This adorable, recently discovered jellyfish is notable for the peculiarity of it's morphology: it's saucer-shaped, with a ring of gonads on top. The species name is medeopolis, meaning "city of gonads". Sounds like a place to party!

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Acck! The italics!
You missed a closing em bracket because the whole page from medeopolis on down is italicized.
Would that make the males, ahem, dickheads?
'runs to the hills'
'runs for her life'
The curse of the borked italic.
It's got the nads for it, that's for sure.
Glen D
Fixed. Geez, one typo quickly repaired, and it still allows time for half a dozen comments to appear complaining about it.
I'm pretty sure an ex girlfriend told me I was going to wear my gonads as a crown once.
Dang. I thought this was going to be about Rekers and teabagging. Pretty neat little bejeweled jelly-belly, though.
I think we should ritually remove this crown at birth. No real reason, just cuz.
A Jelly so angry at the govment it teabags itself.
unless you are another jellyfish how can you tell?
Now there's a species with it's priorities straight!
YES! Best caption evah! Btw, though, it's gummint.
PZ, you can't count. I see only a quarter of a dozen comment complaining about the italics. Not a half.
*runs away
Looks like we'll have to complain just to keep up PZ's reputation for accuracy.
Gosh darn italics! Get off my lawn!
This is OT and I apologise but I saw this headline on the BBC news website, "Neanderthal genes 'survive in us' " and I thought the us was US ...sorry!!!
I'd hate to have to be the one to circumcise that.
Medeopolis: Perfect name for a gay bar?
@18 Hell, I'd go to a club called Medeopolis...
In Medopolis, gonads circumcise *YOU*.
22 Then God created one last creature, a lone jellyfish with balls for a hat. And with this God brought fashion unto the world. And God saw that it was good, a little gay, but good nonetheless.
May is the sexiest month, wearing
gonads like a crown
Sorry, I'm no Cuttlefish.
So, what's the deal here? Are we looking at testes or ovaries? Is this porn? Erotica? Someone at least tell me it's NSFW.
I hate playing by the rules.
God is perfect, and all his creations are perfect. Don't question it.
Yeah, but what the heck is a family? There is no objective way to determine these taxonomic ranks. What if this is just a weird representative of one of the other families of Narcomedusae?
No one is gonna top kantalope's joke, I'm sorry.
Do we know about it's mating practices, yet? The first thought after seeing that many gonads is "What the hell does it need all those for!? What kind of kinky shit do these jellyfish get up to?".
Although, is this one of those age-old trade-offs: quantity over quality?
I say we nickname it the JesusFish. After all, judging from all the holy foreskins on the market at one time or another, Jesus surely had at least this many wangs.
…just trying to tie this in with the rest of today’s threads, is all….
EAC Memographer
BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
``All but God can prove this sentence true.''
a riddle:
what is spineless and wears gonads like a crown?
hint: it spells it's signs wrong, is usually on Medicare, doesn't have a job, and it hates socialism.
This guy
City of Bullocks?
lemme guess, Philadelphia?
The picture reminds me of the Cheela from Dragon's Egg and Starquake.
Wow, Ben Goren. You got the IRLs LOL. Close to as funny as Kantalope. Now I'm all confused.
Thanks, satan. I try.
And you ain’t the only one confused….
EAC Memographer
BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
``All but God can prove this sentence true.''
City of Gonads is SO going to be the name of my next band.
If only it were big enough.