The fellow who leaked all those classified documents to Wikileaks, Bradley Manning, is getting badmouthed by the residents of his hometown, who are now recollecting all the signals of his future perfidy. Apparently, he was godless, refused to recite the pledge of allegiance, and used big words.
Uh-oh. That sounds like my youth, too. I guess I'm going to be under suspicion now.
Oh, wait — he was also gay. I'm safe!
By the way, they're threatening him with 50 years in prison. I think they should give him a medal, but I know they won't.
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There are no heroes in this story.
The incompetent government charged with safeguarding sensitive information is only now closing the barn door: "After WikiLeaks, Pentagon Bans Removable Devices".
And Julian Assange, who shows only defiance and not a hint of remorse about risking other people's lives and appears to fit the ASPD/NPD profiles to a tee, hasn't even given the money that he raised for Manning's legal defense to Manning: