Are you ready for civilization to end? I guess the television show South Park is going to show a cartoon rendition of Mohammed tonight. I think the show has been steadily declining in quality, but I'll tune it in one more time just to support the public desecration of the sacred.
Have they ever done a show where they lampoon juvenile libertarianism? I'd also tune in for that, but that probably hits a little too close to home for the creators.
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I think an effective campaign would be to encourage as many people as possible to do their favorite mohammed illustration. I did one a few years ago, in which I combined Cartman with the "bomb head" mohammed, posted it on deviantart, and had it taken down for copyright violation. Well, that part was true I guess.
I did a googly-eyed jesus, too, and madonna with a huge baby maggot, and a 6-armed tastefully blue topless hottie with ducttape, just to make sure enough people are offended.
May the last copyright lawyer be hanged with the intestines of the last cop, Cartman is here:
my gibs goddess is here:
and googly-eyed jesus:
CNN reported that they were receiving death threats last night and even interviewed a guy who said that Allah commands them to "terrorize unbelievers."
Fucking unbelievable.
I'm not the biggest fan of South Park either, but there are times when they strike home.
Dig the Super Friends clip in the video.
P.Z., they did an episode where Cartman was Glenn Beck. Does that count?
Could be one of the most-watched South Park episodes ever with all the press this story is getting.
I never really cared for the show. Too much toilet humor and the animation was painful to watch. The answers are often too simple to work in the real world.
South Park can be uneven, but last season was golden, and this season's medical marijuana and Facebook episodes were some of their best work.
I strongly suspect Trey and Matt are going to screw with the audience and show another Philip and Terence episode.
By Muslims. It doesn't apply to anyone else. Why the fuck does no one understand this?
Where have we heard this before?
However, sometimes it's funny.
I watched 5 minutes of South Park once, when it first began. Couldn't cope with the animation — for the same reason I couldn't cope with Roger Ramjet.
OTOH, I quite like NonStamCollector's videos.
Go figure.
Here is the clip of the intense build-up to the decision by the Super Best Friends™ (minus Mohammed) to allow Mohammed to appear as long as his body is hidden:
Sorry, I thought they already had an episode where they were going to show Mohammed and then didn't. Maybe I'm on crack?
You expect rationality when it comes to religion?
This would be their style, but a waste of a potentially new audience. But they might also then just have 30 seconds of something incredibly offensive about Mo at the end.
Kyle was Jesus Economic Christ last season by deficit spending. If they're claiming they're libertarians, they mean of the Civil variety.
They do still deny global warming, however. I think it's funny, though a few episodes are painful, especially when their facts are totally off (Manbearpig is funny, global warming or not. Hate Crime Laws episode is insanely ._.)
That show is all-American - which is to say, relentlessly moderate, bigoted, and apolitical to its own detriment. I remember the eve of the 2004 election where their big message to voters was "It's OK to not vote because the personalities of the candidates are unappealing. I loved the P. Diddy parody in that episode, but the moral was fucking reprehensible.
No. But from CNN? Yes.
I believe it was Family Guy last time.
No, JonD, it was South Park. The episode mocked Family Guy, The Simpsons, and itself. They have a scene where they're going to show Muhammed, but it's replaced by a black screen with text.
"This shot is supposed to be Muhammed handing Jesus a fish helmet. Comedy Central has opted to censor any broadcast of muhammed in its broadcast."
Er, "Handing Peter (From FG) a fish helmet".
Oh, that's right, it was a South Park episode ABOUT Family Guy. How meta.
Finally, a topic here where I don't feel like I belong on the short bus! =) (j/k)
2001 Help From Moses
Season 5
Super Best Friends
The Super Best Friends use Moses to analyze data about Blainetology. Moses tells them the Blainetologists are heading to Washington, D.C.
This is where they ACTUALLY showed Muhammad
The Cartoon Wars 2 parter that was making fun of Family Guy for not showing Muhammad was supposed to show it but they - meaning not the makers - censored it.
The first parts to this episode thats going to show Muhammad show him as a black rectangle with the word censored.
Of course all of this can be verified and full episodes watched at
That's the best comment on the show I've heard in years. The early seasons were excellent, back when they had characters rather than caricatured personalities and plots rather than the Message of the Week. It's changed pretty dramatically; it's really just not the same show anymore. And that's fine - Matt and Trey can do whatever they want, and they love their soap box and shock - but I liked the first South Park a lot better.
Whoops link broke =(
and by They I meant Comedy Central, Idk why I didn't just say that....
*faceplam* maybe I do belong on the short bus =(
I thought they were dead meat when Saddam was Satan's jilted gay lover. El Supremo Secular Bad Guy has nothing on Islam when it comes to the ability to terminate your public exposure.
CNN headline reads, "Has South Park gone too far?" Really? Last season they had a scene where George Lucas and Steven Spielberg brutally raped Indiana Jones. But this is too far?
While I may disagree with everything that Parker/Stone say (their particular views on religion and atheism, namely - but to be fair, they ARE making a huge mockery out of the religions, namely by portraying Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad without their associated acts of bronze-age evil), but they hit home most of the time.
Even the Go God Go episodes were quite good (albeit for Professor Dawkins to have sex with a badly-done Trans-sexual would require about the same amount of brain damage Dr. Myers claims would take for him to accept religion), in that they stipulate the "-isms" are what are truly bad. I disagree with the wording (dogma is the route of all evil, as religions, other cults, and borderline religions like Soviet Communism, etc use dogma).
Parker and Stone do an amazing job with that show. And it's so much better nowadays than it was in the first few seasons, not just in terms of animation, but acting and plot-writing.
I never really got the feel that either of them were Global Warming Deniers - skeptics, maybe. And the big episodes that tackle those topics either (correctly) point out that there are those in the environmental movement that take their cause like a religion (like the Terrence & Philip Behind the Blow episode), make more ad hominem attacks against Gore (Man-Bear-Pig, etc), or were before global warming became the public issue it is now (again, much like Behind the Blow). The episode parodying The Day After Tomorrow was also good, but didn't really give any indicators about GW being true or not, just that some people are stupid about what they hear.
I still prefer Family Guy, though. Seth MacFarlane is a huge nerd and a total freethinker.
They actually showed Mohammed "the Muslim prophet with the powers of flame" several times before without drawing any notice in "Super Best Friends" (link to watch the episode online) and in many opening scenes thereafter where most of the characters are briefly depicted. From Wiki:
How the offended Muslims missed that, I have no idea.
The answers are often too simple to work in the real world.
If you are watching South Park for answers, then you are doin' it wrong. It is satire, parody and farce. It is meant to be funny with only the most tenuous connection to reality. I can understand if you don't like the humor (I don't much like it either) but to criticize it for unworkable answers is just weird.
Ya, what JustALurker #21 said (oops, I did not refresh). Mohammed makes his appearance around 12:18 on the "Super Best Friends" episode.
I thought the movie was amazing, mainly because it was a musical (everything is super when you're GAY!) but I don't watch the TV show. I don't have cable and it's still hard enough to keep up with the Daily Show online.
But, IIRC I've seen an interview where they said they had already showed it a long time ago, before the Danish cartoon debacle, but nobody had noticed.
South Park is truly awful. They make fun of the most obvious things in the most obvious manner, all while hiding behind a thick sheet of irony and "bad-on-purpose", never taking any risks in being truly creative and original. Pure cowardice.
Pixelfish @ #11:
Yeah, I'm with you. It was episode 200, and it aired last week. I'm sure it's probably re-aired a hundred times since then. I think tonight is the 201st episode, which may or may not be a continuation of last week's.
SteveM at the end of every episode I saw Stan (or someone) tried to give the moral of the story usually along the lines of, "if we all just blah blah blah". I even heard of something called "South Park Republicans". I didn't go looking for answers in SP, but they presented them and other people accepted them.
I hope my post (#224) in the Mormon section might have spawned this.
As for the comments on too much toilet humour, they don't really start getting into episodes with a message til around season 4 and even then it was sparse.
I have been a bit obsessed with the show since I was in 5th grade. I didn't have comedy central in Tahlequah, OK so a friend of my mother would record the episodes on VHS and mail it to me once he filled one up. Even now as a student at Cornell University I bring them up every once in awhile in discussion sections etc.
Here's a quick break down of episodes pertaining to religion/pertinent ideas related to this blog.
(To save time I only posted links on the first few. All episodes are available on their website and you can pick and choose once the player is up.)
Season 4 -
Episode 409 & 410 named Do the Handicapped Go to Hell? & Probably for their first stabs at religion.
Season 5 -
Episode 504 Super Best Friends. This was the original uncensored Muhammad they refer to in this most recent episode.
Episode 507 Proper Condom Use for horribly taught sex ed - forewarning this one gets a bit extreme haha.
Season 6 -
Episode 605 "Fun with Veal" making fun of vegetarians
Episode 608 "Red Hot Catholic Love" Just be glad your are not a Galgamek catholic priest! This was pre-Benedick though.
Episode 612 "A Ladder to Heaven" Another religion stab
Episode 615 "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" for all those who hate the I can talk to the dead people and Rob Schneider movies haha
Season 7 -
Episode 701 "I'm a Little Bit Country" Their 100th episode. I have actually brought this up in International Relations type courses. A pretty good conclusion actually.
Episode 704 "Cancelled" For any of you astrobiologists out there. A variant of the "outer space zoo" theory.
Episode 709 "Christians Rock Hard" I love Cartman in this episode. Way to exploit those christians! haha
Episode 710 "Grey Dawn" Old people driving causes mass extinctions
Episode 712 "All About the Mormons" The famous explanation of the story behind Mormonism
Season 8 -
Episode 804 "The Passion of the Jew" What Mel Gibson's Passion was actually like.
Episode 806 "Goobacks" Illegal immigration meets terminator. Birth of "they took ma job!"
Episode 811 "Quest for Ratings" Pretty much Fox News exists because of cold medicine abuse.
Season 9 -
Episode 904 "Best Friends Forever" Jab at Terry Schaivo, PSP's can defeat Satan, and angels sniff markers.
Episode 909 "Marjorine" No big message, just one of my favorite episodes. It pretty much captures what you thought you saw in your imagination as a kid.
Episode 912 "Trapped in the Closet" The famous Scientology episode and why Isaac Hayes left South Park. Big recommendation.
Episode 914 "Bloody Mary" Alcohol addiction and blood blasted out of the ass of a statue of Mary on the Pope.
Season 10 -
Episodes 1003 & 1004 "Cartoon Wars" The "lets bring back Muhammad" episodes
Episode 1006 "ManBearPig" some friendly jabs at Al Gore
Episodes 1012 & 1013 "Go God Go" Making fun of Atheists. I'm a little back and forth on this one but still a blast to watch. I said this earlier, I still wander what Dawkins thought of the Mr./Mrs. Garrison sex scene.
Season 11 -
Episode 1101 "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson" Racism debate
Episode 1105 "Fantastic Easter Special" One of my favorite episodes. Jesus slices Bill Donahue in half and the Vatican has ninjas.
Episodes 1110, 1111, & 1112 "Imagination Land" Probably one of the most epic 3 part episodes ever created in TV history. Jesus is imaginary, terrorists suck, and my favorite quote from Butter's "Uh, are you going to rape us?"
Season 12 -
Episode 1201 "Tonsil Trouble" Cartman gets AIDS and infects Kyle with it after he makes fun of him. They find the cure with Magic Johnson.
Episodes 1210 & 1211 "Pandemic - The Startling" No big political message but a hell of a ride.
Episode 1212 "About Last Night..." A bit cheesey but don't we all wish this was the real Sarah Palin? Damn I can't stand that woman.
Season 13 - (This is probably my favorite season)
Episode 1301 "The Ring" The Jonahs brothers, abstinence, and evil Mickey Mouse
Episode 1303 "Margaritaville" Another one of my favorites, about the recession
Episode 1306 "Pinewood Derby" For Space Nerds
Episode 1307 "Fatbeard" Becomes a Somalian pirate with Cartman, a great episode
Episode 1311 "Whale Whores" The origine of Japanese hatred of whales and dolphins
Episode 1312 "The F Word" Officialy redefining the word Fag. I highly suggest this one.
Episode 1313 "Dances with Smurfs" Amazing stab at Glenn Beck. Another excellent episode.
Season 14 -
Episode 1401 "Sexual Healing" Tiger Woods scandal and a remake of EA's Tiger Woods PGA Golf
Episode 1403 "Medical Fried Chicken" I am actually not a big fan of weed, more of an alcoholic myself, but none the less an awesome episode. Plus a response to the kids who re-made Scarface a few weeks ago.
And finally Episode 1405 & 1406 "200 & 201" This would be the episodes talked about on this posting.
Hopefully this little guide helped. I don't have cable so I am unfortunately waiting for the episode to post online to watch it as it just now turned 10PM. Anyone who wants to argue about toliet humour, watch a few of these episodes and trust me you will appreciate the show. You got to give them credit for creating a series that can literally say whatever they want and make it "decent." I don't know of any other show that can write an episode and air it the same week a scandal breaks out, or even go to the extremes of a character becoming Hitler multiple times & killing a kid's parents & forcing him to eat them in chili and your only response is "oh you silly Cartman!" In my view they really are a bastion of free speech in the United States and have brought numerous controversial subjects to the main stream masses forcing people to actually think for themselves and actively debate such matters. In light of this, I say here's to another 200 more episodes!
(I suppose I can stop procrastinating now and go back to reading Polybius and Tacitus for my Ancient Historiography course haha...)
End of civilization? So that's what has happened over the last several days. Explains a lot.
SteveM: erm, the episodes often have some sort of moral.
Sometimes South Park is a hit, sometimes a miss. I'd agree with PZ that they do subscribe to some sort of juvenile libertarianism.
South Park is at its best when they are very topical, I think they're able to do their computer animation at a very fast rate. These episodes don't really qualify. 200 was actually incredibly meta, but maybe they're allowed on what I guess is their 200th episode. But I'll watch 201 tomorrow anyways.
This episode has already aired, a couple of days ago. It's quite wonderful: Mohammed is decided upon as the only "person" able to save the town from something or other. Because of certain issues, he won't appear in person, so the kids negotiate that he will appear only while dressed in a (bear) mascot's outfit.
The result is, of course, much hilarity as a gigantic bear suit waddles around, while the audience understands that its occupant is the figurehead of one of the world's most insular and violent religions.
I was surprised that the writers/network went this far. And then I was thankful, grateful, absofuckinglutely applausive that they did.
Thank you all for your bravery, because - while sniping at Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, etc is risk-free, having a go at Islam is genuinely dangerous - we need people like you to prick these people's balloons.
Jesus just punched kids. Fan-freaking-tastic.
while sniping at Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, etc is risk-free
tell it to George Tiller, asswipe.
or did you need a big list of all the people, just in the US alone, that have been murdered because they took stands counter to evangelical xianity?
or shall we look worldwide, and see how many were murdered in India by xians, say, in the last 10 years?
my my, what a small world your mind lives in.
Oh yeah, sniping at islam is real dangerous, which is why every flipping right winger manages to do it all the time, even with their real names up...
I must be juvenile at heart. I like South Park, and the final big long beeps just cracked me up.
Hey Cody Lawson, I would add all their Christmas specials to your list*, otherwise it is a damn good one.
*Mr. Hankey The Chrismas Poo, Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!, Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics (my favorite, including a scene where Jesus and Santa sing songs about themselves), A Very Crappy Christmas, Red Sleigh Down, It's Christmas in Canada, and Woodland Critter Christmas.
Slanted...wake the fuck up...episode #201, hoser.
It was complete bullshit. No iconography of Mohammed at all. I watched the whole wretched thing.
Dang, I meant "Bleeps."
I see our homophilic troll is back. Evidently he has nothing better to do than to troll us. Can't understand why he is a loser for doing so...
Seriously, that was awful! What a bunch of fucking cowards. No Mohammed at all.
@DanielR #46
I thought it was a pretty bad episode, but in fairness to Trey and Matt I doubt that the decision whether to show a depiction of Mohamed was actually theirs to make. Comedy Central/Viacom is who you should directing your anger at.
Um, just fyi:
Comedy Central censors the iconography. Not the animators.
Oh yeah, sniping at islam is real dangerous
strangely enough, what the blindered like Slicked-Slime seem to always live in denial about, is that this place snipes at ALL religion as equal-opportunity irrational nonsense.
they seem to actually mentally block all the threads and comments critical of religions other than their own.
false persecution complex ahoy!
hell, they without fail even forget that "crackergate" also included a Qu'ran and a copy of "God Delusion".
funny, that.
Yes, that is who I was referring to. Sorry, should have been more clear.
I have created a Facebook support group if anyone is interested:
Support Trey Parker and Matt Stone on free speech!!/group.php?gid=120135601331694
To clear up some facts : Episode 200 already aired they "showed" him in a bear costume and in a uhaul but 201 which they are showing tonight will actually show Muhammad. Episode 201 is a continuation of 200.
@ aratina cage
Thanks! Yea what started as a "hey I just mentioned South Park in the mormon's thread" post somehow turned into the "South Parks with a message" post haha. I will admit I left out a lot of really good South Parks, but for the sake of already spending an hour compiling the list while keeping it short enough for other ADD people like myself to read I stopped. I love Red Sleigh Down, "no one electricutes Santa's balls!" Woodland Critter Christmas is also in a league of its own. I mean who can forget "YAAAAAYY!!! BLOOD ORGY!!!" hahahaha.
If you want to add a slight boost to South Park's appeal I always like reminding myself that these adventures are all being experienced through the mind's of 4th graders. I often forget who the characters actually are as they have become so complex over the years. I mean these definitely aren't the average exploits of 9-10 year olds!
I am currently refreshing the torrentz page waiting for the episode to come online. It usually takes awhile for them to get it on South Park's site. The downfall of living in a studio, digital cable becomes quite expensive without splitting the burden!!!
No, they don't show Mohammed in #201. Just watched it, they failed.
I was unimpressed.
Ichthyic @51, Nerd insinuates SS doth protest too much via allegations of homophobia, indicating denial.
To be fair, it may really just be a genuine homophobe.
I kinda feel like you don't write these episodes if they're going to be that bad, though. That's on Trey and Matt. There's also a cynical side of me that wonders if the Santa in the bear suit bit was a way of not getting killed since they didn't show Mohamed in a bear suit after all.
In any event, I'm severely disappointed that what could have been a incredible episode was actually a bunch of crap.
John#56, correct on both counts.
Nerd insinuates SS doth protest too much via allegations of homophobia, indicating denial.
back to the killfile with it.
Oh man, I just watched the whole thing and they didn't show him.
SteveM @28,
That may be how a rational person views it, but I have several times, in complete seriousness, had the Mrs. Garrison storyline cited as the "final word" on transsexuals and why we're just deluded, mutilated freaks. There are far too many people who take the show's "morals" seriously as long as it tells them what they want to hear.
There are far too many people who take the show's "morals" seriously as long as it tells them what they want to hear.
yeah, but that's the key point eh?
they're just filtering everything except what they want to hear anyway, so if it wasn't SP, it would be Rush, or Beck, or who/what ever.
"To be fair, it may really just be a genuine homophobe."
I think he just has a very small penis.
Yawn, this troll appears to have his/her own trolling followers.
1) Just because people haven't read every single PZM post, nor every single tiresome comment upon them, does not mean they can't contribute to the site. You're bullies, really.
2) Why are you dismissive of the bravery displayed by the cartoon creators, and the network controllers, in doing this? They have, sadly, put their lives at risk.
I would like to add that George Tiller - brought up against me by someone - was a guy who murdered children. 20 years ago, his subjects would not have been able to sustain themselves ex utero, and were thus seen as dispensable. But rapid advances in post-natal care have meant that earlier and earlier term embryos have become viable. And, IMO, a viable embryo is as good as a newborn. In all honesty, would you vote for allowing the decapitation of zero day-old babies?
"Could be one of the most-watched South Park episodes ever with all the press this story is getting."
Which is why I'm calling 'bullshit' on this threat story. I checked whois for the website posted in the CNN story and found it was registered to a cheapy hosting service in the United States. Somehow I think the 'Grand Islamic Jihad To Make Ur Momma Wear A Burka' isn't going to rely on a ten buck a month website to tell beard boy he needs to get a screamin'. Just sayin'
"You're bullies, really."
Yep. Micropenis.
No, you stupid, wicked, immoral, ethically blind fuck. George Tiller was murdered.
I'd come awfully close to voting for that when it comes to people like you. I couldn't actually do it, though, because I recognize the difference between fetuses and "day old babies," and living, breathing, allegegly-sentient persons like you, who have an interest in continuing to live, a capacity to fear their own death, and a group of family and friends who would be affected by your death (are you taking notes?).
But you do tempt me.
<Mr. Slave>Oh, Jesus.</Mr. Slave> Slanted Science, you don't know the first thing about what bullying is, and what a piece of shit you are to say that about George Tiller and then equivocate abortion with murder. You fucking idiot.
Jesus Christ. . .Jesus Christ!
When you become multi-millionaires on the strength of your hastily-made Christmas animation, the just-world phenomenon becomes impossible to resist. That's why they're libertarian assholes.
Ichthyic @62,
That may be true, but I'd still like to blame Matt & Trey for giving the assholes ammunition. ;)
Guys, we just had this discussion. Small/No Penis is not why bad things happen!
congratulations on addressing something not said, really. Just congrats.
Because they're not really at risk. Do you not listen to the right wing say horrible things about islam all the freaking time?
Why? last time I checked they weren't performing any legal medical procedures.... Oh you mean from the other guys that believe in a slightly different version of the same shit you do.
Right got it.
PZ, #74 (Yahoomess #321cc) looks like spam.
#67, GayyJosh said: "No, you stupid, wicked, immoral, ethically blind fuck. George Tiller was murdered."
Yes, he was.
Now, would you like to tell me at which point between the zygote and the man it changes from abortion to murder?
We have a live one here!
@#75: of course they have put their live at risk. They have committed the terrible sin of drawing Mohammed as a guy clothed in a bear costume.
I don't, FYI, believe in any of the shit you refer t.
If you can't see the stark difference between ending the life of:
1. a living man, with decades of sentient experience , a professional and familial community who cares about him, and the capacity to fear his own death
2. An unborn zygote or fetus, with no experience of these relationships or connections, and no standing in the world as a "person" in any meaningful sense (mainly owing to lack of capacity for sentience and self-awareness)
. .then I cannot help you.
Doug Little:
No we don't. Just a boring, same old, same old troll who has been around the last little while. Not even chew toy material.
And SS:
My name ain't GayyJosh, it's Josh. SpokesGay if you're nasty.
The idiocy of SS is only heightened by xyr arguing about abortion being murder on a fucking South Park thread.
As aratina says, the troll is derailing the thread.
South Park. Mohammed (poo-bah).
Josh, OSG:
If you're going to give BiasedAssclown any attention at all, you must be Locutus. Please?
aratina cage:
A wealth of idiocy seems to be all it has going for it. Tsk.
And what shit is that?
On South Park, I don't watch it, can't stand the animation.
Hmm so the spam aside... Anyone like me who was wanting to watch the episode but does not have cable, the "other" more controversial way of obtaining tv shows now has it posted. Just FYI.
We are Locutus of Gay. Your cultural ignorance will be corrected. As punishment for your failure to recognize the (admittedly cheap) reference to an 80s pop song, we sentence you thus.
#80, GayJosh: I'm genuinely curious as to when, exactly, you think it stops being acceptable to kill someone. How is decapitating a week-old baby different - in your view - from aborting an x-week old embryo?
Genuinely curious, because I am myself confused. I'm all for the morning after pill, but dead against abortions after a certain point. I really don't know what the distinction is within my mind, but I know it's there.
So, I repeat: at what point between the zygote and the man do you think it switches from abortion to murder?
Troll trolls.
Troll too stupid to see #80.
Even if troll see it, troll too stupid to get it.
Keep trolling, troll, for boring PZ is the only way we'll get rid of your oblivious idiocy.
[On topic]
South Park, (which I don't watch (cf. #9)) claimed to be dissing Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh, but from all accounts failed to do so.
All talk, no walk. Bah.
If you're genuinely confused about this, and you need to start grappling with the ethical issues, my best advice is to read some Peter Singer. Yes, he's enormously controversial, but don't pay attention to the screaming about him. Read what he has to say, then reflect on it.
He's not easy going, but he's helpful.
Oh and to bring the hijackers closer into the conversation lets name a few South Park fetus episodes :)
We have 205 Conjoined Fetus Lady, 702 Krazzy Kripples - where Superman sucks the stem cells right out of the fetuses necks to regain his strength, & 1310 W.T.F. where Cartman's wrestling character is addicted to getting abortions.
Personally I think cracking open a hot and fresh fetus is the only way to get me moving in the morning. Coffee just isn't the same after you've had your stem juice!
I have a better question: is BiasedAssclown so stupid that he thinks abortion is on topic in a thread about South Park and Mohammed?
Never mind, silly question.
Caine, Fleur du mal,
South Park sometimes works for me, probably around a 30/70 split of worthwhile to "meh" episodes. You probably know that it's best known for killing one of the main characters, Kenny, in every episode of the early seasons with a random act of gratuitous violence. But now we have SS trolling on a thread about this show with, "*gasp* Won't you think of the children?!?" Oh, and Trey and Matt are "brave" according to SS for showing Mohammed, yet depicting the decapitation of Kenny (a child) is standard fare.
Oy. . Caine, have I failed to detect a Known Troll™? Who is BiasedAssClown?
Josh, OSG, the SlantyTroll first made his appearance on the Thread (can't be stuffed to link there).
cf. my links @56 for later examples.
[Sorta-On Topic]
I like to refer to Muhammed as poo-bah, because of the habit of Muslim-advocate anglic writers to append PBUH (praise be unto him) after each mention.
Which is a load of poo.
Josh, BiasedAssclown is my name for SS. He showed up in the endless thread, a couple of incarnations back, said that there were no real scientists here, because they weren't doing science in the threads, and that real scientists didn't teach. Then we were all overweight, 35 year old virgins for some reason. (All this when visits to his oh-so-science-based blog revealed many odd posts about various animal tongues and no comments.) He's been persistently plaguing threads ever since.
Chew all you like, but there's no nutrition or claw-sharpening values. SS suffers from a serious failure to engage. Ah, here it is, SS showed up here to school us.
Muhammad vs "South Park". The winner: "South Park"
aratina cage:
Oh, that's what it's on about? How boring.
It'd be hilarious if Stone and Parker cared about illegal downloads given their episode on it (Oh no! Britney Spears now has to get a 72 inch flatscreen, not a 78 inch! And her private jet is slightly worse!)
Anyway, I'll grant I didn't find it funny... right up til the Ginger King showed up. Then I was laughing again. But I'm already a fan, standards are lower I suppose.
Okay, you're all out of meaningful answers. That's fine, but please go to sleep tonight with the following questions in your mind:
1) Do you eat beef?
2) Could you kill a cow?
3) Do you condone abortion?
4) Could you cut a newborn baby's head off with a scalpel?
5) Does a zygote have the same rights as a newborn baby?
6) If not, why not?
7) At what point, between being a zygote and being s newborn baby, do the thing's rights change?
8) Why?
I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight, and I look forward to your thoughtful replies.
Ah, a sudden burst of regulars in a thread.
Troll-sign if ever I saw it. And indeed, it is our latest heroic defier of the Pharygulite hordes, the heroic SlantedScience.
Tired of the company of the two commenters in his own blog, he comes to bait the regulars here - alas it seems he suffers delusions of adequacy.
Yes, then we diverged into a discussion about virginity.
Can I just godwin this by noting what SS stand for? :P
On Topic:
I wasn't ever a big fan of South Park.
Yes, it is strangely worried about children being decapitated. I just figure that SS is a scheming troll at this point (well, OK, I thought that from the beginning when it tried stereotyping us all on Teh Thread).
Have you never been a farm idiot?
No, and I know where you're getting at and its a pretty stupid reasoning.
It's not a full human yet. Idiot.
John Morales answered you already, idiot.
At that point, it's no longer physically attachted the mother.
Like hell you do. Best that you don't come back, SS*.
* :) @ Pikachu
aratina cage, yes, I thought scheming troll too. It's just a pity the attempts are so pathetic. I think SS should go away and spend some time being very worried about having such poor trolling skills.
Since when is depicting Santa Claus in a bear costume offensive?
I discuss the crazy response to the first part of this two-part episode in an article that can be found here:…
Gyeong, the whole "do you eat beef" question is hilarious, because if you go to its blog, there's a photo of an ox tongue (no longer attached to the animal) along with a post about it. Apparently, SS's qualms don't apply to animals at all, but our attitudes towards eating animals does count. What an idiot.
Funny how an asshole demands thoughtful answers to it's thoughtless questions.
I wasn't sure what SS was trying to get at with that question. Perhaps he trying to say that we support abortion but wouldn't have the guts to do it ourselves, just as we eat meat but wouldn't kill the source ourselves.* Well, he's right. I wouldn't get an abortion, because I have a dick and no womb. lol. But if I were straight* and got a girl pregnant, my opinion is irrelevant to her choice, which includes the choice to abort, keep the child, or give it up for adoption.
Anyways to repair the rails here;
I don't think the creators are brave here. Ideally, we should all enjoy the rights to do this without violent consequences. Social consequences are understandable though.
*So, I've assume that SS has never spoken to farmers.
*Not that being heterosexual is a requirement to getting someone pregnant.
Scatological scripts are a high point from where the quality declined?
@#1 CNN is receiving death threats? Someone wants to kill CNN?? good.
1) Fuck off, pissant.
2) Fuck off, pissant.
3) Fuck off, pissant.
4) Fuck off, pissant.
5) Fuck off, pissant.
6) Fuck off, pissant.
7) Fuck off, pissant.
8) Fuck off, pissant.
Don't come back, clown shoe.
Interesting to see how well terrorism works on people like "slanted science" He is
a) terrified for the lives of people who dare to publish pictures of Mohammed
b) quick to rationalize the murder of a man who performed legal operations, based on the false equivalence between a fetus and a living human being.
Must be weird living in so much fear. That combined with the insane claim that a Muslim need not fear reprisal if he criticizes Christianity. It's as if the guy never heard of "preventive detention" or whatever legal limbo is being used to hold "terror suspects" these days.
And that doesn't address the hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan who have been killed in the good old-fashion conventional way: aerial bombardment.
Sorry, but some people are just unbearably chickenshit.
Weak... Too much bleeps.
This is a job for Bad Translator!
1) Do you eat beef?
2) Could you kill a cow?
3) Do you condone abortion?
4) Could you cut a newborn baby's head off with a scalpel?
5) Does a zygote have the same rights as a newborn baby?
6) If not, why not?
7) At what point, between being a zygote and being s newborn baby, do the thing's rights change?
8) Why?
1) Do you eat beef)? 2 can kill a cow)? 3 Simple abortion? 4) establishment of a newborn with a scalpel? 5) There is no fertilized egg has the same rights, children)? 6 If not, why not)? 7 eggs, has not changed, baby? 8) Why?
1) to eat animal flesh), 2 it can kill cow?) 3 easy abortion, and 4) that the child be cut in a knife? 5) The fertilized egg the same rights as children?) 6, if not, why not?) 7 eggs, has not changed is my love? 8) Why?
1)) 2) 3 easily be pregnant? And 4) cattle and meat knife and cut my son? 5)) 6 children) rights, as 7 in an accident? Nine eggs do not change my love? 08) Why?
Yes, that's where I figured it was headed too. It's terribly silly though. I have killed an animal I planned to eat. I don't hunt down everything I eat though, far from it.
I agree.
Yes! It actually makes more sense that way.
I haven't seen the episode yet, on my way to.
I admit they are hit and miss a lot of times, but hte Facebook and Banned books episode in this season would be enough to make me a lifelong fan if I knew nothing else about them.
PS: SlantedScience, here is the only response you can hope to deserve:
Your Mother Was a Hamster and Your Father Smelt of Elderberries!
According to some Muslim traditions, not being Muslim is not allowed.
Really? I pretty much gave up on them after this (screen shot of CNN's homepage the night before the 2004 US presidential election... note the banner ad).
Every episode does that, but it is not clear the creators know this.
Figured I chime in one last time to give my two cents on the South Park episode. I actually thought it was really good. Granted that would have been awesome if they showed Muhammad again but hell they have already done it and alliterated to the episode in episode 200. I think the terrorist thing got blown out of proportion honestly.
The best part was all of the "easter eggs" hidden throughout the 2 part episode. For anyone who is obsessed with the show they def will have fun seeing all of the little snippets of old people at the Country Kitchen Buffet, Sizzler, Casa Bonita, Mecha-Streisand 10 (or MS-2010 if you caught her leg!). They brought back Pip and Mafesto, and to make Scott Tenorman his half-brother freaking genious! Even better was the ending comment of Cartman being pissed off about carrying the Ginger gene instead of killing his father hahaha. Oh and on the long censored ending thoughts they have done that before, again another throw back to past episodes. Just be glad they didn't Terrance and Phillip us again like the last time they discussed Cartman's dad.
All in all, I say good showing. And to the Trolls/Hijackers on the board, we can always just ground them up into chili :)
@122 how?
Death Threat For South Park Creators Over Muhammad Satire
< href="">…
The REVOLUTION MUSLIM website posted veiled death threats. Death threats aren't criminal if they are veiled? With the exception of Al Capone rant in the Untouchable (see below) aren't all death threats veiled? I mean, it's simply ridiculous to have "incitement to violence" laws and "conspiracy to murder" laws if they cease to be crimes simply by phrasing the death threat in a veiled manner.
Capone: I want you to find this nancy-boy Eliot Ness, I want him dead! I want his family dead! I want his house burned to the ground! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna piss on his ashes.
1) Do you eat beef?
I prefer babies.
2) Could you kill a cow?
Roasting babies alive is easier and more fun.
3) Do you condone abortion?
Reduces the supply of fresh meat.
4) Could you cut a newborn baby's head off with a scalpel?
After the baby has been properly cooked, the head falls off, as do the arms and legs.
5) Does a zygote have the same rights as a newborn baby?
Not as tasty.
6) If not, why not?
Less meat.
7) At what point, between being a zygote and being s newborn baby, do the thing's rights change?
Babies are more tender and juicy.
8) Why?
Everybody needs to eat.
Eh. The Fantastic Easter Special is one of the best south park religious episodes. Especially when Jesus kills Bill Donahue.
Guys, seriously. I watch the show, I hate Libertarians. Keynesian Spending is what causes Kyle to be portrayed as Jesus Economic Christ. It stopped being libertarian, unless there's some REALLY WEIRD strain of libertarians that make no sense.
On the frontpage of my newspaper today;
Kurt Westergaard stops making cartoons.
by Paul van Gageldonk
The Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard wants to stop making cartoons. "I've become a too great risk for too many people." He says in an exclusive interview with this newspaper.
Westergaard has been a target for islamic terrorists for four years, who want to 'punish' him for his Mohammed-cartoon: a drawing in which Westergaard described the prophet with a lit bomb in his turban. The publication of the cartoon led to great protests in the islamic world.
Westergaard got security. That security became tighter after a attack on him on newyearsday. The employees of Jyllands-Posten, the paper which published the cartoon, are permanently guarded.…
Rutee, Shrieking Harpy of Dooooom | April 22, 2010 2:48 AM:
There are lots of REALLY WEIRD strains of libertarianism that make no sense. In fact, the strains of libertarianism which are remarkable, are remarkable precisely because they are among the few that do make sense.
@129- Oh, that's terrible! Fortunately, the rest of us artistic types can pick up the slack... I'll have to make a comic of camels dookying in Mohammad's bitch mouth to make up for it. Poor ol' Westy!
@126- That arms and legs part kills me! You gots a million of 'em! (More in areas with abstinence-only sex ed...)
I love Libertarian economics - if you remove all rules and regulations an anarco-capitalist utopia will be the result. The best thing about Libertarian economics (aka, Chicago School) is that your have the same answer for every problem. If you have inflation; lower takes and deregulate. If the banks collapse; lower taxes and deregulate. And you don't have to bother with all those studies... how did the Netherlands handle a similar problem in the 1920s and what was the result... how did the Japanese government respond to such-and-such a situation in the 1980s and what was the result? No, that doesn't matter. We don't need case studies and economic models... no! If you reduce taxes and deregulate (preferably eliminate all takes and eliminate all regulation) a Libertarian utopia will arise.
You know, like Somalia... that wonderful and pristime Libertarian utopia. Where men are real men, and pirates are real pirates.
By the way, the bulk of the Teabagger Party people appear to be Libertarians, ersatz Libertarians, and confused Libertarians. I wish every time a Republican senator/congressman was interviewed the first question asked would be, "Do you consider yourself a Libertarian."
I still haven't seen it yet, because I don't have a TV and there's an interesting message up on the website:
Ooo, touche. But that does still leave me saying "Okay, but are there strains that say the exact opposite of what they believe?
Ooo, darn, all those republican voting libertarians who by extension hate civil liberties...
In seriousness, I am pretty sure "Keynesian is the way to go" is as un-libertarian as it gets. Am I missing a memo, or are folks just reacting to old data? If so, update it!
Holy shit, the audio bleeps were Comedy Central too? I seriously thought the audio (but not the censor bars over Santa) were part of the joke. No fucking way.
Spreadsheet of the same paper;
"I am not more afraid. Just more angry."
On the first night of the new year a 28 year old male entered the home of Kurt Westergaard. While two bodyguards in the next room with the door open listen in, the cartoonist talks about that night, the Mohammed-project, Wilders and his decission to stop making cartoons.
That night i sat on the couch in the living room, together with my five year old granddaughter Stefanie. Stefanie stayed with us. We pampered her, because she had broken her leg during a skiing trip in Sweden.
I went to the bathroom and when i returned, i heard a lot of noise. Somebody was busy violently smashing the window that separates the room from the garden. The man yelled loudly and unintelligeblely.
I stood as fixed to the ground. It took 30 seconds and the window broke. I had to decide in a second what to do. I had two options. I could stay in the room and fight the intruder. That would have ended in a carnage. I would have died before my granddaughters eyes.
The other option was what the security agency had reccommended my family. They told that the family wouldn't need to fear. These terrorists only go after the chosen victim.
I decided for the second option and withdrawed to the bathroom which also is the saferoom. The door has a thick steel plate. That man started to hack into the door with something. I rang the police from the bathroom. Then began the worst five minutes of my life.
It felt as if it took ages for the police to come. The man attacked them and was shot in the leg.
Stefanie and i were safe and sound. We didn't have a scrath. I was worried greatly about Stefanie, about how she experienced all this. To her parents she said:'That man was angry at Kurt.' Since then she hasn't spoken about it.
In our village everybody was a christian. The christianfundamentalists were the boss. My father was the grocer of the village. He was certain that he would go to paradise. This miserable life was of a passing nature. He wanted me to go to sundayschool. If i went out again on those sundays, i would look up to the blue sky filled with hope. I was afraid the devil would come to get me. God was far, far away. But Satan followed our footsteps, we were learned. A big part of my youth was ruined by that fear. Only in highschool i could partly shake it from me. I got intellectual tools, with which i could fight this terrible christian fundamentalism. That was really a liberation.
Drawing was a way to express my thoughts and feelings. On a day i got a phonecall from Jyllands-Posten. I could draw anything, except caricatures of God, Ronald Reagan and erotic material. The readers could take exception to them. That was the phase that JP was quite conservative. You could call them more liberal now.
I wanted to join the Mohammed-project. For me it wasn't about Mohammed the prophet. I wanted to talk about terrorists. The whole western world was collectively shocked. Me too. What happened on 9/11 was my motive for the Mohammed-cartoon. In which Mohammed is only a symbol. The prophet Mohammed is used aswell as misused by the terrorists, look at it as that. The cartoon doesn't say anything about the prophet himself.
Everyday i made a cartoon for the newspaper. But since novembre last year i have a invollotary holiday. The people of the paper said to me:'Kust, take a holiday of two months.' When that periode was over we had a new meeting. And another two months were offered to me. Soon i'll speak to them again. But i allready know i'll stop making cartoons. I've allways asked the people of the paper if i were a securityrisk. If i needed to quit. 'No', they always answered. But after november i feel it is. A silent way to tell me to quit. I respect that. There are too many people who, because of my cartoon, have to live in isolation.
I've not became more scared, but got more mad. I just did my job, making cartoons in the best Danish tradition. My conscience is clear. I'll have to live with guards. When i go shopping 2 or 3 guys go with me. They are here for the rest of my life. New sons. If this ever stops i might drive my Fiat punto again. I'm 75 now. At this age i live with a horizon of five years. In those five years i want to enjoy my children and grandchildren. I went back to painting.
I wasn't happy that Wilders used my cartoon for Fitna. I have a multi-etnical family. There are muslims in it.…
RE:"After we delivered the show, and before broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode."
For those who didn't see the episode; in addition to censoring the cartoon image of Mohammud (STFU), Comedy Central also beeped the word "Mohammud" (STFU) from being spoken.
I thought bleeping out the words Muslims, Muhammad and the ending message was hilarious. I would have loved it if they showed him again but that's Comedy Central. My take was that they said fuck it then we'll edit it ALL. I could be wrong, it's strictly my own opinion, but if I'm right I think that's a brilliant way to say fuck you. And the whole twist with Cartman was awesome. And Jesus punching kids? Well, religion has been using him to do it metaphorically for hundreds of years so... (LOL my lame attempt at a joke. sorry.) Of course I say all of this as a fan already, and am not ashamed of loving a juvenile, obnoxious, and offense kind of humor. =)
WOW. Ok I was completely, totally and utterly wrong. Thank you for posting that, now that it was Comedy Central censoring it THAT REALLY FUCKING SUCKS! I liked it better when it was a willing joke =(
The Danish cartoonaffair
"This was really close", said Kurt Westergaard after a failed attempt on his life on januari first this year. The 28 year old Somali who entered his home was arrested and charged with attempted murder.
Two years earlier the Danish police arrested three men who were planning to try to kill Westergaard.
The world knows Kurt Westergaard (75) since the newspaper Jyllands Posten on 30 september 2005 placed a cartoon of his hand in which the prophet Mohammed was depicted with a bomb as turban. It was one in twelve cartoons which the paper posted after a childrensbookwriter couldn't find an illustrator for a book about Mohammed.
The paper asked forty cartoonists to come forward with work about selfsensorship and freedom of expression. The cartoons were later also reprinted by other newspapers.
A wave of protests from the muslims followed. Many muslims believe that portrets of the prophet are forbidden, but that the turbanbomb was way across a line. That's why the brunt of the protests were aimed at Kurt Westergaard who became worldfamous and infamous overnight.
The same day somebody called the paper to threaten the cartoonists. Islamic organisations demanded appologies but the paper refused. An egytian paper printed sme of the cartoons without problems. But on the fourteenth of october there was a demonstration by 5000 people before the office of Jyllands Posten. In the months that followed there were more demonstrations across the globe. Islamic organisations sue the newspaper for blasphemy. The Danish government supports the paper and puts emphasis on freedom of speech, religion and mutual respect.
There follows a boycot of Danish products. A court aquits Jyllands Posten, which leads to more anger with muslims. The chief editor of the paper apologises to muslims who feel hurt. In march of 2008 Geert Wilders uses the turbanbombcartoon in his controversial film fitna.
As an ex-mormon, I think my favorite part was when Joseph Smith runs into the Hall of Super Best Friends and shouts "Jesus Christ!". I was disappointed in the censorship, but for a fan of the series, the episode was pretty good. I liked how they managed to work in almost all of the jokes/situations from the series.
The website with the veiled death threats - it's not a death threat if it's veiled - also posted their addresses followed by a video (see below) where the speaker says, "we need a hero to chop the neck off the guy who [made this cartoon]" referring to some other cartoon perceived as blasphemous
The cached website:…
The video on youtube:!
[Mike Dukakis impersonation]: Where's the Prophet?
Gaah ... stoopid memory; Walt Mondale says "where's the beef", not Dukakis.
In light of the volume of attention being given to our response to the recent South Park episode we feel compelled to issue a statement clarifying the issue to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
By placing the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in a bear suit, the creators of South Park sought to insult the sacred, and show their blatant and general disregard for religion. By insulting our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) without the outright depicting of his image, the creators of South Park thought that they had found some loophole in the Muslim faith for them to mock.
As for the Islamic ruling on the situation, then this is clear. There is no difference of opinion from those with any degree of a reputation that the punishment is death. Ibn Taymiyyah a great scholar of Islam says, “Whoever curses the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) -a Muslim or a non Muslim- then he must be killed…and this is the opinion of the general body of Islamic scholars.”
Likewise Ibn Mundhir, another classical scholar, said, “It is the consensus (ijma’) of our scholars that the one who curses the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) should be executed!”
I hope the translations of the paper posts are legible enough, as it is quite obvious that english is not my first language. I probably made a few mistakes in typing it over in english because i tried to be quick to get it to you as fast as possible.
No other newssource has picked it up so i am wondering if it is real. Why would a worldfamous cartoonist speak to a local Dutch paper? The Stentor is a collection of local merged newspapers that supplies the east of the Netherlands.
I can't watch southpark so i can't comment on it. Only some very old episodes are available to me.
On youtube there is a 'draw a stickfigure of Mohammed in support of southpark' going on.
Well, you can't really mess up a stickfigure can you?
I have a few problems with all the stuff going on.
1. Most Mohammed cartoons are just plain ugly, for example, of the JP cartoons (see… ) i only like the third on the left by Rasmus Sand whatsitsname, the line up in the middle could be funny, but i can't read the captions.
A cartoon isn't a cartoon if it isn't funny, and most aren't funny. That's deadly for a cartoon.
De Volkskrant (Dutch paper, think NY Times) has a cartoon called Sigmud (a shrink) which often features so called burka babes (see ) which are funny, but then again the cartoonist is a famed comicbookwriter.
2. tied into #1 is that a lot of 'cartoons' aren't made by artists but by racists. When i was at school someone showed me some material from CP86 a political party that is forbidden now, it was a stormfront/ white power group. The emphasis was on how muslims were drugdealing moneystealing womengrabbing lazy good for nothing criminals. It wasn't critiqueing the idiocy of religion, but hating peolpe who happened to be a bit browner then average Dutchies. Damn well too mutch of what can be found on the internet falls into this category.
3. Maybe there is also a problem in my bias window. I can laugh at the German Jesus rolls, because i can read and understand them. I know the language used, i know the culture and the religion.
I own a koran, i have muslimfriends and know a bit of islam, but maybe i'm not familiar enough with it to laugh about it? (allthough i like the Jesus & Mo cartoons ;-)
4. Personal pet peeve;
Soon there will be Dutch elections. That terrible 'party' of Geert Wilders was finally NOT in the news. We were just talking about important issues - ya know money, housing, education etc. - instead of that stupid hoofddoekjesbelasting/kopvoddentaks (litterally headscarvestax) and other stupid stupid ideas.
Now we will get that again. *sigh*
For non-Dutch natives; Geert Wilders is absolutely NOT a secular messiah. He only rants about islam and is proud of Judaism and Christianity. He supports Israel for instance and he is a one man show. The PVV is not a party, there is _nothing_ democratic about it. The funds for it are shady and a nice sum was donated by an US based religious group. (can't find the link but thought it was The Family)
Another of his dumb ideas; in the Netherlands religious school are common and funded by the government, some people have problems with the very few islamic schools that are here (me too) but instead of abolishing the whole of religious education GW wants only to close the islamic schools. Well, that is simply not doable and very discriminatory. He just is not secular.
I thought Mohammed appears in every episode of South Park now, very briefly in the opening credits.
AFAIK he's been there for years.
So I wouldn't be too down on Parker and Stone for chickening out, because they haven't.
sg @ 7;
Unfortunately, most militant Muslims think that Islamic norms apply to everyone, whether Muslim or not, and are happy to seek to enforce such rules with violence.
Apparently, there are certain forms of Islam that put forward the idea that everyone is born Muslim, and that infidels have fallen from the 'true faith'. So their logic goes that, since the non-Muslims have already betrayed Allah, they deserve everything they get. The claim that they are somehow defending Islam from external threats is, in part at least, simply recruiting rhetoric.
Its your usual formulation of crazy godbots seeking to force their weird, unevidenced beliefs on others, only this time with firearms and explosives.
"A cartoon isn't a cartoon if it isn't funny, and most aren't funny. That's deadly for a cartoon."
That is a stifling attitude, toch! Lots of cartoons are serious. Politics and religion are often grave matters with life and death consequences, so political cartoons in particular reflect sobering views. It can't all be the Smurfs and Kuifje. If you really have that mindset please read Maus, Persepolis, Eplieptic, Berlin and numerous other comics that are serious, fine literature.
So sure Wilders is a grandstanding fool, but his rise is only possible because the three major critics in the Netherlands have been eliminated by violence. Pim Fortuyn is murdered. Then Theo van Gogh, not my favourite, is murdered. And then Hirsi Ali is all but driven out of the country by the craven, PC establishment because of death threats.
The same PC forces now seem determined to make Wilders a martyr for free expression with a Kangaroo court trial. Without the asinine prosecution, the ban from the UK, the attempts to ban his stupid little film, etc. he would not have surged in the polls.
Ultimately Wilders exists because no one in the left-liberal parties ever has the courage to make a principled move against conservative religious influence on Dutch society, which is coming first and foremost from Islam.
"Apparently, there are certain forms of Islam that put forward the idea that everyone is born Muslim, and that infidels have fallen from the 'true faith'."
Yeah, they call themselves "reverts" instead of "converts". It would be laughable if were not a dangerous mindset that is reflected in attempts to use labels of 'racism' to silence criticism of Islam (i.e. treating an ideology as it is an in-born characteristic) in the West by Muslims and their apologists alike.
i reckon its time for a t-shirt with a stick figure on it and the name "mohammed" under it.
if the news orgs arent going to step up and defend our right to show a depiction of a man then maybe we should.
You're right! I found this link with a picture showing him. I've only been able to find it for the recent episodes though. I haven't found anything showing him in previous seasons.…
Update: I found a link showing he was there for a long time......…
It can't all be the Smurfs and Kuifje. If you really have that mindset please read Maus, Persepolis, Eplieptic, Berlin and numerous other comics that are serious, fine literature.
That's why those are called graphic novels. ;-)
Ultimately Wilders exists because no one in the left-liberal parties ever has the courage to make a principled move against conservative religious influence on Dutch society, which is coming first and foremost from Islam.
Jan Marijnissen was beaten up by Grey Wolves (international Turkish organisation) and the SP was shunned on their stand on secular society and immigration & living in certain neighbourhoods. But ok, you said left-liberal and SP is socialist...
My personal problem is still more with the SGP and ChristenUnie (two ultra christian parties) and as a woman i am VERY glad that the SGP can't discriminate against women anymore. :-)
Urghhh quote-fail...
New post, the italics are evergreenotter;
It can't all be the Smurfs and Kuifje. If you really have that mindset please read Maus, Persepolis, Eplieptic, Berlin and numerous other comics that are serious, fine literature.
That's why those are called graphic novels. ;-)
Ultimately Wilders exists because no one in the left-liberal parties ever has the courage to make a principled move against conservative religious influence on Dutch society, which is coming first and foremost from Islam.
Jan Marijnissen was beaten up by Grey Wolves (international Turkish organisation) and the SP was shunned on their stand on secular society and immigration & living in certain neighbourhoods. But ok, you said left-liberal and SP is socialist...
My personal problem is still more with the SGP and ChristenUnie (two ultra christian parties) and as a woman i am VERY glad that the SGP can't discriminate against women anymore. :-)
Wait - you're not supposed to draw pictures of Mohammed? Oh no! What did I do?!
Considering the unwarranted outrage some muslims seem to feel (even for naming a bear Mohammed), even this should offend them:
. <-- Mohammed
I saw the episode. Frankly, I could have done without the cannibalism since it was first introduced, but the conclusion (Cartman bemoaning the fact that he is half ginger and not because he killed his father) was very satisfying. I wish Strom Thurmond was alive to see this, because it is telling of the mindset of prejudiced people.
Frankly, I hope the episode stays with the bleeps and the censorship, showing that as long as Muslims are being such compensating-for-something-and-that-ain't-faith rabies-infested hyenas*, there is no chance of dialogue or reaching any meaningful conclusions.
*With apologies to hyenas and victims of rabies infestation
Comments like this make me want to forgive South Park for its uneven quality. Talk about missing the point. heh...
The irony is palpable.
You apparently miss the point that watching an entertainment show that one finds painful to watch would be perverse.
It looks like Matt and Trey are now embroiled in a fight with Comedy Central. Here is the message you get if you try to watch episode 201 from South Park Studios:
It is 'forbidden' to depict Mohammed in any form at the present, in art or character but it wasn't always so, there are many examples of paintings of Mohammed but now ALL art is basically forbidden because it ALWAYS leads to idolatory, and we can't have that can we
Painfully weak season so far, I hope they make that atheist episode soon since they recently said in an interview that they are not non-believers and find atheistic answers awkward or something.
Can't wait to hear SP talking points on the web in the near future...oughta be fun.
Did some checking, so he starts on Season 6 where the Super Best Friends all fly off together right before the group pic. Then in the group he is in the upper-left corner with the SBF 3 rows down and 4 to the right. He's got the orange and yellow turban/toga on (sorry don't know the technical term).
In seasons 7-9 he is moved to the upper right hand corner behind Scott Tenorman, the alien, I believe a worker at Cartmanland (someone double check me) and in front of Satan. Although he is pretty blocked and can only be distinguished from his outfit.
In season 10 (which the Cartoon Wars was aired) he is in the same spot but they spaced out Scott and the mystery Cartmanland guy so you can see him.
In seasons 11-14 I can't find him at all. Although there is still a space left in his spot. Maybe if we had some Allah Approved 3D Glasses we could see him :)
Although I am kind of surprised Comedy Central won't let them air the uncensored version on their website. I know for at least curse words they are allowed.
I agree with MultiTool #147 and think MultiTool might be on to something. Maybe they were tired of people not knowing that they depicted Mohammed before with no problems, or perhaps they were trying to underhandedly get the press to show an image of Mohammed from the "Super Best Friends" episode following a new censorship kerfuffle. A story is already up on HuffPo with the image of Mohammed at the bottom.
Oh forgot to mention even AC360 on CNN showed the danish cartoons when they aired the story on Tuesday.
Do we have a term for this meme that islam is somehow unique in its violent threats to receive their way, as a religion? Or that islam somehow gets extra special treatment due to 'PC'? Because it's a really annoying meme and I want a denigrating label for the stupidity exhibited by Plien and evergreenotter, like how we have Godbot for general stupid person.
I had a related-to-this thought but seem to have lost it.
Mr. Garrison's fancy new vagina was the last straw for me. Fuckers made it seem like people get sex change operations on a whim, and that gender identity is such a silly idea that it is worth comparing to wanting to be a dolphin or a black basketball player. They do the naturalistic fallacy hard, too.
Oh yeah, then there is the 'sexual harassment lawsuits are actually fascism' episode.
The pro corporate shit is disgusting, too.
And hey, you guys, don't you remember when they equated ripping on the bible to shitting out of your mouth? I can't believe how many people here like/defend this show. That episode in particular (and the dawkins one) are directly opposed to the kind of writing and ideas that pz puts up on his blog.
Yeah, that one pissed me off too. Not as bad as white people telling black people there's no such thing as a hate crime, but that's probably because they didn't commit as many factual errors in the garrison one (Oh please, Trey and Stone, tell me, a law student, how we shouldn't punish motive. It's only a basic element of crime, and part of a 4 part delineation on the nature of a just punishment, but we shouldn't punish it!)
I ended up taking away "Don't sue school districts for the actions of students" from that one. Also that lawyers are scum, but that's common.
I don't. I do remember when they point out that one of the godbots' favorite stories (Job) is a horrible story that tells about how God's an asshole. Not that one, though.
It'd be amusingly hypocritical if they claimed the bible was sacrosanct after mocking The Book of Mormon, though. It's not like we don't have the facts on the creation of the Bible, or like they're any kinder to Christianity then they are to mormonism.
If I can laugh, I can defend the show itself. I don't really care if they're anti atheist since they're anti-everything else.
Rutee, Shrieking Harpy of Do
Where the fucking hell did i say that?
I just typed over & translated the newspaper that has a worldscoop (it is on the other news now). After that i commented on cartoons on islam generally found (and the discriminatory nature of some of them & i mentioned my own bias) and the way that this (meaning Southpark and Kurt Westergaard) might influence the upcoming Dutch elections. Evergreenotter disagrees with me on some points and i respond.
So again, where the fuck do you read me saying that islam is unique (i fucking even say that Geert Wilders is stupid for wanting to ban ONLY islamic schools) or getting a free ride due to PC?
Shouldn't bother I guess but what the hell:
Posted by: SlantedScience | April 22, 2010 12:16 AM
1) Do you eat beef?
yes, red meat helps raise my Hem-count so I can regualrly donate blood and save human lives. nyer
2) Could you kill a cow?
haven't personally but not squimish so sure, got a sharp knife?
3) Do you condone abortion?
yes, as a young woman of childbearing age.. yes, yes, yes, yes
4) Could you cut a newborn baby's head off with a scalpel?
that's not abortion you twit... not worth answering
5) Does a zygote have the same rights as a newborn baby?
6) If not, why not?
Life begins truely with independent breath, independent from the mother's womb and internal systems. technically I think a lot of premmies are better off not being artificially kept alive. Many Do die anyway, the parents have their hopes dashed and if they do survive the earlier the birth the greater likliehood of defects and life-altering illness related to malformed or simply unready organs.
7) At what point, between being a zygote and being s newborn baby, do the thing's rights change?
at birth, again.. you're a twit
8) Why?
already stated with each question
> a black rectangle
Hey, I saw that in the movie 2001. Who knew?
> juvenile libertarianism
You have some proof they grow up??
What do they turn into then?
For fuck's sake, this is what they did to the christian god 11 years ago:
Pro-corporate? Libertarian? Are you serious?!
@aratina cage (#160): I saw that message too! Last night I just figured the audio bleeps were part of the joke, added by Matt and Trey themselves. They occur at the end of the episode and block out the traditional "you know, I've learned something today" speeches. Presumably the speeches have something to do with nothing being so sacred you can't make fun of it and free speech rights and there's no right to not be offended and blah blah blah.
I'm still not convinced they're not milking this situation for all it's worth in order to get a viral sensation going once they finally start streaming the episode.
If you "like South Park but disagree with their point on ____" you've missed the point of the show.
They say global warming isn't real because that's also funny. It's a parody.
They also said that water park water is allowed to have a 75% urine content. When we all know that water parks are 100% urine. All p, no h.
They tell you not to vote because that's funny. And we also know that voting is stupid. I mean, I think it is. I don't care if South Park makes fun of me. Most elections do look like a race between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich to me.
Hilarious. Get it?
Speaking of humorous depictions of the Prophet, don't forget Jesus and Mo!
Of course, it's only Mohammed's body double in the comic... ;-)
Check this out:
Was that posted on a crazy, fundie web site? Well, yes, but not a Christian one. That was posted on (the cached copy of)
Same old failure of reason. Fundies of all religious stripes are more similar than they would ever care to admit.
Rutee, 168:
"I don't really care if they're anti atheist since they're anti-everything else."
They're not actually "anti-everything," and the positions put forward by the characters and the show aren't just picked out of a hat out of a concern to be outrageous and funny.
That's just the image the show has constructed for itself.
The creators just intentionally avoid putting forward their positions in the open, essentially advancing their positions by putting down a wide variety of opposing positions on a wide variety of issues. Because some of these notions are themselves opposed to each other, it might give the impression that they're hitting everything.
But their standpoint is there, unstated, in the blindspot created by those many shots taken out. And it's not like those shots are subtle and always comedic. There's a lot of outright lecturing going on.
An example I think is appropriate for this space is the show's stance on faith. They've had at least an episode where characters are lectured for ridiculizing some religious people, because it's said that religion (even if false) works of them and makes them better. On another show, they put down non-religious woo and the idea that said woo makes people happy, on the grounds that the questions that the supernatural proposes answers for are too important to be lied about.
Over time the creators' positions are triangulated this way. Notions are put into hierarchies of ridicule and offensiveness. Scientology is, on its face, more ludicrous than other established religions. Organized religion is corrupt, but... what about its object? "Atheism" can be just as bad as organized religions, but another episode would insist on the fuzzies that religion brings. And so on.
They just don't come out with it. That's the whole ida.
Now that the management at Comedy Central has censored Trey and Matt's original depiction of Muhammaod, I guess we can label CC management as Islamaphobes, eh?
As they are fearful of Islamists.
1) Do you eat beef?
Yes but I don’t allow the eating of pig or shrimp or, o fuck, such a long list and so long ago I forget why.
2) Could you kill a cow?
You have to if you want to make a proper sacrifice to worship me. Pigeons are a bit small and tend to just piss me off.
3) Do you condone abortion?
Yes, I demand that you kill all of my enemies including those in the womb.
4) Could you cut a newborn baby's head off with a scalpel?
No, what’s a scalpel? I demand that they be killed at the edge of a sword. That, or dashed against some rocks. Your choice.
5) Does a zygote have the same rights as a newborn baby?
No, I only require a fine of a few shekels to be paid to the patriarch if a zygote is aborted due to injury.
6) If not, why not?
After birth I require a period of 1 month before the baby is to be recognized as having any rights. At this point the death of this child is treated like the death of any other grown person, except if she is a she. You understand.
7) At what point, between being a zygote and being s newborn baby, do the thing's rights change?
Thus sayeth the Lord, one month after birth. Look it up dipshit or I’ll go Sodom and Gomorrah on your ass.
8) Why?
Because that’s kinda my thing. I’m known for my wrath and, oh yeah, my vengeance.
A Statement from Matt and Trey
In the 14 years we've been doing South Park we have never done a show that we couldn't stand behind. We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode. It wasn't some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps. In fact, Kyle's customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. It didn't mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too. We'll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we'll see what happens to it.
Yeah I'm kind of angry at Comedy Central for chickening out. That's really spineless.
Actually in the episode where Officer Barbrady learns to read (the same episode where Cartman coins "Respect my authoritah!")... the last book he reads is Atlas Shrugged. And he (well Parker and Stone by proxy) rants about how the book is an awful, worthless piece of crap the book.
Haha, someone responded in part to one of my posts. Most irregular!
Let me explain my point a little more explicitly. What side of the aisle are South Park fans most likely to be on? I'm sure they cover the board, but transgressive humor is more likely to be appreciated by lefties. Consider even "the Friendly Atheist" jokes about eating babies.
So by discouraging South Park viewers to vote, they effectively endorsed GEORGE FUCKING BUSH's second term. That is when I quit watching the show. Yeah, I don't like John Kerry or give a shit about him, but anyone who allowed Bush his last 4 years in office should be fucking kicked in the head until they go blind. Thanks!
We don't normally watch South Park, but because of this discussion I used the DVR to record both 200 and 201. Finally tonight I managed to watch the latter one.
Due to my auditory processing disorder, we use closed captioning on our TV. As a result, I was able to distinguish that in the beginning of the episode, before Mohammad shows up, every reference to him was originally spoken (it's in the CC) but as soon as he showed up, his name was {beep}ed out in the CC as well.
This suggests (to me, at least) that the point made pretty early in the discussion above, that there were some agreed-upon censored bits and then the network got nervous and beeped even more between delivery and showing, is probably correct.
chgo_liz, that was informative, thanks.
You're welcome, John!
Well, According to the news, A Car bomb has been found just adjacent to the Comedy Central/Viacom headquarters.
Is this too much of a coincidence?
Delboy @ Watch South Park