Relying on the Mollies

Yes,. I'm still down for the count with a dead laptop, still only able to get on to the web in a limited way. Since I have just been reminded that I am behind on the bestowing of the Molly awards, it seems appropriate that I just turn it over to you all to make your nominations right here in this thread.

And with that, I'm off to the airport, flying home by way of the famous Apple Store in the Mall of America, in hopes that some genius there will manipulate the fabric of space-time and restore my lost video.


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Sven, John M. for starters.

RBDC and Cuttlefish already have Mollies. Cuttlefish should be awarded oakleaf clusters. I think it's time wowbagger was recognized. Thoughtful, smart, and deliciously snarky.

By Lee Picton (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Cuttlefish and BDC are already enshrined (richly deserved, i might add.)

I know someone who had a video problem with his MAC laptop (just a year old). Found out it was a problem with the video chip. It had to be replaced. That means it was shipped off for a two-week repair.

But it was covered by Apple.

I'm going to nominate some those unsung non-Mollyed heros who argued politics with the libertarians. They were very busy last couple of months. So SC, Negentropyeater, and Nick Gotts are my nominees. I know I'm missing quite a few who also made a lot of contributions, but they will remain on my not so short list for future nominations.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Oh by gosh, by golly
It's time to nominate for Molly
Make it easy, for poor old PZ
To put up an active post

Oh by gosh by jingle
Go nom a bunch, or just a single
Find some writing that's real exciting
The one who moved you the most

Then comes doc Myers
Crowning the one who wins
Who among us desires
To be the person he pins?

Oh by gosh by golly
It's time to nominate for Molly
C'mon, you masses, get off your asses
And nominate a name or two
So that they can... feel better... than you!

[musical interlude, as Cuttlefish runs to avoid inevitable pelting with rotten fruit]

Then comes doc Myers
Crowning the one who wins
Who among us desires
To be the person he pins?

Oh by gosh by golly
It's time to nominate for Molly
C'mon, you masses, get off your asses
And nominate a name or two
So that they can... feel better... than you!

Cuttlefish never ceases to amaze and entertain!!

By Kausik Datta (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

At some point PZ should introduce a META-Molly award.
Or Super-Molly, I don't know. We can still give the
Molly to original, insightful new contributors, but all
the while some already-crowned OMs continue to amaze us.
They could get the Meta-Molly once they've kept entertaining
(or challenging us) for some months or years after they've
received their first Molly. I nominate Cuttlefish for
the first Meta-Molly.

Hey. Just thought of something. At some point there will
probably be a bunch of people with Meta-Mollys too. And
THEY will deserve a Meta-Meta-Molly! To make things simpler,
maybe we should instead use the same system we find in
games: LEVELING. Forget Meta-Mollys, now they can be
Order Of The Molly Level 2, Molly Level 3, and so on. :-)

Pierre (Molly level -1)

Perhaps it is premature, but I would like to nominate Barack Obama for his recent open (and defiant) commitment to legalize and support stem-cell research in the U.S. This is a bold and important statement from the President-Elect, and we should hold him to it and honor him for it.

By Joy Nichols (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I would like to vote for Mrs Tilton please.

The I would vote for Ken Cope please.

Since RevBDC already has a Molly, I'll go with #6 and vote for pixelfish.

By Father Nature (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

386sx, thanks! Lurk more, post less, get an OM nom. And so it goes...

I second Nerd in #8. An unrewarding, messy job done well.

My vote is with SC or Patricia, whom I suspect may have already received one. Is there a list somewhere of recipients?

By Angel Kaida (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

NO OAKLEAVES! How many times do I need to say it's "seaweed and tentacles"?!

I've actually made notes again, but the coven of slutty sluts and their slatternly ways deserve some sorta appreciation: Patricia, E.V., SC, Naked Bunny With a Whip - and doubtlessly many more that I've missed.

From my notes:




By mayhempix (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

frog with a lower-case f.

It's about goddamn time SC had a Molly!

And Cuttlefish needs a some sort of uber-Molly for unending inspirational brilliance.

By The Chimp's Ra… (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

What month are we voting on? October?

Kel gets my vote for excellent comments, and some pretty good snark.
SC has made really good comments too and gets the girlie vote.

I won't be commenting much this weekend, last night I fell over one of the Bulldogs and cracked my right elbow. Hurts like hell! Too much post spanking joy.

I was going to nominate RevBDC, but it sounds like he's already got one. He was kind enough to educate me on "Poeing," which I gather is frowned upon. Lesson learned.

Nick Gotts

So there's another John M.around somewhere, is there? E.V.(#1) can't possibly have meant me.

I'm stuck for a nominee to propose, simply because I tend to read the comments and ignore the headers.

I'm concur with Patricia. I would like to nominate Kel.

Although I usually end up nominating several people, this time around I am limiting myself to just one; SC. Her consistent reminders, for those of us who need them, that a thoughtless, "innocent" misogyny is unacceptable, are just possibly going to make a few people think. And once a prejudice has been dredged up from the subconscious it can rarely stand too much thought.

By Grendels Dad (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Hand over 50 dollars and I'll tell you how to become an operating Molly VII.

I second the idea of the "meta-Molly", though not necessarily by that name.

It's similar to the quibble I have with "[something] of the [time period]" contests (employee of the month, teacher of the year, et cetera): neither policy, by itself, is fair. While one excellent person doesn't necessarily deserve to crowd out everyone else, a consistently excellent performer does deserve more recognition than the standard. Cuttlefish, for instance, deserves a 'lifetime achievement award', as do a few others.

So, on that note, I'd like to be the first to nominate Cuttlefish for the Order of the Molly, Gold class.

By Benjamin Geiger (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Nick Gotts gets my vote.

The multi-level Molly thing could be as it is in martial arts: 1st degree, 2nd degree, etc. [otherwise known as "dan" (rank)].

Has to be Cuttlefish.

By BennyBlanco (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

SC once again, and negentropyeater.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

My 2c,


The list of previous Molly winners is under the commenters link in the top menu.

I would like to nominate Eric Atkinson for his insightful and well-reasoned comments on PZ's political posts.

I nominate the Queen of Sluts, The Hectoring Hussy; Patricia! Bow before what you desire!

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Personally, I think everyone who had a part in chasing away Eric Atkinson deserve some sort of award.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Patricia and SC. They both bear the brunt of dealing with some of our more distasteful visitors and do so with style and grace. Besides, I am dealing with sad and sorrowful unrequited love for each of them for different reasons. (smile)

Truly, both are treasures and richly deserving of the polish that a Molly would apply to their already brilliant luster.

Ciao y'all


And given the fact that we have September, October and November to vote on, what about frog, Nick Gotts, noncarborundum, and/or tons of others? I have yet to check out pixelfish's work, but I dimly remember it's impressive.

To make things simpler,
maybe we should instead use the same system we find in
games: LEVELING. Forget Meta-Mollys, now they can be
Order Of The Molly Level 2, Molly Level 3, and so on. :-)

I was going to waffle about the 33 degrees of the Freemasons, but comment 31 blows that right out of the water. :-D

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'd normally never have anything good to say about Macs, but there's one thing they have now that I envy - Time Machine. It's an automated backup system that comes with its own GUI, and is designed to be useful by someone who isn't a system administrator. It will back up onto one of those little external USB disks, so you should be able to recover easily should you have to change laptops.

Laptops are great until something stops working. Then they're a pain, because sometimes it's tough just to get the case off, let alone actually change out a part or move the hard disk to a new system.

I would have to agree that it should go to whoever seemed to have pushed Eric over the edge. Although I am suspicious that he still lurks among us.
I gave it the old college try, but he seemed to tolerate my attacks without blinking.
Who was it that enraged him so much? I'm too lazy to go back and read through that post again. Long one.

Laci gogreen18.

PZ - No feedback from you as to whether you tried the reset procedure - are you one of those guys who doesn't like to ask for directions?

I am a computer engineer and my daughter has a genetics degree so I thought it was a well backed up suggestion.

Even the first people she spoke to at Apple didn't know how to do it.

I thought Macs never broke down...

Yahhh, Macs never break down, and Linux is faster than Windows. :P

Another girlie for SC.

Another for SC, if I may make so bold.


By Wowbagger (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I've very much enjoyed the comments of wowbagger and Nerd of Redhead. Both are tenacious and intelligent and fun to read.

By Anomic Entropy (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I have a hard time picking one out of all of the excellent posters here, so I'll pick three:

[in alphabetical order]
Nick Gotts

I find it impossible to put forth just one nomination, so I'm selecting three who I think directly address topics and comments in a knowledgeable and reasonable manner, raise points that inform and educate me, and are not yet on the list.

In no particular order:

Nick Gotts, particularly for his perseverance and cogency in addressing socio-politico-monetary issues recently.

Bill Dauphin, particularly for his achievement in somehow getting Piltdown Man to put forth substantive claims, and for cornering Walton into conceding he could not support a claim on other than opinion in the "God and Sex" post. I find Bill particularly convincing when discussing moral/social issues.

Nerd of Redhead, particularly for his penchant for challenging pseudo-scientific claims and highlighting the need for evidence. Nerd seems to come into his own when dealing with scientific issues.

Finally, a special mention to Wowbagger, who seems to be a perennial candidate yet somehow has been pipped at the post by another worthy. Which I guess makes four :)

By John Morales (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Lone voice in the wilderness for Moses.

Awesome bible-fu and LDS-fu!

Nick Gotts, by far.

Re my previous: Now I've actually read the other comments, I want to add that I too think SC is Molly-worthy.

By John Morales (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

In no particular order...

Wowbagger and Kel, for solid, cogent contributions to thread after thread, and that's what Mollies are for.

By speedwell (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Nick Gotts

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Nick Gotts and SC are overdue.

Yeah, and wowbagger too.

Bill Dauphin, particularly for his achievement in somehow getting Piltdown Man to put forth substantive claims, and for cornering Walton into conceding he could not support a claim on other than opinion in the "God and Sex" post.

Where is that?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

As always, this is hard -- not because I can't think of anyone, but because there are too many. I also have problems keeping straight who was particularly active and brilliant in which month, on what topic.

Nick Gotts; wowbagger; Bill Dauphin.

Poor Pete, too addled to read who already has Mollys, so he nominates two people who have already been justly awarded the honor.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

David @64, here. The exchanges with Piltdown are above that.

By John Morales (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Not sure which months we are considering. Two names stand out in my mind however:

Nick Gotts: A bright follow. Manages to bring up great points in a variety of different subjects. Also, had the patience to try and deal rationally with Scott from Oregon. That alone should earn him a Molly.

SC: Her comments are always enlightening and entertaining. Perhaps, given recent events, you should take away Truth Machine's Molly and give it to her (joking).

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Nerd, in this case, I think we can take it easy on the Rookie. Most of the nominations so far are for people who already got an award.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Rookie, I doubt that PZ will consider that request. Nerd is a vital persona here. Also, it seems you are selective in what you read here. Nerd is a man. Redhead is is wife.

I would strongly suggest that everyone check the commentators link at the top of the page. For example, I agree that SC deserves a Molly. But she already has one.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Pete "well meaning fool" Rooke, I keep telling you that people around here look at what you write and they believe the opposite. Well, thank you sir, you just confirmed that someday I will receive a Molly. Of course, if you withdraw you suggestion and stay way that might change.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Only mollies I care about now are my beloved wild caught sailfins. I got them from a ditch a few miles from where I live. They are beautiful.

I have treated them for trematodes and will now crossbreed them with the best domestic mollies I can buy. Ive got a batch of gold lyretails I've dosed with praziquantel and metornidazole. My plan is to restore mollies to their vigor of yesteryear by mixing in some wild blood.

For example, I agree that SC deserves a Molly. But she already has one.

Really? When? I don't see it. Until SC's Molly is confirmed, I will eleventy-third her nomination. She is overdue. If we're nominating for multiple months, I'll also nominate Nick Gotts and Bill Dauphin, based on the consistent high quality of their contributions. Sorry to say I've been too busy to read anything but PZ's headlines lately.

Too many to think of, but Patricia, because she's funny and Cuttlefish already got one.

I'd say give one to SC. I'm sure she would cherish it.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Pete Rooke, #66, wrote:

I nominate John Morales, Sastra and RevBDC.

Pete, I'm shocked. Does this mean we're not friends anymore? You know Pete, if I thought you weren't my friend... I just don't think I could bear it!


By Wowbagger (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

You are consistently abusive towards me, as a person, and belong in the same category I have placed Nerd of Redhead - the dungeon.

No laptop? This sounds like a job for the guest bloggers.

P.S. Cuttlefish for Poet-Mollyeate.

I would also suggest some recognition for Scott from Oregon, who is consistently insightful and polite, despite a steady stream of ad hominem attacks from those who disagree with him. I'll trade barbs with various people for fun from time to time. I've never seen Scott do so.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Oh goody, an impotent fool sends me to his dungeon. I must be doing something right.

Pete, you are a theist, theologian, and creationist posting at a blog run by an atheist, scientist, and evolutionist. I am an atheist, scientist, and evolutionist. Who should be posting regularly here, and who should not? Answer honestly. Show your work.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Ooh! Ooh! Can I be in Petey's dungeon too! I really like the company. Will there be a sinister midget with a bucket and a mop?

Rookie, your constant repostings of your analogies/fantasies was a supreme abuse of semi-rational people of even marginal standing. Some felt the need to mock and taunt you in response.

Also, in case you missed it, one of the favorite sports here is troll stomping. I have a feeling it is sanctioned by PZ. And you, Rookie, are a troll of the highest order. You are fair game.

Say! Is anyone up for a game of Orcball!

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

#46 Cujo:

I've been using Time Machine since the first developer preview builds that included it, and it's changed the way I work. I have no hesitation now about installing a new OS version, because rolling back to a previous snapshot is so painless.

The real breakthrough that Apple made with Time Machine is in ease of use. With all the other backup systems I've ever used, if a file is damaged or deleted, you have a long search ahead of you to find a previous version and restore it. In Time Machine, you can just zoom back and forth until you find the version you want, and you can even use spotlight to search for it.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Pete Rooke wrote:

You are consistently abusive towards me, as a person, and belong in the same category I have placed Nerd of Redhead - the dungeon.

Pete, if you actually paid attention you'd realise my 'abuse' is (for the most part) my expression of scorn for your sickening and inappropriate analogies, which have no place here - or anywhere, for that matter. Except maybe your counseling sessions.

Keep bringing them up and I'll keep knocking you down; attempt to make your points without them and I'll be less pejorative in my responses.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Danio, I should take my own advice. SC has not won one. So I throw my support to her.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Who should be posting regularly here, and who should not?

Scratch a liberal, find an autocrat, eh?

If you drive away the people you disagree with, you're left with an echo chamber. Do you really want Pharyngula to be another Little Green Footballs or Daily Kos?


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Rookie, you have your own blog now. Set up a dungeon. You are free to place Nerd, Wowbagger and everybody else here who offends you.

Please remember, this is not your blog. And you are fair game. Just as any one of us who felt the need to post at your blog. Hell, you are free to make fun of us there, period.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Ken, I would love the company, but for the moment I will sacrifice myself for the good of the blog. That way everyone else can mock our poor, addled, self deluded important troll. I'll make some e-popcorn and leave it in the corner again. Go to it.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Posted by: John C. Randolph | November 15, 2008

Scratch a liberal, find an autocrat, eh?

Are you about to go the Jonah Goldberg route?

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Little Green Footballs or Daily Kos

Some of the more censorious among us would actually have it that there is no room for insight from different perspectives and would like to see this become a place to affirm existing prejudices.

But Nerd, we can mock the Rookie without your gallant but misguided sacrifice.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink


I wasn't familiar with Jonah Goldberg. Thanks for the link, looks like an interesting book.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Too late - IIRC he already has, though I can't recall the thread now.

JCR, seriously, you occasionally say something interesting when you dismount from your hobby-horse. Walton, more often, and he will actually engage with counterarguments even when on the hobby-horse. SfO? Never, in either case. Even aside from the "libertarians" and believers, there's plenty of argument and strife between the leftie atheists here - have you really not noticed?

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Posted by: Pete Rooke | November 15, 2008

Some of the more censorious among us would actually have it that there is no room for insight from different perspectives and would like to see this become a place to affirm existing prejudices.

Pure! Comedic! Gold!

If the Rookie were censored, we would not have such laugh out loud moments.


By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

JCR, seriously, you occasionally say something interesting when you dismount from your hobby-horse.

I'm curious, Nick. Are there ever any occasions when you set aside this "patronizing git" persona you work so hard to maintain?


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I wasn't familiar with Jonah Goldberg. Thanks for the link, looks like an interesting book.

"Interesting" isn't the word I'd use. As an antidote, I suggest Dave Neiwert's response, and the first instalment of his suggestions.

Where has Woot been lately?

Hunting for boobies?

JCR, I have nothing against poor Pete "well meaning fool" Rooke posting here if he would accept the fact that his posts will be ridiculed and seen as comedy by many people, and mocked in ways he may not approve of. However, he seems to think that his approval is required for our opinions to validated. Since the is obviously not the case, he comes across a very delusional person.

Ask Pete if I have ever posted at his blog. The answer is no, and I have no intention of doing so.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Funny, JCR, most people don't seem to see me that way. Or at least if they do, they don't tell me. So maybe it's something about you that makes me take the attitude I do towards you?

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Funny, JCR, most people don't seem to see me that way. Or at least if they do, they don't tell me.

Most people can't be bothered. It's a lot easier after all, to simply ignore obnoxious behavior than to confront it.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Sigh. Before I wade into the mud, I want to say that it seems clear that the consensus is for SC, so far.

Peter Rooke: I don't consider others are prejudiced towards you, you've been pretty much a single-issue poster and haven't acknowledged the offense you've caused by your odious analogies and contentions. To put it into Catholic terms, I tell you that repentance and atonement is required before the impression you've has any hope of being changed; I also tell you I consider that it can change, if you do so.

You do me no favour in that nomination* (even though you place me amongst illustrious company) and accordingly repudiate it, though in charity I consider you may be referring to my predilection for addressing Catholic religious claims on both sides by quoting from authoritative sources, and my attempts to address the argument regardless of its source.
I really hope it's not my ego speaking when I say I consider your initial post here was made in good faith.

* #74

By John Morales (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Bah. Posts made in haste... *I* repudiate it.

By John Morales (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

#91, Nerd, thanks for the popcorn![/mixing powdered sage with melted butter] If I were the first commenter to be endungeoned by one of the blog's more absurd trolls, I have to admit my first thought wouldn't have been to make popcorn. How are the accommodations?

Well, think what you like JCR, your opinion really doesn't bother me. If others feel I'm being obnoxious, I ask them to let me know; if there's a significant number among those whose opinion I respect (which is almost all commenters here, obvious trolls aside), I'll try to change.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Give she-Gollum her Ring lol: i nominate Patricia.


if there's a significant number among those whose opinion I respect

Why does your perception depend on a plurality of other people's opinions?

Try rereading some of your comments a day or two after you post them. Ask yourself what kind of impression they would leave you with if they were written by someone you don't know.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

JCR, try rereading what Nick wrote; it is not a plurality of people, it is a plurality of people he respects. Smaller subset.

And as a person that Nick may or may not respect, I do not have a problem with Nick.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Way to miss the point, Janine. If judgment depends on other people's opinions, then what is the role of an individual's conscience?


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Why does your perception depend on a plurality of other people's opinions?

It probably won't mean a whole heck of a lot to you, but you might profit from pondering the notion of peer review, and why consensus is, by some, considered valuable.

Thanks! And you're certainly a person I respect! More generally, I'll make clear I'm not asking people here for their affirmations, but I really do mean it when I say that if I come across as generally obnoxious, please let me know. I don't in the least mind coming across as obnoxious to JCR, because I don't respect him.

JCR, if I want to know what social impression I'm making, of course I'll rely on others' opinion. I recommend you try the same course of action: look at how others respond to you here, compared to how they respond to each other.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

JCR, Ha-Ha. This is not about Nick's opinion. It is about if others, that he respects, finds him obnoxious.

Well, think what you like JCR, your opinion really doesn't bother me. If others feel I'm being obnoxious, I ask them to let me know; if there's a significant number among those whose opinion I respect (which is almost all commenters here, obvious trolls aside), I'll try to change.

I seriously doubt his individual conscience will change, even if he changes his actions.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

JCR, if I want to know what social impression I'm making, of course I'll rely on others' opinion.

I'm not talking about social impression, Nick. Examples abound of highly popular obnoxious behavior. After all, Charles Johnson and Markos Moulitsas are both very popular in their own milieux.

As I said above:
Ask yourself what kind of impression they would leave you with if they were written by someone you don't know.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I think I nominated Nick Gotts for September, but damned if I can remember which lady I nominated. (drugs for the elbow kicked in)

Pet Pete un-nominates Nerd of Redhead. Haw! Gawd is watching you not turn the other cheek Pete.

Good night sweethearts, I'm taking the arm to bed.

I don't find Nick Gotts one bit obnoxious. Considering the number of people that have voted for him on this thread for a Molly I am not alone.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink


you might profit from pondering the notion of peer review

Peer review is about checking facts, not seeking social approval.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Ken, the dungeon is cramped as expected, but there is a good internet signal. What is surprising is type of pron that gets through the filters. I won't bother to describe it as it may offend the sensibilities of our delicate ladies like Janine and Patracia, but as might be expected from PR's posts here, there are a lot of naughty people involved who need some guidance.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

While I have only been addicted to this site for a couple of months, I am pleased to see that many of my favorite posters have already received the coveted Molly.

I would like to second (third, etc.) the nominations for Nick Gotts, Patricia, John Morales, SC, nerd of Redhead, and Wowbagger. I would like to add Janine ID AKA The Lone Drinker, and tsg to the list, since I don't see evidence that they have won before.

I know that this doesn't exactly narrow down the list, but each of you have given me many smiling hours (which are too often in short supply). A good sense of humor combined with well argued points, a little compassion, and maybe some well deserved nastiness, are what makes this site indispensable--at least for me. Thanks for all of that, and good luck...

I'm onboard with the gathering consensus for SC.

In addition, I intend to continue nominating negentropyeater every month 'til either s/he wins or the Sun dies.

Finally, let me add my voice to the chorus in favor of Nick Gotts. I can only hope the rest of Pharyngulaland has enjoyed his exchanges with me as much as I have.

BTW, did I miss the announcement of the September Molly? The most recent on the honor roll is August (Rev. BDC, OM), and I can't recall a winner being called after the last nomination thread.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Bill, PZ has not published the results from last month. He has been very busy with his travels and teaching.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'll toss my vote for Nick Gotts...

And I'd heartily support a vote for Nerd of Redhead, not only for his thoughtful content and consistent ability to artfully respond to abject stupidity... but also because it might officially send re-Pete over the edge... and how could that be a bad thing?

By Celtic_Evolution (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Thanks, Nerd; I was afraid I was losing it!

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I can't imagine what would offend anyone about Nick Gotts, and it seems that others can't either, considering his Molly nominations.

This reminds me of how someone (can't find it now) said earlier how even without trolls we find plenty of reason to fight amongst ourselves.

Of course, my opinion is open to revision if JCR can provide evidence of this alleged obnoxiousness on the part of Nick Gotts. May we see examples?

Bill @124,

BTW, did I miss the announcement of the September Molly?

Nah. But don't see a need for fixed monthly winners - if they're selected at greater intervals, it makes the honour even more meritorious. (I nearly wrote "exclusive", but that would be misrepresenting things).

By John Morales (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Pete was a merry old soul compaered to Teno Groppi, and a Nobel Laureat (sp?) to boot. Hoooollly Fucking Shit that guy's a dumbass. i had to leave. i couldn't take it anymore.
Anyway i've only been here for a month, so i'll only nominate one person, and i already stated that that person be Patricia. I think che has a good chance of winning a Molly cus there's 3 slots open. By the way, What does OM mean excactly?

Jeanette @128,

This reminds me of how someone (can't find it now) said earlier how even without trolls we find plenty of reason to fight amongst ourselves.

I think it's been said several times, by various commenters. I myself have said similar.

By John Morales (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I nominate Nerd of Redhead, Wowbagger, and Kel. <3

Off-topic chat:

Your blog is broken. I think you've got some weird behaviors in your HTTP-REFERRER checks to keep Google's spiders off of you.

I click Next, I'm back to front page. I click Previous, and I get in non-ending loop.

... Seriously. If you digest your posts, so be it, but how do I see what you've written a month ago?

Either SC or Patricia...

SC tends to function as our conscience, especially when she calls out misogynistic or homophobic commenters.

Patricia knows how to rally the troops, and brings her wicked, slutty sense of humor to bear whenever someone needs to be taken to the woodshed.

Superego or id? Tough to choose!

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I vote for Wowbagger, or John Morales.

By Ubi Dubium (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

#132 Redhead: thanks! Crap, i need to pay closer attention!! *sigh* only 995 to go...

Having already declared myself on this some time ago...

SC, for patience above and beyond the call of sanity.

And Seaweed and Tentacle clusters on the OM for Our Own Cuttlefish, without whom this blog would be most severely lacking.

The MadPanda, FCD

Nick Gotts for the Molly.

Pete Rooke @72:

And I anti-nominate Nerd of Redhead. Consign S/he to the dungeon.

Dude, I kinda suspect that that's going to count as a positive vote for Nerd.

By Stagyar zil Doggo (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

If you digest your posts, so be it, but how do I see what you've written a month ago?

See the links on the left sidebar underneath the word "Archives"?

Click on any one of those.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'll put in a word for Patricia, she's fun.

For November, Nerd of Redhead. He fits this month's theme here about of fulminating clouds looming in Southern California skies

I vote for Bill Dauphin, SC or Negentropyeater.

Bill and Negentropyeater are both well reasoned, articulate commentators, and SC for calling the misogynistic and homophobic scum that occaisionally floats by on this blog.

By CosmicTeapot (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I think Bill Dauphin is overdue. He might not be as frequent a contributor as some others but I always find his comments to the point and well written -- even when they disagree with my opinions.

Nick Gotts gets a vote from me as well.

On the other hand, I can't be so enthusiastic about SC (and Patricia to a lesser extent) as some others here. Yes, they were stalwart in their crusade against misogyny, but perhaps a bit too so. The argument dragged across far too many postings and interminable reiterations of the same points. To the point of my having to seriously consider using the [kill] button. Sometimes it's better to forcefully state your case and then let the other have the last (self refuting) word -- though as a veteran of numerous Usenet flame wars I do understand the attraction of SIWOTI.

JCR, as far as your opinion of Nick: I'm sorry (well, no, not really) but I haven't been able to take you seriously ever since you proposed that we should do away with police departments in favor of having the good ol' sheriff rounding up a posse whenever necessary. Walton might be naive in his libertopian ideals, but he has the excuse of being young. You, unless I am drastically wrong about your age, have no such excuse.

By Don't Panic (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

I would also suggest some recognition for Scott from Oregon, who is consistently insightful and polite, despite a steady stream of ad hominem attacks from those who disagree with him. I'll trade barbs with various people for fun from time to time. I've never seen Scott do so.

Scott lost any hope of respect from me with his gratuitious use of a racial slur a few weeks back.

Since he and the asshole have dropped off the face of the blog, I have to be content with writing Scott/Eric slash fiction. My first effort is titled "Is that The Fountainhead in Your Pocket, or Are You Just Happy to See Me?"

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

Nick Gotts.

Oh and seconded, thirded or whatevered, on Cuttlefish for an Über Molly with tentacles.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Thanks very much for the Molly nominations, all who have nominated me! I must agree that Cuttlefish needs some special mark of esteem, and that we need a way of marking second or subsequent awards. In the British system of military honours, a second award of the same honour is expressed as, e.g. "Fred Smith, Military Medal and bar". "Molly and tentacle" would seem to be appropriate here, and allows for "Molly and two tentacles", etc. for further awards. Or maybe "Molly with tentacle" sounds better?

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

I concur with the votes for SC and Patricia (although I voted for Patricia last time in the one for which results are still unknown). I also throw my lot in with those who believe that Cuttlefish deserves special recognition (I'm not too sure about Molly and two tentacles, though - sounds like cephaloporn).

By Hairy Doctor P… (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Nick Gotts

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Ah, good to be home. Pete's dungeon has as many holes as his arguments, so it wasn't hard to find one big enough for me to escape through.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

I felt sorry for myself because I had no clothes, then I met a whole bunch of people who had no threads.

I vote Patricia again.

OT Have you ever heard of the PUMAloons? They are a collection of Republican moles and ex-Hillary supporters who have more issues than National Geographic.

They are anti-Obama Conspiracy theorists who make Palin seem rational, usually confined to webcasts like Patriot Brigade Radio, they managed to con themselves an hour of airtime right before my program. They spewed batshit crazy then took phone calls which degenerated into screaming ad hominem meltdown. It sounded like a silverware fight in a tile room.

I was laughing so hard I could barely go on the air.

I went home and re-mixed them into five minutes of hate for syndication, we also had Alaskan Shannyn Moore on Ted Stevens' Fidel Mussolini paradox, and Subgenius, Hell Pope Huey, reporting from Meth Valley Trailer Park on the reaction of whiteFolks in Arkansas to Obama's election.

Pretty good program for political junkies who like to peer into the crazy abyss:

plug over

I don't know whether my vote counts, but I support Bill Dauphin and/or John Morales, or, as a third preference, Nick Gotts. Despite our widely differing views, I've been able to hold civil and constructive discussions with all of them (which could not be said for many of the others here).

Walton, that's very generous of you - thanks!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

I vote for "Nerd of Redhead"...

He has been the very best at coloring inside the lines.

I'd vote for Nick Gotts, but he's a rude bastard who thinks if you don't answer his rudeness, you can't answer his arguments. It never occurs to him that being a rude bastard has its limitations. And that "Look at Sweden!" is not an argument.

Maybe a vote for Patricia- for raising the level of discourse to chest high.

And sure, SC deserves a molly, by golly, for swearing into the microphone using men's body parts as swear words while berating men for swearing into the microphone but using women's body parts as swear words...

Yeah. Sure. That makes sense to me...

Soldier on ye godless faithful...

By Scott from Oregon (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

To John Morales @131: So you did! But you know who it was who said something similar much earlier in this thread? This is so funny, and I swear I didn't know it the last time I posted, but it was Nick Gotts. So, like you, he's also perspicacious (as well as not obnoxious).

And that "Look at Sweden!" is not an argument. - SfO

Why not? It's an obvious counterexample to all the "libertarian" blather about how gubmint can never achieve anything worthwhile, high taxes make economies collapse, welfare systems don't work and lead to dictatorship, etc., etc., etc.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

David @64, here. The exchanges with Piltdown are above that.

Thanks. So I add Bill Dauphin to the list.

In case someone is wondering why I'm not voting for SC, it's because -- in spite of her important function here -- I'm left with the impression that she's a single-issue poster. And if I'm wrong about that, well, she's going to win anyway :-)

Regarding Cuttlefish, maybe we should imitate the funny side of the KKK. "Grand Molly With Two Colossal Squid"? How does that sound?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Look at Sweden!" is not an argument.

If you think so, look at the non-country of Former Somalia instead. B-)

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Hi! Greetings from the paradise on earth that is St. John! Just taking a break from sunning myself on the beach, giggling in the hot tub, and lounging by the pool for my Pharyngufix and I find this lovely thread. So in addition to extraordinarily content and mellow, I'm now supremely flattered and touched. I think that aside from my RW family and friends you're the coolest group of people out there, and I adore you (almost) all (especially you, Feynmaniac :))!

I thought Nick, Patricia, and I won it last month, so I'm a bit confused, but my nominees for this past month.5 are:

Nick Gotts (if he doesn't get it for September)
Emmet Caulfield

with a promise of just one or two next month. Thanks again, everyone *tears up*. And now I'm off to get ready for a cocktail sunset sail - hope to check in again soon!

Back to the iguanas!


Ask yourself what kind of impression they would leave you with if they were written by someone you don't know.

This is from the same guy who told me to "get bent" when I failed to hold a fringe economist in high regard.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Cuttlefish has to get some sort of bar/tentacle/squid recognition. Every month. Without fail.

So many good posters who do not yet seem to have Mollies. If she didn't get it for September, I'll throw in another vote for Patricia.

Scott from Oregon,

And that "Look at Sweden!" is not an argument.

What? Using empirical evidence to support your claim is "not an argument"?

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

JefferyD!!!!! HI! Waving like a nut with my left hand!

I think Bill Dauphin is overdue. He might not be as frequent a contributor as some others...

Yeah, I tend to pump a lot of words into relatively few threads. I've always suspected that would keep me from becoming OM — I'm not sure I would vote for me — but "I am what I am" [oops... as I typed that, I realized it might sound like a self-aggrandizing biblical reference, rather than the Broadway lyrical allusion I intended]that's just my style. In any case, I appreciate the positive comments.

Though I've already voted and don't want to be stuffing the ballot box, I must say I have never perceived SC as a "single issue" poster, so in the wake of some negative comments, I want to reiterate my support. Also, the only reason I didn't mention Patricia was that I was trying to limit myself to three votes; she's certainly a worthy choice.

I also want to join Nick in thanking Walton for his gracious comments about us.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

David Marjanović, OM | November 16, 2008 1:39 PM

Regarding Cuttlefish, maybe we should imitate the funny side of the KKK. "Grand Molly With Two Colossal Squid"? How does that sound?


By The Chimp's Ra… (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

...maybe we should imitate the funny side of the KKK...

Does anyone here consider murder funny?

"maybe we should imitate the funny side of the KKK...

Does anyone here consider murder funny?"

Only for Blacks, Homosexuals, Jews, and Catholics.

And "Fester" sets the new record for fewest comments to killfile! Same stupid joke on 2 diferent threads and then the beaut at #168.
adios, "Fester"

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

I would imagine most of you will freak at my nom, as he has run parody on some of my comments, and yeah kinda kinky sometimes.However have you ever seen someone make a terrible, totally inappropriate comment about a pres. candidate (toilet paper cuffs) and then being overwhelmingly pummeled,threatened,rolled,sacked and left to flounder, yet after some consideration, realising his error, countlessly apologizing after each attack,unwaveringly time and time again until the thread died....well that takes moxy oh yeah I'm talkin about Quiet Desperation, If not a molly how about a moxy.

And I think Patricia needs a molly to prop up her arm.

By Sphere Coupler (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

How to honor Cuttlefish, that is the question. There have been many mentions on how decorate Cuttlefish's Molly with extra honors, which both inventive and are well deserved. However, I think there is a simple thing that can be done to express our appreciation for his art. PZ, you need a Poet Laureate for this blog, and there is only one candidate.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Nerd of Redhead #172 wrote:

How to honor Cuttlefish, that is the question.

Poet Laureate (or some cutesy variation) is probably the best idea as far as title goes, but Podblack at #167 has the real solution.

We should all buy the book. Lots of them. Every time we laugh or smile at something else Cuttlefish has written, we will click on the link and buy.

It will become a sacred ritual. And then we'll get annoyed and indignant. And that will give more fodder for poetry from Cuttlefish. Nothing but good.

Seriously. Buy at least one. I will. Nothing says "I love you, Cuttlefish" like cash.

On the steps of a propylon, the magnanimous Poet Laureate should receive the seaweed cluster for the aversion to prose.On Christmas day I could only wish to receive a verse of Cuttlefish! All hail...

By Sphere Coupler (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Seriously. Buy at least one. I will. Nothing says "I love you, Cuttlefish" like cash.

Ahhh, the truly obvious reward. I salute your wisdom.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Hiya Patricia, my dear lady. You caught me on my final check on the way to the arms of Morpheus. Had drinks, many, at a piano bar, wonderful, followed by antipasto and nuts and cheese. A ride along the seafront and home. Life is good at times, still a surprise since I am the one year anniversary of the dark time. I am not contributing much, but still reading and enjoying.

(low sweeping bow, a gentle touch to the frantically waving left hand) and goodnight, dear lady.


"And I think Patricia needs a molly to prop up her arm."

More like her gut.

maybe we should imitate the funny side of the KKK

Does anyone here consider murder funny?

That is not the funny side of the KKK. I thought that was obvious.

Does anyone here consider pirates funny...?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Besides, that's what turned the KKK from an organization with millions of members that was widely considered respectable into a powerless fringe cult: its hilarious titles were brought to the light of public derision. Turning the KKK into a running gag has worked very well so far.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Someone with more Latin should do this, but

Laurel = laureus > laureatus = laureate
Seaweed = alga > algatus(?) = algate(?)
Tentacle = ? > ? = tentaculate(?)

Let me add Moses to the list of nominees, for utterly trouncing the most recently banned troll in a very entertaining manner!

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Sastra @ #173, that was a stroke of brilliance! I have already bought my "copy" (download rather than dead tree version) and can't wait to indulge.