I get email

Sometimes, they just want to help me out.

You must try this before you die. Why does this happen? Maybe you can figure it out?

I have Discovered that if you lay perfectly level on a firm mattress,with no pillow. Then relax and let gravity push you flat. Do this for 3 hours day/night. you can only do an hour then massage,because its painful.Take painkillers if you have to, in the beginning. But try and do 3 hours day/night or more. If you do that for seven weeks the crucifixion comes out in you. Electric shocks in your hands, wrist and feet.
Prevention of doing evil will occur. The Truth is revealed. Amazing aspect's occur. Back and neck pain go away. Lose weight. Feel young again.You become taller. Spiritual vision is restored etc etc etc.
I did 7 hour days/nights for 3 weeks. My Friends done the 3 hours for 7 weeks. And the same aspects happened. They just took longer.
Gravity crushes us, as soon as we are born. We end up all bent,like a banana when we are old. Lying level, for prolonged amounts of time, reverses this effect.
Also if you have kids. when you lay your baby on the side, you crush the ears.The head is the heaviest part of the body at that stage. So you need to put a hole in the pillow or something, so the ears do not get crushed. You will have a much happier baby.
All comes from the ALMIGHTY FATHER,OUR LORD JESUS Christ and THE HOLY SPIRIT. i am just a worker.
Please look at the physic's in all of this. To have a strong foundation,your structure has to be rectified.
If this could get out to the world. It will solve so many problem's we face on this planet.
A program needs to be set up.
The problems are inside us. And here is the solution.
PS: Once you complete the seven week's,look to the light, any light. Because evil will come after you. Safe journey.
kind regards
John Davis.
Don't say you weren't given this information!

Wait…he tells me to do all this stuff to make me healthier and keep my baby's ears from being crushed, and then evil will come after me? Well, gosh, no thanks. Babies can go ahead and have crumpled ears if it will prevent the evil from getting me.


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Doesn't John Davis do the Garfield cartoon?

Wow, that is chock full of fallacies and fantasy. I bet he's happy in the ignorant pig swill.....

By Brian English (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Well, my momma always said physic's (sic) are good for you, so I majored therein.

I'll pass on the "crucifiction" and "rectification", though.

How out of shape do you have to be for gravity to be hurting you?

Now I know why my ears are all rumpled.

Was I the only one who felt like this was an email version of an infomercial? A really insane and even more unbelievable than normal infomercial. I kept waiting for the $19.99 plus shipping and handling to be announced.

Teh stupid! It burns!

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Don't we all do this every night when we sleep?

@ #2: You were looking for Jim Davis. If it had been him, lasagna would have been mentioned, especially given the Christ-like flatness of the noodles.

The 'etc. etc. etc.' is awesome. Like he thinks all of the magical benefits of crucifixion stretches are obvious, and don't need to be explained.

And is it just me, or does 'crucifixion stretch' sound like some kind of trendy new exercise?

The banana rears its ugly head once again.

But in this case one is trying to reverse one's similarity to the banana?

By Geoffrey of Ballard (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Don't say you weren't given this information!

Oh, we won't. Promise.

Is this John Davis a friend of Ray Comfort's ?

"and that, My Liege, is how we know the earth to be shaped like a banana " -- Sir Bedivere.

But, but... he doesn't say whether to lie flat on your back or on your stomach! How will we know? If we do it wrong, will that make gravity crush us worse???

I've never used a pillow since I left home forty years ago, and I sleep every night on a hard mattress.

No sign of crucifixion yet, though I do have delusions of grandeur sometimes...

Why does "getting rectified" sound like a really painful process?

Three hours a night for 7 weeks? No thank you. I could think of far more productive things to do with my time including building a device that shocks my hands and feet so I wouldn't have to spend three hours a night lying on a matress because some religious nutter says it'll reveal God. If God wants to reveal himself, it can come in the form of turning water into vodka.

Byron @ 10

Don't we all do this every night when we sleep?

Nah, not all of us. Some of us wear velcro pajamas and stick ourselves to the big tapestry hanging on the wall.

By Fernando Magyar (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

I think 'getting rectified' is some kind of new colonic wash or maybe a new enema treatment.

By druidbros (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

"We end up all bent,like a banana when we are old."

Oh no! How did he know my worst nightmare?

By go banana (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

I read only a few selected bits of it and had to stop. I need my brain to remain solid, thank you, and this isn't going to help that.

By Blue Fielder (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Wow, I sleep without a pillow most nights. I guess I should look out for evil coming after me (or maybe I'm going to prevent doing evil?) or something. etc etc etc.

Cheers & Happy Monkey,

"...look to the light, any light"

Any light? Is there salvation in my bedside lamp? In a flashlight?

By progressive ho… (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

I have been doing this for years, no pillow, the firmest mattress I can get. never need pain meds for this, in fact, doing that prevented meds near as I can tell.

Yet, none of these things happened to me and I do 6-7 hours per night - granted a small time may be in a different position but no much since this is sooooo comfortable for me.

Yes, this is funny -- and bizarre -- but the poor guy is probably mentally ill.

Don't say you weren't given this information.

...and here I thought the Timecube dude was the craziest guy on Earth. I think he has some serious competition here.

(Yes, I'm aware that crazy is an Equal Opportunity Employer; one only need visit http://www.youtube.com/user/dbootsthediva for proof of this.)

By Hockey Bob (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

..."Back and neck pain go away. Lose weight. Feel young again.You become taller. Spiritual vision is restored etc etc etc. "

What no mention of a three inch penis growth? Most spam emails promise that at least.

By Bride of Shrek OM (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Did anyone else read this and hear your synaptic transmissions come to a screeching halt?

I will get taller? whoa!

Sign me up! If I do it for more than 7 weeks will I be even taller still?

NBA, here I come! Oh wait, my 58th birthday is next week.

Never mind.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

What no mention of a three inch penis growth? Most spam emails promise that at least.

Just how big do you want your penis to be BoS?

The only thing this piece lacks to have that true chain-letter feel is the admonition to pass it along:

"You must pass this along to 10 people before the day is out, and something wonderful will happen to you. DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN!! A woman in Sterling, Nebraska broke the chain and was struck by a speeding bus the very next day. A man in Austin, Texas passed it along and won a million dollars within 24 hours."

I've done this before. Well, minus all the hocus pocus. I've tried various methods of meditation, and this idea of laying perfectly flat (actually, I'm a heathen and still use a pillow) and not moving for a long period of time has worked for me. It really is an interesting sensation, and while I wouldn't call it electrifying or anything, your body certainly does feel different. I've even on occasion fallen asleep this way, only to maintain some sort of consciousness while going into sleep.

There is nothing magical or religious about it. And it's only "spiritual" in the sense that you're maybe more in touch with your feelings and self. Shame that so many people need some sort of hocus pocus to understand these things. It takes more imagination to understand the real world than the stories we make up about it.

He says that you should sleep without a pillow, and then get magically crucified. Then, later, he says, punch a hole in the pillow. What?


Extreme discomfort (no pillow) will lead to prevention of evil.

This one's further out than most.

Posted by: Matt |
The 'etc. etc. etc.'

He's channeling Yul Brenner.

By progressive ho… (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Why is Jim Bakker so short? I spend most of my sleepy-time upright in an easy chair. I'm 6'3". However, I am looking forward to feeling crucified. Who wouldn'd?

By littlejohn (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

The strangest part is that he's not asking for money.

If I slept on my back, I think the roof would collapse.

Although, I'm fairly certain that my snoring has saved me from the "We should move in together." conversation a few times.

Anyone else get the IDEA that the seemingly random USE of all caps by THESE people just adds to THE crazy?

By Calvin Spealman (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Calvin Spealman
Anyone else get the IDEA that the seemingly random USE of all caps by THESE people just adds to THE crazy?

That and the Random capitalization of common Noun in the Middle of a sentence.

By progressive ho… (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

I'd like to see the Shamwow guy market this.

progressive homeschooler @28...

Any light? Is there salvation in my bedside lamp? In a flashlight?

Well, we do know that there is paradise by the dashboard light.

By BobbyEarle (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

#31 - I'm pretty positive that that was a negative comment....

Don't forget the random use of apostrophes. There is a "problem's" followed a couple sentences later by "problems." Consistency helps you look a tad less nutty. Not much, but a tad. Ask one of the voices in your head if the word is a plural noun or a possessive noun. One of them is bound to know.

By mikecbraun (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Do you mind if I cite this so a few people I know can get a good laugh out of this? I've showed them your site but they are people that tend to dismiss overly extensive posts and so were drawn away by shinier things.

By Technicolorful (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

I'm all for making fun of creationists since they cause real problems in science education and other stuff, but now I'm pretty sure you're just making fun of a mentally challenged person.


Sometimes I think I'd rather like to have a penis.

Having just spent the better part of three weeks having to hover over Indonesian squat toilets I have decided the ability to be able to piss standing up is not to be underestimated.

By Bride of Shrek OM (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

He's right, you know.

Many of the world's problem's can be solved with physic's.

By Brain Hertz (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Please don't let that be the John Davis from Superdrag! I know he found religion and all, but their new album is quite rockin'.

By spinetingler (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

He comes across as friendly, harmless and open if not entirely misguided.

damn it!

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Bride o'Shrek (#57)

Thank you, Madame. I shall now have that song by Monty Python (sung by Eric Idle) running through my head for the next few days. ("Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Here's a little number I tossed off in the Caribbean...")

As for our original e-mailer, all I can say is this:

Where do they come from, and why the blistering blue blazes do they thing Professor Myers really needs to hear their drivel?

(No, don't answer that: it's rhetorical.)

The MadPanda, FCD

This is the real story of what happened to Francis Collins--the triune waterfall is just a cover-up!

I refuse to fix my foundation by getting my structure rectified. Wouldn't that change my AC to DC?

Ok, I think I know what's happening here. If you only sleep 3 hrs per night on a hard mattress with no pillow, you begin to halucinate and otherwise go absolutely mad.

@progressive homeschooler: "He's channeling Yul Brenner."

Actually, I think the writer is channeling Dr Bronner. An eclectic reading for the uninitiated:

"All-One-God-Faith! WE'RE ALL-ONE OR NONE! The Moral ABC unites all mankind! LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE! EXCEPTIONS ETERNALLY? ABSOLUTE NONE! A great teacher, must first, a self-supporting hardworker be, like Alesen-Baeck-Carnegie- Cousteau-Hammer-Liebman-Paine-Pike-Sanger-Spinoza-Strauss-Szasz-Wilke-Yadin-Zamenhof, or he'll turn our greatest teaching into spades, to bury our people! All people!, added Carpenter Jesus entering manhood! Manhood! DILUTE! DILUTE! OK!"

Now what doesn't that get an Oscar?

I can't wait to see teh evil emanate from my lava lamp.

I'm in a hurry. I wonder, can I get the same results if I just lie in a puddle of water while hooked up to a car battery?

By PlaydoPlato (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Nah ner nah ner nah nah!
You weren't the first to get this information PZ!

jlsdsd posted it as a comment on Evolution of a Scientist on Newsweek.com.

Loony. Simply loony.

Dear Lord have mercy on your followers. jsldsd even has a twitter feed.

Trying to get investors. Have videod the machine and am hoping the investors will invest. Then il get money to put magnetic motor in cars.
Just completed second one. This one does 1.5kva. Free power. plus you can plug waterpump in. And pump water to deserts at no cost.

Honest crazy like this is something the world needs as much as another mountain, etc., or Mancinian "love". Loons and ultra-eccentrics make the world a better place for all of us as they go where no man (or duck) has goed before.

By Sioux Laris (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Thank you, Madame. I shall now have that song by Monty Python (sung by Eric Idle) running through my head for the next few days.

That's exactly what came into my head!

If I just take the painpills can I forgo
the rest of that crap to get to Happyville

I have Discovered that if you lay perfectly level on a firm mattress,with no pillow. Then relax and let gravity push you flat. Do this for 3 hours day/night. you can only do an hour then massage,because its painful.Take painkillers if you have to, in the beginning. But try and do 3 hours day/night or more. If you do that for seven weeks the crucifixion comes out in you. Electric shocks in your hands, wrist and feet.

Fuck that lying on a mattress bit!

You want an authentic crucifixion, come on over to Pampanga - I'm sure the locals will be happy to volunteer you for their annual Good Friday event.


By Twin-Skies (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

I might be able to explain the "electric shocks" aspect. If I tense and hold my fingers really hard for thirty seconds (outstretched, not clenched), the little bits of friction I feel in my knuckles when I move them again put me in mind of electricity zapping through them. It doesn't hurt, it's just slightly interesting.

This new learning amazes me! Explain again how sheep's bladders can be used to prevent earthquakes.

By Bostonian (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Timecube Proves John Davis False!

By The Helvetica … (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Thats great, but can it help me get chicks?

LOL! I seriously laughed out loud. I donno, I think it must be a poe. It's just too funny.

Defaithed (#67): Is that Dr. Bronner the inspiration for the hybrids in Battlestar Galactica? Seems just as incoherent to me.

Um ... I actually sleep on something firmer than just firm mattress because I prefer hard surfaces to sleep on. I used to not use pillows but I do now. Does that mean the evil has 'came' on me? That should explain certain dreams.

Half-wave, full-wave or bridge rectifier?

Don't add any transformers, or you could be accused of discrimination.

You have no idea how long I've waited to unload that Amateur Radio pun. I'm such a Ham.

Ahah! That's what I've been feeling--crucifixion pain in the hands, wrists, and feet!

Oh, wait.



By beanjavert (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

I do occasionally get a bit tingly at night if I lie on my back and try to force myself down to sleep without moving my limbs. That has more to do with the sleep process itself, and the immobility of my limbs, than it has to do with Jesus though.

Hmmm, I'm no engineer but;

"To have a strong foundation, your structure has to be rectified."

don't you have to have astrong foundation BEFORE you "rectify" your structure. Ahem. Oh dear, I appear to be taking this too literally again.


Apparently, when we get old, we get bent like a banana. Do you suppose we fit perfectly in God's hand, or the Devil's hand then?

A new one for Ray Comfort, methinks! We even have a tab (read "head") for peeling the (biodegradable) skin off!

By Your Mighty Overload (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink


I thought we were intelligently designed, and therefore would not need to lie flat to negate the effects of god's gravity, since it is all in the plan..............oh right. The fall. I keep forgetting. How silly of me.

By MaleficVTwin (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

We end up all bent,like a banana when we are old

Stop right there! When you're bent like a banana, you're just right to fit in King Kong's hand!!! Therefore God exists!!!

By natural cynic (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Gravity crushes us, as soon as we are born. We end up all bent,like a banana when we are old. Lying level, for prolonged amounts of time, reverses this effect.

I'm torn between two possible responses. One is the classic, "the stupid, it burns!" and the other is the ICHC inspired "Science FAIL."

The scary part is that it sounds much like the pseudoscientific woo you could find anywhere on the web with the same kind of bizarre, backwards justification. But why would anyone send it in an e-mail?

"The fall. I keep forgetting. How silly of me."

Yeah, "The Fall".


Newton is Lucifer!
Einstein is a more precise Lucifer!

Quantum Gravity? Well, in that case Lucifer can't be exactly nailed down, but there are soloutions that suggest the presence of Lucifer given certain initial restraints at sufficiently high energies...

"Through that door, line on the left, one cross each."

Argh! Valis beat me to it. All I can say now is: Weawease Bwian!

Dust @ #74

That, possibly, is just about the coolest gadget EVER invented. I kid you not I have already tracked down the Australian distributor and have ordered one (in pink- one has to have some femininity about such things). Very soon I shall have mastered the art of vertical urination and I shall be the most pleased woman on the planet! No longer will I need to hold myself in quad straining lunges ( made worse by dodgy right knee) whilst hovering over a commode breaking into a cold sweat about my irrational phobia of public toilet seats. I will simply whip out my shewee (TM) and relief will be mine.

... I kind of wish I still had a willy though.

By Bride of Shrek OM (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Thankfully I was listening to RD narrate Origins as I read this post. Thus any potential brain damage was mitigated by RD's cultivated tones and CD's clarity and genius.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Bride, you seem to have a certain organ on your mind.

By Janine, Ignora… (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Hey! Capital D Discover. Like Capital T Truth, as in, we just make shit up?

7 hours a night? you know a much easier way to "feel crucified" is just to go and get actually crucified.

If I lay down on a mattress, flat and relaxed, I fall asleep. It never hurt me - ever. Maybe this guy needs physiotherapy?

PZ, do you ever get any e mails from religious people that aren't totally crazy?

By Hugh Troy (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

BoS @ 97,

"... I kind of wish I still had a willy though."

Either you slightly mixed up your syntax or you're telling me something new and somewhat startling.

Davis says if I do this, I will feel like I'm being crucified? This is supposed to be a good thing?

And then THE EVIL(tm) will come after me???

No thanx.

progressive homeschooler (#28)...

Just look to the Prophet Doonesbury for the answer:
"The part of the baby Jesus will be played by a hidden forty-watt light bulb."

By Tom Woolf (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

If I take enough painkillers I'll see one of the gods!?

By Magnifico Giganticus (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

To turn water into vodka all you need is k, Tovarisch.

By Peter Ashby (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Ah, yes. Temperpedic (sp?) is NASA approved for cruci-fiction like sleep. I'm certain our intellectual giant forgot the citations and references, along with capital letters, in the scientific ecstasy of this discovery.

I think very few scientists fully grasp how beginning each night by denying your body its indulgence in sleep and putting yourself through painful and prolonged-though mild-torture, you can then actually feel the evil trying to get you and your baby's ears. How could I have denied any of it?

@Your Mighty Overlord (#90): We even have a tab (read "head") for peeling the (biodegradable) skin off!

For some strange reason, I now have that scene from the Silent Hill movie stuck in my head, the bit with pyramid head...

@Bride of Shrek OM (#97): ... I kind of wish I still had a willy though.

That, or do you still kind of wish you had a willy?

By Richard Smith (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

@Ross_S (#104): ...slightly mixed up your syntax...

That'll larn me for skimming over the last few comments...

By Richard Smith (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

did he learn this in the asylum where he by all rights should still be, somebody left the door open again.

By Ex Partiate (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Drop the net!...We got one!

By Steverino (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Wait! How can you all be so sure this doesn't work? Why do you have to mock everything that doesn't fit in with what you think you know. We humans know very little! Perhaps he's right. Our brains can do amazing things. Jesus tells us...

Oops, sorry, it's early here and I seem to be channeling one or more of my relatives. Once the coffee kicks in I'll be fine. At least I hope so.

Rev. BigDumbChimp: I think you meant to say "lie" instead of "lay" (intransitive vs. transitive).

Once again, the professor ignores unsolicited advice in his e-mails and posts it here to be sneered at by his acolytes.
Well, in the first place I am surprised that so many people would ignore the clear directions which would ensure that if followed one would have the pleasant nightly sensation of actually being crucified.
But I can also attest that for several generations my family have followed a regimen which ensures that our ears are uncrushed: my mother fashioned a foam collar with effectively prevented us from having the wrinkled, apostrophe-shaped ears of so many here. Instead, all our family, and now my own many children, have ears that are perfectly flat, and somewhat larger than our faces.
The improvements in terms of hearing are scarcely to be imagined, while there is an additional benefit in terms of coolness in the summer, sufficient to mitigate the jibes of our small-eared, small-minded contemporaries.

Surely... surely... there is some great wisdom that can be teased out of this information...

... let's see...

... physic

... rectification

OK... that implies an cathartic, administered anally. An enema, perhaps?

OK... the results that are described go FAR beyond what one would normally achieve via an enema...

... BEYOND...

... physic...


META = 'beyond'...




I think we're getting close to the crucial insight...

If I wanted to be rectified, I'd join the Catholic church!

Prevention of doing evil will occur.

Well, duh. He who sleepeth sinneth not.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Rev. BigDumbChimp: I think you meant to say "lie" instead of "lay" (intransitive vs. transitive).

me fail english? That's unpossible!

Actually, the quote I was working from actually used lay so....

(not that I wouldn't make that mistake)

What does a non crumpled ear look like? Flat and round like a dish?

People left to think the supernatural exist have taken the gateway drug into "magic" and see themselves as 10th level wizards.

Well, it should be possible for a man to lay flat on the bed, so long as their partner is on top, and not too vigorous...

By Richard Smith (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

PZ, just hit reply and type "Risperdal & Depakote" .

RevBDC: Um, when I get lied it's usually on a mattress... I'm not laying!

Dear PZ
This makes me really sad. I don't get any email that's anywhere near this entertaining. I just get boring work and social stuff. My life is so sad.

Bride, you seem to have a certain organ on your mind.

Janine, Did you just call Bride a dickhead ? :)

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

OK, I'm confused. I've been sleeping on the floor every day since I was about 13 thanks to my Japanese martial arts instructor. I find that yes, it does ease my back and neck pain; it does make me feel taller, and yes, it is painful sometimes.

What I do not feel is any of the drunken Yogi crap that fell out of this email.

I pointed this out to my boyfriend that studies Buddhism and anything having to do with Asian cultures. He said, "Wow. This sounds like something right of the archaic sutras laced with a bit of meth."

I can't think of a better way to sum it up. I must go pick him up off the floor now from the hysterical laughter this email has brought him.

Also if you have kids. when you lay your baby on the side

Baby books largely recommend laying your baby on their back, without a pillow. This is to prevent SIDS.

Painkillers for such a "stressful" position, however, are not recommended.

By CrypticLife (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Am I the only one to point out that if you put a baby to sleep on a pillow, you will end up with a dead baby? And like dead puppies dead babies aren't much fun eiter.

Ah, yes. Temperpedic (sp?) is NASA approved for cruci-fiction like sleep.

This is what always bothered me about the Tempurepedic mattress commercials, if you listen closely they never it is endorsed by NASA but by "the Space Foundation" whatever the heck that is.

Anyway back to the OP; as for reversing the effects of gravity, I think the "Jeter Hang-up" will do the same thing in shorter time and be more fun also.

Wow, he took unnecessary capitalization to a whole new level.

By Ryan F Stello (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Mattress? That's kid stuff. I sleep on a bed of nails! You get the tingly feeling you love with the stigmata you crave. Try it!

By Saint Pudalia (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

He gets an electric-like tingling in his hands, wrists, and feet? Doesn't that just scream "pinched nerves" to anyone else? Dude. Anti-inflammatories, ice, and physiotherapy, and you'll be feeling much better soon. Can't do anything about the religious mania without heavy-duty drugs, I'm afraid...

By Interrobang (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Can't do anything about the religious mania without heavy-duty drugs, I'm afraid...

Regretably, even heavy duty drugs are ineffective. When they wear off, the crazies are still there.

If this could get out to the world. It will solve so many problem's we face on this planet.
A program needs to be set up.[emphasis added]

And there it is, the mandatory "this must be mandatory", clause. Aprogram needs to be set up to do what, force everyone to lie flat on a board for 3 hrs a day? And no whatever electric tingles you feel in your hands or flashes of light you see, that will not solve the worlds problems, our problems need quite a bit more hard work.

People with this kind of mental illness are unreachable with reason. They need empathy instead. "Gravity crushes us, as soon as we are born." I think this sentence gives an idea of the kind of childhood he must have experienced.

At least he still has a desire to help other people, even if his method is bizarre. It's obviously given him some relief, though not for the reasons he thinks.

There is no shortage of people like this to mock and be entertained by. I hope he gets the help he needs.

By everettattebury (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

I did 7 hour days/nights for 3 weeks. My Friends done the 3 hours for 7 weeks. And the same aspects happened. They just took longer.

It wouldn't take as long if these dorks would just send money to me! ;-)

A program needs to be set up. The problems are inside us. And here is the solution.

For some reason I can't read that without thinking of someone looking at butcher knife, drooling.

Other than that, one of the most reasonable religious thinkers I've heard in a while.

Damn You Gravity!

I always knew you were the spawn of Satan.

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Don't say you weren't given this information.

It's great to know that this isn't top secret super-duper maxi-extreme ultra secret.

And if I do have children, I will remember to check in on the little guy/girl every 7 minutes or so to make sure their ear hasn't moved away from the hole in the pillow.

It's hard to tell for sure but I think someone just wanted to have to honor of being posted on your site. This one's a bit too far out and seems like they're trying to sound crazy.

I've been saving the world every night! And to think I was just doing it because of a bad back.

By Dr.FabulousShoes (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

#30 "Yes, this is funny -- and bizarre -- but the poor guy is probably mentally ill."

Understood about the mental illness, but I'm still astonished how fervent believers in a omniscient, omnipotent being controlling peoples' lives, healing cancer, and talking to them in tongues and fried eggs can escape being diagnosed with mental illness.

I mean, what's the equation? Is it:

  • God is a blue turnip orbiting Neptune = mentally ill.
  • God is Jew who died 2000 years ago and we eat his body every Sunday = perfectly sane.
By Art N. Heaven (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

@John Davis: Run! Gravity is after you!

By Lotharloo (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Tell me, John Davis -- physic's what? Physic's _what_?
Fuck, I'm doomed without that information.

By «bønez_brigade» (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Did you ever notice that all these "spiritual" people who start to write online about their "philosophies" always have documents full of words with CAPITAL LETTERS with terms which usually make absolutely zero sense?

What is it with that? I don't get it.

I've looked at Creationists, Crystal Healing idiots, "Atlanteans", Tarot Card readers etc.....

They'll always write something in the following style:

"And then THE SPIRIT which resides IN US..."


"It is the TETRAGAMMON of the SPIRITUAL WORLD which we observe FOR NOW..."


"The LIGHT inside of our MIND/BODY/SPIRIT shines out upon the WORLD..."

...I just don't get it. As soon as I see a page or email full of those capital letters, I know instantly that it is a total fucking clueless unhinged moron behind the screen on the other side.

It's such a telling sign.

@28 "Any light? Is there salvation in my bedside lamp? In a flashlight?"

Definitely in a flashlight. Read the words of the acolytes here:

They even have a schism: The Hotwires vs. the LEDs!

By Anonymous (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Hmm ... maybe this is an unemployed Nigerian 419 scammer trying a different tactic?

Hey what about my ears? I don't want 'em crushed by gravity! I'm going to cut a hole in my pillow and my wife's pillow as well. I just hope I'm not too late.

By Mt Twiddle (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

The reference to a baby troubles me. Does that mean it is able to procreate?

By erasmus31 (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

I think this guy is a mattress salesman. I mean, nobody sane would buy a mattress for a baby and cut a hole in it. Eventually, a child is able to turn over by himself. Then he could put his face in the hole and suffocate (and never mind all the weird innards of mattresses that could hurt a baby!). So you would have to buy another mattress when the kid's old enough to turn over on his own.

If he hasn't suffocated first. Or choked to death from ingesting mattress foam. Or...

Then relax and let gravity push you flat.

Silly Christian. Don't you know that gravity's just a theory?

By 'tis himself (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

I was going to make a witty comment, but can't compete with you folks. Thanks for the great laughs. Fernando's (#23) velcro pajamas comment really set me off, and from then on I had a giggle fest all the way through (very undignified at my age but who cares).

By Daniel J. Andrews (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

"If God wants to reveal himself, it can come in the form of turning water into vodka."

I can do the reverse process with a few added salts as a bonus. Am I revealed as Dog?

Wait wait... lie in a bed for a couple hours either during the day or the night? Did I get that right? Is he saying that we should sleep?

I do that already, thanks.

By Grimalkin (not verified) on 25 Feb 2009 #permalink

I find this odd because he's essentially describing the savasana yoga pose (aka corpse pose) - lie flat on back and completely relax. My yoga class always ends with this pose. Granted, it's for about 10 minutes, not 3 hours.

It occurs to me that if the author can indeed hold down any job, he should be selling those sleep-number beds.