Tickets to Dawkins!

All you Minnesotans should know by now that Richard Dawkins will be speaking at UMTC, in Northrup Auditorium, at 7pm on Wednesday, 4 March…next week! If you haven't got your tickets yet, you can join Minnesota Atheists and get one for free — so act fast.

As an additional inducement, guess who is going to introduce Dawkins at the lecture? Me! Now you might be saying, "Bleh, who wants to listen to Myers babble?", but you'd be missing the important point: I'm only going to talk for 30 seconds to a minute, and then get out of the way. More Dawkins, less annoying functionary!

In fact, if we can get a full house at the Northrup, I'll go one better — I'll just say "Heeeeeeere's Richard Dawkins!" and get off the stage. So buy more tickets, and shut me up (watch for the rush on the Northrup box office now).

Oh, and there will be a semi-secret pub night afterwards. I'm not advertising it too widely, to keep the riff-raff away…but you can email me and ask for directions.

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Richard Dawkins will be speaking in Northrup Auditorium at the University of Minnesota on 4 March, at 7pm. Get your tickets now! There will also be a post-lecture pub event. I'll post more information on that as it comes available. For those of you who are pining for a visit from Richard Dawkins,…
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Richard Dawkins came to Minneapolis and gave a talk, sponsored by CASH, the primary atheist/humanist group on the UMN campus, on "The Purpose of Purpose." Before the talk, several of us got together at Annie's Parlour. It was harmonic convergence, in a sense, of numerous independent groups all…

Smarty pants! ;)

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

Too bad I don't live in Minnesota. Think Dawkins will ever make a stop to Michigan?

Dawkins is nice an' all, but I wouldn't mind listing to you once in a while. How about you start a channel on youtube one of these days? I'd subscribe right away.

By Freelance (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

*Sniff*...I lived in the Twin Cities area for a number of years before moving out to California last spring. Evidently my timing could not have been any worse. This is one I'd definitely like to see.

I request that P.Z. build some kind of teleportation device for me so I can get back to Minnesota for this momentous event. And I'll bring a bobblehead squid as compensation for your troubles!

By Toodles Barfookle (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

*Pouts* I wish I could come play.

I hope, and trust, that he will not be allowed to speak unopposed. Kirk Cameron (mentioned on this site previously) would, as intimated, make a fine debating partner and I fail to understand why Dawkins is so terrified of facing him (forcing him to pay 100,000 dollars for the duty). The people on the pedestal (Dawkins in this instance, given a platform at a public institution) follow a pattern:

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
In the words of none other than Gandhi.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

Kirk Cameron is nuts. Go away, Mr Rooke. Or at least liven up your intrusions with strange tales of tumescent necrophiliac milkmen.

So yes, Dawkins will be in Michigan first. I'll also be coming out to MI on the 25th of March, sans Dawkins.

Dangit. I already bought my ticket. But I'm only out 15 bucks, so no worries.

I've just got my fingers crossed that our famous weather doesn't end up dropping another ton of snow on everything. D:

Meh. Obtuse as all hell, check. But not that creepy, Rooke. You're slippin', buddy!

They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
--Carl Sagan

Both Peter "total fool" Rooke and Silver "let me show you I'm a fool" Fox posting this morning. Quite a day for stupidity, and the day is still young.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

I hope, and trust, that he will not be allowed to speak unopposed. Kirk Cameron (mentioned on this site previously) would, as intimated, make a fine debating partner and I fail to understand why Dawkins is so terrified of facing him (forcing him to pay 100,000 dollars for the duty). The people on the pedestal (Dawkins in this instance, given a platform at a public institution) follow a pattern:

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
In the words of none other than Gandhi.

You're an idiot Rooke.

There's really nothing more I can add to that turd you just laid.

I would raise the prize to 200,000 dullars for that guy! Dawkins would never ignore anyone. He is made of the finest Kryptonite! Run Comfort, run!

Slightly off topic (but not if topic = incessant, grating whines), heeeeeeere's a crashable poll:

Can one believe the biblical account of creation and still believe in evolution?

Don’t forget to click the “related story” link - it’s got a cute picture of a chimpanzee with another primate, plus incisive commentary from Answers in Genesis on the Vatican’s evolution conference next month and fossil evidence for Noah’s flood!

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

Dammit PZ, that milkman crack was too much. You owe me a ginger ale!

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

Poor confused little Rookie. He is a Catholic but he wants to have a fundamentalist Protestant to represent him. Rookie, ask your average fundie what they think of your church. You will not like the answer.

Also, the Rookie likes to bandy about the words of a non-Christian as if it bolsters the strange analogies he likes to toss about.

Quick, someone relay the news to Jonny-Boy. Maybe Jonny-Boy can start an action that will end with the "potty mouthed" PZ being kicked off the stage.

I doubt that this visit will be as eventful as the last time Dawkins was in Minnesota. It is probably for the best. But I cannot wait for William Wallace's authoritative take on this event.

By Janine, Ignora… (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

Oops, # 15 was intended for the next thread - mea culpa, to the max!

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

Hey what about us Wisconsinites. Twin Cities isn't that far away for a lot of us, and right now we seem to be more progressive than MN.


Send Mr. Dawkins down Georgia way, or at least somewhere I could conceivably drive too.

By Josh West (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

I saw Kirk Cameron and his partner, Ray Comfort, on my TV yesterday. I was flipping channels and saw ol' Ray, so stopped out of morbid curiosity. They were hysterically bad.

They were doing some dumb-ass quiz that actually showed that people read, listen and comprehend poorly (I aced it) and arguing that somehow that proved that science was bad, Christianity was good. Then they said that since humans were stupid, they should trust the Bible. I'm paraphrasing, as I was either screaming or laughing the whole time they were on.

What a couple of fricking idiots. Pete Rooke, honey, you go couple with them.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

No way, PZ is coming to MI? You mean I get to see both Dawkins at MSU and PZ in my own town? Best. Month. Ever.

By Chris Nowak (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

Pierce R. Butler @ #15:
Not sure how I want to vote in that poll.

Apparently people *can* believe both things simultaneously, I've met people who claim that the bible is the truth and that creation really did happen as described in the bible, and that evolution is the method by which God did it.
So I "should" vote yes I think.
Plus that might help people realize that learning more about evolution and science in general is a good thing, don't be scared of it, etc.

But really, if you accept evolution as an explanation for the diversity of life currently on the planet, is there a good reason to think that the bible's story of creation is true? Not really no.

Unsure is for pansies.

meh, I'll vote the poll as it literally says, "can" not "should"

Come on, PZ, if it's a full house, you've got to introduce him with, "Yo, he's the Dick to the Dawk to the PhD, he's smarter than you, he's got a science degree!"

Please? :->

Oh, and there will be a semi-secret pub night afterwards. I'm not advertising it too widely, to keep the riff-raff away…

If Mark Mathis shows up, are you going to expel him?

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

See everyone there!

By mikecbraun (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

I hate to nitpick, PZ, but venue is "Northrop", not "Northrup"!

See you at the show!

I hate to nitpick, PZ, but venue is "Northrop", not "Northrup"!

See you at the show!

YAY! I finally get to make it to something PZ and Dawkin's is going to be at! *crosses fingers that I'll get an email reply*

Here's how you should do the introduction:

You get up to the microphone, and say, "Here is a man who needs no introduction--", and then go sit down.

I meant the speaking. Usually when MNA has something going on or when PZ or Dawkin's is in town, I'm always busy!

The last ticket was claimed! Of course, anyone is free to join an active atheist organization, keeping an eye on separation of state and church issues, building a welcoming community for atheists and educating the public about atheism, if you're into that sort of thing.

I'm going to buy a ticket at the door if any are left. If not, then it's a sign from god that I shouldn't go.

How long does Dawkins go on for? The topic of the speech is listed as "The Purpose of Purpose", but I don't know how long you can expound on "nailing hot chicks"?

If you introduce him as "Dawkypoo", I'll donate my art and smut money for March to the Minnesota Atheists.

Pete Rooke, you pup, I was a bit abrupt earlier. There are good reasons that scientists do not debate religious people--and yes, Intelligent Design is a religion.

A debate is just two sermons, alternating. Each person has a podium and can say whatever they can get away with, just like in church. A debate is a time for rhetoric, not facts--the better speaker has the advantage. If the audience is the judge, the gullibility of the audience will be a major factor--just like in church. Passion and catch-phrases will win over cold, complicated facts--just like in church.

Science is not done by debate. Science is done by research, study, consensus and agreement. The very closest that science gets to a debate is during conference presentations question-and-answer sessions--even then, the goal is to reach truth, not triumph over another speaker. The only other time that a scientist gets behind a podium is in a classroom, when teaching, but a laboratory is almost always part of the class--if your only exposure to science has been in a grade-school classroom, you may not realize that. Scientific disagreements are settled slowly, in print, with references to other work and time to check facts, not by spouting gibberish.

In short, scientists don't debate. Debate isn't scientific. Debate isn't truthful.

Debate is religious, which is to say a tissue of lies and rhetoric. Which is why religious people favor it, and why they want to debate scientists--the better speaker and faster liar will impress the dumber audience--just like in church.

BTW, you do know that the Bible forbids large churches, probably for just those reasons.

Creationists keep challenging scientists to debate, then, for several reasons. If the debate does happen, the religious guy will have the advantage, and likely win on rhetoric, even in the eyes of an impartial judge--his dupes in the audience will certainly think that he won--as there is no way and time to check facts, as is needed for good science. If the scientist accepts the debate, and does win, free and clear, it won't improve science, and it won't convince the religious, who will claim that their pet topic was worthy of debate, and is "being debated on college campuses", and whinge up some excuse for losing, or explanation of why they didn't lose. If the scientist refuses to debate, as he should, the religious claim that he is scared to debate.

Debate is not a way to discover truth. That's why you like it, Pete, and why liars want to debate truthful people. Now bugger off and pass the word, eh? No debates.

Richard Dawkins on a podium is not debating. He's giving a talk about something of interest, and letting the audience go home to think it over. He's not taking votes, but he will be taking questions, most likely, and getting a beer afterwards. Wish I could be there.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

What do you mean people don't wanna listen to you? C'mon, you guys are *both* awesome.
...and I second Ray Ingles' sentiment :-P

Hey PZ,
When are you going to write a "New Atheist" book and cash in? Until you write a book (and do a world tour of course!) you are only going to be a minor new atheist...

Just fair warning, tickets may not be available at the door, so get to ordering now!

Minnesota Atheists will always rely on smut money. I would vote for an introduction of, "Dr. Dawkypoo."

The Sergeant of speciation...
The Captain of cladistics...
The General of genetic drift...
The Admiral of adaptive radiation...
Dr. Richard Dawkins!

By mikecbraun (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

RD is appearing at Wharton Center at Michigan State Monday, March 2 at 7:30pm. I've got my tickets (they are free to MSU staff, faculty, students and retirees.) Wish I knew of an RD after-glow in East Lansing.

By Hal in Howell MI (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

Well, I would gladly pay to hear a talk by PZ Myers, only if he promisess to desecrate a cracker with a pareidolía displaying jesus copulating with mother Teresa...


Ewww! :X

@ Menyambal

Well said. Bravo.

Bjorn speaking of smut money, I think MNA needs a store. I have a couple tshirt ideas. Maybe we can do something with artwork and etc where MNA get's a portion sold.

With all of us there, who's going to be operating the atheist blogs? The creationists may take over for an eventing!

If you make a donation of $12 or more, you get a t-shirt. That's the start of a store. We had a CafePress shop once upon a time, but the stuff there is so expensive, and we didn't get more than $1 from a t-shirt selling for over $20. Our t-shirts are $6 for us to buy, so a $12 donation is a good deal all around.

If anyone runs a t-shirt shop, and isn't interested in screwing over a non profit, or its donors, send me an email web (at)

@46 "Wish I knew of an RD after-glow in East Lansing."

RD afterglow at Beggar's Banquet.

This is so unfair. I'm in Minnesota right now, at Minneapolis-St Paul airport waiting to get out: 3+ hour delay due to snow storm yesterday and rain on the East coast tonight. I'll be coming back to Minnesota the week of March 9th. Bah!

Hope everyone has a great time at the presentation and the secret meeting afterwards. I'll buy you both a beer next time. Cheers.

I hope, and trust, that he will not be allowed to speak unopposed. Kirk Cameron (mentioned on this site previously) would, as intimated, make a fine debating partner

One word: crocoduck.

I missed Pete Rooke? Damn it!

I hope, and trust, that he will not be allowed to speak unopposed. Kirk Cameron (mentioned on this site previously) would, as intimated, make a fine debating partner

After catching the occasional glimpse of this wretched television show in the 80s I felt quite sure there would be nothing Kirk Cameron would be worse at than acting - but then he found Jesus*, joined forces with New Zealand's most embarrassing ex-pat, and started debating.

But what this particular comment makes me think is that Pete Rooke is either a Poe-wannabe, or has come off his meds. Which'd explain his absence of several months - it's taken him this long to get out of the rubber room.

*Specifically, the Jesus for really stupid people.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

Have no fear Vic, I'll put on my brass bosoms, magic bracelets and hold down the fort. Don't forget, I have an antique ten tiner, and I'll fork any christian in the ass that dares to show up.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

With all of us there, who's going to be operating the atheist blogs? The creationists may take over for an eventing!

That's why God invented time zones. Australians to the rescue!

"Kirk Cameron (mentioned on this site previously) would, as intimated, make a fine debating partner "


See? No worries. When I get tired of forking, the Aussies can tan their hides.
What's up with you Vic? Don't you have any faith?

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

A few of us Yanks will also be backing up Patricia. And PZ will no doubt have his trusty(?) laptop to monitor the action when he can.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

It's the brass bosoms. Nobody ever turns out to see my fork. *snort*

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

I'll put on my brass bosoms

Put them on? What do you mean?

With all of us there, who's going to be operating the atheist blogs? The creationists may take over for an eventing!

Worry not, while I might not be in the same class as Patricia, Kel, Nerd et al, I will be another on standby in the UK ready to do my bit in holding the ramparts against creotrolls :)

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 27 Feb 2009 #permalink

How can there be 62 comments already? Your blog just showed up!! Anyhoos, you all are so lucky, and I hope somebody gets a video of it for those of us who are attached to the wrong superstring and never get to hear anybody good about anything. Count your bles... Count yourselves fortunate!

Kamaka - Magical bracelets and brass bosoms are from an old US television program called Wonder Woman, starring Lynda Carter. It was a big hit with young girls at the time because she was one of the few female superheroes.

Or also see the female warrior in 'Gladiator' starring Russell Crowe in the Colosseum scene.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 28 Feb 2009 #permalink

You're going to be on "Family Feud"?

Poor confused little Rookie. He is a Catholic but he wants to have a fundamentalist Protestant to represent him