A comic for the accommodationists

Perfect: cobble together an obscenely irrational hybrid of religion and science in the vain attempt to appease everyone at once, and what do you get? Something to annoy everyone at once.


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How long will it be before someone pushes for this to be taught in the classroom?

Hmmm, so essentially we have here that "Beasts" evolved but Humanity was created ex nihilo? That was a popular "Compromise Theory" for a while, if I recall correctly.

Or, you get annoyed by everyone at once. I for one have my issues with Stanley Fish as much as you do.

Then gain, a lot of us Buddhists, being nontheists, are in spirit closer to the atheists...so to speak.

Which is not to say we don't have a metaphysic; we do. But that's another story.

Yep, you're right, it annoyed me. However, I find the humans being so badly drawn compared to the rest of the theory amusing.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

I was going to make a joke about the Biologos theory of evolution when I realized that it actually is a fair representation of what Collins suggests on that site (Adam and Eve - Homo divinus - and the fall being real!)

My dad believes that evolution is real for everyone else, but white people were a special creation of god. All the non-whites are animals and only whites are true 'humans', ie. not animals. I haven't been able to think up anything ... tactful to respond to that yet.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Nerd @5, it's likely intentional and meaningfully wry.

By John Morales (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

That's not a compromise theory. The fish coming up from the shore becomes the talking snake... the devil. That's what Christians have been saying we are for years and years. That should just be called "The Christian Perspective."

My dad believes that evolution is real for everyone else, but white people were a special creation of god. All the non-whites are animals and only whites are true 'humans', ie. not animals. I haven't been able to think up anything ... tactful to respond to that yet.

Wow, your dad is way behind the white supremacist times. These days they're more likely to say that everyone evolved, but white people are "more" evolved.

Tell him he's out of style.

By strange gods b… (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

From the comments on the site -

Radical-KnightPro says:

It does say “Theory” which is to say no basis on fact or proof, just abstractions based upon perceived observations and imagination; whereas Theorems are derivations of logic, proof and existing evidence to provide a solution to real world situations.

- I guess someone doesn't get the joke.

Wow, your dad is way behind the white supremacist times. These days they're more likely to say that everyone evolved, but white people are "more" evolved.

Tell him he's out of style.

I thought that it was everyone was created and white and loved by God until Cane killed Abel. He was then 'marked' with black skin and cast out.

Joe Smith also said that black were the people who did not take part in the war (or something) for earth.

It's surely more plausible that most animals including humans evolved, while beetles were created in God's image.

By Knockgoats (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

I love Non Sequitur. This one is great!!!

John, I'm familiar with the cartoon in question, one of those I see daily. And your analysis is spot on.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

A comic for the accommodationists

Excellent idea to call it that. What a perfect comic for atheists who suck up to religious retards.

My dad believes that evolution is real for everyone else, but white people were a special creation of god. All the non-whites are animals and only whites are true 'humans', ie. not animals. I haven't been able to think up anything ... tactful to respond to that yet.
Hitler believed the same thing. That is why people who say Hitler was an atheist are morons.

I read that last night at work (<3 yahoo, posts all the comics shortly after midnight). Made me chuckle.

Not to acknowledge an off topic post, but that article has a quote that concerns me.

Aid organizations acknowledge that the belief is acceptable and popular in some communities.

"It is not the belief in witchcraft that we are concerned about," Foxcroft said. "We acknowledge people's right to hold this belief on the condition that this does not lead to child abuse."

What else could it lead to but false persecution? Idiots. Try to appease superstition and you only perpetuate the violence and hate.


"Isn't that what Dr. Ken Miller believes?"

Not really. He doesn't believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible. But, figuring out what/how he really believes is like untying a gordian knot... impossible.

The real issue isn't this or that scientific theory. It's preserving the idea of "original sin" against all reason.

No original sin, the whole rest of the sin and salvation thing falls apart.

By Abdul Alhazred (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink


It's surely more plausible that most animals including humans evolved, while beetles were created in God's image.

No, Beatles were created in God's image. Getting better all the time, no? ;^)

"A good compromise leaves everyone mad."



I thought I heard Ken Miller once explain that there was a point when the first actual human evolved and that he represented Adam. It might have been someone else, but I thought it was Miller.

Miller is not quite that mad.
Collins, however, is that mad!
Both of them believe is the magical moment of 'ensoulment' whereupon God suddenly gave humans a supernatural 'soul', thus allowing people to make moral decisions which, previously, had not been possible.

"I thought I heard Ken Miller once explain that there was a point when the first actual human evolved and that he represented Adam. It might have been someone else, but I thought it was Miller."

I also recall reading that mitochondrial Adam and mitochondrial Eve lived thousands of years apart from each other. Yeah, mixing science and religion just makes them both look silly*.

* Not that religion really needs the help, but you didn't hear that from me, wink wink...

"I thought that it was everyone was created and white and loved by God until Cane killed Abel. He was then 'marked' with black skin and cast out."

Noah, was found by his son Ham naked and drunk, and perhaps fornicating with his she-children for all we know. Ham, in disgust, dragged a rag across his father's naughty bits. Noah woke up, became enraged, and cursed Ham and his descendants to be "coloreds".

By felixthecat (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

"I thought I heard Ken Miller once explain that there was a point when the first actual human evolved and that he represented Adam. It might have been someone else, but I thought it was Miller."

A lot of scientists use that sort of view point when tracing back human geneology, refering to the markers as being from midochondrial "Adam" and "Eve" that can be traced back to Africa. He might not have meant it literally as the Adam and Eve of the Bible, but just the unfortunate terminology that a lot of scientists use.

I'm not trying to defend him. He's obviously compartmentalizing when it comes to religion vs. science, but what that is could be anyone's guess. I've read some of his book (I couldn't get all the way through it), and it seems like it's deistic almost, but he inputs the Christian "God" as the "clock-maker" that most deists believe in.

Maybe someone else who was actually able read all of his book could explain exactly what Miller's views are...


However, I find the humans being so badly drawn compared to the rest of the theory amusing.

Yeah. The refrigerator-art style of the humans makes for a nice dig at the childishness of the belief that the figures represent.


Ray Comfort is creeping his way up through southern Oregon - he was in the Klamath Falls area this weekend. Watch for potential infitrations on a streetcorner near you...

By Anonymous (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink


I also recall reading that mitochondrial Y-chromosomal Adam and mitochondrial Eve lived thousands of years apart from each other.


By Owlmirror (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

That’s hysterical, Easy there PZ.

Hah, stupid atheists. The snake didn’t evolve into a snake until after eve ate the apple.

Wait, I don’t mean “evolve” evolve, I mean, um. . . .

Praise Jesus!

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

The mark of Cain is one of my favorite biblical whoopsies. Cain was bawling and blatting to gawd that the others would kill him after he had killed his brother. So good ol' gawd placed a special "mark" on Cain as a sign that he was NOT to be killed for murder.

But who where the others? Surely Adam & Eve wouldn't have killed their own son, and everyone knows they were the only other humans on the Earth...whoopsie! Makes as much sense as the above cartoon. *snort*

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

I haven't been able to think up anything ... tactful to respond to that yet.

Tact? Whassamattyou? Are you expecting an inheritance?

"It is not the belief in witchcraft that we are concerned about," Foxcroft said. "We acknowledge people's right to hold this belief on the condition that this does not lead to child abuse."

Feel free to believe that your kid is an evil, Satanic witch who kills people with unholy magic and will bring death and destruction to you and your loved ones. Just don't act like there's anything wrong with that, OK?

Of course the cartoon could also be interpretted as poking fun at the reductio straw men that "the new atheists" have created to stand in for actual theology.

I saw this in today's dead-tree IHT (International Herald Tribune) in the pub a little while ago. A lot of people seemed to be wondering what why the nutter on the terrace was laughing so hard he spilled his peanuts. (The regulars took it in stride. I even got a replacement dish of peanuts.)

It's funny! That's the whole idea of humour. Pissing everybody off is funnier still. I'm sure PZ got it, judging from his initial comment. Why did so many not?

Mike @#44 == Common-name troll.

Dr.Woody @#41: Man, I knew folks around here were stupid, but to keep doing this? That's not stupid, that's insane.

Then again, I guess it means Uncle Leo will have something to bitch about.

By Blue Fielder (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Posted by: PGPWNIT "I thought that it was everyone was created and white and loved by God until Cane killed Abel. He was then 'marked' with black skin and cast out.
Joe Smith also said that black were the people who did not take part in the war (or something) for earth."

Posted by: Bacon Eating Atheist Jew "Hitler believed the same thing. That is why people who say Hitler was an atheist are morons."

I suspect my dad is quite intelligent really (after all he did father me :()), but he has a tendency to selectively pick out of whatever he's heard/read lately, the bits he likes and melds them together, with things out of his own imagination, into his own worldview synthesis that is often seems quite original to him. The problem is, he doesn't seem to be too discriminating about who he's taking his material from. Maybe if I mention that Hitler believed the same, it might make him re-think his position. I'm sure he isn't a nazi-sympathiser, he's just a racist bigot intellectually. He seems to interact quite well with people of other races in person.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Dr.Woody " "I haven't been able to think up anything ... tactful to respond to that yet." Tact? Whassamattyou? Are you expecting an inheritance?"

He's my daddy. He's getting old and I don't want to piss him off too much. Also I don't like arguments: nasty uncomfortable things, makes my blood-pressure skyrocket.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Recently a local preacher published an Op-Ed calling Darwin a racist and his theory a foundation of modern racism, so I did research on racist movements, knowing that many were and are ostentatiously Christian. I found that many have been creationist and some have been "scientific", even pre-Darwin there was some Frenchman who argued "scientifically" for white supremacy based on skull measurements. Religiously-based racism is much older, going back at least to the ancient Greeks and Hindus. In Christianity, the "Ham's Curse" theory is one used by racists, the "two-seed theory" is another, that Abel was sired by Adam and Cain was sired by the Snake. Hybrid theories like "White folk created, coloreds evolved" are doubtless post-Darwin but in no way supported by anything Darwin wrote.

By John B Hodges (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

The cartoon says Biology 101 on the door but I think it's surprisingly close to being everyone's Room 101.

@PGPWNIT: (#13)

I thought that it was everyone was created and white and loved by God until Cane killed Abel. He was then 'marked' with black skin and cast out.

no no, learn your racism. two of noah's sons were white, but the black one raped him, as was cursed to be a slave to his white brothers.

By arachnophilia (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink