I'm among the top 10 ass-kickers of skepticism in 2008!

See—there's an official list and everything.

But wait…what's this? Tied with the Bad Astronomer? What has he done, besides write a book and become president of the JREF and pose naked? I ought to win for keeping my clothes on!


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By croor singh (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Uhm... do you mean "2008?"

Just checking. Cause you're freaking me out if you really *are* among the top 10 ass-kickers of skepticism in 1008.

Well, if it's any consolation, you're a shoe-in for a Nobel Prize after inventing that time machine of yours...

By Levi in NY (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

I wouldn't put Plait in a tie with anyone after I had to see that picture.

Well, it depends: if we put Plait in a big enough tie, it could lessen the horror.

Surely the number one ass-kicker in 1008 is Pope John XVIII, who is said to have abdicated from the papacy late that year? Not much more is known about him. But you have to wonder why someone would just up and quit being Pope, eh.

By speedwell (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Aha! A blatant factual error! How can PZ--and all scientists--be trusted about ANYTHING since they can MAKE ERRORS?!!

Somebody should have posted a warning about that picture! I was trying to eat my breakfast....sheesh.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Maybe a tasteful photo with a strategically placed squid could catapult you to #1.

curious here- are you coming to edmonton in january, pz? i thought i saw that somewhere earlier this year on your site, and i would like to know when and where if possible.

PZ, your picture was too mild. Maybe a picture of you in pirate gear with a cephalopod on your shoulder, with a sword for those time when you are supposed to be ferocious.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Sure, you were hot shit 1,000 years ago, but what have you done lately?

"with a sword for those time when you are supposed to be ferocious."

No, no, no! A cyberpistol!

By Screechy Monkey (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Surely if you showed more tentacle, PZ, you would have nabbed the top spot.

Eh, he corrected the year. Now my semi-clever previous comment makes no sense at all.

Eh, he corrected the year. Now my semi-clever previous comment makes no sense at all.

Darwinists are notorious for doing such things.

I mean, they actually correct mistakes, rather than glorifying them like the righteous do. Those bastards!

Glen D

Come to think of it, crackergate was a lot like that incident with the televised trantrik death chants. It's as they say, one horse-laugh is worth a thousand.... fatwa envies.

"What has he done, besides write a book and become president of the JREF and pose naked?"

Yeah, but is Phil a big time movie star!? I think not.

the juxtaposition of naked Bad Astronomer and cuddly PZ was... jarring.

See, I told you all the Guardian weren't so bad. That's two law-suits they took on in the name of science, rather than just apologise and settle. Under English libel law no less.

They do still have some insufferable columnists, though.

You were naked that one time. . remember?

*your laptop was broken!*

I'm a bit embarrassed for Phil, to have ones need to over-compensate so much presented so publicly.

I am very touched that, as a high school science teacher, I beat PZ and the Bad Astronomer in skeptical ass kicking. I think it was my lecture "Quantum Mechanics is Not New Age Mumbo-Jumbo" that put me over the top. It was heavy with pointing and laughing. Even better, at a poster session the night before I stuck tape loops on all of my students, telling them it was "for attendance." they wore the loops all evening. When I pointed out in my lecture that people will do all sorts of things if they are told to by someone with some letters after his name (I have a Ph.D.) and given a non-sense reason like "for attendance." They laughed at themselves just as hard as they laughed at the the others. I think they got the message: don't trust, think and check instead.

By Gavin Polhemus (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

PZ, why are you cuddling with a pink tooth in that pic? :)

If he's over 1000, he MUST be divine!


I respect your work and your mind PZ, but I doubt anyone would want to see your naked body!

Congratulations! (To you, too, Orac!)

a coconut-skull like Jenny McCarthy

Liked that.

There should be a top 10 greatest Pharyngula moments for 2008. I can think of a lot of nominations. Scooter threatening to fight Ron in Houston, PZ getting expelled from Expelled, Crackergate, Rooke's analogies, upsetting Ken Ham's alliance with the Cincinnati zoo, Steven, etc.

Feel free to nominate your favourite moments!

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

I respect your work and your mind PZ, but I doubt anyone would want to see your naked body!

Woo. I <3 Skepchick.

On the far side of fifty, if someone likes the way you look without clothes, it's true love. The rest of us wish to admire you for your mind. Please.

...I heart skepchick. Yeah. that's what I was tryin' to say.

For some reason, I cannot post over at Skepchick. Can someone tell her "Great Post" for me??

Thanks for keeping your clothes on PZ. :-)

PZ, you posted a picture of your man-boob.

That's got to count for something...

Look at the bright side, PZ. Your photo showed you as the cute and cuddly cephalopod you really are.

(That was you on the right, wasn't it?)

Love the pic of PZ with the cutsy squid. Awwww :)

"I'm among the top 10 ass-kickers of skepticism in 2008!"

i don't believe it!

[/Happy New Year, everyone]

I'd be happier with Skepchick, if I hadn't paid $25 for a calendar that I never got. I'd be happier still, if I ever saw a response to my e-mail petitioning to either get my money back or get a copy of this year's calendar. I have my Paypal receipt, but never a response. :(

I respect your work and your mind PZ, but I doubt anyone would want to see your naked body! - wagonjak

Well, there is such a thing as morbid curiosity!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Well, there is such a thing as morbid curiosity!

I may be curious, but not morbidly curious.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

A naked Fabio sandwiched between a naked PZ and Phil Plait is what I want to see !

Best Pharyngula moments of 2008: would have to have the long soul-searching nights with da Kenny on the list,and philosophy sparring with Etha at 4am.....I thought the Ron in Houston thing was rather scary.

Obviously, between naked and clothed, naked wins, duh! Besides, you hugging a giant tooth are reasons for point deduction. ^_^

One may note that those who appear to be the most adamant against seeing PZ in the buff seem to be males.

Just sayin'.

Highlights of 2008? Well, considering I wasn't here before 2008, and even then it was already halfway through when I showed up. Expelled from Expelled is what brought me here - sorry PZ; I'd never heard of you until then.

Crackergate was insane. I think I took at least year off my keyboard's working life over those few weeks - both from frenetic typing of refutations and vitriol, and from banging my head against it after reading the unceasing papist idiocy.

Pete Rooke's analogies were disturbing, but we did get him to stop eventually.

It's been a lot of learning for me over the last six months - prior to that I don't think I'd ever heard the term 'Libertarian' before. Now, of course, I kind of wish it'd stayed that way...

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Haw! Phil is a piker. How many brilliant commenter's, sluts, man-whores, fist fighters, god bots, strumpets, gay brawlers, drunks, naked bunny's with whips, and we could go on - does Phil get?
Has he ever been turned in to Seed for his rowdies? How many threads of over 500 comments does Phil have? Sorry Phil, keeping the Ilk eager, entertained and continuing the blogs educational value shows incredible talent.

PZ doesn't have to strip.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Sastra, your observation on the PZ clothed/unclothed issue is probably correct.

Wowbagger, my history with this site seems to parallel yours. I had seen a link to Pharyngula very early in the year, and thought it was a great site, but forgot the link by the time I got home, and our IT at work has us clear the history daily, so I couldn't follow up. Expelled caused me to find the site again (wrote it down this time), where I lurked until just before Crackergate. I've been a regular contributer ever since. I did give the libertarians a pass after a week or so since they were just repetitious.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

now I can't find the exit.

Do you really want to?

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

this site will make me homeless someday. i'm supposed to be finishing some overdue graphics, instead i'm here. if i don't break this addiction soon, i will not be able to pay rent

I blame this all on PZ :-p

PZ, I'm sure I speak for most of us: KEEP IT ON!

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Also: the BtB video and Lenski's smackdown of Schlafly.

I think we've found ourselves a new trinity:

Darwin = the father
Lenski = the Son
Vodka = the Holy Spirit


There should be a top 10 greatest Pharyngula moments for 2008. I can think of a lot of nominations. Scooter threatening to fight Ron in Houston, PZ getting expelled from Expelled, Crackergate, Rooke's analogies, upsetting Ken Ham's alliance with the Cincinnati zoo, Steven, etc.

I think PZ's greatest accomplishment was getting expelled from Expelled. What made it even more impressive was Richard Dawkins was not recognized and he had to go see that awful movie.

I tried searching the site for the date of my first comment here. Fail.

Oh well, it was just probably something on a 12th grade level. The slutty remarks came secondly.

When good women go wrong, men go right after them. Mae West

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 30 Dec 2008 #permalink

Sure thing, Rebecca. I'll be sending it shortly.

PZ, whas that you dressed as sants, with Orac on your knee?

It's an honor being quoted on Skepchick cataloging your many accomplishments of 2008. Hope I didn't miss any big ones. Let's make 2009 an even bigger year for skepticism.

I'd never heard of Susan Jacoby. I went to her website. I read the excerpt from her book. I watched her make an ass of herself in proving that just because you know how to speak a language doesn't mean you know anything about how it works. The spreading of a new idiom is not connotatively akin to the infection of a virus, the rise of the word "folk" has nothing to do with the dumbing down of anybody, and the change in meaning of the word "troop" and "troops" is a natural effect of language change which I doubt (though it may have) was caused by "dimwitted" journalists. One likes to think that when writing a book on a subject, one first reads other books (including doing other more direct research, of course) on the subject you wish to write about. Having read several books on language, the first chapters of most of which address why the position Jacoby states in her website's excerpt are ridiculous (and, ironically, unreasonable), I can fairly state that that is one topic she did NOT research beforehand.

Sorry if this is stupid irrelevant, but I had to get this off my back *somehow*. I hope the rest of the book is much better.

And Thunderf00t is awesome.

By C Murdock (not verified) on 31 Dec 2008 #permalink

Alas, I would have much preferred that Amanda Peet had posed nude.

By BluesBassist (not verified) on 31 Dec 2008 #permalink

C'mon, admit it: Plait looks pretty damn good in that photo, and the pose is hilarious. (cf. Jessica Rabbit: "He makes me laugh.") I have to wonder what that 'scope is aimed at, but I guess one would have to wait 'til nightfall to find out.

Maybe it's my age, but I likes 'em cuddly as well as um telescopic. Those aren't mutually exclusive IME.

Guess that means it's no surprise that I find that shot of PZ and the pink cephalopodther strangely inspiring. Goodness gracious.

I am sure that if you threaten to take your clothes off if you don't win this year that you are a shoe-in.

I find intellect/skepticism/atheism to be quite erotic.

Did you ever name the molar?


Here's to your going mainstream in 2009.



I thought the Ron in Houston thing was rather scary.

Yeah, it was quite disturbing at the time but since no one got hurt, so I think we can look back and laugh at the idea of a grown man challenging another grown man to a fight over the internet. Not only that, but he did it at ScienceBlogs.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 01 Jan 2009 #permalink

if i don't break this addiction soon, i will not be able to pay rent.

cooter threatening to fight Ron in Houston.