This neighborhood is cursed!

I've already complained a little bit about the poor availability of network connectivity at my mother's house. I looked next door at the Bible Chapel and discovered the source of the problem. We're jinxed.


No. No it isn't.

More like this

(Just in case you didn't grow up in the 1980s and need the reference.) Two years ago, we bought Jessie the goat from our friends Jamey and Carol. We wanted Jessie because of her great genetics - she's a milk machine, and a sturdy, healthy goat who makes stunning babies. Zahra, her first daughter…
...the reasons are threefold. Reason #1 is my iPhone. As I mentioned the other day, the microphone mysteriously stopped working while I was in Phoenix. At first I thought it was a network thing, as on less rare than I would like occasions I had had difficulty with AT&T in which I might have…
A couple of Mondays ago, I was at work and got the dreaded phone call from day care. "[The Pip]'s got conjunctivitis again. It's really bad, and he needs to go home right away." Admittedly, this isn't the very worst phone call a parent could receive, but it's very much Not Good. Conjunctivitis…
Isn't this just the perfect theme song for recent events? The strike is over. We had a productive discussion with the Seed Overlords, and I think we've clarified issues, got some ideas for further progress, and will be working for a Better World in the Future. Don't expect any sudden changes here…