We'll mess up polls anywhere, even Lexington, Kentucky

I was asked to help skew a 'reader's choice' award in Kentucky—you know, that state with a Creation "Museum"—and I'm always happy to help rub Kentucky's nose in its religiosity, and helping an atheist blog acquire some notoriety sounds like an excellent idea.

All you have to do is go to this list of categories, scroll down about halfway, and where it says "local media personality (newspaper, TV, radio, blogger)", answer "Larry Wallberg". They'll be mystified.

If you want to freak them out some more, scroll down near the bottom to "place of worship", and answer "none".

Unfortunately, there's no ongoing tracking of the poll results, so we'll have to wait until the end of the month to find out if we were successful. I'm sure Larry Wallberg will let us know.

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