Double reminder

I know it hurts, it hurts so bad, but I have to ask you again to keep clicking to help me win that iPod Touch from Eric Hovind. It's only a little pain, after a few clicks you'll be numb.

But that reminder also reminds me that I'll be judging a video contest after 1 June — you only have one more month to put together an entry to explain evolution in two minutes or less. Eric Hovind is welcome to enter — a little comedy relief is always nice — but I think his videos are more of an anti-inspiration. Put him to shame with some substance! Look at his shoddy work and resolve to show the world how it is realy done!

Say…wouldn't it be handy if I had an iPod Touch I could fill with the contest entries?

More like this

While I'm off at meetings, you could be voting to help me win Eric Hovind's iPod Touch. All you have to do is CLICK ON THIS LINK. Note that it has to be that link — it's got an imbedded code in it to let the tabulators know that the incoming click comes from me, PZ Myers, so that the Hovind crew…
Thanks to all of your helpful clicking, I have just received this message from Eric Hovind of Creation Science Evangelism: Congratulations, you logged the most clicks to and won an Apple iPod Touch complements of Creation Science Evangelism. Good work, gang! I hope it's full of…
I gotta admit that I just don't get it. Perhaps it's my overly narrow world-view, or perhaps it's my lack of imagination, but I really don't get it. Let me explain. I've got this horrid pain in my back and leg. It's searing, aching, gnawing. My foot is numb, but still hurts. It tingles, feels…
My dad passed away on June 21st at 1:28 pm. I haven't posted anything about it yet because I had to take some time to clear my head. Part of my sporadic posting has been due in large part to his health issues, as he has been steadily spiraling downward in his battle with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for…

I didn't notice before that there's more than one of those "Creation Minute" videos. I just watched the "Nothing + Time = Everything" one, and would just like to say;


Thank you.

Abiogenesis, this one. Apparently "evolutionists" are going around expounding on early-universe cosmology, so naturally Eric has to be an expert in physics as well as biology.

I've recanted from not going into mind hell, just so you have a shot at annoying a Hovind. The things I do....

Now where did I put my migraine pills?

1st on my to-do list each morning

Do you think someone like Hovind would run an honest poll, bye-bye to server logs when you show up in the top? You'll need another place to win that iPod. But it's fun to irritate him anyway with votes for you.

Hey! last time I watched that whole damn thing, and when it was over the screen filled up with a whole bunch more videos to choose from...most of which didn't have anything to do with creationism, and some of which had some attractive young women in...interesting costumes. I didn't understand the connection...but it made clicking over there more fun... Now it's just more creation crap...

By Professor Peewee (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

I like how "Nothing"²+"Time"², using the Uncertainty Principle indeed spawns a hell lot of stuff.

By Mike Heisenberg (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

Oh the stupid it burns! It buuurrrnnns!!!!! My eyes! My eyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!

Evolution Formula
Evolutionists are forced to believe that nothing + time = everything.

Yeah PZ, that did hurt a lot, and I'm not even a biologist, just someone with half a brain.


By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

When does this bloody competition finish? I can't find it mentioned anywhere on the site.

Maybe it just automatically ends when the rapture happens.

By Bride of Shrek OM (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

I Came, I saw, I threw up. You better make good use of that iPod, PZ.

By C. M. Baxter (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

I've been doing it for you PZ but I have to tell you, my web browser cache feels soooo dirty.

I do it for you, PZ. But it hurts . . . so . . . very . . . much.

Luckily my iPhone doesn't have flash capabilities so I can go help without being exposed to the inanity

Did you see the size of those planets in the "Hovind's brain Nothing + Time = Everything" video? They were bigger than all the stars! Eric Hovind apparently thinks neutron stars are the only stars.

Can't someone write a Perl script to virtually click the URL a couple of thousand times so we can all save ourselves the nonsense and repetitive strain injury?

What's next? Who can do the best job of explaining evolution on Twitter?

He gots a microscope and beakers, it gots to be science!!!!

Home schoolers can now cover all science in a "creation minute"

He gots a microscope and beakers, it gots to be science!!!!

Home schoolers can now cover the entire science curriculum in a "creation minute."

I clicked again, but I avoided watching the insipid video again. I also think Eric wants you to win in some perverse way. Remember, be careful what you wish for; it might come true.

Darn it PZ; sometimes you just ask too much! I bookmarked it in my firefox bookmark toolbar so I wouldn't forget but it's just sooo *icky*

OK, I moved it next to my webmail icon....

I love his interpretation of cosmology in the first episode! LOL. GODDIDIT GODDIDIT GODDIDIT

That's the fourth time I clicked, but the first I watched the "minute". Do we HAVE to watch it in order for our visit to count? (I have no degrees apart from highschool, but the video is bad even for me).

The things I do for you PZ!

You'd better put something really good on that wretched device after all this!

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

Lobbed off about 50 clicks. Then had a quickie phone therapy session, but still not ready to lob off another 50. Think I need a longer therapy session.

It's only a little pain, after a few clicks you'll be numb.

lol. i watched the creation minute, and it did cause me pain. PZ, if you're reading this right now, come closer:
[from "Saving Private Ryan"]
Earn this...
Earn it!

C'mon now, if was really scientifical, they'd have a poll!

I want my brain cells back - Hovind isn't going to use 'em.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 01 May 2009 #permalink

Two minutes? I'll explain evolution in two sentences.

1. Mistakes happen.

2. Sometimes the mistake works better than the right answer.

Everything else is just details.

Now, I've clicked lots on that. Any chance of some clicks (and, ideally replies) on this website:,447,AR…

An article trying to correct simple science misconceptions, and have had a random creationist jump in with the 'it's just a theory' idiocy. I've replied, but the guy hasn't come back with anything. I'm hoping that with enough provocation he might actually reply...