There probably isn't

Recently, we've been mocking the sad little website of the Rev. Cockshaw, which had the title "There probably is!" (referring, of course, to a deity). Now someone has done the obvious and grabbed the url for There Probably Isn't!. So go ahead, post your stories of deconversion there.

I'm feeling a bit sorry for Cockshaw. His efforts got steamrollered rather easily, and now they're being reversed. Good work!

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If he is saying "there probably is", then you should refer to him not by the name Cockshaw, but Cocksure.

Outstanding, and a spot-on reproduction. I especially like the FSM artwork.

The ironic part, and the part that will really get Rev. Cockshaw's panties in a bunch, is that I'd be willing to bet he could submit his own story and rebuttal, and it would likely be allowed... and then ripped to shreds of course, because that's what intelligent, rational people do. Instead of attempting to censor differing opinions and viewpoints, we prefer to have them expressed, then publicly disassembled where necessary. That way everybody learns from it.

Enjoy the site, Rev... that is if you can stomach the free and open expression of ideas that contradict your own... (doubtful).

By Celtic_Evolution (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

What freaking genius is responsible for this.
Stand up and take a bow.

Awesome. You see Rev, when you start a fire and then try to put it out with gasoline, your actions tend to have the opposite effect of your intent. I look forward to reading lots of intelligent and coherent posts about why people are atheists...unlike the drivel on that other site.

By Jimminy Christmas (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Hello pharynguloid hordes! The website is my little baby - only 24 hours old so far...

It's a shame Rev. Cockshaw used an open source CMS and an easily obtainable template for the site - it makes it so much easier to reproduce and hopefully confuse the poor CoE bunnies.

All are welcome to partake in the godless joy that is "There Probably Isn't". Submit your tales of godless joy for the world to see!

Thanks to PZ for the publicity.

I've no idea what it's good for, but I'm still charmed by that little word-orb gizmo. Shibby!

Isn't "shaw" eyedialect for "sure" in appropriate parts of the world? :sucks at languages:

Great site. I think one of the options to the question "Is there a god?" should be "Which one?"

By TheNaturalist (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Added my story, thanks for posting it so fast Mark.

Take care,


By Steve Sauve (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Should Mr Cockshaw dare to visit the new tribute site I bet he'll notice one major factor - the astonishing difference between the intelligence of the atheist contributors on 'There probably is!' and the christian posters on his own effort. Sadly, I have no reason to think the glaring dichotomy will have the least effect on his own reasoning. Such is the nature of the devout faith-head.

By Missus Gumby (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Um...can't they be sued for copying that layout?

@Big City: IANAL but it prolly depends on where thereprobablyisnt has it's servers. I believe American law almost always treats parody as fair use. In England it's usually easier to sue on this stuff, but I expect it's OK; I've seen plenty of BBC website mock-ups go unchallenged.

I'm pretty sure the webpage layout was based off a template available free online... that anyone can use.

That was my impression anyway.

Matt Heath @ #6

I hope that they added those tags!

@Matt Heath: the CMS is open source (joomla) and the template is available for a modest fee from a template design company - it's all fair and above board design and layout-wise.

So far, despite only being up for 24 hours, TPI't! has almost equalled the amount of testimonials that TPI! has managed in a week!

Chuff me! He's (Mark) started a Facebook group. Methinks he's been slapped about the head with a happy haddock of the muse. Several times by the looks if it. :)

By Missus Gumby (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Very cool! I sent my story, for what it's worth.

Dear Rev Cockshaw,


Dear Mark,

Well played!

@ # 20

Post the link to the FaceBook group pleeeeeease :-)

Too late, I already found it, lol

I think I made a mistake taking the poll,"Is there a god" seriously, because I read all the possible answers and eliminated them one-by-one on grounds of non-agreement - until I was left with "other". Yup, that's me, the lonely 0.2% at the bottom of the list

"Yes" was out of the frame through lack of any piece of real evidence. "No" likewise cannot be acceptable because, as we all know, there *probably* isn't. "Which one" and "Erm..." don't answer the question and "Chuck Norris" is a man who makes money peddling a notion that dealing with recidivists and other recalcitrant individuals is best done by killing them. I'm absolutely sure of all of this so I could not consider "Unsure" as an answer.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'm disappointed that the poll won't let me vote more than once a day without some additional effort. What kind of freaky internet poll is that? Bummer. Kids and their new-fangled gadgets these days. Well, off to call in the cookie monster...

By Don't Panic (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

I bet this really has Mrs. Cockshaw trembling in fear curled up in the fetal position on the very thought of the Atheist horde sending the goons to her house.

This website is just proof of what dangerous assholes we all are.


We have a problem: and are most likely made by the same person:

If you go to you will find that the third video slide is giving thanks, in exactly the same manner, to the atheist bus campaign. The easiest way to explain this is that since the video part of the sites use the same code, the person who uploads the videos accidentally uploaded 1 video onto the wrong site!

Sorry Pharyngualiets, but you have been had!


Whois says that the two sites are associated with different people - our friend Mark (thereprobablyisnt) and the inane Cockshaw (the other one). In addition, decompiling flash and reusing bits and pieces might not particularly complicated.

tpIsn't slide: "The poster campaign by the BHA and part funded by the author Richard Dawkins has been really very successful. Raising over 10 times more than the £11,000 originally hoped for they will now be placing posters all over the UK. We'd like to say 'Thanks'!!!"

tbIs slide: "The poster campaign by a group of atheists and part funded by the author Richard Dawkins has been really very succesful, in some ways at least. Raising 10 times more than the £11,000 originally hoped for they will now be placing posters all over the UK. We'd like to say 'Thanks'!!!"

Wording is a bit different, I could believe it was just put on tpIsn't to parody the one on tpIs, similar to the FSM slide.
The question is why is it on tpIs in the first place?

The comments from Jason of Arkansas were interesting. I used to think creationism is an incurable disease, but apparently Jason recovered from it. His comments are strong evidence for the idea there is no such thing as a scientifically literate creationist. If a creationist makes an honest effort to study and understand evolution, he or she could not possibly continue being a creationist.

After getting in a few arguments with 'evolutionists' online, I decided to research the subject from *their* side, so I would already know their arguments and how to respond. What surprised me when I started looking at it from their side instead of the creationist propaganda wasn't that they had some evidence, I always assumed they had some, they were just interpreting it wrong. What surprised me was HOW MUCH evidence they had, and how airtight it was.

Jason then explained how his new critical thinking skills helped him to eventually throw out the god invention. Probably most creationists could never accomplish what Jason accomplished, because they are cowards and because they are just plain stupid.

Anonymous (#27) wrote:

"No" likewise cannot be acceptable because, as we all know, there *probably* isn't.

Would you say there "probably" isn't a pink elephant orbiting Pluto? The magic fairy Christians and other religious retards believe in is equally impossible.

"NO" is the only correct answer to the poll that asked "Is there a God?".

BobC - That's me :)

It gives me hope when talking to creationists now, I did it, they can do it too. It's not about convincing them that they're wrong, it's about convincing them that the Discovery Institute and Answers in Genesis aren't giving them the whole story. If they make an honest effort to find out about the things DI and AiG aren't telling them, hopefully they'll figure it out.

My approach now is when creationists come with an argument that they've been told evolution 'has no answer for', I just show them 'yeah, we can answer that. Here's how. Maybe you should research what we have answers for before you come in asserting we don't.'
Usually followed by a link to TalkOrigins

Mark @ # 17: Submit your tales of godless joy for the world to see!

Thanks to PZ for the publicity.

Mark may have a really good site, but Cuttlefish retains the poetry prize...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Oops, that there 2nd line in # 37, being Mark's, should be italicized too...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Cockshaw, sounds like a really phony name to me, sure this is not a spoof?

The site needs more women's stories - come on Pharyngulistas!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink


This bit:

Real stories of no gods!

Read the stories of normal everyday people who aren't stupid, and haven't been brainwashed into believing in supernatural beings.

comes over a bit condescending. I'm not sure whether you meant it to imply this, but it seems to be saying that believers are stupid. If you genuinely want believers to consider what people are saying on the site, it's probably not a good idea to insult them.

Otherwise, great job.

By foolfodder (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Foolfodder @ 41

It's based on the good reverend's own opening to his site:

Read the stories of normal everyday people who aren't stupid, and haven't been brainwashed, but will talk honestly and openly about their experiences of the true and living God!

By Brachychiton (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

@Sili: The 'word orb' is a rotating list of search terms whose size relates to the popularity of the term searched for. Click on any of the terms, they highlight when you hover over them, and you go to a search page.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

@Brachychiton #43

It's based on the good reverend's own opening to his site:

Good point, I didn't realise that. However, I'd say that there might be visitors who aren't aware of the other site. Or who are and haven't paid attention. :)

Also, if the quote on the site had said, "Read the stories of normal everyday people who aren't stupid, and haven't been brainwashed into not believing in supernatural beings." then it would match the original better.

By foolfodder (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Well folks, in a little over 24 hours, we have succeeded in getting almost twice the amount of testimonials that Rev Cockshaw has on his site.

I've not had any hate mail yet, but if I do, I'm thinking of putting it into a separate "Love Thy Neighbour" section...

Love the idea for the "Love thy Neighbour" section, Mark!

#9 - I am also charmed by the word orb search engine! Thanks for the link scelesor!

I think "Turn the other cheek" would be a better name for the hate mail section.

I love it Chuck is beating yes in the poll

By Becky with a Y (not verified) on 23 Nov 2008 #permalink

Anonymous says: "Chuck Norris" is a man who makes money peddling a notion that dealing with recidivists and other recalcitrant individuals is best done by killing them."

Sounds an awful lot like that Yahweh chap, except I'm fairly sure that Chuck Norris actually exists.

Score board (for entertainment purposes only)

thereprobablyis: 6 pages of belief stories (given a good head start)

thereprobablyisnt: 17 pages of non-belief

woo hoo, we're kickin the believers asses!!!!

I've got to speak up for Reverend Cockshaw here. I may disagree with his theist point of view and I know he didn't do much to engage with any of the arguments when he responded to the earlier blog entries, but do you really have to drag his wife into it? I've been in touch with him directly by email to try and show him that not all atheists want to fill his inbox with hate mail, as he's had a heck of a lot off the back of this and, whatever you think of his website and his views, do you really think he and his wife deserve that? By all means make your arguments on here, but this couple don't deserve to be made to feel frightened as a result of his details being displayed for all to see on what is a very powerful blog. Don't forget, he didn't ask for this - his online poll was pharygulated and he's since been the subject of two more blog entries. If that was it then I wouldn't bother posting this, but the abuse they're getting directly is definitely out of order.

You may think they've over-reacted and that may well be the case, but what's the point in behaving as badly as the most misguided fundy just because someone posted a poll on a website which isn't going to do anything other than make theists feel better about themselves? I don't see any evidence of the reverend being a nutjob creationist squealing about what gets taught in the science class, of him making death threats to PZ because of a cracker or of threats of hell and damnation for homosexuals and unbelievers. Granted, he made a side-swipe at Richard Dawkins but it was pretty tame by any standards.

There are more deserving targets for Pharyngula's bile. I don't have a problem with criticising the guy's website and his religious views which can obviously be construed from it. Heck, I don't have a problem with people being rude about particular elements of a faith-based world view - I wouldn't be reading Pharyngula regularly otherwise. But the personal abuse isn't warranted and makes those of us who want to discuss the issues with some of the more thoughtful theists look bad by association.