Botanical Wednesday: Knobs erupting from the ground!


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I saw some of these in the UW greenhouse. They look better with more appropriate pebbles.

I had one of these once. I killed it with too much water. Once in a blue moon is too often.

There is even a video set to music about lithops.

I like them because they look like ornamented knobs or gemstones.

I thought they looked like fancy leather ottomans.

Very cool. Must look them up a bit.

They look like little hooves. Maybe someone buried an six-legged antelope upside-down...

By richarddmorey (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

They look like penis heads. Plus, "knobs."

By nonsensemachine (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

Maybe add a little fresh pepper, mushrooms, garlic and olive oil. Serve with crusty toast.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

Ha! I've owned these before. They're hard to keep alive, because you have to be VERY careful to not over-water them.

I called them butt-plants.

Those knobs look a little polished. Hey, wait a minute....

By bbgunn071679 (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

I don't care for them. They are prim, snobby lips which are withholding secrets.

Someone run for the slotted screwdriver!

@NewEnglandBob: your recipe would be perfect if you just added a bit of bacon...

Aaah, one of the plants that inspired me to be a botanist.

By sparganium5 (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

"da same ta you with knobs on it! "

"feeeeeed meeee, Seymor" -AudreyII


By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

I wonder if my husband can come home for lunch....

Have been called "living stones".

Comment 16 explains what Lithops means.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

Maybe add a little fresh pepper, mushrooms, garlic and olive oil. Serve with crusty toast.


I've grown them for years. I used to summer them outside (here on the West Coast of California it rarely rains from March til November) until the local Steller's Jay population developed a taste for them. Even giving them a pebble-strewn landscape didn't help, so now they're behind glass year-round. I've moved into Scrub Jay country recently, but I'm not giving them a shot at them, either.

Mimicry plants (and animal) are fascinating. Use your imagination to see the pix at the link to see another South African plant (there are some tough neighborhoods down there!) that hides as a blob of bird shit: Anacampseros ustulata (among others).…

By Butch Pansy (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

Cloven hooves! It's the mark of Satan, it is.

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

I guess if one could demonstrate that they chew their cud, they might be halal.

By chuckgoecke (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

Pretty babies. I love me some succulents. I grew a few of these from seed. They are so cool. But I agree that they would look better with brown gravels.


I much prefer buttons over knobs. ~8-)

By boygenius (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

I have tried desperately to keep these things alive the three times I have had them. I took the "don't overwater" mantra to heart and they still died - ostensibly of underwatering, faster than any of my regular plants. Perhaps they need more constant but minimal waterings than regular plants need watering?

I have to give up on these beautiful things, and I love exotic plants. Perhaps someone knows the right trick.

By Ritchie Annand (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

Aw! They look like they want a kiss.

Lithops are easy to grow as long as you are very sparing with the water. In spring they produce new leaves, and they should not be watered until the old leaves have completely shrivelled. If the tips of the leaves bulge upwards then they are bloated and should not be watered till the tops are flat. Once a year is adequate!

Yeah, they're very seasonal. Here in California that means a teaspoon of water at a time after they've absorbed their old leaves in the late spring, never wetting the soil completely. They subsist mostly on water from fog, in the wild.

By Butch Pansy (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

Well at least it doesn't look like a clit this time.

They look like they're about to burst out into a little a cappella singing to me. I imagine they're going to sing "Because."


By https://me.yah… (not verified) on 10 Mar 2010 #permalink

Growing some from seed for the first time--one baby lithops so far. Very cool--but harder to keep healthy than most succulents.

Loves me some lithops. I think of them everytime I see my doggie's paws.

I first saw them in a little indoor living space for a tree crab. My friend said he wanted a low-maintenance pet, and the lithops fit right in. If you don't ignore them, they turn goopy and die.

The species in the photo is Lithops aucampiae. The plants are immature, probably about 2-3 years old from seed (they have adult coloration, but in all but the one at upper left the leaves are partially fused across the "face," a juvenile characteristic).

@42 Don't do that! Now my brain hurts!

At least they accept the asteroid impact at the kt boundary, even if they get the date wrong by about 65 million years and think that humans were alive when it happened. ha.

For those of us lucky enough to have attended (and for those who will later view video of Richard's 2010-03-14 talk), I think he might understood better why "divine knob twiddler" was so funny if he knew that, to Australians, "knob" conjures up images very similar to the photograph in this article.

So, with that imagery, to imagine the "divine knob twiddler" hits a rather more earthy tone than the "tuner" he switched to for the rest of the talk :-)

By bignose.whitet… (not verified) on 15 Mar 2010 #permalink