Victory in Germany

Back in October, I sent you off to vote in an online poll that pitted real social workers, SozialHelden, against homeopaths, in a contest that actually had consequences: the winner would get a "Dedication Award" for their work.

We just got word from SozialHelden on the outcome of the poll:

haben gerade den Deutschen Engagementpreis 2009 gewonnen. Danke für Eure Stimmen!

They've won the German Engagement Prize for 2009. Thank you for your votes!

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I thght t ws gng t b sm brng ld pst, bt t rlly cmpnstd fr my tm. I wll pst lnk t ths pg n my blg. I m sr my vstrs wll fnd tht vry sfl.

By Wiley Kroeger (not verified) on 01 Jan 2010 #permalink

Smply wnt t sy yr rtcl s brllnt. Th clrty n yr pst s smply strkng nd cn ssm y r n xprt n ths fld. Wll wth yr prmssn llw m t grb yr rss fd t kp p t dt wth ftr pst. Thnks mlln nd pls kp p th thntc wrk.

By Tarah Winnen (not verified) on 01 Jan 2010 #permalink

Y md sm gd pnts thr. I dd srch n th tpc nd fnd mst ppl wll gr wth yr blg.

By Bernardo Imbrock (not verified) on 01 Jan 2010 #permalink