Advent podcast day 2

Don't be too disappointed — it's some weird blogger. At least he picked the best and most obvious scientist to represent Christmas.

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Wait! Don't spend your money just yet. Just wait next year for the release of the glowing octupi!

Ooooh, I was going to ask for a fluorescent mouse for Xmas, but a glow-fish sounds much more exotic. Plus, I've already got a tank.

'twas a good choice.

This may have already been noted on another post. Whenever I access the front page of your blog, I get this notice from my antivirus -

Machine: *******, User: ***********.
Status: File was cured; system cure performed.

John @5,
Googling for it suggests that it may be some kind of virus infecting some YouTube content that attempts to install malware called "Antivirus 2009" and/or redirect to some kind of phishing site via Flash. Seems to be quite new. Details are, as yet, hazy.

Thanks for the heads up! Since this popup only happens to me at PZ's front page, I figured people here oughta know

Whoa! First time I've heard PZ's voice, and he sounds like a calm, thoughtful, rational, kind human being! How is this possible when he's also an atheist???

By recovering catholic (not verified) on 02 Dec 2008 #permalink

(PZ) sounds like a calm, thoughtful, rational, kind human being! How is this possible when he's also an atheist???

He only sounds this way after he's gorged himself on puppies and kittens. When he's hungry, he sounds like Mercedes McCambridge.

At the end of all these, do they all get together for an anti-christmas meal? As E.V. suggests, perhaps a nice turpuppen and brainberry sauce.

For many years, my brother-in-law (the minister) would send our son an advent calendar. He loved it! Each day, he would open a little window to count down to Christmas. Some had candy. He turned out to be a fine young atheist and never cared about the baby Jesus.

Newton as your Xmas guest! Wow, I'm sure he wouldn't be easy. A genuis for sure, but he was also barking mad! Watch out if he tries to do any alchemy with your cooking ingredients. And get familiar with his brand of heretical unitarian religion.

recovering catholic - I know, I have the same reaction! PZ sounds like the great Magog or the mighty kraken in some of his blog pieces, but on YouTube or the radio (and Expelled) he looks and sounds like a lovable fuzz ball. Cracks me up!

Wow. Stephen Fry was on yesterday as well

By Cloudwork (not verified) on 02 Dec 2008 #permalink

Why do they have a picture of Alexei Sayle as Santa?

Al #15: Alexei Sayle isn't Santa. He's God! I'm a huge fan. Our american friends will know him as Belovski in the 'Young Ones' if they watch 80s british comedy.

Our american friends will know him as Belovski in the 'Young Ones' if they watch 80s british comedy.

or, if they are old enough, as the villan in Solarbabies

That is, if you haven't drunk enough to have forgotten the horror that was Solarbabies

Weird blogger, incorrect.

Brainless fuckbucket.

That is all.

By pharynguphat (not verified) on 02 Dec 2008 #permalink

Brainless fuckbucket.

Incorrect. The poster, not the blogger.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 02 Dec 2008 #permalink

At least he picked the best and most obvious scientist to represent Christmas.

Dan Dennett?