Kooks amuck

What happened last night? Did someone spike the entire North American water supply with hallucinogens? Because for some reason all the kooks went nuts in a short span of time. Many of you probably noticed that David Mabus/Markuze, the Canadian lunatic with the obsession with Nostradamus and James Randi and seeing atheists burn in hell, went on a spamming spree all over here (a spree which seems to have been mostly cleaned up now). He was also emailing me his angry rants, so that was another mess to clean up.

There was other silly email, but I've thrown most of it out, too. You might be amused at the Return of the Kwok, though. He's been mailing me regularly, and also cc'ing his cockeyed screeds to random other people, like senior faculty in my discipline. This one also went out to Abbie, for no rational reason that I can determine.

From: jkwok60@hotmail.com
Subject: Your Facebook campaign
Date: April 5, 2009 11:26:07 AM CDT
To: myersp@morris.umn.edu

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Dear PZ -

If you're conducting a Facebook campaign against me, then it isn't working. Just noticed that I have more mutual friends of ours at Facebook than I ever did before, even when we were good "friends".

You owe me an apology for your silly behavior towards me at Pharyngula, Facebook, and Panda's Thumb. I also expect to have my posting privileges at Pharyngula reinstated. You are also expected to apologize to Ken Miller for calling him a "creationist". As for the camera, if you feel generous enough, you can throw that in too, but I made that demand just to see how silly you'd behave, and you fell for my bait (The only one I expect to receive photo equipment from is Bill Dembski, whose behavior yours so closely resembles.). However, if you do go to Ken's talk and make a complete ass of yourself, then I'll make that demand again.

Just for the record, I wasn't "whining" when I observed that there are at least two fellow New Yorkers prominent in the secular humanist and atheist movements who are more worthy of the honor "Humanist of the Year":
philosopher and Center for Inquiry United Nations representative Austin Dacey and journalist/author Susan Jacoby. Both Dacey and Jacoby have done a lot more on behalf of both than you've ever done (or will). You are getting your award simply because of your Dembski-like behavior; nothing more, nothing less.

Respectfully yours,

John Kwok

P. S. I'm cc'ing Abbie on this only because I want her to start realizing how much of a jerk you've been and to suggest that if there's anyone she ought to be admiring as a "parent", then it's not you, but someone far more responsible, like Genie Scott or Ken.

I have not been waging a "Facebook campaign" against anyone. Kwok's posting privileges are permanently gone. He's not getting an apology, or a camera, from me. I like both Austin Dacey and Susan Jacoby; this is not some weird competition or zero-sum game. I can tell that it does rankle poor Mr Kwok, though.


More like this

Please STOP SENDING EMAIL TO THESE INDIVIDUALS. There are too many of you, the over-reaction is excessive, and you are not doing our reputation any favor. See this message for more. Some of you may have noticed the little promise over in the left sidebar. I reserve the right to publicly post, with…
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Here's another one for the files. This guy has sent me several menacing messages — nothing new there — but now he has announced that he's coming to visit me. I've put the header for one of Mr Moore's creepy threats below the fold, for the record. His specific email address is not included, so we…

PZ, did you mean to leave the cc: information in the header?

By speedwell (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I'm actually starting to get semi-concerned for this guy, as patronizing as it may sound. Seems like he may actually have something seriously wrong with him.

By ThatOtherGuy (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I can tell that it does rankle poor Mr Kwok, though.

Eccentric is one thing, but I think poor Mr. Kwok is a bit mentally unbalanced, and poor Mr. Kwok should stop being tweaked. He needs to start unrankling, soon.

Whoo-wheeeeee!! It HAS been a shitstorm of crazy, hasn't it? Between Mabus and Rob and Derender on the Iowa marriage thread and elsewhere, it's been like some cataclysmic, orgasmic lightshow of derangement. Kind of like the finale of "2001", only with feces.

I'm almost embarrassed just watching this...

Kwok just doesn't have a clue. Didn't he cyberstalk Abbie? If he did, wouldn't this make PZ seem like a fellow stalkee to Abbie? Not all there.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Must be the season of the witch?

By adornosghost (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Did someone spike the entire North American water supply with hallucinogens?

The only thing I can think of is Obama treated the King of Saudia Arabia with respect, which—guessing now—is sure to have set off the USAian kooks. And Kwoks. Maybe all the squawking woke up the Canadian kooks?

Kind of like the finale of "2001", only with feces.

But the finale of 2001 actually made sense (esp. if you read the book).

I don't understand why you're giving Kwok the Kook so much attention on your blog. It makes him look much more important than he really is. People might like reading about the freak, but, in the eyes of some readers, it makes you look less serious.

I would watch "Oh That Kwok!" if someone ever made it into a sitcom.
Something that I don't get is why someone so badly wants posting privileges at a blog where he is so clearly not welcome. It's like whining because strangers won't let you into their houses to give speeches.

By St. Tabby Lavalamp (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

This looks like the cherry on the sundae. Kwok is cracked. We've suspected it. Now we're sure of it. It's all played out. Nothing to see here. Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

Kind of sad, really.

You know, getting around a posting ban is trivial even if it is based on IP address. I won't say how, but if he spent 1/10th the time researching that as he does harassing everyone else, he'd be posting here already.

Duh! This is *Holly* week, and the moon is approaching full phase. The zombies crave for brains because they lack!

By Chupacabras (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I vote for no more Kwok talk. Ignore him completely, I'm tired of reading his lunacy.

You are getting your award simply because of your Dembski-like behavior; nothing more, nothing less.

The above reminds of me of quite a few slow nights at work spent debating the merits of various movies. When one's favorite movie received multiple Academy Awards, they were obviously given in recognition of that movie's crowning achievement and its superiority to all other movies. When a film one didn't like received multiple Academy Awards, it was just more evidence that the film was overrated.

By Guy Incognito (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I may be Canadian, but I am not a kook. And neither am I.

I second the opinion that it has something to do with the phase of the moon.* Wasn't there even a psychiatric term on that note some century ago?** Best give Kwok a bit of asylum. He needs to rest, IMHO.
* #17
** #16, #18

Well, you asked for it PZ. You continue to mercilessly stock Kwok by receiving emails from him, so what else can you expect? Everyone expects the Kwok Inquisition!

#18, I can see why, but for me it's like a train wreck full of clowns. It's sad and funny and I'll keep watching for as long as the wreckage keeps piling up.

By Facehammer (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I think the part I find most humorous is the lame back-peddling about the camera demand ("Oh, I wasn't actually trying to extort you... I just wanted to see if you would be a jerk if I made some baseless demand for an apology gift"). It's like trying to cover up that you don't know someone's name by asking them how they spell it, only to find out it is something like "Bob" or "Mary". Trying to deflect the embarrassment by saying something like, "Oh, I've seen it spelled before with two b's" actually only makes you look more like an ass.

PZ - Thanks for keeping the comment section open on Pharyngula so that we don't have to register. I know it must be a lot more work for you to clean up the mess of the trolls. However, it really is much nicer than when you tried that registration experiment. I really love the lively and humorous community of Pharyngula that you have created!

Being a brand new saint, I feel I should reach out and help Mr. Kwok. I will do so by posting for him.

The mendacious intellectual pornography known as intelligent design.

There, done. Now he can feel better.
Seriously though, Google "mendacious intellectual pornography".

By St. Tabby Lavalamp (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

"Just noticed that I have more mutual friends of ours at Facebook than I ever did before, even when we were good 'friends.'"
What, I thought Kwok was threatening PZ Myers with the loss of Facebook friends?

so if you're waging a 'facebook war' against him it's not working... He ignored the other obvious possibility. No-one is waging any war against him, it's all in is head.

I think Kwok really does have a mental illness. I saw something similar to this once on an old IRC network, only in this other fellow's case he liked to defecate on himself.

It's generally best just to ignore them, let the crazy's attention slide elsewhere when they fail to get any feedback, then go to the authorities if it escalates. At most make a post stating that this fellow is stalking you and attempting to sabotage your friendships and acquaintences so that people understand when they receive random male from the freakshow.

I suggest that Prof. Myers query Ken Miller if he attends the latters' presentation as to whether he even knows who Kwok the crock is.

As for the camera, if you feel generous enough, you can throw that in too, but I made that demand just to see how silly you'd behave, and you fell for my bait... -kwok

He must have learned that from his party leader, Michael Steele.

Isn't teasing Kwok like tapping the glass at the reptile house?

I think this guy thinks facebook is much more important than it really is.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

It's the moon, yes. This sorta thing always happens within a fortnight of it being full. :nods sagely:

Funny thing that he should suggest that Abbie is looking to PeeZed as a parental figure. My impression is that her parents are loving, caring, supporting and still together. Not mention atheists.

Is this another case of projection? Does Kwok have daddy-issues?

(If he wants to point the finger in this matter, I might well be a better target. I'm just not interesting enough (nor am I on Facebook).)

From seeing these messages from Kwok, one wonders what kind of life Kwok leads. Is he so desperate to get attention because... he has none elsewhere?

Who is this twat anyways?

PZ and fellow board members:

Has anyone suggested contacting Ken Miller and seeing if he would issue a statement on this nutcase? Would that be feeding the trolls or possibly putting Prof. Miller in harm's way? I respect Prof. Miller's science credentials and completely agree with the PZ's views. I am just curious why Kwok hasn't been looked at by the authorities.

#36, the problem though is that if he ignores Kwok, Kwok might go crazy; if he responds to Kwok, Kwok might go crazy; and if he semi-responds by posting an email he received here or there, Kwok might go crazy

So he really can't win as Kwok is likely to go crazy regardless - there are news stories for each of the above situations I mentioned. The best he can do is chronicle the craziness in order to protect himself should that happen...

And another banned troll appears, appropriately enough, in the kooks thread.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink


OMFG! I didn't even realize my error till you pointed it out!Color me am-bare-assed. Stocking Kwoks would truly be a bizarre thing for PZ to do.

*creeps off to dark corner to write "I will proof my comments" 100 times*

Based on the messages, and posts I have seen form this guy I think he is either mentally unstable, or simply suffering from a very severe case of the stupid. We need to take him in to get a brain transplant.

Considering that Mr. Kwok made an ass of himself last December on Pandas Thumb with several comments claiming that President Obama was born in Kenya. A first class birther was Mr. Kwok.

Matt Heath @ #5

Ha. It's like when Warren and Andrew and Jonathan thought they were Buffy's arch-nemeses.

Brilliant analogy! Seconded!

But if Kwok is never again allowed to post here, how will we ever hear the updates on what is going on at his high school? How, how I ask you!?!?!?!?

By dogmeatib (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Since Kwok has been banned from here, does that mean that he has been Kwok-blocked?

Please no more Kwok.
Please oh please.

"Ha. It's like when Warren and Andrew and Jonathan thought they were Buffy's arch-nemeses."

Spot on!

This fellow is the gift that keeps on giving, from the most prestigious high school of the 20th Century

(garbled edit)

By Scott Hatfield, OM (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

in answer to #31 I prefer "mind fart known as intelligent design", it has more truthiness to it for my mind, and this is a good way to answer any creationist asking for proof of evolution, send them to this link, and maybe if they can read words of more than 2 sylable they will see the truth, http://www.nmsr.org/nylon.htm.

peace and rational thought to you all.

Yes, PZ your behavior has been mostunbecoming. You shall not get recess this afternoon and you will have to recite 12 "Hail Marys" and a "Glory be to God" before the whole class at the end of the day. But remember, you are still special in the eyes of Jesus.

I hope Kwok gets the help he so desperately needs.

I second the people who suggest you ignore him. Giving him attention is like giving an alcoholic booze; it's what he wants, but it's just making the problem bigger.

#47 Glen D

You know it's spelled "amok," don't you? A trivial matter, but it would be better to get it right.

This thread has run akwok.

Glen @ #47,

Of course PZ knows it is "amok"; its just that the "muck" is so much more apropos.

Does anyone else find this whole affair to be ridiculous?

We know he's a troll, so why are we feeding him? Why are we giving him our continued attention? It seems quite absurd.

By Teleprompter (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink


the problem though is that if he ignores Kwok, Kwok might go crazy; if he responds to Kwok, Kwok might go crazy; and if he semi-responds by posting an email he received here or there, Kwok might go crazy

From the evidence so far, I don't think it's unreasonable to conclude that Kwok is crazy. And as the Binghamton shooting has demonstrated, crazy people shouldn't be poked with sticks.

PZ, you should let Kwok know sometime just how entertaining he is. This e-mail actually made me laugh out loud--he thinks he can control/order you around just because he's got more Facebook friends?

Kwoky, baby, usually you wait until you have the upper hand to start making demands.

Is Kwok actually posting from an Apple IP address, or is he joejobbing it somehow?

By featheredfrog (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

We need a new term to contrast with pz envy: pztalker, one who repeatedly sends nonsensical emails.

By Geoffrey of Ballard (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

For those who doubt that PZ is using the wrong term for this title, in this case PZ is right on target. Ain't I a stinker!

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I knew a guy EXACTLY like this Kwok Kook. His targets were a bit different but these phony erudite Kwokotypes are completely harmless, you can beat on them FOREVER, and it just bounces right off, doesn't even slow them down.

Eventually they get bored and move on.

I think he's sufficient as a diversion. It's a degenerate symbiotic relationship, he thinks he's being brilliant, and we are all laughing, it's sick, but it's win-win.

PZ wouldn't have to ban people if Pharyngulytes were not such obsessive troll feeders. I am astounded every time I come here and Pete Rooke is getting responses, Pete Rooke could be a computer generated word-bot and people STILL respond to him, it's very unusual online behavior.

It's the full moon of course. That's the only thing that would make sense.

By Steve Ulven (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Glen, at #47:

You know it's spelled "amok," don't you? A trivial matter, but it would be better to get it right.

I thought the same (only "amock"), but looked it up in the OED. All the variants (including PZ's) are OK (though the etymology indicates a kind of racism!).

PZ wouldn't have to ban people if Pharyngulytes were not such obsessive troll feeders. I am astounded every time I come here and Pete Rooke is getting responses, Pete Rooke could be a computer generated word-bot and people STILL respond to him, it's very unusual online behavior.

You're right. We are collectively very trollable. I think a fair proportion of us just like arguing with fools. At least Pharynguloids seem to have stopped calling every moderate that turns up a concern troll. That used to annoy me slightly.

It is perfectly acceptable in standard English to use "amuck" instead of "amok." The latter is somewhat more common, but the former gives a better idea of what people usually say when they speak the word aloud.

:( Wish whoever should be caring for Kwok and Markuze would get to it already. Think they'd both be considered for sectioning in the UK. Markuze seems to be so far gone from reality that he can't see it anymore and Kwok's on a slippery slope.

What do the mental health care profession advice in these circumstances? It feels like watching someone wander into traffic.

If you ask me, the whole sight is crazy. maybe that's why i keep coming back. I'm a little deranged too. I love animals - they're delicious.

Please consult my previous post. It is from Duck Amuck. Considered by many to be one of the greatest of the Loonie Toon shorts.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Derender, if you are deranged, it is because you are in love with your own ignorance. By the way, that crack only works when you are in a group of vegetarians. While I am sure that some of the regulars are, they really do not make a big deal of it. Also, there is a strong bacon smell at this site. (No, it is not sight)

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink


Duck Amuck is definitely among the top five Loonie Toon shorts of all time. I would include among the five What's Opera, Doc?, Robin Hood Daffy, The Rabbit of Seville, and Rabbit Fire... but oh, the competition is fierce.

Figures that my ears would only perk up when a Warner Brothers cartoon is mentioned. They made far more sense than anything Mr. Kwok has said thus far.

Racist? Maybe, but sort of not. From the dictionary entry I saw, it is from a Malay word amuk meaning uncontrollable rage and which describes a behaviour that was culturally localised in Malaysia. The word came to England via India where it was used to describe rogue elephants (lone males in musth).

In Malaysia, it may have been a way for a man (yes, man) to achieve an honourable suicide, otherwise prohibited by Islam. Some evidence for this is that the practice pretty much disappeared once authorities emphasized capturing over killing the perpetrator.

The things you can learn on this blog!

By JohnnieCanuck (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Libbie | April 5, 2009 4:14 PM

Kwok has his crazy hat on.

All the time.

Thats his hairline !

Janine? I wish you would stop getting me so excited. A girl who likes Looney Tunes? Be still my twitterating heart.

By druidbros (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I made that demand just to see how silly you'd behave, and you fell for my bait... -kwok

That's because you're such an master baiter.

I'm kind of surprise that we went 90 posts without someone making that joke. Oh well, I seed my dooty and dood it.

As for picking on trolls. I think it's important for them to at least get a canned response or the casual reader might think they have a point.

PZ, the kooks only wish that they had 1% of your following. Nothing burns a kook more than to realize they are not the center of everyone's universe.

By Karl E. Taylor (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Kwok could quite possibly be an NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)


NPDs spend an inordinate amount of time and effort at manipulation/intimidation in their attempts at forcing others into awareness of their (self perceived) superior status.
I've always simply imagined them growing up as overindulged, self absorbed, spoiled brats!

By Sauceress (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

As asinine as Kwok is, why is his header info in there? He didn't threaten PZ, just whined a lot and blew hot air.

PZ, you should tell Kwok that for him to make amends for all the aggravation he's caused you, he should buy you a new car. Tell him if he doesn't, you'll snitch on him to Ken Miller and to the principal of Stuyvesant High School. That'll make him shake in his shoes.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Alex | April 5, 2009 6:50 PM
Where is the threat of violence?

This would be a great question to ask John Lennon.....
Too bad he was killed for Jesus.

By Fl blu, Custer… (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink


If you ask me...

That's where you lost us.

By heliobates (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

This getting weird - What's Opera, Doc? was the answer to a question at a Quiz Night I was at the other night ('What was voted the most popular cartoon of all time?') so I watched in on YouTube.

And yeah, I think they're right - it's brilliant. Though I do tend to like the jazz-themed one about the wolf and the three little pigs a lot, too.

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

PZ, you should tell Kwok that for him to make amends for all the aggravation he's caused you, he should buy you a new car. Tell him if he doesn't, you'll snitch on him to Ken Miller and to the principal of Stuyvesant High School. That'll make him shake in his shoes.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Perhaps Kwok is not so crazy (altho I think he is) as desperate for his name to go down in history regardless of whether it has a negative connotation or not.

Contemporary example "bobbitized"; not so contemporary "chauvinist".

Based on his actions, "kwokking" could be a term to refer to any type of cyber stalking or any of the other absurd manner of threats he has made (facebook friends war: "Those two have been engaged in a kwok for months now".

It would be too bad if this happened since I am sure that there are lots of Kwoks who don't deserve to have their name associated with such a complete and utter twit.

By nick nick bobick (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I don't think Kwok or Mabus need hallucinogens in their water. They've lost all touch with reality long ago.

You know, that Kwok would provide fodder for several theses and entire lifetime careers for psychiatrists.

He's a whole field unto himself.

I wonder what part of his brain harbors the friend fetish?

By astrounit (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I do tend to like the jazz-themed one about the wolf and the three little pigs a lot, too.

("You gotta get hot to play real cool!")

That'd be "The Three Little Bops". Oh, how I love WB cartoons!

By Pharyngulette (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Janine, Insulting Sinner

If only PZ had a reason to title a thread What's Opera, Kwok?

Kill da wabbit,kill da wabbit!

(It's up to the individual to decide if Kwok is in fact da wabbit in question)

By Fred Mounts (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! nothing like the first waxing moon of the spring to stir the soul and inspire the lips........try US 2 through the upper peninsula of michigan at night for the next week. it will be a pinball arcade reflective eyeballs.

By genesgalore (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Perhaps we should just build a wall around him.

While, I don't condone making fun of one's name, that is amusingly interesting..

your's truly,
William Joseph James Robert Newfie

This guy is starting to worry me... like stalking material... anyone who obsesses this much about another person is worthy of concern. Maybe he should just be ignored and hopefully he'll go away??

Ha. It's like when Warren and Andrew and Jonathan thought they were Buffy's arch-nemeses.
But don't forget, they managed to do what The Master, Kakistos, and Glory could not: kill Tara Maclay.
Not that I'm suggesting K(w)ook could ever kill PZ or his Trophy Wife(TM).

P.Z., shouldn't it be "amok?"
Posted by: Ed Darrell | April 5, 2009 9:54 PM

Doesn't language work best when you can deliberately misspell words to make them mean more than they usually do..?

By Fl bluefish (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Kimpatsu, I am going to get very nitpicky here. The Master and Kakistos were killed before Tara arrived. And Glory could have just as easily killed Tara as sucking out her sanity.

And it was Warren who murdered Tara, not Jonathan nor Andrew.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I can't imagine the patience it requires to deal with someone like this.

The good thing is his self sabotaging nature when he CCs others with his psychotic and juvenile ramblings. With any luck that will be his downfall.

Ed Darrell, I am sure that PZ meant "amuck". Please check comment #73.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

John Kwok.
The unrepentant dingleberry.

You know, as soon as he was booted, I promptly just forgot about him.

He sure is full of himself.

I've no doubt that he's just as charming in person.

I am tired of Kwok-ese.

If I want more of it, I can just not flush my toilet for a few days, although it might be hard to match his stench.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Kwok and Mabus: Axe Men versus Ice Road Truckers. More intelligence in one leaf or icicle.

If you're conducting a Facebook campaign against me, then it isn't working.

A "Facebook campaign"? Winner determined by direction of change of number of mutual Facebook "friends"? How stupid of me not to have thought of it.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Just so you know, I want a camera and a pony.

blf: Isn't it odd how the kooks didn't seem to mind Shrub warmly hugging the man every time he met him, but with Obama it is somehow sinister? I didn't realize that The house of Saud were the good guys when Republicans were in the White House, and terrorists when Democrats were.

Yet more evidence of the right's uncritical disconnection from reality.

It is perfectly acceptable in standard English to use "amuck" instead of "amok".

Nonsense -- Star Trek can't be wrong!

I can see why, but for me it's like a train wreck full of clowns. It's sad and funny and I'll keep watching for as long as the wreckage keeps piling up.

This is my new favorite expression for this sort of thing.

Ya know, standard internet protocol is to stop feeding the trolls. They're like stray cats-the more you feed them, the harder it is to get rid of them.

One of the most painful things about Kwok's rants are his over-reliance on cliches like "just for the record" and "nothing more, nothing less." Beside the point, I know, but ugh ...

That's not the real PZ posting the skepdic link - note the lack of Typekey icon.

Kimpatsu, I am going to get very nitpicky here. The Master and Kakistos were killed before Tara arrived. And Glory could have just as easily killed Tara as sucking out her sanity.

And it was Warren who murdered Tara, not Jonathan nor Andrew.
Glory failed to kill Tara. So did many other supervillains. And, yes, Warren was one of the Trio, wasn't he? (I love the angle at which he shot, though. I wonder if it was him on the Grassy Knoll?)

vespera wrote:
As asinine as Kwok is, why is his header info in there?

So if someone sends crazy email, there is a duty to protect them by not publishing the header info? Where is that nonsense written?

Kwok needs to discuss this matter with Abbie's Dog Arnie

(insert perplexed dog head tilt here)

vespera wrote:

As asinine as Kwok is, why is his header info in there? He didn't threaten PZ, just whined a lot and blew hot air.

He was adequately warned...


At the end of that post...

Since he does seem to be ramping up his demands, the next time I post one of his missives, it will include full contact information and IP addresses for Mr Kwok, as per my notice on the left sidebar.

By St. Tabby Lavalamp (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Did someone spike the entire North American water supply with hallucinogens?

No. You need to realize that most people just don't a shit about this stuff. I meet plenty of intelligent folks who don't know who David Mabus and James Randi are. It just isn't important in these times.

By WhiteDove (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink


Not appropriate. Take your Trench-coat Mafia supporting version of concern-trolling elsewhere.

By Ryan Cunningham (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

mathyoo #119:

Ya know, standard internet protocol is to stop feeding the trolls. They're like stray cats-the more you feed them, the harder it is to get rid of them.

The standard protocol with stray cats where I live is:

1. win their trust by feeding them;
2. capture them;
3. sterilise them, so they can't reproduce.

Just saying. ;-)

Alex @86, vespera @91, as the saying goes, quantity has a quality all of its own.
Also, PZ previously wrote

Since he does seem to be ramping up his demands, the next time I post one of his missives, it will include full contact information and IP addresses for Mr Kwok, as per my notice on the left sidebar.

This is the next time.

debg @105, he's already dungeoned. Those are emails, not blog comments.

By John Morales (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink


maybe its time to stop encouraging the Kwok by posting his emails on the blog?
Yes his level of achieved insanity is by now impressive,but I think if he gets more threating he becomes FBI material,and otherwise we should just forget about him.
As to mabus et al.,if people would just not fucking respond to their insane rants all the time,they would go away too.

XD @ 132,

Logical & humane protocol

when applied both to feral cats and to internet trolls

Protocol unfortunately not followed by all.

kwok is still going on about facebook? ffs...

i agree with any above post advocating the future ignoring of kwok entirely, he is the most irritating pro-evolution person I have ever had to suffer through online, and i look forward to the day when he is finally banned from every site I like to visit.

Off I go for a weekend of fun, frolics and frivolity, Monday lunchtime I pop into Pharyngula to find kooks-a-popping, or at least that kooks have a-popped over the weekend.

I was going to ask the question "Don't people like John Kwok and Mabus have real lives?" and then I thought about it.

And then I thought about a few other things, and the world was a better place.


@#129 WhiteDove
"I meet plenty of intelligent folks who don't know who David Mabus and James Randi are. It just isn't important in these times."
Well, I guess it is just an internet/blog thing. Those people are existent only on the internet, it seems.

I forget, where did Kwok go to high school again?


And what has he done since?

@#97 nick nick bobick
"Perhaps Kwok is not so crazy (altho I think he is) as desperate for his name to go down in history regardless of whether it has a negative connotation or not."
If this is so, apparently he thinks that being famous on Pharyngula will lead to some kind of worldwide fame... I don't know.

I forget, where did Kwok go to high school again?

Mr Kwok has been silent on the matter. He does not consider, such personal details to be relevant to the many important internet campaigns he runs.

I know how amok/amuck is spelled. I also know about context: you use "amok" when you're making a classic Star Trek reference, and "amuck" when you're making a Daffy Duck reference.

Ask yourself, which one is more appropriate when discussing John Kwok?

Definitely amuck.

It reminds me, like JK himself, of cow pats ;)

By CosmicTeapot (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

Testing whether blogger name can be spoofed so easily.

Yes,we established that months ago.
Not surprised that it hasnt been fixed yet either.

Holy crap. It is really that easy. The typekey sign would be difficult, but otherwise, it works. The shade of gray is right the name is right... Enough to fool casual onlookers

I've probably missed this somewhere because it's so obvious that this guy is turning into a coo-coo kwok.


Ahh..my very first and to date, most brilliant post on Pharyngula! I knew I'd make a big splash right away!

By SantaCruzOM (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

"I was just kidding about the camera... unelss you're gonna do it."

Whoa, Kwok needs to take a psych 101 course and learn the meaning of "projection". He's the one who started a (hilariously silly) Facebook campaign against PZ, not the other way around. Thanks for the laughs.

I hope you're not thinking of having any thick, nourishing soup for lunch today, PZ.

You know what they say about too many kooks.....

I think the person who sent that e-mail has issues, of the psychological disorder kind.

Re #149
Is getting an OM really that easy?

I also expect to have my posting privileges at Pharyngula reinstated

I love when people say things like this. Its funny to watch peoples sense of entitlement shatter like frozen peanut brittle. Like, seriously? expect? is that supposed to be some sideways manner of asking to get your posting privileges back? And right on the heels of demanding an apology for "silly behavior"?

Comments like that are great, people could sculpt words and ideas masterfully for days and still not give as stunning a demonstration of the fact that kwok DOESNT GET IT as the crap that normally falls out of his brain. Even after this whole big long sideshow, I would bet that kwok truly cannot understand that all he needed to do to survive the troll-culling was NOT POST. For real. For like a week. It's like someone getting banned from a library for screaming all the time -- naturally, kwok would be screaming for his library privileges to re-instated even as they're dragging him out for screaming in the library again .

PZ if you'd rather buy me some camera equipment with the proceeds of the millions of clicks on this site I've been the source of over the last few years I have been looking at a new Nikon D700 and / or 70-200 f/2.8 VR lens.

Just an idea. And think of how in a twist it would get Kwok's shorts.

If you need my address you've got my email.

Kimpatsu, @124;

And, yes, Warren was one of the Trio, wasn't he? (I love the angle at which he shot, though. I wonder if it was him on the Grassy Knoll?)

Are you suggesting we establish some sort of a Warren Commission?

By Der Bruno Stroszek (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

I'm cc'ing Abbie on this only because I want her to start realizing how much of a jerk you've been...

I don't know about Abbie, but I'd feel pretty wahmbivalent about that.

By Ryan F Stello (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

Has 'Kwok' become a universal internet meme yet? Because I giggle to myself everytime I see the word. I imagine that it's pronounced something like this:

*raises arms up in the air and flails wildly*

The movement of the arms is vital to achieve the correct vocal tones.

By Aphrodine (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

"Dear" "Dr." "P.Z." "Meyers":

cf. i.e. etc. my response to your previous attack on John and his good name.

Von Mises knew the day of people like you would approach, and warned us to make preparations. As taught me by Ayn Rand herself, you cannot see it, but I am making the Sign of the Dollar at you.

You are merely a moderately well-known atheist blogger, and mid-level professor of squids at a Midwestern college.

Meanwhile, John Kwok is a top 50 Amazon Reviewer!

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink


before I embraced the truth of objectivism, i was taught that the taste of jesus is bittersweet. hence that question contains yet another pitfall for the teacher, I believe.

Still, i would have given a better showing of myself than he did. Probably in a teacher's union, is my guess.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

I don't understand. What has John Kwok done to deserve this much disdain? From what I have read of his postings, he seems reasonable, albeit a little too productive, and doesn't seem to have much of a life outside of the cyberspace. He is one of the most active reviewers on Amazon, and I have just noticed that he has written a very good review of Jerry Coyne's book "Why Evolution is True", which itself has sparked a lively discussion.

By Wayne Robinson (not verified) on 07 Apr 2009 #permalink

Quantity does not equal quality. A scan of a sampling of the very active John Kwok's reviews shows most of them to be overwritten, gushy drivel full of unearned superlatives and recycled adjectives (see, for example, his 'review' of Space Chimps). And yes, he does in some of his reviews the same irritating name-dropping he engaged in on the comments section of this blog.

The last would be something you seem to have missed in your undoubtably thin skimming of his postings, along with his unearned sense of entitlement, his stalking, and the incompetent attempt at extortion that has been demonstrated and documented across four or five different postings.

I really love the lively and humorous community of Pharyngula that you have created!

He hasn't created it.

It has evolved.


PZ wouldn't have to ban people if Pharyngulytes were not such obsessive troll feeders.

The idea is to feed the troll till it chokes or explodes or something. That's more fun, you see. Dance, trollboy! Dance! :-)

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 07 Apr 2009 #permalink

Just what the fucking hell is wrong with that guy? He's beyond crazy!

By Peanutcat (not verified) on 07 Apr 2009 #permalink


Kwok's a deluded market fundie. Go ahead, get him away from Amazon and twit him about capitalism not being science, or not working perfectly, and see how he reacts. He's also a 'net Drama Queen from wayback with a strong penchant for trying to pit people against each other, and an unhealthy obsession with status. He accepts evolution, and good for him. But like other market fundies, he wants more than a cookie for that simple fact, he wants us to dig up Ayn Rand and go down on her corpse behind the stands at a Rush concert.

That all being said, I doubt PZ was exactly equating him with Mabus, who's the complete package - probably genuinely insane, and definitely robotically contemptuous of the entire net - a cross between a penis cream spammer and Brainbeau.

Kwok is neither certifiably insane nor a DOS-attack-level spammer - but he does let his fixed ideas lead him to crazy vendettas, hence his inclusion in the "full moon" post.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 11 Apr 2009 #permalink