Gaaaah! Homeopaths on a poll!

There is a poll in Germany that will determine who will win a "Dedication Award" for service to the community. You can vote on it! In fact, you better vote on it! Here are the top 5 leaders in the votes right now.

Elisabeth von Wedel, Homöopathen ohne Grenzen e.V.
1514 Stimmen
Raul Krauthausen, SOZIALHELDEN e.V.
1208 Stimmen
Jürgen Dangl, Hofgut Himmelreich gGmbH
634 Stimmen
Dr. Stefanie Christmann, Esel-Initiative e.V.
510 Stimmen
Margit Adamski, Zweites Leben e.V.
344 Stimmen

Notice the leader with 1514 stimmen, or votes? To translate, that's "Homeopathy without borders," a team of quacks that travels the world treating the sick and dying with tiny ampules of water.

I suggest that everyone get over there and vote for the current second place group, SOZIALHELDEN, or "Social Heroes". Once they've got a solid lead, we should work on bringing up all the other nominees. Just click on the "Stimme abgeben" beneath their name to vote for them. To see how the voting is going, click on the "Jetzt Ranking Anzeigen" button at the top right of the page.

Homeopaths. <spit>. Worthless frauds and snake-oil salesmen who don't even have the guts to squeeze a snake.

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