I'd been wondering about that

I don't know about where you are, but this has been a strange winter here in Minnesota. We've had two snow "storms" so far, that did little more than dust the place with snow that melted away in these bizarrely odd warm days we've had. It's cold, windy, and snowing lightly today, but otherwise, this was the first Christmas of Color I've experienced since moving to Minnesota.

There's a meteorological explanation, though, and it's not global warming. It's a La Nina year, and the Arctic Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscillation have been coincidentally conspiring to allow air to flow across the country from west to east with no snarls that might have led to interesting weather.

I've been grateful for the relatively boring and safe weather — apparently, it's going to get worse this spring, which means more nights when my wife is stranded in her cold distant workplace and I have to keep warm by piling on the blankets.

(Also on FtB)

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