Some of you know one of our regular commenters here…and she has some good news to share.
Hail the happy Happy Beltane season!
Naughty Marvin
Patricia, OM
Are pleased to announce
their engagement.
A Lughnasadh Wedding is planned
at Trout Lake Abbey, Trout Lake, Washington.
I even know where that is! Very pretty country thereabouts. Congratulations to all!
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congratulations Patricia, you naughty minx! :-D
Prince Charming is going to marry our Patricia.
[tears run down face] I'm so happy. [dabs eyes with hankie]
(tosses flowers and sparkly things)
That is wonderful news! Best wishes to you both.
Congrats and best wishes!!!
Isn't anyone going to express concern for holding a lifecycle celebration at a "spiritual retreat center?" Isn't that too cheerful for an atheist wedding? I certainly hope there's going to be some catastrophic confrontation with reality to ensure that Real Atheist (TM) standards are satisfied.
Or at least some serious good wine.
Who's Trout Lake Abbey? Is this some sort of—I don't know the exact pronunciation but I believe it's...ménage à trois?
Whatever the arrangement, congratulations Patricia!
People who say Pharyngulites are all meanines should see us know. I have tears in my eyes.
Cool! Congratulations to you both, and may it be the least happy day of the rest of your lives.
Congrats to both!!!
Huzzah! Congratulations!
Yay! Congratulations, Patricia and Marvin!
Congratulations, you two. ^_^
Trout Lake Abbey - sounds like a damn good beer to me - I am all for it!
... not to mention a certain soft spot in me hard, hard heart for anyone named Patricia...
Congrats and best luck to you both.
Joins joyful pile on
I already sent her an e-mail of congratulations last night. But I must also do so publicly. Long may the good times last.
congrats! :D
Also, it must be pointed out, I think our Queen Of Sluts has a damned good excuse for not hanging out around here. I think we can tolerate her absence for a good while longer.
I would cheer and jump up and down, but I don't want to cause an earthquake in our area. So I'll just applaud and cheer the happy couple instead. Long may they be happy.
Congrats you two whacky kids.
Congrats, Patricia!
Lughnasadh sounds like a fine time for a wedding.
Well, when Patricia gets back from the honeymoon, she had better start planning the party for PZ's millionth comment. The Pullet Patrol™ is no help, as the keep eating the donuts I put out for the meeting, then wandering off...
D'awwww! Congratulations.
Woooooooah!!! Awesome!!!! Congratulations, Patricia! You deserve all the happiness in the world.
Beautiful place for a wedding, too!
Congratulations to you both! I'm a regular reader and rarely post but, for this happy occasion, I just had to pass along my best wishes for a wonderful life together!
Congratulations, Patricia! Woohoo!
Congratz, Patricia!
*happy inky tears*
Congratulations, you two--
Long life and much joy!
Patricia, I give the blessing I wish for every couple--may you be as happy in your marriage as my wife and I have been in ours.
Patricia and Marvin this is so sniny.
Have a wonderful life together.
Hooray Patricia!
Congrats you two.
Wonderful news! Congratulations! Wishing you all the happiness in the world.
What wonderful news! Wishing you both, and the pullets, much happiness, and many delicious pies.
Best Wishes, Patricia!
Does this mean people will be doing a roundup for a wedding gift? Like maybe a diamond-studded spanking couch?
Congrats for getting a second bite at the big apple of marriage! Long may it last and may your days of joy increase from year to year. Come back to us soon, though!
All the best, Patricia. Wishing you love and happiness!
How wonderful, Patricia! Wishing you all the happiness you deserve. :))
I’m new enough to not have a clue as to who she is, but please permit me to join y’all in offering my deepest condolences to the new couple.
(Wait…that is what one is supposed to offer on such an occasion, right? And, if they actually take me up on the offer…where am I supposed to buy them? How much do they cost? How many will they want? Hell, for that matter, what do they actually smell like?)
EAC Memographer
BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
``All but God can prove this sentence true.''
Ben Goren, Patricia is one of the reasons why I love this blog. She is a former snake kisser who came to her senses. Because of this, she knows all the parts of the bible that the thumpers love to throw at we wicked atheists. And she beats them at their own game. She is also the Queen Of Sluts with her Brass Brassiere, Spanking Couch for all of the willing and unwilling denizens, the Pullet Patrol and trebuchet filled with chicken shit.
Not trying to bring down the celebration here, but last year, her husband died. Needless to say, she had a rough time. We long time regulars are celebrating that she has got some happiness and good times back in her life.
Now back to the partying! Nerd! Where is my grog?
What? I left it on the bar. *looks over the bar, sees the spilled tankard on the ground with the puddle being swilled by the Pullet Patrol™* Sigh. *draws another and hands it directly to Janine.*
Many, many happy years, Patricia! Best of wishes to you and the man lucky enough to marry the Queen. May your fainting couch and pullets be joyful!
As a newcomer here I feel like a stranger crashing a family party, but *raises glass* good health and happiness to you both. Thanks for brightening my day!
Congratulations. May you live long and prosper. \\//
Best wishes to both, and especially to the lovely Patricia
"may the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past"
How wonderful Patricia! Congratulations! Judging from his name, I'm confident Naughty Marvin won't have a problem with the spanking couch, now will he?
Congratulations. May lord Cthulhu bless your union by eating you first.
Good on you. Happy future trails.
Well, congrats on the upcoming happy joining and all that. Good luck!
Congratulations...but who is going to spank me when I'm naughty?
Wonderful! I hope you have a lovely engagement, a perfect wedding, and a long and happy marriage.
If you're looking for the perfect wedding cake, start here ;)
Why? What's wrong with kissing snakes?
Anyhow, best wishes. Don't stay away too long!
Huzzah and congratulations to the Lady and her Lord!
@Nerd: Do you have a stock of mead, milady? I have a shilling burning a hole through me pouch and another if ye find it quick!
May you both be happy,
may the sun rise in your eyes every morning when you see your lover,
may you sleep each night entwined and warmed - breathing the warm air of your love's breath,
and may the days be as moments, but the moments a whole life long.
Congo Rats Ululations!
'Bright Blessings on your union and so mote it be.'
Whee!!! Congratulations!
w00t!! Congratulations Patricia and Marvin!!!
They Love Each Other!
Go dtuga na maideanacha áthas agus na tráthnónta síocháin daoibh.
Go dté bhur dtrioblóidí i laghad mar a méadaíonn bhur rath.
Ná raibh an lá is bróine i bhur dtodhchaí níos measa
ná an lá is sona i bhur saolta roimhe seo.
May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.
May the saddest day of your future
Be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
Congratulations Patricia!
Well...of course I mean...erm...Congratulations Marvin!
Oh pants, erm ahahaha.....I mean of course...Congratulations to both of you!
Bugger...I forgot...And may you live a long and happy life together.
I'll come in again...
Congratulations Patricia! You're a lucky man, Marvin!
Best wishes to the happy couple!
Very best wishes to both of you!
Sounds like a great wedding venue. Pictures will be expected, of course.
Congrats and very best wishes Patricia !!
All has been said, I have nothing to add :-) :-) :-)
:-D Herpetologist :-D
Congratulations to you both.
Wishing your tea is always of the right strength, and you never run short of cake.
Sorry, we don't a milady Nerd running around here. Although some of the miladies may be a bit nerdish...
Congratulations! Happy Monkey indeed.
Congrats and much happiness.
Mazel tov!
Forgive me I live in Williamsburg.
Congratulations Patricia, OM, and soon-to-be spouse Naughty Marvin.
*sigh*... and so one more wonderful, intelligent, charming and ignorant slut is off the market...
While I am full of joy for you, my dear Patricia, I am selfishly saddened that my prospects have now shrunk slightly. ;^)
In all seriousness, happy day! Huzzah and congrats to one of my favorite pharyngulettes...
Naughty Marvin vs Patricia OM
A WIN - WIN result.
Congratulations to you both!
Hearty congratulations. This news has made this usual lurker happy.
YAY! Congratulations!
Woohoo! Congratulations Patricia and Naughty Marvin! May your kites always fly high and your picnics sparkle.
Congrats to you both on the impending nuptuals.
Congratulations to you both. May the Tentacled One smile open your union. May your teeth always remain sharp and your coats sniny...
*throws confetti*
Congratulations Patricia and Marvin!
Best wishes from Everett!
Have a beautifully scientific and godless ceremony!
No Gods, No Masters
THANK YOU all for the wonderful good wishes! It's good to be happy again.
Naughty Marvin would type his own thanks for the huzzah's, but he's busy polishing the brass bosoms.
Better make sure he gets it right. Otherwise, some "punishment" might be in order... ;)
Congrats Patricia and Marvin.
Shared pain is lessened and shared joy is increased for both sharer and sharee. So, thank you for sharing your wonderful news it brightened my day.
Sorry for the late arrival:
Congrats for the couple. :)
I know I'm late.. but congrats!!
How the heck did I completely fail to see this thread???
Add my congratulations to the ever-growing heap.
How sweet! I remember when Patricia mentioned that first date.
Congratulations, and may you always have lots of bacon.
Somebody had to mention bacon.
Congratulations to you both! It's nice to know that sometimes, even in this crazy world, the right people find each other.
Oh, I love Trout Lake and Goose Lake and the Forlorn lakes and just about every lake surrounding that beautiful Mountain.
*arrives fashionably late* Congratulations - I will have a BLT and a Sam Adams in your honor.