That's a new one

Here's a new creationist argument for you. Rocky Ramsey asks,

If people die when hearts, kidneys and livers fail, then how did anyone live while those organs "evolved?" The obvious answer is that they didn't. Man began as he is today.

So apes and fish don't have hearts, kidneys, or livers?

More like this

I knew this was going to happen, but I'm no prophet — it's just what the creationists always do. Frank Pastore follows the lead of our national news media and declares evolution debunked because of recent discoveries in paleontology. You can probably guess which ones. The first is Chororapithecus,…
As you may have read earlier, the only thing chriopractic has ever really been shown to do is to help low back pain about as well as conventional therapy. That doesn't stop chiropractors from doing whatever they want. It sure seems harmless enough, though---you back or neck hurts, some guy moves…
OLD MACDONALD: Do you want to buy some beef? GENETICIST: If the beef is not tainted with mad cow, then I would be very much interested in purchasing your beef. However, as there have been a few recent outbreaks of this disease in North America, I think I will abstain for now. OLD MACDONALD: What is…
Once upon a time, a Roman author named Quintus Ennius wrote: "how like us is that very ugly beast, the ape!" It was quoted by Cicero, and from him Bacon, Montaigne and various others. But always it was thought that apes (simia, literally "the similar ones"), which in that time include monkeys and…

How do you get two separate sexes with two separate reproduction systems by natural selection, which takes time.

Shiloh, three things. We don't have to satisfy you with the science. You have to satisfy us with any other explanation than science.

Second, there is this search function called Google Scholar. Designed to look for research papers.

Three, from the first page using "evolution and sex":

Book A
Book B
Article A
Book C

The information is there. You should look for it on your own.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 12 May 2011 #permalink