It's the 7th annual Paul Nelson Day!

How could I forget? Easy, actually, it's a rather forgettable event in which nothing happens. Seven years ago, Paul Nelson invented a creationist metric, ontogenetic depth, which purportedly measures the complexity of developmental processes and somehow implies that evolution is impossible. At that time, he wasn't able to tell us exactly what it was or how to measure it, but he promised to explain it…tomorrow. A tomorrow which has so far stretched out to seven long years, and we now annually note the anniversary.

I really don't care anymore if Nelson ever comes up with a nonsensical rationalization. It's symbolic. It's representative of all the promised 'science' the Intelligent Design creationists have been claiming to be doing, yet never deliver. Last year I predicted that there would be no revelations from Nelson in 2011, and now I predict that in 2012, I'll be making the same reminder.

Unless I forget. I might. It's hard to remember a specific day on which creationists fail — that's like every day, you know.

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