Someone else visited the Creation “Museum”…

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This is a darned good talk that addresses a lot of the bogus arguments against The God Delusion…and it's pretty darned funny, too. Watch the whole thing. He's very strident, shrill, and ranty. Right.
This is hilarious. That wacky Islamic creationist, Harun Yahya, sent all those copies of his great big expensive book, Atlas of Creation, to biologists all around the country, and darned few of us have actually bothered to look at it in any detail. The general pattern of the book is repetitious and…
DaveScot is one of those genuinely deranged ID supporters, and I don't like giving him any attention…but Richard Hughes just sent me a note mentioning this long defensive thread he has started at UncommonDescent, and he's just done something so darned funny and stupid I can't resist. He's arguing…
Can I call it a ceremony? It wasn't very ceremonious at all. We sat down first to watch a live video stream of Bill Maher's show, with special guest Richard Dawkins. It was good, it was funny, it was abrasive, and Maher didn't say anything crazy at all. Dawkins did not get much of an opportunity to…