A Wisconsin poll

Unbelievable. Look at the first and so far leading choice in this poll: "The unions need to be reined in." What has happened to this country? Aren't the people who are voting in this poll likely to be mostly working class… yet here they are, whining that they aren't whipped and oppressed enough!

How do you feel about Gov. Walker's plan for the public workers' unions?
Gov. Scott Walker wants to help fix state finances by cutting benefits for union workers and wiping away their ability to negotiate over anything but their wages, setting up a potentially explosive battle in the Capitol.

I like it. The unions need to be reined in (79%)
Something needs to be done with the unions, but this is a little harsh (3%)
Hate it. These are dedicated public servants (18%)

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By laughingmn (not verified) on 21 Feb 2011 #permalink