“Mommy, she's so mean”

This is how petty election politics have become this year: a Republican denies children Halloween candy if they won't agree with her choice of McCain for president.


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For real? Sounds like a joke! What a psycho. Well, a neighborhood of children will have bad memories of Republicans!

I think this makes sense. I didn't give anyone any candy unless they said they were followers of the FSM.

I like how the teenager at the end (who looked below voting age) was the voice of reason and the so-called "adult" (who can vote) was the childish and irresponsible one.

Also, how effective is handing out McCain-Palin fliers to people who already support McCain? So her "strategy" is both needlessly hurtful to children *and* moronic.

Bizzare and mean spirited but, hey, it is up to her who she gives candy to. How she thinks this will encourage support of McCain is beyond me, but then she doesn't look all that rational.

Equally weird, how did this make it into a news item?

You know, if I was undecided (and hadn't already voted) this would swiftly push me to voting for Obama. I wonder if she thought about that?

It shows that conservatives only approve of handouts when it is to fellow conservatives and elites (ie bailout package, Reaganomics).

But when it is to progressives, the poor, or children (Bush vetoing Child Insurance bill), they cry socialism.

That's what eggs and shaving cream are for.

Talk about missing the spirit (in the non-supernatural sense) of the holiday.

Here's a fun night in the life of youngsters (of just about any age), a time to dress up, and enjoy sweet treats and shivers of spooky fun. A time to have a communal, social connection from neighborhood to neighborhood.

And this lady made it all about herself.

Lady, I'm largely unfamiliar with the phraseology of much of the youth these days, but if I'm not mistaken, that's pretty significant fail. That's at least 3 standard deviations above the mean of fail.


No kings,


By Desert Son (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Between this and the kicking out of the young Republicans who looked like they might be protesters the Republican party seems to be doing a wonderful job of alienating almost anyone below the age of 25. This is different though since it is one person being crazy rather than a well-planned action by people in the party. And the scale is a bit smaller. (And I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere there's an Obama supporter doing the exact same thing).

Yeah, that's a great strategy for getting people to vote for McCain: tell their kids they don't get candy if the parents support Obama.

I'm sure the parents will turn right around and vote for McCain...

BTW, this "lady" would fit right in with the elite filthy rich Wall Street Repub crowd, with that outfit. Perhaps she's really a Dem and that was her Halloween character: a demented Wall-street McCain supporter.

By Bubba Sixpack (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Oh, don't worry, this will bite her on the ass eventually. She'll never live down being the Old Rethuglian Witch who discriminated against kids (who couldn't vote anyway). We'll just chalk it up to "karma" with a wink and a nudge.
I'm sure those disappointed kids will want to be Republicans when they grow up.

how incredibly petty.

Boy, that settles it! That lady has helped me to see the light. I've not been nearly militant enough in promoting my political views. Henceforth, no passing grades for students who vote for McCain!

In all fairness, I should announce that in class tomorrow.

And left-over Halloween candy for the Obama voters! Yay!

(And I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere there's an Obama supporter doing the exact same thing)

I would. (Be surprised, I mean.)

"Henceforth, no passing grades for students who vote for McCain!"

This message was approved by the NEA.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Henceforth, no passing grades for students who vote for McCain!

Well, to be fair, you would need to be rather unintelligent to vote for McCain, so even without discrimination they probably wouldn't pass.

Obama's scary?! Has she SEEN McCain?

He looks like central casting's pick for the old man behind every Scooby Doo haunting...

I was surprised that no-one in the video seemed to explicitly raise the point that what she was doing was moronic - the kids can't vote, candy isn't gonna change the parent's vote.

Although I would find it stupidly awesome if the entire presidential campaigning process was based on candy.

O: "Vote for me, I'll give everyone a free lollipop!"

M: "No, vote for me! I'll give everyone TWO lollipops"

O: "Well, I'll give them a bar of chocolate as well. Not supermarket brand chocolate. Cadbury's."

M: "Heck, I'll give them a free tour of a chocolate FACTORY!"

Reporter: "Sirs, what are your stances on the war in the middle-east?"

O+M: ...


Oh dear god/thor/fsm, that would be the best thing in history to watch.

This Republican women was mean to those children.

A true Democrat would have inspected each kids bag and depending on that child's racial and social economic status,removed or added candy as required.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

EricA the class clown. You aren't funny, just pathetic.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Halloween: All these dangerous socialists who want to redistribute the candy....

By christophoros (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

This "red headed nerd" spents quite a bit of time trying to insult me, but little time trying to refute what I say.

Typical Democrat Behavior.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

This would not have worked out for so well when I was a kid. They call it trick or treat for a reason.

All I can say is that a bunch of pansies live in that neighborhood.

Don't they have any soap, eggs, flaming bags of poo???

EricA the class clown. I am not a democrat. I've told you that in previous threads. So I add liar to your list of crimes, the first of which is not funny.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Sam B @ #22:

Maybe you've forgotten Bob Dole: "Vote for me and I'll give you a dollar next time you fill up your gas tank."

Not that much different if you ask me.

By Gregory Kusnick (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

This "red headed nerd" spents quite a bit of time trying to insult me, but little time trying to refute what I say.

Typical Democrat Behavior.

True. Oddly enough, I don't try to refute people who say "The Bible says it, I believe it, that proves it" for some reason.

I guess some people are just too stupid to be dealt with as they understand so little. Of course, the lovely irony is those people are too stupid to realize even that, and think that people not responding to their sheer stupidity, such as bible sayings, somehow means they win.

You are, no doubt, one of the best Christians I've ever seen.

Absolutely unacceptable. This person should be in jail. It doesn't surprise me that the same people who support private ownership of murder weapons would stoop to such a low. If this were a better country she would be in care of a psychiatrist. It's obvious her thinking is fatally broken.

By Steve Vance (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Nibien; I am an Atheist and the LAST book you would hear me quote is a Bible.

Your assumption made you a ass.

And Nerd, I don't care if you call yourself a liberty unionest, or what. Its still TDB.

No lie.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Eric, you didn't get a better response because your comment was about as close to contentless as it could be barring it becoming a string of random letters. What are you claiming when you say that "A true Democrat would have inspected each kids bag and depending on that child's racial and social economic status,removed or added candy as required." Are you trying to refer to affirmative action or to reparations? Are you trying to refer to the use of welfare? If the first case, then the claim is stupid because most Dems don't support any form of reparations for slavery. If you are talking about welfare then the claim is equally stupid because making sure that people have the minimal amount they need to survive with dignity in a given society isn't at all the same as deciding how much candy kids get (notice the difference between essential and non-essentials). In fact, almost no one is in favor of no federal welfare programs. The question is to whom to give and how much? Moreover, the notion of a government deciding to use its tax money of the electorate in a certain way is so different than someone taking candy of a non-consenting individual by a private citizen that I don't even know how to express it.

Bubba @ #10 lmao exactly
She's got every right to award the behavior she likes, but why the hells didn't someone trick this lady! It's Halloween! Get in the spirit!

A true Democrat would have inspected each kids bag and depending on that child's racial and social economic status,removed or added candy as required.

That briefly registered on the "cleverness" meter.

Now if only you weren't getting beat up by a windmill...

This was on Fox News? Even they seem to be giving up on McCain.

By Bob Vogel (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Don't feed the fucking troll. It's the same conversation over and over. He's just a pathetic attention whore. Just let him rot and die and the world will be a much better place.

Eric Atkinson

I'm very much a backer of the democratic party, but I didn't inspect the bags of any kids or redistribute anything based on height or other criteria. Actually, I don't know anyone who does, just as I know of none of my Republican friends who discriminated against non-McCain backers. This woman is simply a moron.

Back to the main point: So much for your ignorant statement about "typical Democratic behavior". Do you have any other idiotic statements you want to make?

EricA the class clown, I tell the truth when I say you are not funny. Half the time, you are not even logical. So I am supposed to believe the class clown when he says the equivalent of "trust me"? If you think that, I have a bridge to sell cheap.....

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Obama for Mercedes Benz?

By Teh Merkin (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Hopefully, the parents of all the trick-or-treaters who encountered this woman are taking advantage of this "teachable" moment, no matter what their political affiliations.

"Absolutely unacceptable. This person should be in jail. It doesn't surprise me that the same people who support private ownership of murder weapons would stoop to such a low. If this were a better country she would be in care of a psychiatrist. It's obvious her thinking is fatally broken."


I think Steve misses soviet russia or some such.

I am really glad I live no where close to Steve.

If you dissagree with Steve, you need a Psychiatrist.

That must be somewhere in the DSM-IV, but I forget where.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Anybody else thought the inclusion of the "Obama is for Mercedes Benz"(That was NOT a peace sign), and an Obama cardboard cutout as a Halloween decoration were subtle jabs at the intelligence of Obama supporters? Leave it to Fox News: )

By DarkFalzX (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

EricA the class clown. I am not a democrat. I've told you that in previous threads. So I add liar to your list of crimes, the first of which is not funny.

My beloved Strawberry Blond, Eric Atkinson does not care that you're not a Democrat, or not: all he cares about is indulging in his desire to prove his loyalty to the Republican Party by dehumanizing and, more importantly, demonizing all those who do not mirror his opinions, irregardless of whether or not they also happen to be his fellow countrymen, or even members of the same species.

There. Fixed.

Thank you Emmet. My mistake.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink


That's what eggs and shaving cream are for.

And toilet paper. And bloggers (and YouTube).

Nifty. A crazy, godbag, child-hating thief loves you. Aces, McCain!

Hopefully, the parents of all the trick-or-treaters who encountered this woman are taking advantage of this "teachable" moment...

That's the right attitude, Heather. This is a teachable moment.

And one I would definitely take advantage of as I return home to grab some toilet paper.

By Annapolitan (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Yep, someone who richly deserves to find out the other part of the "Trick OR Treat" dynamic the hard way...

This is a Witch, spelled with a capital "B". ;-)

Eric Atkinson. Happy "muder weapons" owner and proud member of the National "muder weapons" Association.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Got to love Eric, he's the epitome of hypocrisy. Acts exactly like the accusations he throws against others. As a result, he just comes out as a narcissistic arse.

And this sort of shit actually makes it into the news over there in the New World? How utterly, utterly, troglodytic.

Just what the #@$! is "private ownership of murder weapons" supposed to mean? More woo-woo voodoo thinking...as if guns are possessed entities that can kill all by themselves.

I'm a Lefty and don't like the lady in the video either, but "private ownership of murder weapons" has got to be about the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time.

Let us be fair, it seems everyone has forgotten the trick part of Halloween. This is what toilet paper and eggs are for.

...I can't even begin to express how disgusted I am right now.

By Sydney S. (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

I love the logic of Eric A:
"Nibien; I am an Atheist and the LAST book you would hear me quote is a Bible.

Your assumption made you a ass.

And Nerd, I don't care if you call yourself a liberty unionest, or what. Its still TDB.

No lie. "
I like how his behavior can't be typical bible-thumper behavior because he's an atheist, but someone who's not a democrat still exhibits typical democratic behavior. I know there's logic there somewhere, I just can't seem to find it because it makes my brain hurt.

Matt. Please read the last line of post #33.

I wasn't accused of acting like a thumper.

I was accused of being one.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

And you accused nerd of being a democrat...my head still hurts. Oh, and how are those conservative economic policies working out for you?

Nibien; I am an Atheist and the LAST book you would hear me quote is a Bible.

Your assumption made you a ass.

I never said, specifically, you ascribed to the beliefs of the Christian doctrine, I said you were, in fact, a good Christian.

That is, you're ignorant, unthinking, uncritical, uneducated, spiteful, hateful, spout pointless phrases that mean nothing, yet think they win the day for you, are a general ass who seems to hate everyone who is different from you.

In fact, every personality trait you have seems to fit perfectly into one of the most fundamental Christian sects there are. Your lack of belief in God, I can be assured, did not come from critical thinking and a strong intellectual background, it comes merely from either from an emotional standing, or merely a lack of indoctrination.

Also, I quite enjoy the irony of you calling me an ass, as you are undoubtedly the most disliked human beings and I use that word for you, quite "liberally" in your case (I like puns)) who posts on these forums, and for good reason.

So, ascribing to the belief in a God or not, you are a perfect fundie-Christian, or any other religious nomination you wish to ascribe all the spiteful traits to. Your lack of believe in a God is of minor consequence, because the real problem with the religious is not their belief but that hatred and ignorant that stems with it and that, you have all of and more.

Ah damn, I failed on the second line with blockquote. Alas, I can take comfort that it is an insignificant fail in comparison to Eric's post and I daresay life.

DarkFalzX @ #48: You mean that wasn't symbolic of how Obama's in favor of giving people a bigger piece of the American pie?

By Sanity Jane (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

I also like how he dodged my point of painting someone with whatever label he wants, regardless of it's validity, by saying someone else did it to him and they were wrong. But hey, dodging the issues and crying about how he's treated: typical republican behavior.

"Supporting McCain gives you cavities!"

Cortical cavities.

By papa zita (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

I saw that on TV last night. I thought it was totally unfair to give those trick or treaters who support Barack Obama nothing while she only gives treats to those supporting McCain. How should the children know all this when what they really want is candy for Halloween?

Matt, this is going to hurt.

I am a registered Democrat.

It's so I can vote against Democrats in the primary.

I have no factual information on what party nerd belongs to.

Nerd said that he is not a Democrat because he "votes a split ticket."

But from the way he talks here he sure sounds like one to me. If he lived in Vermont, I would say a liberty unionest.

But I've be know to be wrong, and besides, nerd claims I am a liar.

An so on.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

JJR #54, please don't associate us witches with that whackaloon.

"This ReTHUGlican women was mean to those children. A true Democrat would have inspected each kids bag and depending on that child's racial and social economic status,removed or added candy as required."

Actually, Eric, a Democrat, particularly a Liberal Democrat, would give candy to any child, irregardless of political view, faith or lack of it, national origin, race, gender, sexual orientation, whatever, you name it. We treat everyone equally, remember.

A Republican would only give candy to the kids of her rich cronies and tell the less fortunate tots to go choke. She's got hers and doesn't give a good goddamn about anyone else, UNLESS there is something in it for her.

The GOP motto..."If they're going to die, let them do it quick and reduce the surplus population."

Or better yet..."Yes, we'd sell our own mother to benefit ourselves, but only if we can send her COD."

I think the term for her is "hard-faced bitch".

She looks a bit like that Marcos sheila married to the Philippino dictator (Dickwad Reagan's mate), the one who collected shoes.

I ls lk t tch chldrn. Inpprprtly.

[NO. Faking another user's name to post scurrilous accusations is not allowed, and will get you banned.]

[This comment was not posted by Eric Atkinson. -- pzm]

By NOT Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

"That is, you're ignorant, unthinking, uncritical, uneducated, spiteful, hateful, spout pointless phrases that mean nothing, yet think they win the day for you, are a general ass who seems to hate everyone who is different from you."

Hate? Because I'm not a liberal?
Ignorant? Yes I am. Show me some who isn't.
Spiteful? Well maybe.
Uneducated? Well, undereducated, I only have one BS and two AAS, so yes undereducated.
Pointless? Give me a break.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Eric Atkinson's comments are very instructive. In his little conservative fantasy world, actual documented bad behavior by a Republican is equivalent to a bizarre, unrealistic projection of Democratic behavior. It's almost a metaphor for this whole election.

All of post #72 boils down to "I'm an asshole."

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Eric Ass-kinson -

What an irritating little piss-ant you are. You are the reason I resort to "killfile", despite my basic instinctual curiosity for all person's viewpoints.

Haven't we had enough of this guy's intentional and unwarranted agitation at this point? Seriously. I get tired of you swooping in with your "hey, watch me stir the pot... hee hee hee" attitude every chance you get. If there's a position to be had on this board, rest assured you'll be there to take the opposite position. I have no idea what your politics, religion, or any other slant is, Eric. And that's because all you seem interested in is being a contrarian little gnat, looking to piss on PZs carpet every chance you get. I have no idea whether you believe all the crap you dump on the lawn or not... and I don't really care. I've just really had enough of you. *killfile*.

By Celtic_Evolution (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

"And this sort of shit actually makes it into the news over there in the New World? How utterly, utterly, troglodytic."
Hehe, clearly that witch lived in an above ground domicile, and not a cave, spion. Now if you're finished casting aspersions on the "New World" can we speak of over-large ears and poor dental care? Cor blimey!


Typical Democrat Behaviour.

Once again.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Why am I not surprised by anything Republicans do anymore? They're like a bottomless pit of disgustingly shitty behavior.

Eric @ #72

I am a registered Democrat.

It's so I can vote against Democrats in the primary.

What do you hope to achieve by this? Why wouldn't you want to be involved in Republican nominations?

For context, the Pointes are where Detroit area old money families traditionally live. This kind of behavior there is, though reprehensible, not surprising. It is the sort of area where 'driving while black' and 'driving while poor' (driving an older car after dark) absolutely will get you pulled over and ticketed.

The Karma will come in the form of an raw omelet splattered all over her house!

By harmlesstree (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

She was a 9th grade English teacher. One of her former students says she was nuts. He tells some funny stories about her that would seem to support his claim, including a story about a garlic necklace, holy water and a cross to ward off the darkness--aka the principal.


Eric, I never said you were a republican, I just said it was typical republican behavior. Or, to quote you: "And Nerd, I don't care if you call yourself a liberty unionest, or what. Its still TDB." So, Eric, I don't care if you call yourself a democrat or are registered as one. It's still typical republican behavior. And you are still dodging the point that it's OK for you to label others whether or not it fits, but to cry about it (again) when it is done to you. I like your consistent inconsistency. But your right. It hurts...my head.

Eric, you are an asshole who happens to be an atheist. (Number five.)

So, are you an atypical Democrat? Who am I shitting, I do not give a flying fuck.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

In the part of North Carolina that I live in, it was years ago almost against the law to be registered as anything other than a Democrat. Local politics. So of us never changred our party affilation.

Despite what you hear, I not a Republican ether. I just don't like the one sided politics of "liberal or be damned."

And I don't like Obama.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'm firmly with Bubba on this subject. If I were there I'd have taken 10 dozen eggs and a 12 pack of toilet paper rolls and let the kids have at the old sow.
And if she has an outhouse, I'm sure Bubba would help me push it over. *snort*

She redefines the term "candy-ass."

By terrylong (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Eric Twatkinson supports terrorism and wants to teach your children how to be gay. In response to this, he will call it typical democrat behavior, thunderingly oblivious to the fact that it's typical republican behavior.

Janine. Its very dangerous to fuck and fly.

Especially when you are drinking.

I need to go make some money, so you people will need to make do with out me.

That should get some funny insults.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

And I don't like Obama.

EricA, the classless assclown, we heard you the first ten posts months ago. At this point, you are just being stupid if you think we don't get that you don't like Obama. You need to understand you aren't funny, so you just sound stupid. You aren't going to be the next Carlin. So if you aren't adding to the thread, just don't just try to be funny.

BTW, I am not so much pro Obama as I am "not the republican candidate, whoever it may be". So I am a mild Obama voter.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Eric Atkinson - Your child molesting post at #76 should get you banned. I hope PZ sends you to the seventh level of the pit. Asshole is too good for the likes of you, at least an asshole has a function. Pervert.

Patricia. Dr Myers has access to the information that shows I didn't make that post.

It wouldn't suprise me if you made that post.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

I am going to be so happy when this election is over. I am sure there will be a whole new bunch of crazy no matter who wins, but at least there may be some new stupid instead of the same old stupid. I personally would like to see some progress WRT:* Iraq* Global warming* Stem cell research* Alternative energy* Ending torture in the United States* Ending illegal spying* Bringing back the 900+ year right to habeas corpus* More support for scientific research* Less hate from loonies (dreaming on that one I know)

By afterthought (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Posted by: Eric Atkinson | November 2, 2008

I need to go make some money, so you people will need to make do with out me.

Because this site was nothing until you started appearing.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Liberal or be damned" on an Atheists blog. Hahahaha. That's awesome. But I don't think it was on purpose. The problem we all have with conservative atheists is that the conservative parties historically and currently are horribly discriminatory against us. It's why I'll never understand the log cabin republicans, or minority republicans, or poor republicans. Except that I think they have been lied to and manipulated enough to be ignorant of their own best interests. One usually assumes a certain level of critical thinking for an atheist, and therefor assumes that she/he is liberal. The same way that most history professors are liberal - once you have all the facts in front of you it's hard not to be. After all, we were right about pretty much every social issue in the USA's history and pretty much every economic issue in the USA's history. Debatable, sure, but you'd have a hard time defending slavery or denying women the vote or unregulated capitalism resulting in the great depression or unregulated capitalism resulting in the current financial mess or the massive debts run up by the conservatives in the last 30 years...

I am surprised that lady was even handing out candy if she is a right-winger, isn't Halloween the devil's holiday? They are kids, who can't vote in the first place, how can you deny cute kids candy on Halloween. Heartless.

Patricia, not to defend a moron, but it's entirely possible that someone else here posted #76 using the name "Eric Atkinson" to get him banned or in trouble. In fact, it looks likely...

Chemist. Lay off the pipe.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Chemist. Lay off the pipe.

This is you, EricA? What's the matter, don't like it when somebody gets your goat? Time to sit back and consider how you come across to other people. If you tone down your attempts at comedy, we might listen more to you. Until then, buzz off you classless assclown.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

A WaPo story says Nagel is a retired school teacher, but the former student in the video link above says she was fired and escorted out of the school by police.

And what about Nagel's politics? She was part of the Michigan delegation at the Republican convention. Funny Nagel quote in the Post article:

"You judge a book by its cover, and we've been waiting for that chance with [Palin]," said Nagel, dressed in a hockey jersey like the rest of the Michigan delegation. "We want to see how tall she is, if she wears heels, how she wears her hair. That's stuff us Republican women need to know."

The woman is a loon.

Eric A, stop pretend democrats are socialists. They are still capitalists. I don't consider that a good thing at all, but what the hell is this whole democrat = redistribution thing?

I haven't had the chance to check out the Stop Jenny McCarthy site until about a half hour ago. I think something's wrong. A single page comes up that says "Chaotic Evil Fuck Off Killing Paladins Since 1986". I don't think that's what's supposed to come up. Please check it out and let me know if something's wrong.

Knurl, I've seen similar when another site I post at was taken over by hackers.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Eric Asshole, Thankyou for assuming that I do have the computer skills to make a post in your name - ass. I don't.
I post in my own name.
Because you are such an idiot, liar and fool, I don't believe you. Pervert.

"It doesn't surprise me that the same people who support private ownership of murder weapons would stoop to such a low."

Surrender your steak knives. You're a potential murderer. Testicles too, potential rapist.

And just what about this blog shows any thought process at all? It's not like Democrats don't do sorry things like lie about the opposition, wear t-shirts with obscenities on them and so forth. In that case, "it's our First Amendment right!"

This woman's an idiot. And, unfortunately, not alone.

Well,it's her right to turn away solicitors. I think it's pretty stupid to ask a four year-old who their voting for since they can't legally vote. If she turned away any teens I wouldn't be at all surprised if her house got egged or papered.

If I had stayed home to hand out candy - I thought about attaching an Obama flier with it.

Spinoza - No offense taken. :o) That's just not the sort of churlish prank I would pull.
If it turns out that he honestly didn't make that post, then I will apologize to him - for that one post - otherwise he is still a complete ass.

Yep, conservatism has become a religion. They have a dogma that they can't deviate from or they will be called "liberals" and "conservative in name only", they have leaders, and they get their "mass" on Fox and on the radio. They only want to spend time with people who share their views and they get very angry at those who don't. To them it's a kind of religion, to us it has jumped the shark with this stupidity and the various racist/terrorist/secret muslim/Joe the "plumber" stuff of recent days.

When I saw this I knew that Eric A was going to come in and continue his tradition of making an ass out of himself.

I was not disappointed.

And whomever is posting under his name in post #76. That's equally bad form.

Patricia, my bet is that was someone else posting as him on #76.

There's no need for it as he is perfectly capable at displaying what a raving jackass he is without it.

If it turns out that he honestly didn't make that post

I think it's very highly unlikely that he did. Since nicks aren't registered in any way, anyone can post with any nick, so somebody probably just did it to piss him off. I'd always assume that such a comment was posted by an imposter.

I'm firmly with Bubba on this subject. If I were there I'd have taken 10 dozen eggs and a 12 pack of toilet paper rolls and let the kids have at the old sow.
And if she has an outhouse, I'm sure Bubba would help me push it over. *snort*

This woman, bizarre as her behaviour may be, was exercising her right to use her own property how she wished. No one is under any obligation to give out candy to kids; and if they choose to do so, they have every right to do it on their own terms. Advocating retaliatory vandalism, as you did in this post, is not, IMO, morally acceptable, and shows a worrying lack of respect for fundamental property rights.

(Of course, you could have been joking - I can't tell, due to my lack of a sense of humour - in which case I apologise.)

No one is under any obligation to give out candy to kids; and if they choose to do so, they have every right to do it on their own terms.

In terms of maintaining social cohesion it's poor form. It's especially poor form to make 4 year olds responsible for their parents political decision. A young child doesn't know anything about politics, why punish them?

But of course she has no legal obligation, that's hardly the point though...

I have to agree that post #76 probably isn't EricA. I missed that one while doing battle with a couple (I think only one poster though) of (initials = a group of social diseases) mindless minions on two other threads.
Posting such things under another's screen name is not nice, even if for fun. Not funny.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Posting such things under another's screen name is not nice, even if for fun. Not funny.

Agreed, and especially given what was said it was a really shit thing to do.

My nephew and his friends found little glow in the dark crosses with "Jesus loves you" printed on them in their trick or treat bags. When each kid pulled it out of their bag they had a WTF look and usually said "Wha..?"

I would snicker "Propaganda" then laugh when they immediately set it aside, forgotton, to find more candy.

Jesus, first Eric Asskissin, now Walton, the British Sean Hannity. What is this, tag-team wanker day?

Walton, you dysfunctional twit, in America, most of the people who are seeking candy are small children, between the ages of 3 and 9. They can't vote, and honestly, don't care much about politics. This woman does have the right to deny anyone candy, theoretically, but I think you would agree that it would take a particularly nasty individual to deny it to children for a reason that the child has no control over. I mean, if someone denied children candy because they were black, or Jewish, that would be unnecessarily vicious, don't you think?

This woman might as well have said, "I'm not giving you any candy, because your parents are n****r-lovers."

And people have the right to criticize her for it.

Part of Halloween here is to pull pranks on people, including using egg and TP on the homes of mean-spirited people. It's the Trick part of "trick or treat." Juvenile, yes, but what some people do. I don't personally recommend or condone it, and it might be one out of every 1000 homes that gets it in most places. It's not really anything to get upset about. Me, if someone papered my yard, I'd figured I'd pissed somebody off, and maybe it was time to patch things up.

#76 looks exactly like all his other posts to me:

Comment by Eric Atkinson blocked. [unkill][show comment]

...Walton's look quite similar.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

The scariest trick or treater at the door was a, ummm, an 10 or 11 year old girl dressed up in a very fancy suit dress, with nice makeup, her hair up and a name tag of "Sarah Palin." My bro and I screamed and declared her the best costume of the night.

I have to agree with several other posters here. In my predominantly (Irish/German descendants) village in Pennsylvania, this woman's house would have been corn-cobbed and TP'd as soon as the TV cameras were gone. And I can pretty much promise that as long as the retaliation did NOT involve permanent damage (spray paint, explosives) or fire the police would just stick the paperwork in the round file.

Around here if your porch light is on candy is expected. No qualifications - just costumes.

I can say this without reservation due to a certain nasty old man who apparently didn't think dark skinned children should be out after dark. I'm not seeing much of a difference between him and this nasty person in the video.

Surely a christian!

By Ballard J blevins (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

What a sad old cow!

By Corydoras (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

That's all right. 99% of their parents can buy them candy with their tax savings.

By Epistaxis (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Absolutely unacceptable. This person should be in jail. It doesn't surprise me that the same people who support private ownership of murder weapons would stoop to such a low. If this were a better country she would be in care of a psychiatrist. It's obvious her thinking is fatally broken.

There might, as a long shot, be an argument for getting a search warrant for her house to see if she has a basement full of mutilated small animals or something, but apparent sociopathy is not in itself a crime. I find your perspective disturbing, nearly as disturbing as I find the experience of agreeing with Eric Atkinson's response to pretty much anything. But, you know what they say about stopped clocks...

Figures that this would happen in Grosse Point, though.

I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it happened in White Hills Lakes, the ritzy-ass part of my old hometown. I went to school with several kids from there, and heard them express views not very different from that woman's.

Just imagine her surprise when someone reminded her that kids can't vote. Of course, she probably believes that we Democrats are forging the birthdates of hundreds of thousands of kids, and then bribing them with candy, in order to commit massive voter fraud. (Ohhh, DAMN. I just gave our nefarious plan away. Time to hop into the black helicopter and lay low in Area 51 for a while. Deny everything!)

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Janine. Its very dangerous to fuck and fly.

This is true.

Consider the stopped clock theorem proven.

I don't care whether Eric A. made the comment at #76. I've killfiled him. I've been holding back for a while but his comments here highjacked the thread in the most asanine way. Fuck him, as far as I'm concerned he can go DIAF. I nominate him for the dungeon.

Dammit. I wish I was her neighbor. I would've stuck a gigantic Obama sign over my door and given all the kids that stopped by bags of candy!

By Ryan Cunningham (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Yet another example of the black-n-white winner-take-all fantasy world run by slogans these morons think they live in. I hear these people are otherwise intelligent, but what am I to make of a middle-aged woman who probably holds a decent job, but believes simple stupidities and spouts inanities like things have always been that way? How am I supposed to respect this?

Halloween is now a socialist conspiracy practiced by millions of unwittingly complying accomplices. A holiday spread by evil liberals back whenever, and one that certainly needs some revision (read: Americanization), if not outright revulsion. Perhaps this woman wants people to start charging for handing out candy.

When will this end?

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Eric is an twit, and I wish he'd STFU. But Chemist can we drop the asinine "DIAF" crap. That's about as bad as the garbage that comes out of those Rethuglican mouths. It's neither funny, nor clever nor ever appropriate. Wishing death, even in jest, upon someone in such a horrible manner significantly lowers my opinion of you.

On topic, I'd be glad for any trick-or-treaters. Our house is at the end of a dark-ish cul-de-sac. Last year I think we got ~20 kids. This year I think it was one group of ~5. How can I over-buy candy (and thus have a nice selection of leftovers) if I know I don't need but one bag. As for "tricks" we all must be pretty nice around here because I don't think I've seen any TP'd houses in years.

By Don't Panic (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

@Don't Panic,

DIAF, ESAD, GRTB, who cares? You take it far too seriously. May I remind you, this is the internet.

Would you take it literally if I told you FORTRAN makes me want to kill someone? I think not. If that lowers your opinion of me, fine, I wasn't aware I knew you.

Where I live, the the cities/suburbs generally limit T&T to two hours (2-4 pm) on the Sunday before Halloween, but if Halloween falls on a weekend they may use it. I live the old part of town, where the housing is much more dense than in the suburbs. So we get 300+ ghosties and ghoulies wandering by in those two hours. Before everybody coordinated the hours, we had parents bringing their kids from the suburbs to T&T in our area. I found that very obnoxious.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Walton - You ass.

I wish some of the gentlemen of Pharyngula would take you out behind the wood shed and explain life to you. It's hard to believe that you are 19, but still, you are such an ass.

Eric is an twit, and I wish he'd STFU. But Chemist can we drop the asinine "DIAF" crap. That's about as bad as the garbage that comes out of those Rethuglican mouths. It's neither funny, nor clever nor ever appropriate. Wishing death, even in jest, upon someone in such a horrible manner significantly lowers my opinion of you.

More importantly, what'd the fire in question ever do to deserve being fed something as vile as Eric Atkinson?

Actually, what she is doing is illegal in all states and in violation of federal law as well. She is offering material bribes to sway the popular vote during an active campaign in order to favor a political candidate. She is also using black-mail or extortion (depending on the locality-specific definitions). Libel and slander are also still on the table.

While she DOES have the right to deny gifts to anyone and the right to bar admittance to anyone, offering candies in exchange for, or based upon promised votes is in violation of the "treating and soliciting" statues in most states as well.

While she also has the first-amendment right to say what she wants (barring libel, defamation, slander) unless the statements constitute a contract, which is what she's explicitly generating; and it is clear that her Halloween treats are the "peppercorn" compensation.

Too bad she'd not be a convicted and served felon in time for this election. But if the Democrat lawyers get hold of this, they should utterly persue this to the maximal end, and with great fanfare.

Why TP or egg her house when you can simply destroy her through litigious means. Heck, this could take decades to wind through the courts, and in the mean-time, state leins against her real property would effectively bar her ability to act as an effective consumer.

She must have used the same legal consultant as VenomFangX!

By CodeSculptor (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

This is in the Detroit area. There, the Trick in Trick'r'Treat frequently involves arson.

By Ferrous Patella (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Ferrous Patella said - This is in the Detroit area. There, the Trick in Trick'r'Treat frequently involves arson.

This is a scurrilous lie! I lived in Detroit (on Eight mile) for several years and this reputation is cruel and undeserved. The TREAT frequently involves arson... get it right.

By Eric Paulsen (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

_ _ _ _ _ Colbert Mode _ _ _ _ _

She did the right thing. Trick or treating is just candy socialism. I didn't see why we are helping these kids.


Bush has been making sure the WAR ON TODDLERS has gone well. With no health care many children in 30 years will be just as crippled as we adults are in 30 years. With a crappy public education system many will have to go to Iraq.

Even if they manage to replace us they will face a heated globe and become China's bitch.

Thank you crazy,old hag for doing everything you can to make sure these kids vote for McCain.

_ _ _ _ End Colbert Mode _ _ _ _ _

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

American politics has finally, truly, jumped the shark.

I'm pretty sure I declared that four years ago too, but wow!

Where I live, the the cities/suburbs generally limit T&T to two hours (2-4 pm) on the Sunday before Halloween, but if Halloween falls on a weekend they may use it.

WTF? Does everything have to be organized down to every last detail in our lives now? What is the fun in that? What if the kids or parents can't make it during that time? And what's the deal with trick or treating during the day? I understand in some not so safe areas that might be wise (or just go somewhere else) but part of the fun of trick or treating (as I remember it and this was only 20 years ago) was being out after dark with a bunch of other kids trying to scare each other and having *gasp* fun! We even got to (after a certain age) go out w/o parental supervision!

When did we all become so afraid of our kids having unorganized and/or unsupervised fun?

PS - This is not necessarily directed towards you Nerd. Just a general rant.

By Pimientita (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

OK, I apologise; I seem to have misunderstood some people's remarks or taken them too seriously.

FWIW, I don't condone this woman's bizarre activities in the slightest. I was only pointing out that she is entitled to hand out candy on her own terms, since it is her property.

It made the news because, now that Kwame's in jail, they need SOMETHING to fill a half-hour news show with.

By teammarty (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

CodeSculptor @149:

That's a fresh way of looking at it. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know whether she could be tried and/or convicted in legal or civil court. But bribery does seem like tampering with an election. Although she's not bribing actual voters, but their kids. Still, it does seem unethical even if it is her property and her candy to hand out.

Yeah, this is definitely the ugliest election ever. It'll be a relief when tomorrow is over and Obama and Biden are declared the winners.

Walton @156, well done with that apology.

I think you and I share a failing: sometimes we point out the bleeding obvious, just because it's not been explicitly mentioned and we want to contribute.

By John Morales (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

It's why I'll never understand the log cabin republicans, or minority republicans, or poor republicans. Except that I think they have been lied to and manipulated enough to be ignorant of their own best interests.

Funny, I feel the same way about people who believe that the democrats offer an alternative. Rhetoric notwithstanding, the democrats are just as willing to go to war or hand out tax money to buy votes as the other wing of the Ruling Party is.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Too bad she'd not be a convicted and served felon in time for this election. But if the Democrat lawyers get hold of this, they should utterly persue this to the maximal end, and with great fanfare.

You don't think that public ridicule on national television is enough?

Sure, the woman's being an asshole, but try to have some sense of proportion.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Thus spake Walton:

I seem to have misunderstood some people's remarks or taken them too seriously.

No offence intended, but I think you take everything a bit too seriously.

Can anyone (in the US) explain to me why Obama is referred to as 'Black' when the subject of race comes up (or as an 'African-American' in more PC terms)? I understand that his father was from Africa but his mother was a white American. So he is half-African-American, half-white. So he could as easily be described as white.

Is it just a racially-discriminatory attitude (perhaps unconscious) that sees anyone with a 'taint' of another race as belonging to that race?

re #164 - same thing happens with Lewis Hamilton, our "first black formula 1 champion". He's as much white as he is black. Mind you, I think there's more controversy over whether he's Scottish ("Hamilton") or English (born in Stevenage) than there is over his colour.

And Penny (#164) hits the nail squarely on the head! Finally someone else makes that point, in better wording than I have in my conversations.
I'm so tired of this campaign I want to vomit. The "first black president" is the constant refrain. Who cares? Aren't we supposed to be electing a capable person, independent of race, religion, or sex? And as Penny points out, he is as equally white as he is black. Shall we call him the first half-black president? Shall we continue to apply race as a label, even though genetics and physiology show us that "race" is an arbitrary term pertaining mainly to geography that affected our ancestors? Shall we continue to let our own "race" determine our alliances?
Of course we will. People are usually idiots.

Penny, you're not the first to raise that issue. It's had a higher profile of late since interracial marriage has become more common (and thus more mixed-race kids).

The last census form (year 2000) was the first to provide a "mixed race" check box.

Of course, from a science perspective, there really is no such thing as race in the human population -- there is more genetic variation within a single "race" than there is between "races". But that's hardly relevant, given our long and brutal history of discrimination based on visible "racial" differences.

Obama is called black because he doesn't fit the standard image of white racial characteristics. That's more than enough for a large, but hopefully shrinking, segment of the American populace.

As for me, I consider him MAD because of his Alfred E. Neuman ears. And nothing you can say will persuade me otherwise, neener neener.

By Donnie B. (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

Can anyone (in the US) explain to me why Obama is referred to as 'Black' when the subject of race comes up (or as an 'African-American' in more PC terms)?

Because of our shitty history when it comes to race.
One drop rule.

Of course,if her house gets egged she would scream that Obama supporters were persecuting her. Crazy hag. We once had neighbors who would hand out "Jesus Dollars" instead of candy, and were egged mercilessly every year. Wonderful fuel for their Christian persecution complex, I imagine.

Why dont they just turn off the damned porch light?

By Dave Wisker (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

She's the same useless drek as people who hand out "chick tracts" for helloween.
God, where do you find these people, which rocks did they crawl under from ?

Aren't we supposed to be electing a capable person, independent of race, religion, or sex?

Sure, but given the quality of the candidates that the Ruling Party is willing to nominate, that's just wishful thinking. There's only one real Democrat left that I know if, and he got marginalized by the democratic party for not being pretty enough and raising issues that Pelosi didn't want to talk about.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

Petty and mean, but if she wants to politicise Halloween and hand out sweets on her terms, then that's her right, surely?

And it's our right if not duty to point out what a gigantic piece of shit she is for doing just that.

Yeah, we don't need courts to punish someone who's petty and trifling like that. Those kinds of people create their own hell on earth, though they unfortunately share it with the rest of us. But public sentiment is clearly against her, and some of her neighbors stepped up to speak out against her and make up for what she was doing.

This isn't just a sad story about one awful person, but also a positive story about how that type of behavior is beneath almost everyone's standards, even those of Fox News.

Couldn't the Spanish just have taken the piss out of Hamilton for coming from Stevenage?

@ #18

Actually, the only thing spot on about that SNL sketch was Olbermann's voice and manner of spreaking and moving.

By Liberal Atheist (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

Somebody, please throw a burning sack of crap on her patio or front lawn. Please please please!

Posted by: CodeSculptor | November 3, 2008 1:02 AM

Actually, what she is doing is illegal in all states and in violation of federal law as well. She is offering material bribes to sway the popular vote during an active campaign in order to favor a political candidate. She is also using black-mail or extortion (depending on the locality-specific definitions). Libel and slander are also still on the table.

You're so wrong it's not even funny in a parody sort of way.

Posted by: Jparenti | November 3, 2008 6:55 AM


I'm so tired of this campaign I want to vomit. The "first black president" is the constant refrain. Who cares? Aren't we supposed to be electing a capable person, independent of race, religion, or sex?

Surely, you don't believe he's the first black man to have ever been intelligent enough to President? I certainly have my doubts in that area. And yet, here we are, over 200 years after blacks were declared just 3/5ths a person and those that were free were Constitutionally barred from voting, Obama will become President.

Think about it. While many of my ancestors had the right to vote because they were white male property owners (about 16% of the US population of that time) most of our black countrymen's ancestors were slaves or destined to become slaves. With no rights at all.

Since then we've fought a brutal civil war. Amended the Constitution to allow blacks to be part of country as free men. Even so, the legacy of hundreds of years of racism and slavery have been brutal. Jim Crow laws. Domestic terrorism at the hands of the KKK. Poll taxes. Disenfranchisement. Racial steering and ghettoizing.

You name it. It was so bad that blacks had become a permanently disenfranchised under-class. Until the Civil Rights movement started in the 1950's and made significant gains in the 1960's.

And yet here we are, to took until forty-years after Johnson's great society started breaking down those socialized and legal barriers designed to disenfranchise blacks and keep America socially apartheid to finally have a black Presidential candidate. One who looks like he's got it won.

And until Obama there has NEVER been a black candidate to have even the slightest chance to secure a Presidential nomination. Fifty years, Obama would be lucky to be able to vote.

And as Penny points out, he is as equally white as he is black. Shall we call him the first half-black president?

You know the old Southern miscegenation laws classified you as black if you were even 1/16th black. So your semantic point is pointless. In America, half-black is black. In some circles it's called "high yellow."

Shall we continue to apply race as a label, even though genetics and physiology show us that "race" is an arbitrary term pertaining mainly to geography that affected our ancestors? Shall we continue to let our own "race" determine our alliances?

Wow, did you ever miss the point! Obama is 11 points over McCain in the final Gallup Poll. This is, in fact, a triumph of our Johnson's Great Society vision.

And something UNTHINKABLE by our country's founders and by much of society. Personally, I doubted it would happen in my life time. I was hoping my grandchildren might live to see that America.

I am, in fact, stunned beyond belief. I thought it would take many more generations. And while I don't think it will become a "common occurrence," I do think the playing field will be leveler.

Of course we will. People are usually idiots.

Speak for yourself. You've so obviously missed the point that I don't want you speaking for me.

Crap. Messed up the last quote in my previous post. I so wish there was an edit function... Should be:

Of course we will. People are usually idiots.

Speak for yourself. You've so obviously missed the point that I don't want you speaking for me.


DIAF, ESAD, GRTB, who cares? You take it far too seriously. May I remind you, this is the internet.

Would you take it literally if I told you FORTRAN makes me want to kill someone? I think not. If that lowers your opinion of me, fine, I wasn't aware I knew you.

Yes, I know it's the internet. As a long term veteran (20+ years, from back in the usenet times), I've seen a lot of crap. Doesn't mean that I have to like it all. Perhaps I've become a curmudgeon. While the hyperbole of "kill" threats has become accepted over the years, I'm still very uncomfortable about this new fangled DIAF. I get a uncomfortable jolt every time I see it; I wish I could un-lookup the meaning which I googled just the other day and wipe it from my head. Perhaps I can too easily imagine what someone who's lost a loved one in a fire must feel seeing it tossed around so casually for such a petty crime -- this woman was truly a jerk, but come on, DIAF? Empathy is supposed to be one of those traits that distinguish us from those who would condemn us to "Hell" without regret.

As for my opinion of you: I presume everyone except the sociopaths and truth machine write in hopes of swaying the opinions of others. And part of doing so is to avoid undercutting your position with irrelevancies. This term doesn't help you.

P.S. And don't be dis'n FORTRAN: GOD is REAL, unless declared INTEGER. And that's about as real has he/she/it gets. Now get off my lawn!

By Don't Panic (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

Petty and mean, but if she wants to politicise Halloween and hand out sweets on her terms, then that's her right, surely?

Having the right to do a thing is not the same as being right in doing it.

This isn't just a sad story about one awful person, but also a positive story about how that type of behavior is beneath almost everyone's standards, even those of Fox News.

Several posters have mentioned Fox News. I'd like to point out that this was a local news story on a Fox Network affiliate. That's not the same as Fox News. There are shows on Fox (The Simpsons, for instance) that have poked fun at Fox News.

"GOD is REAL, unless declared INTEGER"

Nice one!

I can't take credit for the joke. I believe it was old when I first heard it circa 1978, I believe. Nowadays it's more likely to whoosh over the heads of most people.

By Don't Panic (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

The old ones are often the best!

Must be showing my own age then...

(Any Fortran I wrote immediately had to be debugged because I kept forgetting about their naming rules! Not to mention radians & degrees!).


And yet, here we are, over 200 years after blacks were declared just 3/5ths a person and those that were free were Constitutionally barred from voting . . .

Im not aware of any Constitutional provision preventing free blacks from voting at any time in our history. While I recognize that the individual states did not generally extend the franchise to free blacks, I dont believe there was ever a Constitutional bar to it, and indeed, I believe some states did allow it.

Walton @156, well done with that apology.

WTF is this? I mean, yeah, he's getting to be quite the virtuoso at eating crow, but I'm sick of this kid's narcissistic little merry-go-round being located in this particular playground.

Walton: if every third time you spout off you find yourself apologizing later, you might consider the sage words of Mister Clemens: "Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."

Hey, she's just branching her child-abusing belief-system down a perfectly
logical extension. Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. (No, you CAN bank on her being a fundamentalist lunatic).

Never mind that the little bastards are too young to vote. They can take that little dose of punishing disappointment of candy-abstinence along with their original sin. It's good to train them out of their wrong opinions early. Makes 'em strong. Makes them American. In God We Trust...and McCain-Palin are just the ones to make that stick.

It's frightful to imagine even any Republican with kids who encountered an ultimatum like that during their trick-or-treating would accept candy from such a lunatic. I guess people who are nuts just don't even recognize each other.

blueelm #1? A FOX news report? Less than a year ago I would have agreed it was hard to tell. It would still be hard to tell after so many years of slanting, but this is one of those stories too juicy to ignore that have been increasingly forcing them to accept as mild midnight gastric up-chucks. They don't have many other stories to run anymore - ever notice? The machine that they used to crank out to all of their affilated branches has begun to break down. Seems as if there's something new afoot messing with their routine...

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

JC Randolph @ #161:

I hear where you're coming from. I often feel the democratic party is the lesser of two evils. But it does not currently have disenfranchisement of homosexuals as part of it's official policy, unlike the GOP. And while it is certainly as bought and paid for by corporate interests as the GOP, it does have a far better track record on social issues and scientific issues. These are small(ish) differences, but important ones. And I guess I feel more strongly about liberal vs conservative than Dem vs Repub. I'm a lifetime independent, though, as there is no Matt party

Walton, In America egging someones house, festooning their trees with toilet paper, and tipping over their out house, on Halloween night is a SPORT.

Do try to take Emmett up on his offer of renting you a hooker to remove that poker.

I heard Micheal Medved on his program decry Holloween because it teaches little children to beg and equated this with liberalism. He was telling his audience to not let their children go trick or treating as it makes little liberals out of them! Boy, things are sure getting silly when wingnut idiots (I think of him as Michael Deadhead.) are mixing politics with children's holidays!

I heard Micheal Medved on his program decry Holloween because it teaches little children to beg and equated this with liberalism. He was telling his audience to not let their children go trick or treating as it makes little liberals out of them! Boy, things are sure getting silly when wingnut idiots (I think of him as Michael Deadhead.) are mixing politics with children's holidays!

There are also skeptics who argue that encouraging the Santa/Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy myths in children is irrational and undermines critical thinking skills. I know no adults who still believe in any of them. I see it as a real life application and lesson in critical thinking.

Well Joshua there is a difference between an mean, spiteful, old woman and a man with (probable) mental illnesses.

Not that there aren't the first kind on both sides, but your example isn't a true comparison to the subject of this post.


Apart from the fact that she's punishing children for their parents political views, does the phrase 'private ballot' mean anything to her?

I finally watched the video. Yeah, so this git withheld candy - but she also gave blood (50 proof?). I wonder if her blood went to a McCain or an Obama supporter?

Did her red-state corpuscles only hold cabernet, or did they also contain all the candy corns she stole from the RNC banquet table and hurriedly scarfed in the cloak room? Sweet!

And she told the blood bank that only supporters of the McCain/Palin ticket could have her blood.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

I support the McCain/Palin ticket to come in second place. Does that qualify me for the blood?

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

Walton, In America egging someones house, festooning their trees with toilet paper, and tipping over their out house, on Halloween night is a SPORT.

It nevertheless constitutes both a criminal offence and a civil wrong. If someone did that to my property, I would inform the police and would also, if the offender could be identified, pursue legal action to recover damages. Sport is all very well, but not to the point of breaking the law.

Jesus, Walton - lighten up. You sound like there's a stick in your ass with a stick in its ass.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

a far better track record on social issues

I disagree. First of all, it was the democrats who fought tooth and nail to maintain segregation through the 1960s, and to this day they push racial discrimination as a remedy for racism. When it comes to gay rights, Clinton showed that he was perfectly happy to throw gays under the bus if upholding his campaign promises became difficult (remember "don't ask, don't tell?")

And the biggest civil rights issue of them all, the one that has wrought horrific damage on poor families, with poor black families suffering the worst of it, is the war on drugs. It was only this year that one democrat dared to introduce a bill to stop the feds from arresting medical marijuana users!

The democrats try to sound like they care about social issues, but at the end of the day, they still vote in droves to violate our civil rights on a regular basis.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink