Congratulations to Eugenie Scott!

Eugenie Scott has been named to the Scientific American 10, the top 10 people in the past year who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and accomplishment in guaranteeing that future technologies will be applied to the benefit of humanity". Everyone applaud now!

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That is an excellent recognition.

Woot! Congrats to Eugenie C. Hott!


By Emmet, OM (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Congratulations to Eugenie, solidly on our side!

Long live the Global Darwinist Conspiracy™! Well done, Genie!

P.S.: The Alabama and Missouri "academic freedom" bills are dead, leaving Texas as the only state with antievolution legislation pending this year.

SA still does things right now and then. And this one of the right things. Clap Clap Clap.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

SciAm did something right?

Congratulations at any rate!

By Ryan F Stello (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Cheers for "Darwin's Golden Retriever"!
I wish Eugenie Scott every success in her endeavors.
May she prevail.


this is great :-)

Here here! Very well deserved. Thanks for your work, Ms. Scott!


By mikespeir (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

The Disco institute will be livid. Come on Casey, get that screed up..

I ditto all the congrats. I've enjoyed listening to Eugenie Scott's presentation on youtube of the Dover trail and recommend it to anyone.

'grats to 'genie 'cott ;-)

OT but I'm like ten ft away from Kristin Hersh!
She is doing some appalachian folk songs in the set and apologises in advance for all the jebus stuff.

Wow, Eddie. You're in Glasgow, and so is Kristen! Cool. When you're finished, please say hi to my aunt and uncle over on Castleton Court, Newton Mearns. Thanks.

Congratulations to Eugenie Scott and many thanks to her for all her work defending science and reason. I wish her every success in the future.

There's a girl in front of me with an awesome striped top. The top layer is light with kinda plants. Below this is the negative of that, like earth. Underneath is a yellow spotty layer like sandstone and then there's a whitn layer with darker spots like granite. At bottom is black, basalty base-rock.

Genie has been a beacon of reason for years. Scientific American just caught the boat to solid science research, teaching and thinking when they identified the genie's work.
You're the BOMB, Genie !! many, many thanks for all you do.

By lynn young (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

There's a girl in front of me with an awesome striped top. The top layer is light with kinda plants. Below this is the negative of that, like earth. Underneath is a yellow spotty layer like sandstone and then there's a whitn layer with darker spots like granite. At bottom is black, basalty base-rock.

WANT! (the top, not the girl)

Genie has been a beacon of reason for years.

proof that I spend too much time here: I read that as "Genie has been the bacon of reason for years"

@23: Can't blame ya... I saw the same thing, too! Particularly with the good Rev BDC now having forsaken bacon and blogging about sausage and fish (gimme that fillet-o-fish!)...

By Kausik Datta (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Congrats and well deserved. I'm another who enjoys her Dover lectures, especially her presentation of the cdesesign proponentists find.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Big AttaGirl to Eugenie! Thank you, dear lady.

Darwin's Golden Retriever? New to me yet I can see the appellation is fitting.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Otto #9 Cheers for "Darwin's Golden Retriever"!

Oh lard. Is that new? Has she seen or heard it? I'm wondering if she'd laugh as hard as I am.

And congratulations all 'round! SciAm does itself honor by recognizing her work.

Jadehawk, me too. Mmmm...

Good work Eugenie, good pick Sci Am.

By John Scanlon FCD (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Why is Just.Another.Politician.™ No. 10 on the list?

First, SciAm will be accused of politicizing science, or similar.

Second, it should have stuck to just scientists and engineers.

Third, Obama’s refusal to take the lead on climate-change legislation, compounded with the amount of backtracking he’s done on other issues signaling the potential for same here, says he didn’t necessarily deserve the honor.

Ron #27,
I found it while following some of the links here ...
oh yes, in the Sci Am article.

From the Science and Religion web site, I found this quote of the SciAm article:

The 21st century has a counterpart in the woman who describes herself as 'Darwin's golden retriever.'

So yes, I'd say she is aware of the label. How it got pinned on her and by whom might be an interesting story in itself.

By JohnnieCanuck (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Eugenie Scott is probably the greatest scientist who has ever lived.