can sure scare them into silence (if not full compliance) and they'll still keep on tithing and pretending to be 110% hetero.

No guns to worry about and 24 hour porn?!

Dude, sign me up stat!

By LightningRose (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Sounds like the usual paranoid ravings of the theocrats. They really wouldn't like my version of a queer future but then again I am queer and proud of it. Free gender therapy, hormone treatments and SRS for all!

wot? you mean priests have carte blanche to bang choir-boys all the way up to 2012?

wot happens if obama is reelected after that then?

Posted by: Duff @ 3 "I'm amazed humans males didn't evolve with giant antlers. The larger, the more dominant the male."

That would be fine for the alpha males and their beta pack mates, but there would still be the'sneaky f**ker' deltas with their smaller antlers, but more seductive ways.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

wot happens if obama is reelected after that then?

Hint:I suggest you purchase shares of the parent company that makes Astroglide.
That's why 20/teens will be known as the faaaaaabulous decade.

". . . they would have to hire homosexual scoutmasters . . ."

These people obviously know nothing about the Boy Scouts. Scoutmasters are volunteers, one doesn't "hire" them. Frankly I'm a bit surprised by this slip, as the Boy Scouts are obviously something they care about.

Oh, wait. Maybe they just care about the anti-gay, anti-atheist policies that an otherwise good organization presently espouses.

Catta @7,

the German[s have] got a bunch of openly gay politicians

There are a lot of things about my adopted homeland that annoy me. This, emphatically, isn't one of them. In fact, let me fix your statement:

"The Germans have got a bunch of politicians. Essentially nobody in Germany cares about who those politicians find attractive."

Sign of a healthy society, if you ask me.

As pointed out in 24*

The actual things that might fear to come to pass are not that unreasonable...but in Republican minds they appear scarily radical to the extreme...

What is disturbing is that these possible examples of a liberal democracy are held up as the worst possible horrors they can imagine.
So bad are they that they imagine that the fear of these possibilities will swing a presidential election.

The clones that trot to church regular do not need motivating with scare stories...their vote is already guaranteed....
It can be argued that this bile was aimed at lapsed non-thinking xians...they obviously need their vote so what do the religious do tis simple... scare the be jabbers out of them...tis the xian way afterall.

The religious fundamentalist right seem to be incapable of being reasonable fair and balanced.
The problem is because their delusion is so fragile they cannot be reasonable fair or balanced otherwise their belief will melt like tears in rain.

So great is their God...they over compensate by being macho dogmatic...comes across as just ridiculous!

By strangest brew (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

If this whole liberal thing is really about gay sex why can't I get any hot Drag Queens to vamp me? Huh? I've been ripped off.

Instead you guys save it the kinky drag queen gay predator action for all those crudy, uptight Christians. Well they're boring, you hear me! They don't know the things I know! When they are screaming "Oh God!" they mean it!

It's a weird read. Everything is about the gays . . .

The canard that every homophobe is a closet case isn't true, because most homophobes have problems with every kind of sex. But if gay sex is vastly more of a hot button than is sexuality in general--as with Dobson--you have to wonder.

One of the truly evil things about religiosity is that commonly, at its most orthodox, people's moral compasses are extracted and replaced with something that reacts only to sex. Which is why so many self-described Christian are utterly, totally, completely, slack-jawedly obsessed with it, while hardly noticing, e.g., violence or lying.

And since everyone is set up to enjoy sex, such people can stay in a permanent state of guilt and confusion their whole lives (while unreactive to being screwed in more metaphoric ways--a perfect mindset for the flock that someone means to shear, or to use for protective coloration for some unsavory practice or another, even if it's just telling the marks faithful that God wants 'em to fork over 10% pretax to you tithe).

If you're coming from that background and gay, sex--especially gay sex--is even more confusing, guilt-provoking and obsessional. When guys like Dobson say it's a choice, maybe it's because it was a choice for them.

By Molly, NYC (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Every time I read the inference that the religious folks who obsess over gays are actually closeted homosexuals themselves, I want to point out that there's another explanation that's every bit as plausible, and much less generous...

These folks (Dobson, etc.)assume that homosexual men view all men the way that they view all women. The scenarios they propose don't come from nowhere; it's what they imagine they would do, if freed of all constraints. Mandatory indoctrination to specific roles in grade schools? Allowing older teachers/leaders to sleep with young children? Forcing their values on others without allowing any dissent? Objectifying all possible sexual partners? Injecting sexual undertones in all contact with potential sexual partners?

These guys know what would happen if they had to shower with women, (uncontrolled arousal with the threat of rape) so they assume that the same thing would happen if gay men showered with straight men. In a lovely bit of irony, these 'Christians' are terrified that they will have 'done unto them' as they 'do unto others': objectify, dehumanize, discriminate.

Read through the rant, replacing the homosexual roles with heterosexual ones and see if it doesn't nicely fit the "Christian" world view of Dobson & friends.

"If this whole liberal thing is really about gay sex why can't I get any hot Drag Queens to vamp me? Huh? I've been ripped off."

Bob, you're OBVIOUSLY a closet republican and we can smell yo' ass a mile away

Wow. I thought you might be exagerating when you wrote that it was ALL about gays, but noooooo. Anyone that concerned with the 'gay agenda' has assless chaps in their closet.

The first line of the story reminds of a scene in Shortbus where one man sings the Star Spangled Banner into another man's anus. The whole thing, even. It's breathtaking... or something. Anyway, I loled.

Hahaha holy shit that was hilarious. "It's not the land of the free if I can't persecute people based on my ancient book of fairy tales! Waaaaaaah!"

hmmm, i read the parts that are quoted on pandragon; it sounds like a perfectly awesome world-view to me, heheh. That even includes the parts where the scouts, private schools and churches are being "forced" to accept gays, at least to the extent that they'd have to chose between being state-sponsored and supported, or being discriminatory (which is the only way this could happen legally)

And I think I agree with RodeoBob that this gay paranoia is a massive case of projection.

Has there ever been a time in history when Jesus' return wasn't imminent?

wasn't there a fringe(?) theory about how Rome might have really been set on fire by crazed Christians trying to bring about the end times...? I vaguely remember something like that.

anyway, yes... it seems every Christian generation has thought they were living in the end times.

It's a weird read. Everything is about the gays . . .

You know, before actually going over there I thought you were indulging in a little exaggeration. Alas, I see you weren't. Weird. As a straight male I don't even think about straight sex as much as they do about gay sex.

Why is "no guns and free porn" a bad thing?

That reasoning of their's demonstrates flat out the decrepid mentality of someone who thinks that sex is worse than violence.

By ChrisGose (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

The Museum of Broadcast Communications has announced it will induct right wing extremist James Dobson into its Radio Hall of Fame.

Screw him!


... what is so wrong about allowing EVERYONE to have access to a doctor?

Do you want to have to lie to your kids when you tell them poor children have cooties?

God save the queen
Her homofascist regime
It made you a moron
A potential tranny bomb !

God save the queen
She ain't no human being
There's homo future
In America's dreaming

Don't be told what you want
Don't be told what you need
There's homoo future
Homo future
Homo future for you

God save the queen
We mean it man
We love our queen
God saves

God save the queen
Cos faggots are money
And our figurehead is not what she seems
Oh God save history God save your mad parade
Oh lord God have mercy
All crimes are paid

When there's homoo future how can there be sin
We're the flowers in the dustbin
We're the poison in your human machine
We're the future your future

God save the queen
We mean it man
There's homo future
In America's dreaming

Homo future for you
Homo future for me
Homo future, homo future for you

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

What were those gay science fiction books? I remember there was a whole series of them and the whole planet of men were just...gay. I think I skimmed because I don't remember any women and it wasn't like porn or anything, just science fiction where the protagonist happens to be gay.

It's not ALL gays, if you read the pdf link. Just a lot of it. He also goes into terrorism (4 bombs in the US!), the destruction of Israel (Tel Aviv nuked!), and the Pledge of Allegiance (no "Under God"!). It's kind of a fun read, for how ludicrous it is if nothing else.

For anyone who used to respect Dobson (apparently, there are some that have), I think he knows it's over the top and that's sort of his intent. It's an absolutely "worst-case" scenario. He relies on four Supreme Court appointments in the first six months of an Obama presidency, and then has the SC do all the heavy lifting.

A good comparison would be if atheists claimed that electing McCain/Palin would turn the US into a Christian Iraq, complete with imprisoning gays, taking the right to vote away from women, etc., etc.

By CrypticLife (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

anyway, yes... it seems every Christian generation has thought they were living in the end times.

Considering that it's possible to interpret the bible to mean that the first christians thought they were living in the end times it would therefore be fair to say yes.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

If only they'd realize that there's no shame in watching gay porn.

CrypticLife @ 68:

It's not ALL gays, if you read the pdf link. Just a lot of it. He also goes into terrorism (4 bombs in the US!), the destruction of Israel (Tel Aviv nuked!), and the Pledge of Allegiance (no "Under God"!).

Right--plus Russia reoccupies most of the former USSR territory and the Warsaw Pact nations, while President Obama plays Neville Chamberlain.

Nevertheless, PZ's point brings the funny: notwithstanding all of this globe-roiling nuke-tinged war, it's Teh Gay that gets top billing and the longest list of HORRIFYING!!!11! predictions. Iran nukes Israel off the map? Pssh! Tell me whether my adoption agency will still be able to refuse to place kids with them damn queers!

The bizarreness of the Right is endlessly amazing.

It's always specifically "the gays," isn't it? I guess it's hard to rally the troops with scare stories about being taken over by lesbians. Come to think of it, that DOES remind me of some sci-fi stories....

By Screechy Monkey (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Oh Mr. Dobson, all this attention you're paying to me. I'm just so overwhelmed.
There is just one little thing, though. I'm just not attracted to you. These little gifts you keep suggesting I take...like domination of church activities and spreading porn to all...well, they're great gifts, but really, you need to stop now. I just don't like you "in that way." See, gay men aren't attracted to all men. Especially bigoted men who run large crazy religious organizations. So, please, stop with the gifts, I have my own agenda to work on for now which will keep me plenty busy (grad school, work, preventing new kitten from tearing the house apart). Perhaps some day we can meet and talk this through over coffee--once my people actually have the same rights you do. Ta for now.

By Sabazinus (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Of course, how better to respond to a pro-gay post than with anti-male generalizations. Nothing ironic about that.

Just what is Focus on the Family's estimate for the homosexual population in the U.S. anyway? Are there just an army of gays waiting to take over the entire educational, military and religious functions of society?

I self-identify as a Christian. I used to be a Dobsonsite. Then I moved into a neighborhood that was, unbeknownst to me at the time, predominantly gay--and it was among the best places I have ever lived. Even in the gayest place in a city, life was pretty much exactly the same as anywhere else. What exactly does Dobson think is going to happen? Orgies in the street? Mandatory sex as part of sex education? Confiscation of all religious literature?

This part sounds like utopia to me:

Obama rescinded President Bush's executive order that had prevented presidential papers from
being released, and millions of pages of previously secret White House papers were posted on
the Internet. ACLU attorneys have spent four years poring over these papers looking for possible
violations of law. Dozens of Bush officials, from the Cabinet level on down, are in jail, and most
of them are also bankrupt from legal costs."

But how does it advance the Gay Agenda®? The part about being in jail?

What Dobson thinks might happen is losing his power, prestige and money. From this he then makes up some crappy rationales to cover his fear and voila -- crappy, pseudo-gay sci fi

By BillCinSD (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

They ARE aware that same-sex marriage is legal in Canada and our society hasn't imploded, right? It's been legal here for two or three years.

"...lurid stories of handsome young Christian men being compelled by scantily clothed muscular gay men to watch explicit pornography..."

Stop it PZ, you're turning me on.

Wow! We get hot young christian guys! I can't wait. I thought I was just going to get a toaster over and some glassware for promoting the Gay Agenda™.

He didn't work some sort of Church of Darwin idea in there, did he? Because I swear it's mandatory in a crazy fundie rant.

Although it conjures up an image of transitional fossils depicted in stained glass instead of religious figures, and to be honest I'd like to see that...

What exactly does Dobson think is going to happen? Orgies in the street? Mandatory sex as part of sex education? Confiscation of all religious literature?

Again, it's pure projection. Dobson believes homosexual men think like he does, but are attracted to men and have no real morality, so he imagines what he would do if he wasn't a God-fearing man obeying biblical edicts out of fear & loathing, and then changes the women in his fantasies to men. Working backwards, if it were up to him, all opposing points of view would be made illegal, women really are sex objects first and foremost in his view, and opportunities for sex would be a continual temptation every waking moment.

Reading the entire 16 page rant is not for the faint of heart, but offers an insight into the world of the truly deranged.

Personally, I liked this:

Some will respond to this letter by saying, "Well, I hope hardship and even persecution
come to the church. It will strengthen the church!" But hoping for suffering is wrong. It is
similar to saying, "I hope I get some serious illness because it will strengthen my faith."

Is this a point of view he frequently gets from his supporters? I guess he's taking a firm stand against the temptations of homosexuality and masochism.

By Groucho101 (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

....but, but, there were footnotes....it all must be true....

I'm as horrified as Dobson by one thing in his fictitious future, though he won't be comforted by it. As a gay man, I'll never live without a 9-millimeter in the house. The second amendment may be obsolete, but who cares, we do have the unenumerated right to be able to defend ourselves. And the fact that he can write these things about people like me proves why it'll always be necessary.

#79- "They ARE aware that same-sex marriage is legal in Canada and our society hasn't imploded, right? It's been legal here for two or three years."

It doesn't count because you aren't True Humans/ Part of the Shining City on a Hill.

Silly. You're all Hellbound anyway.

I think Dobson farmed this one out to Orson Scott Card!

Obama is apparently slated for the role of first gay president.

Too late, Ann Coulter has already pegged Clinton as the first gay president... you see, he was banging so many wimmins because he was, as should be obvious, a latent homosexual. Honest, I couldn't make this shit up!


By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Gott in Himmell,

That is even more concentrated stupid than Uncommonly Dense and AIG combined. Is there no respite from this torture?

I know that the right wing has a fascination with sex in their propaganda. Hitler's National Socialist used to spread pamphlets talking about the predatory nature of Jewish men and their corruption of German (Aryan Germans, that is) women. Before the election in South Africa that voted Nelson Mandela as president, some of the right wing Afrikaners groups distributed pamphlets in the Indian communities of South Africa with cartoons showing black stereotypes attacking Indian women.
I'm not sure how much that alone effected the low vote percentage of the Indian community for Mandela. Other historical prejudices were certainly at play. But considering that here in the US we have our own right wingers infatuated with everyone's sexual life (but their own?) we can say with some certainty that the pornographication of politics is a typical right wing strategy.
Does any one know of any studies or books on this topic either in the national or international sense.
I can't shake the thought that people who spend a lot of time caring about other people's sex lives must have a confused and / or mediocre sex life.

What kills me? I love slash fic. But anything featuring Dobsons folks would be the kind of non-consensual self loathing fic that makes people like me afraid to admit how much we heart teh gay.

I want to read about like, Kirk and Spocks big gay space aventures or House and Wilson's one true love. Not this absurd self loathing stuff.

Also: NATIONAL HEALTH CARE NOW. Medical care should be a right, not a privledge.

By Nora Bombay (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

For even more fun try some of the Yes on 8 crap. Claims that California teachers have to teach about gay marriage for example.

It's more fear than homophobia really. Fear of not being in control of their own lives. Dobson and crew are afraid they'll be forced to do things they don't want to. They refuse to consider the idea that leaving the other to live his own live will have no effect on them. Let's not forget the need to control.

An irrational fear of God comes into the picture. I rather doubt they understand what the idea of an omniscient God means. To such a being reciprocal pudding packing wouldn't be such a big deal. Carry on like a meth crazed baboon on the other hand . . .

Basically perpetual house apes.

Focus on the Patriarchy? Don't you mean Focus on the Anus?

They never seem to get that if they think its 'god's will' for McCain/Palin to win and they dont that maybe their 'god' is not all powerful.

I knew Dobsons father when he taught at my college. Nice guy. Very humble. Dont know how his son got so f'ed up.

By druidbros (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Too late, Ann Coulter has already pegged Clinton as the first gay president... you see, he was banging so many wimmins because he was, as should be obvious, a latent homosexual. Honest, I couldn't make this shit up!

Just another case of a stupid, shallow high-schooler spreading rumors that a guy is gay because he turned HER down.

I considered writing up a counter-letter-from-the-future, but every idea I have quickly degenerates into satire and sarcasm. Any thoughts I have about four years under McCain that are allowed to develop to the same scale as their ideas on four years of Obama would be obvious comedy. But I have a feeling that they believe that this is the actual result of four years with Obama.

It took me all day, but I finally realized what that document reminded me off: The "ripple of evil" segment of Lewis Black's Root of All Evil.

2112? Isn't that when the ancients return to overthrow the priests of the Temple of Syrinx and assume control of the Solar Federation?

By Quiet_Desperation (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

On behalf of RUSH fans everywhere, I would like to thank you for being freakin' cool.

By ArmageddonKitten (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

You know, I blame all this irrational hate/fear from the Repubs constituency on Bush and big business. He's beeen pushing the inspire fear button since 9/11, really squeezing the tactic for all he can get and big business follow suit.

There's the 'war on terror': pushing false fear of the darkies 'over there' to scare the government into allowing Bush to do basically whatever he wants, spend money, torture, fund the 'imperial outposts' worldwide, whatever. When it's actually the US that the rest of the world is worried about.

There's the 'war on drugs' and the emphasis on reporting of violent crimes pushing fear of the nations own teenagers, arming the police against the society they live in and being used by the security industry to sell guns, 'safe rooms' and security systems and build ever more jails.

There's the 'war on obesity', which has been particularly successful in pushing a mostly unbased and totally overblown fear and hatred of the fat (http://junkfoodscience.blogspot.com/) to make squillions for the health, fitness, beauty, insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and stigmatising millions unnecessarily.

Then there's the competing/complementary problems of climate change and peak oil, and the global economic collapse and then on top of all that the Democrats choose a half-black man as their candidate for the Presidency, stiring up all that race-hatred that's been boiling under the surface of US 'civilised' society for centuries.

Added to the usual not so subsurface continual hate and fear of the militant gays, feminists, atheists, evolutionaries, libruls and revenuers, sometimes I'm amazed America hasn't self-destructed yet from chronic adrenaline overload!

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Dobson's Utopia:
"That even includes the parts where the scouts, private schools and churches are being "forced" to accept gays, at least to the extent that they'd have to chose between being state-sponsored and supported, or being discriminatory (which is the only way this could happen legally)"

The downside of all that is when he mentions that (all!) the adoption agencies and the Boy Scouts quit operations just so that they wouldn't have to possibly associate with teh gayz. That part was a little less utopian, but depressingly likely.

But then that other part that got quoted above...

"President Obama rescinded President Bush's executive order that had prevented presidential papers from
being released, and millions of pages of previously secret White House papers were posted on
the Internet. ACLU attorneys have spent four years poring over these papers looking for possible
violations of law.
"Dozens of Bush officials, from the Cabinet level on down, are in jail, and most
of them are also bankrupt from legal costs."

...I just came.

I'm so old trhat my antler rarely works

"President Obama rescinded President Bush's executive order that had prevented presidential papers from being released, and millions of pages of previously secret White House papers were posted on the Internet. ACLU attorneys have spent four years poring over these papers looking for possible violations of law.
"Dozens of Bush officials, from the Cabinet level on down, are in jail, and most of them are also bankrupt from legal costs."

What? They're saying that the Bush administration is guilty of uncounted crimes, and that only opacity allows them to get away unpunished? Personnally, I have no problem with this, but I'm surprised that any Conservative would state it so plainly.

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 25 Oct 2008 #permalink

Dobson should skip right over to Westboro Baptist church,give Fred a high five, and grab a God hates Fags sign.

By Lewis Thomason (not verified) on 25 Oct 2008 #permalink

I never knew I had such power before Focus on the Family made me aware that I can change the world forever just by having sex! I shall use this power only for good and my LGBT brothers and sisters shall soon be installed as benevolent dictators in all local and state governments. You can thank us later. ;)

By Cassandra (not verified) on 25 Oct 2008 #permalink

Hey guys and gals,
Quit worrying about gays and lesbos! Didn't you know God rides in a spaceship!

The reason there is so much rightwing hysteria about the Boy Scouts - Mormons use Boy Scouts for their religious youth group and are well represented in the national leadership of BSA. The Mormons are the largest and most vocal segment on Boy Scout positions on God, country, and homosexuality. If you know a Mormon, ask them if this is true - most admit it. Of course, there is not the same emphasis on girls for Mormons, so they don't have the same relationship to Girl Scouts.

Adrian #34
Exactly - although the actual book within that story was Lord of the Swastika, which won Adolf Hitler a posthumous Hugo award.

This Dobson guy says he's a Christian, right? What happened to that part about "not bearing false witness"?

By Consumer Unit 5012 (not verified) on 25 Oct 2008 #permalink

Oh, and here's what a Christian who's NOT an adherent of the Gay-Hatin' Gospel had to say in response to this screed:

"Fuck you, Dobson, you blaspheming piece of shit. You are a liar and a fearmonger and a wretched little man twisted by hate and horror of the Other. You are a made-up corpse, a white-washed charnel house, the spawn of serpents, a misleader of children for whom a millstone around the neck would be a mercy. You are an actor with a mask to make you seem fearsome and elevated shoes to make you seem grand. You are a hog trampling pearls into the muck, a rotted wineskin that would burst apart were it ever filled. You've made the House of Prayer into a den of thieves and whores and petty tyrants, and your back cries out for a lashing. You, personally, have done grievous harm to the Gospel of Christ, spattering the teaching of ultimate Love with a tarnish of hate and fear and naked ambition. Be damned to you, and your true master the Lord of Flies."
-- Brad Ellison

Can I get an "Amen"?

By Consumer Unit 5012 (not verified) on 25 Oct 2008 #permalink

Now, now, if Dobson and his flock want to write and read -- and re-read, and get quiveringly obsessed over -- a rant that amounts to gay seduction/bondage fanfic, surely that's their own concern. (Though we can form our own judgments of their literary taste.)

As long as they don't spread their pornographic fantasies where innocent children may be exposed to them.

Because that would be a felony, I believe, and a crime of moral decadence, and the sort of thing that might get them all lifelong entries on sexual offender lists.

Uh, just how far have they spread these fantasies?

On the bright side, all the christians are unemployed and leaving the country... (Sorry Australia and New Zealand!)

By Extra Bitter Stoat (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

You really have to wonder about their sexuality from this sort of thing. They obsess over homosexuality more than I do, and I'm a gay slash fic writer who previously lived in Asheville, NC.

It's pathetic.