Common sense from a liberal senator

Bernie Sanders gave a wonderful speech to the senate. Here's the conclusion:

So, today, I am asking the American people that, if you believe deficit reduction should be about shared sacrifice; if you believe the wealthiest people in our country and the largest corporations should be asked to pay their fair share as part of deficit reduction; if you believe that, at a time when military spending has almost tripled since 1997, that we begin to take a hard look at our defense budget; and if you believe the middle-class and working families have already sacrificed enough, I urge you to make sure that the President hears your voice--and he needs to hear it now.

I would urge the American people to go to my Web site,, and sign a letter to the President letting him know that enough is enough…

I would like to vote for Bernie Sanders for president in 2012. Can someone convince him to run?


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