For some reason, Grimpoteuthis always makes me think of Wimpy.

(via Frozenly, which also has a number of other photos of weird creatures found in the Mariana Trench)
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Did a stork deliver this one too?
Hey--it's Day-Glo Mr. Potato Head!
Sorry PZ, but that's clearly Admiral Ackbar. Unless of course, we're meant to think that. It's a trap!
Bring out the Grimp.
The Grimp is sleeping.
Well then, I guess you better wake him up.
I am almost embarrassed.
How come he's wearing my old brothel-creepers ?
Naw, it's an animated lima bean.
When I saw the picture I actually first thought it looked like a parrot.
Awww. Almost as adorable as a piglet squid (my personal favorite weird cephalopod.)
Wow, an irridescent rock started to walk around in slippers.
Abiogenesis right before your eyes, Stephen Meyer.
Glen D
Good golly Miss Molly. It's Gonzo's nose gone wild!
Oh dear Cosmic Muffin, don't let Ken Ham know about them.
Good grief - have you seen some of the other delightful creatures on the Frozenly page? Ping-pong tree sponge? Munnopsis? Wow.
Clearly, nothing like those could have evolved, so we must accept that H.R.Giger is in fact god.
More like Wimpoteuthis, amirite?
I wish to second the following:
An "iridescent" "Admiral Ackbar" "Head" with "brothel-creepers".
Well done all. A full identification.
It is none but the Dread himself, Cthulhu... as a baby.
I'm wondering if I'm the only one who saw this and thought it looked like a rubber novelty item, or a side-view of the Rolling Stones:
...or is it just me?
A very decorous finger-cot, for those formal (but not too formal) occasions?
What an amazing site Frozenly is.
I am all about the bacteria normally but that makes me want to switch to marine biology and spend the rest of my life in the Mariana Trench.
so we are agreed ? - It's a
Iridoakhbarbonce brothelcreepii
Where'd the squid get those Doc Martens?
Neat, but this pic (and the pics from Frozenly) were snatched from and should credit that site/book. Author Claire Nouvian. Looks like a cool book btw.
Uh-oh. I once scanned in some photos from that book and posted them with full attribution, links to where you could purchase it, etc. -- and I got so much grief from the people behind it that I had to yank the pictures off the web.
Well you can chalk up a sale - after tracking down the source, I bought it ;-)