A little bird told me…

…that today is GrrlScientist's birthday. You should go over there with a cake and some presents, or at least some good wishes.


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First, I'd like to thank Archy, Rev. BigDumbChimp, Melissa and PZ for the birthday wishes. Also, a couple of my blog readers (who, I assume, wish to remain anonymous), hit my amazon wish list and bought me birthday presents which arrived with perfect timing - today. I am very happy I got this,…
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GrrlScientist's birthday is definitely a happy occasion. Cheers!

However, I am also mindful that today is the second anniversary of the death of Molly Ivins. Imagine how much the old girl would have enjoyed seeing the new political landscape. One thing for sure, however, she would not have been complacent about "having overcome." Her boots were made for kicking, and we miss them still.

Congratulations, GrrlScientist... I invite you to this thread which could benefit from your input on a couple of topics.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 31 Jan 2009 #permalink

Oh, I like her. I like to guess the birds. Usually I have no idea. Those that I do have an idea, a bunch of people beat me to it.

One of these days I'll get an answer in first.

I also like the subway art.

Happy B-day! It's also Mr. Aquaria's birthday. :)

I really love the gorgeous photos she posts and her Birds in the News series.

Happy Birthday to Grrlscientist!!!

The cake is a lie.

By James Taylor (not verified) on 31 Jan 2009 #permalink

Happy B-Day, GrrlScientist!

That's a Parrottweiler, isn't it?

By Rat Bastard (not verified) on 31 Jan 2009 #permalink

dawkins is talking at OU, I'm SO excited! Oklahoma has hope! Some hope!

Congratulations !