The Plan is revealed

One of our colleagues here at Pharyngula, Cuttlefish, OM, is apparently somewhat upset at the injustices against certain cephalopods. Be of good cheer! Our plans are coming to fruition, soon, and all the world will be under the tentacle, thanks to global warming and…Science!

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On Pharyngula, PZ Myers tries to imagine an ancient squid, preying on reptilian whales and arranging their vertebrae as a testament to its glory. He writes "I love the idea of ancient giant cephalopods creating art and us finding the works now. But then, reality sinks in: that's a genuinely,…
That's not hyperbole. I really mean it. How else could I react when I open up the latest issue of Bioessays, and see this: Cephalopod origin and evolution: A congruent picture emerging from fossils, development and molecules. Just from the title alone, I'm immediately launched into my happy place:…
It seems that cephalopods, from giant squids and octopi to camouflaging cuttlefish, are all the rage these days. As I've shown before, cephalopods can be quite fractalish (or fractals tend to be tentaclish, take your pick.) I'm not exactly sure why these creatures are so loved these days, but who…

You know what can be done to save the US economy long-term? Absolutely nothing, because within a short period of time, thanks to global warming and science, all that under-water real estate is going to be actual under-water real estate and its inhabitants are going to be a family of four…squids.

So, without science we'd be okay?

Let me be the first to say that I, for one, welcome our cephalopod overlords as long as they keep me in a roomy tank with clean air and a regular diet of twinkies & Slim Jims.

Speaking of complaining...Bill Donahue is complaining about YOU again PZ. Feb. 5th article about Link TV Mocks Catholicism. (Catholic League website)

I can think of something better to do with cuttlefish and crackers than complain. ;)

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

" [In octopuses] sexuality is relegated to end of life span, [so] it doesn’t get in the way of their intelligence [like it does for most male humans]."

Hmmmmm... is that considered an evolutionary advantage?
Seems like a waste of all those tentacles.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Totally OT, but I just noticed this headline in the outdated NY Times window over on the right:

Study Pinpoints the Main Source of Asia’s Brown Cloud

Can it be that the mavens at the Times have never heard of Billy the Mountain?

[citation: The Adventures of Gregory Peccary]

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

a regular diet of twinkies & Slim Jims.

With that diet, I don't think you would be regular

So long as they think it will come in the future,
These vertebrates let down defenses today--
Well done, Dr. Myers; your disinformation
Helps cephalopods get their plans under way!

What's the next spin-off, CSI Cuttlefish?

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

I just realized something a bit embarrassing: if you click through PZ's first link, to my blog, the current post is titled "a valentine from god", which sounds so saccharine-sweet it might make you click back instantly to avoid damaging your pancreas.

I just wanted to say, for those who don't know me... it ain't that sweet. There's war, and dismemberment, and I am mean to a little old lady.

Pesky vertebrates.

Chordates unite!

Defend our pharyngeal slits!

(that does sound naughty)

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Clams got legs?

#9 - cephalopod video - Wow - the end of the video where the octopus changes to match the reef is the very definition of "awe-some". Such amazing creatures.

By PopeCoyote (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Who would have thought "squid" was a pejorative. This kind of sectarian infighting could pose a very real ans present danger to cephalopodism...that and nice garlic aioli with lemon...

By sparkomatic (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink


I'd certainly hope someone named Newfie would be familiar with Squid Jigging Ground. I prefer Ryan's Hope's version to Hank Snow's.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

I prefer Ryan's Hope's version to Hank Snow's.

I was going to link that Ryan's Fancy version, but the volume is so low. I have a studio version of Ryan's Fancy doing that song, but with Dermot singing it instead of Fergie, but I couldn't find it on youtube. Great piece, has some small harp on it.

Great group in their day, but hardly dramatic. :D

...and Cthulu? >.>

@ #3,

If they could toss in Jessica Alba and a nice gree salad with a good red wine along with the junk food I'd welcome them even more. Sorry...


That Plan may have been revealed, but we still have to wait two months to find out what the hell the cylons were doing on Battlestar Galactica...

One advantage I can see as the Overlord-bearing waters lap around my feet (which will clearly be happening “soon” as I'm only c.100 metres from, and approximately level with, the Mediterranean as I type this) is it will be easier to catch the buggers for a meal. Shall we share recipes for our future Overlords?

Not another use of 'sinister' as a pejorative (in Brownian's link)!
If it wasn't for the xians associating the left hand with witchcraft, there'd be a whole lot more of us sinisters around, and the world would be a better place.

I am hereby reclaiming the word.

Also "gauche" and "leftist" (heh heh).


If I were you I'd be quick to pack up and flee town.

The reptoids will arrive at your doorstep soon, now that you've revealed DA as one of them.