You've got to be young? And Australian?

I guess I'm out then. Except…this is the internet! We can all pretend to be Young Australian Skeptics, and no one will know any better!

"G'day, mate, doesn't Jess Origliasso have lovely bosoms?" (← my cunning imitation of a young Australian)


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Why on earth would those people picket the ceremony where australians are mourning for the dead in the bushfires?

I'm lost.

By omnipasje (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Sorry PZ, but I doubt any young person (a comparative term, I know) of any nation (although perhaps especially Australians) uses the word "bosoms" in that context.....

Nice to see old man Phelps enjoying his catharsis so much.

By Your Mighty Overload (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

The Phelps came to Australia to try and picket the National Day or Mourning!! They are real scum. I can imagine what would have happened to them if they tried to protest it.

By Eyeoffaith (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Holy shit. So that's Fred Phelps, eh?

Should any WBC picketers survive to make it into court after picketing an Australian bushfire memorial service, they'd find that the Australian courts aren't quite as tolerant of arseholes' freedom of speech as their US counterparts.


I think their "logic" is that anytime something bad happens it is because that Country is not killing gay people as soon as they are identified. Therefore they like to show up at funerals and other ceremonies to make sure everybody knows just how much God hates them for being tolerant.

By Eyeoffaith (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

I can imagine what would have happened to them if they tried to protest it.

I have a pretty good idea - the only real unknown would be if Freddy went to intensive care or the mortuary.

He probably realised that his high flaunting lawyer credentials don't mean squat here. And then the realisation that he is a looong way from any safe harbours of fellow bible thumpers/sympathetic politicans and he would have been surrounded by a _lot_ of very angry people who wouldn't pull their punches (figuratively and literally).

The police were more likely there for his protection than anything else. Still, he gets another chance when the G&L Mardi Gras wolls around in July or so.

As a young Australian, I resent the accuracy of that imitation.

Anyhow, I thank you for the post and excellent blog, I feel less alienated today!

By JaketheMush (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Damn, they didn't make it. That would have been a real funny situation to see. I'm a Canadian living in Australia, I know exactly what would have happened to them. They probably wouldn't have made it back to the US. They probably realised that as well. They obviously have some intelligence, when it's their own skin.

I'm not really one to hate another person but sometimes...

These people are sick. Truly sick.


PZ, I'd work on that accent a bit. ;-)

By SmilingAtheist (not verified) on 23 Feb 2009 #permalink

Accent needs work. You could pretend to be a middle aged female and say "boosies", in Kaz Cooke style. Sadly, I'm too old to know what the young people are saying.

I could tell PZ is not a young australian from that imitation by his reluctance to use the word cunt in both an endearing manner and as an insult.

Nice try PZ but no cigar.

Haha, that guy from Westboro cracked me up every time he spat out a fully syllableised (yep, it's now a word) version of "Os.trey.lee.ah"

Hint for your budding accent, PZ: there's no "i" in Australia, and there's even bonus points if you can cut it down to a lazy "straya".

As a young Australian skeptic... OK an aging Australian has-been... I'll try and translate that into 'Strayan:

'Yeah, nah, mate that chick from the Veronicas has a great set ay?'

Obviously I left out the most important feature of 'Strayan language - the gratuitous use of profanity as verb, noun, adjective and punctuation - as this is a family website.

As regards the Phelps, Australia's already had some home-grown fundamentalist nutcase preacher claim that the bushfires were God's visitation on the masses for our abortion laws. He got ignored (either that or lynched, he's been quiet since) and so will this lot.

Where do these shitstains get the money to jet off to Australia on a whim? I've been wanting to go back to Oz since I first went there in 1997, and I GUARANTEE you that my visit would be more positive for the country than the Phelps', but my means are keeping me here. The fucking Phelps' don't deserve Australia.

"Hint for your budding accent, PZ: there's no "i" in Australia, and there's even bonus points if you can cut it down to a lazy "straya"."

I thought it ended with an "r".

PZ, that is the worst imitation of a young Australian ever.

Accent wise you might be better off trying to be a Vic. Us croweaters sound different to you Yanks.

By the sounds of it those Seppos from Phelps' church never made it.

Seriously, I think I would die laughing if Fred Phelps was struck by lightning and killed while picketing. Can you imagine the looks on the faces of the rest of the family?

Thanks PZ for posting this at a time when the southern hemispherists have the bridge on Pharyngula !

Useless scum like this bunch maybe needs closer exposure to bushfires....The world would be better off.

As to young australians,the males are usually rubbish,but the gals have a certain rough charme hehehe...(I should know,I once married one)

This young sceptic lot btw does a great job,theyre very active and constructive !

#15 As a (young, skeptical) Australian I couldn't be more proud of the grammatical construction that is "Yeah, nah".

This case is a demonstration that there are occassional upsides to no constitutional guarantee of free speech, but on the whole I'm not sure its worth it.

The only thing more annoying than the idiot who said the bushfires were caused by legalisation of abortion in Victoria is that abortion has only just been (officially) legalised in that state.

#16 Dear Rey Fox

Thank you thank you thank you! I had just worked myself up into a frenzied rage after watching Phelps spew about the Victorian fires.

I actually felt sick.

Then I read your comment. "SHITSTAINS"&!$%^*@&^

I am still chortling.

Thank you.

Was almost going to go with 'Yeah nah yeah' but that would have just sounded like Andrew Symonds.

Cricket joke. Unlikely to translate well.

Andrew Symonds was born in the UK tho.....He's a naturalized redneck Queenslander....

#21 - I was almost going to go with 'Yeah nah yeah' but that would have just sounded like a drunk Andrew Symonds.

Australian cricket joke. Unlikely to translate well I realise.

Double post FLAIL, apols. That's the thing about Symmo - it's probably because he's a West Indian kid adopted by English people in Birmingham that he's so desperate to be so overtly 'Strayan (and in particular a Quoinslaaaandaa.) The laddie doth protest too much methinks.

Always wondered why more people don't get run out by him when batting together. His calling of a run must be a bit interpretive.

Along with #16 I wonder where in the world they get the money to just go anyplace on the planet they feel like for their antics. Weren't they just in London? In addition to the plane fares, London has some of the most expensive lodgings in the world and food ain't cheap there, either.

Seriously, does anyone know what they do to fund their activities?

I'd assume they get donations from other dickheads.

As a representative for the Young Australian Skeptics website, I humbly bow to your gracious posting of this link, PZ! :D

Just as a tip for your young (and admittedly broad) Australian accent: young people over here tend not to say "g'day" or "mate", unless they are truly aspiring to be a bogan (which is never a good thing, in my opinion). Suitable alternatives could be "Oi", "Hey", "Wotcha", "Dude", "[insert first name here]", or nothing at all.

Don't worry, PZ, if you come over here to Australia I guarantee that people won't make fun of you for your funny American accent. Maybe.

@MS, they were denied entry visas to the UK before they even set off.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

That's the Devil, allright... You squids have convinced me!

Seriously, if they had turned up I could imagine that they'd have had the living shit kicked out of them - twice. Once by the people and then again by the police called to stop the people doing the first kicking.

You do not want to fuck with Australians when lives have been lost. There aren't that many of us, so we take it very seriously.

The idea that a bunch of woo-addled, Jesus-loving scumbags like these turds would try to milk publicity out of something like this forces me to think very long and hard about my dedication to non-violence.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Try watching the video with Johnny Hodges playing "Sir John" as background to Phelps mumbling. Turn the volume up a bit. The surreal combination is quite cool!

As a (young, skeptical) Australian I couldn't be more proud of the grammatical construction that is "Yeah, nah".

Shamelessly plagiarised from southern German.

<duck & cover>

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Surely Phelps would have realized by now that he is not exactly the most liked person, and that his "message" is not exactly being well recieved... right?

"Bosoms"? Nup, they'd be hooters, or maybe funbags.

Regarding these idiots, Oi reckun they'd be used for back-burning fuel.

Surely Phelps would have realized by now that he is not exactly the most liked person, and that his "message" is not exactly being well recieved... right?


He's an attention whore. He wants to get beat up, so he can sue and make money. That's his m.o.

Although, I must admit, he's pretty ballsy (more likely, stupid) taking it to other countries with different legal systems that may not care as much about his "rights" than the fact he's being a total dick.

"G'day, mate, doesn't Jess Origliasso have lovely bosoms?"
Now, wouldn't a real skeptic hesitate to make a claim like that without definitive evidence?



"Go to and click on Australia."

That's where my wife and I both lost it and broke out in guffaws. This guy is a near perfect example of Poe's law. He's his own parody.

My wife (who is German, and has had little exposure to fundamentalist thinking) asked me "Who takes this guy seriously?"
"No one," I said. "He's a miserable little man whose entire church consists of his own brainwashed family, and every one who he sees him reacts exactly the way we did."

By Equisetum (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

"mate" is a term of great subtlety and should be used with caution by foreigners (ie. not at all if you've got any sense)

In modern usage, having an Australian refer to me as "mate" would have me ducking for cover and/or looking for the knife in my back.

Often it's a bit like being sent roses by the Mafia.

But don't worry too much, we know you're just a heathen (it's godz own c'ntry ya know mate) and can't be expected to know any better - we know you mean well.

RE: #27

Always wondered why more people don't get run out by him when batting together. His calling of a run must be a bit interpretive.

See here: it's clearly intelligent and obviously trying to communicate with us. If we could just break this obscure code!

By heliobates (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

PZ, the Young Australian Skeptics also have an official podcast called 'The Pseudo Scientists'! It's rather cool! Check it out!


that made for my best laugh of the day,thank you !

Guys, remember, these guys picket funerals of fallen soldiers with placards telling the families their relatives are in hell. I have a friend who refers to his congregation as mutant inbred piglets.

Now, if we could just get the local constabulary to relax their protective vigilance ever so slightly...

By Ray Ladbury (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

David Marjanović @36,

["Yeah, nah":] Shamelessly plagiarised from southern German

Most likely it's still too early in the day for me (it's 3 pm), but I'm turning that over and over in my head and I'm just not seeing it. "Ge"? "Ha noi"? The closest thing that occurs to me is "Jo mei", but even that is not quite the same thing.

There is a perfect German equivalent, but it's not especially southern: Boah ey; as in, "Boah ey mann, hat die geile Titten oder was ey!" (which I shall leave untranslated lest the tender puritanical sensibilities of PZ's American readers be pained.)

Mind you, it's not altogether outside the realm of possibility that a phrase like "Sakrament, 's Madl hod fai Hoiz voa deara Hiddn!" might occasionally have escaped a southerner's lips. I just don't what part of it would be like "yeah, nah".

"G'day, mate, doesn't Jess Origliasso have lovely bosoms?" (← my cunning imitation of a young Australian)

PZ, that's "bonza knockers". Your use of "lovely bosoms" has exposed you as a) not Australian, and b) not young.

Also, don't forget your aussie hat (with the corks on strings attached).

Bosoms? Hooters? No. Funbags certainly has its users.

Knockers. Tits. Boobs (Boobies). Melons. Puppies. Jugs. Maybe Gazongas but not for Young Australians. Same goes for Norks. Possibly Baps and occasionally Headlights (sometimes on high beam).

Of course, I'm a middle-aged Australian so I might be off the mark too.

Mrs Tilton,

there is something like "Ja,nee" in German,which would be equivalent,but it wouldnt be used in the South,more in the west or northwest.

And hey,we're almost alone,we can say "Titten" if we want to...:-)

Now, if we could just get the local constabulary to relax their protective vigilance ever so slightly...

In a way, it shows impressive faith in the impartiality of the US justice system. If I turned up at the funeral of a dead soldier in the rural US (or Australia, or anywhere else for that matter) and started shouting unpatriotic abuse, I wouldn't expect to get away unscathed, and I certainly wouldn't expect a jury to find in my favour when I sued.

We should have let him into Britain. A quick ASBO, followed by a stiff jail sentence when he (inevitably) broke it, might have done him some good.

Maybe Phelps could've paid homage to Ken Ham by visiting Queensland. Or Ray Comfort's former abode, New Zealand.

Of course, he'd have to box/wrestle the local Aussie preacher to decide ultimately if Gawd started the fires because of 1) teh gay or 2) abortion. Best 2 out of 3 matches.

HAHA. Nice try PZ.

You should just have a listen to their podcast..

Darn it I just love aussie accents!!!

By Quintastic (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

I was horrified until Fred dutifully informed us that, if we want to know how much GOD HATES AUSTRALIA, all we have to do is go to GOD HATES THE WORLD and click on AUSTRALIA. I'm afraid I couldn't maintain my outrage. That really cracked me up.

Funbags certainly has its users.

The first (only?) time I heard that one was on House, M.D., in reference to the delectable Dr. Cuddy.

Young Australians

Isn't that a David Bowie song?

Posted by: Ragutis | February 24, 2009 3:11 AM
Seriously, I think I would die laughing if Fred Phelps was struck by lightning and killed while picketing. Can you imagine the looks on the faces of the rest of the family?

Uh, think a lotALL of Aussies would help that lightening by attaching the godfucking prick to a high-tension power line, with him well earthed. THAT would be a laugh.

That sure was a whole lot of gawd is love. Interesting that he calls the Aussies bastards when his own grandson actually is one.

I don't get the whole thing about Ledger molesting one of Phelps church members. Phelps needs to be locked in a padded cell.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

"@MS, they were denied entry visas to the UK before they even set off."

Which is sort of my point: They couldn't get to the UK, so they just turned right around and hopped to Australia instead. Plenty of people would KILL to be able to travel like that.

Thanks Annie M., for finding some pleasure in my little venting.

"What? You mean, like, our Jess?"

"Nah mate, nah - not Jess Jess. Y'know - that other bint, whatshername, that Origli-somthin' bint."

"Aw, y'mean that Origliasso bird?"

"Yeah mate, yeah! Whadda ya rekon?"

"Too right, mate, too right. Good pair of knockers on that one!"

Just don't ask for the Kiwi version. The phrase 'Tru As' would have to come into it (don't ask).

"bosoms", "bonza knockers" and the like are all too high brow for this Australian. "Tits" will do just fine.

Thanks for mentioning my site PZ!!!111.

Really appreciate it. Also, I have never said Bosoms in my life. I prefer Knockers.

We'd prob call 'em tits. We like to shrtn everythin' to its smallest pssbl lngth


By Glenn Davey (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

Of course, he'd have to box/wrestle the local Aussie preacher to decide ultimately if Gawd started the fires because of 1) teh gay or 2) abortion. Best 2 out of 3 matches.

lol, I'd pay to see that. And the crowd should be full of people who lost loved-ones in the fires. They'll be dead quicker than Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays.

As a young Australian 'strayan Pharingula reader:

"Farck, I'd like my nippers to have those immunities."

By JakeTheMush (not verified) on 24 Feb 2009 #permalink

I know there is no "i" in team, but there definitely is an "i" in AustralIa.
Na is a corruption of nun. Not as in sister, but german for now.