
A Republican congressman from Indiana, Mark Souder, is resigning. He's one of those conservative, abstinence-only sorts of politicians who uses family, family, family to flog his politics for him, so it's no surprise that the reason he's quitting is that he got caught with his pants down in an affair.

But sit down, here's the part you will not believe: it was a heterosexual fling! Maybe he should get a medal from his party for confounding expectations.


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Darn. No "Mark Souder is completely heterosexual" song by Roy Zimmerman then.

By peter.jeaiem (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

Souder says on his official website: "The family plays a fundamental role in our society... I am committed to preserving traditional marriage, the union of one man and one woman."

It seems, however, that the unioning doesn't have to involve the same woman each time. I guess as long as he doesn't have a ménage à trois he's not being a hypocrite...

"Whew, thank god."

Says the religious right and republican leadership.

"At least this time its a woman."

By Rev. BigDumbChimp (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

i heard it wasn't an affair. he was just "hiking the appalachian trail."

Since when has an affair been a trigger for a Republican to resign? Sanford, Vitter, ...

i heard it wasn't an affair. he was just "hiking the appalachian trail."

Right, versus "getting help with his luggage".

I'm pretty sure it was Dan Savage who wrote that the politicians who flog family values and morality are always either (a) closeted gays or (b) morally bankrupt philanderers who use their political platform to try to make up for their personal shortcomings. I guess Mark Souder is among the latter.

@E #8

or (c) Both.

By cairne.morane (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

As someone who lives in Ft. Wayne I'm only sad it took this to get him out of office instead of being voted out. At least he's out though.

By Wayfaerer (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

Yeah, in light of Sanford and Vitter, it seems odd that he would resign. Must be more to this story.

Was the woman he was having an affair with a practicing Wiccan, illegal alien, part-time lesbian, pro-choice, atheist, alive?

weirdest letter he ever received

X-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

A republican from Indian? Huh. Always nice to see people campaigning on family values proving they have none.

By Isaac Sherman (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

Legion (@11):

Yeah, in light of Sanford and Vitter, it seems odd that he would resign. Must be more to this story.

Admittedly this possibility seems distantly farfetched, but what if he actually retains enough of a shred of decency that he feels genuinely guilty about his transgressions¹, and is simply doing the honorable thing?

¹ And by transgression, I mean the betrayal of promises to his wife. I wouldn't condemn him for nonmonogamy, per se, as long as it was all consensual and above-board.

By Bill Dauphin, OM (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

A Republican congressman from Indian, Mark Souder, is resigning.

The PC term is Native American.

So I guess when you have any interest in rising up in the GOP, you should save your "being born again" for after you get caught pants down.

By https://www.go… (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

#11 Good one, Bill.

Even considering the possibility of a republican feeling guilty about something is hysterical.

He was getting his Wabash Cannonballs waxed, eh?


Sorry. It's really all I have today.

By Capital Dan (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

This right wing, Republican, family value advocate had a heterosexual affair?

That's disgusting!

I demand he goes out and gets himself some horse cock immediately. I like my wingnut falls from grace to be appropriately severe. Mere adultery is insufficient.

Do better and do better fast, wingnuts.


Bill @14

Admittedly this possibility seems distantly farfetched, but what if he actually retains enough of a shred of decency that he feels genuinely guilty about his transgressions¹, and is simply doing the honorable thing?

LOL. A Republican congressman... decency... doing the honorable thing?

Comedy gold Bill. Comedy gold.

Larry (@17) and Legion (@21):

Well, you know... how many impossible things are we commanded to believe before breakfast? ;^)

By Bill Dauphin, OM (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

PZ, you didn't mention his stand on Intelligent Design:

I personally believe that there is no issue more important to our society than intelligent design. I believe that if there wasn't a purpose in designing you — regardless of who you view the designer as being — then, from my perspective, you can't be fallen from that design. If you can't be fallen from that design, there's no point to evangelism.

Even considering the possibility of a republican feeling guilty about something is hysterical.

Let's be clear, though. He's not sorry about the affair, he's sorry he got caught.

Re Haggard's Law, in the more general form, this qualifies: the louder one denounces any particular "sin", the more likely they are engaging in it.

Wow, you're right; a heterosexual affair that didn't involve drugs or prostitution? The man is practically a paragon of family values after all.

By pnrjulius (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

I'm from Fort Wayne, too, and good riddance.
But don't assume it was a woman.
After all, this story was broken by Fox "News." It could be a sheep as far as we know.
I'm eager to see what the other media outlets report.
If Fox says it, it has to be wrong.

By johnlil#0a224 (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

cmon PZ not every republican wants a log in his cabin

By broboxley OT (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

The guy was gonna be up on ethics charges if he hadn't resigned.

By Randomfactor (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink


That would make more sense.

How it is that people don't realize that in today's day and age if your going to be a hypocrite, your going to get caught.

Especially if you put yourself in everyone's focus.

This is what happens when civilizations advance to far. Nature loses it's ability to control the stupid.

By rippingrich (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

Hm . . .
"S/he can lift my luggage by just walking by! " ?

"Oh wow, bob got caught pulling a souter on his wife!"
. . .

Office of Reptilian Infiltration

Dear Horde and the Poopyheads,

We would like sincerely to malfunction for the robots apologizse. This mistaken will not never again happy!

You ares sincere mostly,
  Capt. Major Ygur,
Reptilian Force Earth Invaders .
special Indianian Task Corpse,

Typo : Souder . . . oh well.

I'm waiting on my congressman (Mike Pence R-IN) to trip up, hes also a crazy abstinence only nutjob.

By tas121790 (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

He resigned? Pffft! What a lightweight.

My Repukecian Senator not only got caught boinking one of his female aids, he had his parents payoff the cuckolded husband hush money. Not to mention, he lived in the notorious 'Family' house in DC for pious Repug sleazeballs, and he didn't resign. Nope, he's still got a job.

Wel DUH! It's obvious that he must be completely homosexual - he's been caught with a woman! Everyone knows if he were caught with a man that would mean he's completely heterosexual and should retain his office. There's no news here ...

By MadScientist (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

"I am committed to preserving traditional marriage, the union of one man and one woman."

It seems, however, that the unioning doesn't have to involve the same woman each time.

He means that he wants to preserve the traditional kind of marriage where the one man cheats and the one woman isn't legally able to respond by moving out and taking half the assets with her.


Souder's been my state representitive since forever. He's been a shoe-in every election season. Indiana has a split rural = Republican and urban = Democratic demographic that's at tension with each other, but the Reps have kept this guy in office. I'm just hoping they can replace him with someone who's not an extreme rightist.

I'm amused that he has failed in his Evangelical Christian morality of family values. I feel so sorry for his wife though.

By tumorhead (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

Fox broke the story? Then there's something seriously wrong with the story. Shouldn't it read, "A Democratic congressman from Indiana, Mark Souder, is resigning."?

By ckitching (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

"I am committed to preserving traditional marriage, the union of one man and one woman."

Ah, but then he remembered that he was a Republican and thus anti-union.


Dust @37 said 'Nope, he's still got a job.'

That should be 'Nope, he's still ON THE job.' I'm not sure if that's an expression used in the USA but readers from the UK, Australia, etc. will understand.

And tumorhead @40

Being the grammar Nazi that I am, that should be shoo-in, not shoe-in.

Agh, I've mentioned the Nazis! Does that mean I lose under Godwin's rule/law whatever the hell it is?

By bassmanpete (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink


Well, not really since Vitter did the naughty boogie with a woman, too. But, the irony isn't with the lack of penis crossing but the complete lack of family values in their actions.

By Shawn Wilkinson (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

I watched his pitiful press conference yesterday and found it typically deflective how he stood there and seemed to blame it all on DC politics and how things get all twisted... HA.