Episode CCXV: Atheists sing, too

We don't need no hymns, we just need songs like this.

(Last edition of TET; Current totals: 12,563 entries with 1,404,477 comments.)

More like this

Sometimes, you just need some whale songs to get you through the day. (Last edition of TET; Current totals: 12,811 entries with 1,450,309 comments.)
We all know it is auto-tuned, and that many of you hate autotuning, so for those of you who can't stand the stuff, don't listen to this, and that way you won't have to complain to the rest of us. At least this isn't like those damned chimes going off every 15 minutes in the cemetery down the street…
I do love me some Devo. Don't neglect to check out the interactive video. (Last edition of TET; Current totals: 12,262 entries with 1,350,652 comments.)
YAAAAAAAAAAAY! Maybe I should show my students this video on the first day of classes next fall, though. Now I just need to grade this big stack of papers sitting next to me. (Last edition of TET; Current totals: 12,351 entries with 1,369,566 comments.)
By Dr. Audley Z. … (not verified) on 17 Jun 2011 #permalink